The script of the matinee for the New Year in the kindergarten for the middle group in the form of a fairy tale. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles scenes for the New Year's matinee in the middle group of kindergarten

The script of the matinee for the New Year in the kindergarten for the middle group in the form of a fairy tale. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles scenes for the New Year's matinee in the middle group of kindergarten

The article contains an approximate script for the New Year's matinee in the middle group of kindergarten.

The New Year's matinee is probably the central, most anticipated by both kids and parents, the event of the school year in kindergarten.

Children in the middle group, who are already talking well, diligently teach poetry, rehearse dances and songs to show mom and dads, grandparents, all guests at the celebration of an interesting fairy tale, bring a round dance around the Christmas tree, meet the main character of the holiday - good grandfather Moroz , tell him a rhyme and, of course, get such a welcome gift.

Preparations for the New Year's matinee, as a rule, begins in two months, the music director or methodologist of a preschool educational institution gives the teacher the script. Most often this is a fairy tale:

  • the New Year's fairy tale is known to children (" The Snow Queen», « 12 months», « Morozko", Others)
  • a fairy tale whose heroes are magical creatures (fairies, elves, wizards, gnomes)
  • modern fairy tale, with cartoon heroes
  • a fairy tale with forest animals in the lead roles (squirrels, chanterelles, monkeys, bears, wolves, bunnies, so on)
  • classical New Year's fairy tale (children play the roles of dolls, snowflakes, Christmas trees, crackers, parsley, the like)

Important: give children from the middle group of kindergarten big verses so that they train their speech and memory, or make the emphasis on games and round dances on the matinee - a decision behind the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

Scenario of a cheerful interesting matinee for the New Year in kindergarten for the middle group in the form of a fairy tale

On the New Year's matinee, together with the children, you can put a fairy tale in verses " New Year at forest animals».

The main characters of the New Year's fairy tale can be forest animals.
The main characters of the New Year's fairy tale can be forest animals.

Characters: presenter - teacher, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, girls - squirrels and a fox, boys - bunnies, wolves and bears.

Inventory: mittens, snowballs from cotton wool, gymnastic hoops, bags, Christmas tree decorations, unclear, children's toys, colored paper, cardboard.

The holiday begins.

Song plays " Christmas tree, Christmas tree - forest aroma"(The words of I. Shaferan, music by O. Feltzman). The teacher and children, dressed in carnival costumes, enter the music room. They make an honorary circle and line up near the Christmas tree.


A wonderful winter brought a holiday to the forest.
The green Christmas tree came to animals.
She was dressed up, the toys were hanged,
This Christmas tree has a lot of fun.
Let's, beast, consider toys:
On the branches they are to the very top of the head.
We’ll start a round dance, let's go near the Christmas tree.

Round dance: Children take hands and drive a round dance under the Christmas tree, at this time the song plays " Near our Christmas tree"(Music and words of M. A. Savelyeva).


Our Christmas tree is a fluffy, and slim
Only she does not burn with lights.
So that our Christmas tree starts to shine,
You need to ask her very much.
And the Snowball will help us in this,
Grandpa Frost is a nimble daughter.
We, the beast, will call her together,
Light light bulbs on the Christmas tree!

Children call the Snow Maiden. It turns out the Snow Maiden, dancing, greets the children.

Snow Maiden:

I have a new year
A lot of festive worries,
You need to dress the Christmas tree
Invite all animals.

Oh, I look, my friends have already decorated the Christmas tree! Different were hanged on her Toys: bear cub - balls, squirrels - flashlights, and the fox is crackers. Well done, animals. It remains only to light her with lights! We ask her all together!

Snegurochka and children together:

Christmas tree is a beauty, play with us,
The Christmas tree is elegant, light up with lights!
Let's say together: one, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, Gori!

In the musical hall of the kindergarten, it is better to put a Christmas tree in the center so that a round dance can be driven around it.
In the musical hall of the kindergarten, it is better to put a Christmas tree in the center so that a round dance can be driven around it.

On the Christmas tree lights light up.


It turned out, our Christmas tree lit up!
We’ll go around the Christmas tree, we will sing a song to her!

Children drive a round dance around the Christmas tree. The song sounds " Christmas tree in a forest". Children perform movements from the song.

Snow Maiden:

Who was here?
Did he dance near the Christmas tree and lost the sleeve?

The Snow Maiden holds a mitten in her hands. The bunny comes out. He has a second mitten.


I danced near the Christmas tree,
He lost the mitten.

Snow Maiden:

Bunny tanning, dumping,
Get the mitten and don't lose anymore!
Let's, beasts, we will go to the dance,
We will sing a song about our bunny.

Bunny is a popular role for the boy on the New Year's matinee.
Bunny is a popular role for the boy on the New Year's matinee.

Bunnies come out. They dance dance for the song " White bunny washes».
Snow Maiden:

Oh, what winter is frosty in the forest. While you, bunnies, danced so famously, your friends, animals, all froze. We need to warm up while we are waiting for Santa Claus!


So let's teach you
Run and frolic.
Let's go together
We will have fun!

Children are all dancing together under the song " Bunnies danced in the meadow". The Snow Maiden approaches the Christmas tree again, and there is another mitten.

Snow Maiden:

Oth, and this is not whose mitten?
Who else went here,
Did you drop the mitten?

The bear cub comes out:

When I dressed a Christmas tree,
Mitten, dropped, lost.

Snow Maiden:

Bear, get the mitten,
Don't lose anymore!
Oh, the mitt was put on,
Immediately the bear snored.
But today is the new year
He's going to meet for the first time.
Is it possible, Bear to sleep?
Today everyone should play!

Children sing a song on the poems of V. Berestov " Bear - Bear, Legeboka"And they dance.

A boy in a New Year's costume of Mishka.
A boy in a New Year's costume of Mishka.

Snow Maiden:

Look, friends, here is another mitten under the Christmas tree. Whose is she? Which of the animals was still dressing up the Christmas tree, dancing near the Christmas tree, dropped the mitten and lost?


And I found the bumps,
They brought them to the Christmas tree.
The holiday is coming to us,
We will celebrate the New Year soon!
I danced near the Christmas tree and lost my mitten!

Snow Maiden:

Were you, Squirrel,
Has the mitten?
Get the mitten
Don't lose anymore.


I am a squirrel - a jump,
Fruitless hut,
I adorned our Christmas tree
I hoop swarm with a tail.
Now I want to play
Songs sing and dance!

Children dance to the song " Squirrels dance, hares dance"And they sing.

Girls in costumes of squirrels dance on the New Year's matinee in kindergarten.
Girls in costumes of squirrels dance on the New Year's matinee in kindergarten.

Snow Maiden:

And another mitten! Who dressed the Christmas tree, lost the mitten?


I am a fox in a red fur coat,
The tail is fluffy gold,
I dressed our Christmas tree
In the rain is marvelous, blue.
I danced under the Christmas tree, lost my mitten.

Snow Maiden:

Whether you are this rogue,
Has the mitten?
Get the mitten
Don't lose anymore.

Snow Maiden:

Well done, animals! How good it is for you to sing and dance!
Are you ready to meet grandfather?

Santa Claus from a winter fairy tale
Rushes through the woods on the sleds.
He is lucky for you toys:
Dolls, balls and clubs.

Santa Claus and Snegurochka are the main characters of the matinee in kindergarten.
Santa Claus and Snegurochka are the main characters of the matinee in kindergarten.

The song from the cartoon plays " Santa Claus and Summer", Santa Claus appears in the dance.

Father Frost:

Hello, animals! You worked on fame. You have a Christmas tree,fluffy, elegant! And how many toys on it!

Ten balls hang here.
And twenty -five flashlights,
Eight cones of gold,
Six icicles of blue.
Birds are also exactly six,
Yes, do not count everything!
Let's all get the dance together,
And we will go near this Christmas tree!

Children, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden lead a round dance for the song " Near the Christmas tree the kids walked - pencils».
Further, Santa Claus holds contests with children, makes them riddles. Children tell him poems.

Snow Maiden:

The animals decorated the Christmas tree,
And they played under the Christmas tree.
Met so forest people
Holy holiday -New Year.
Good grandfather Frost,
Well, what about gifts?
Their animals deserved,
After all, you were amused!

Father Frost:

I have not forgotten about the beast,
I put gifts to them
In the red large bag.
Look how deep it is!

Children help Santa Claus bring a bag of gifts, he gives them out. Santa Claus says goodbye to children.

In the completion of the New Year's fairy tale, Santa Claus gives children gifts.
At the end of the New Year's fairy tale, Santa Claus gives children gifts.

VIDEO: New Year's matinee in kindergarten (middle group)

Songs for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the middle group

On the New Year's matinee in the middle group of kindergarten, thematic songs can be used:

  • children, who have become folk
  • from Soviet cartoons
  • from modern cartoons

For example:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree - forest aroma (Muz. O. Feltzman, I. Shaferan)

Christmas tree, Christmas tree
Forest aroma.
She really needs it
Nice outfit.

Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
Every needle
Pleases us
Pleases us.

The Christmas tree loves
Funny children.
We invite
On the holiday of guests.

Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
Every needle
Pleases us
Pleases us.

Christmas tree with a branch
Green waves
And, like a fairy tale,
New Year will come!

Let this Christmas tree
At the festive hour
Every needle
Pleases us, padhes us.

Kids dance in the matinee and sing songs.
Kids dance in the matinee and sing songs.

Near our Christmas tree (Music and words M.A. Savelyeva)

Near our Christmas tree
We will go, we will go
Song for the Christmas tree
Bolen, binge

Twins to us, Christmas tree,
Show me, show me

Together with us, Christmas tree
Dance, dance

You are your flashlights
All light up, all light up
We are bright at the holiday
Get shredded!

Bunny white washes

White bunny washes
It is evident to visit.
Washed the nose, washed his mouth.
I washed my ear, wiped dryly.
This is how the bunny washes
It is evident to visit.

Bunnies danced in the meadow

Bunnies danced in Polyanka,
Bunnies danced, bunnies danced
So beautifully rocked ears
The ears were rocked like that

Bunnies danced in Polyanka,
Bunnies danced, bunnies danced
So beautifully put the paws
The paws were put up like that

Bunnies danced in Polyanka,
Bunnies danced, bunnies danced
So beautifully wagged with a tail
The tail wagged like that

Bunnies danced in Polyanka,
Bunnies danced, bunnies danced
So beautifully pounded with paws
Paws pounded like that.

Squirrels dance, hares dance

New Year stars hanged
On a cheerful Christmas tree.
And the bear is cheerful today,
And wolves dance.
Santa Claus walks again
In forest apartments,
Treats with candies,
Creamy fillir.
Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very glad
Meet with a song, dance
New Year!

And the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree
Brought mixers.
And they dance with her Polish
White snowflakes.
It’s good for friends to spin
With a song on a hillock,
And then go study
Only five.
Squirrels dance, hares dance,
The forest people are very glad
Meet with a song, dance
New Year!

Santa Claus's song From the cartoon " Santa Claus and Summer"(Words by Yu. Enthina, Muz.E. Krylatov)

I worked all year all year!
It's time for me!
The last sheet of the calendar
Remained on the wall.
I will drive hundreds of miles in a row,
So that on the night under the New Year
I put on a Christmas tree outfit
And stood in a round dance!

So that the Christmas tree is under the New Year
I put on my outfit
I take the toys on a campaign
Gifts for the guys!
I will give gifts to children
After all, I am not kind of!
I don't want the best rewards,
Than the joy of all children.

Here is such a Christmas tree

That's what a Christmas tree has grown with us!
We see such a Christmas tree for the first time!

Balls shine, light bulbs burn!
And beautifully curled, the rain of gold pours!

To make a Christmas tree fun with us
We will sing this song loudly now!

Balls shine, light bulbs burn!
And beautifully curled, the rain of gold pours!

The Christmas tree began to straighten the needle -
The Christmas tree really wants to dance with us!

Balls shine, light bulbs burn!
And beautifully curled, the rain of gold pours!

VIDEO: New Year's matinee in kindergarten

Poems for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the middle group

Children aged 4-5 years can well teach and tell poems from 4-8 lines with expression. These verses are often entered in the script of the matinee. But it happens that in the group of kindergarten from 20 to 30 children, and if each of them tells a rather long poem, the matinee will not invest in the allocated time. Therefore, you can learn with the baby something of your own, designed for Santa Claus in the kindergarten or at any other event

Here are examples of New Year's poems for children of middle preschool age:
Christmas tree

There are one hundred lights on the Christmas tree,
And under the Christmas tree, one hundred friends
Dance, drive a round dance
And they celebrate the New Year.

The winter has come (I. Chernetskaya)

Winter has come cheerful
With skates and sleds,
With a ski -powered skiing,
With a magical old fairy tale.

On the Christmas tree decorated
The flashlights swing.
Let the winter fun
It doesn't end longer!

Who is Santa Claus?

Who is Santa Claus?
I answer the question:
This is a funny grandfather
With a white long beard.
Knows many jokes of different

And plays with the guys.
And also grandfather
Very red nose!
That's so cheerful
Santa Claus.

About Santa Claus

Santa Claus, even old,
But naughty like small:
Pinches the cheeks, tickles his nose,

He wants to grab the ears.
Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,
Enough, hear, ne Bauli!


Drings and laughs
A snowstorm for the New Year.
The snow wants to sink,
And the wind does not give.

And fun trees,
And each bush,
Snowflakes, like mixers,
They dance on the fly.

Santa Claus

Fur coat, hat, mittens.
Sinichi are sitting on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
This is Grandfather Frost!

To tell Santa Claus a verse is a kind New Year tradition.
To tell Santa Claus a verse is a kind New Year tradition.

Games for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the middle group

The most relevant in the New Year's matinees in kindergartens are musical games that are included in the script. Children know about them in advance, rehearse in a group or in music classes.

Song - the game "Suni"

  1. Song plays " Sled».
  2. Children are divided into pairs and take hands so that one baby is behind, the other ahead. They depict sleds.
  3. The couples move around the hall - depict skating on a sled.
  4. The couples are running, imitating the sliding of the sled from the mountain.
  5. The children slowly sit down and carefully fall to the floor - the sleds turned upside down.
  6. Children shake off, hug and again become pairs.

The text of the song " Sled»:

Our children got into the sled,
They wanted to ride.
Drunk far
No one will catch up with them.
They took up the rope
Drinking down from the hill down.

Suddenly salads on the side - clap
Everyone fell into a snowdrift.
Hey, get up, get up, my friend,
And shake the snowball.
Shoot the pens too,
And my friend is hugged.

The game is a song of a sled.
The game is the song "Suni".

The game is the song "Snowballs"

Song plays " We took the snow in our hands". Children sequentially:

  • take game equipment - snowballs from cotton wool
  • run one after another in a circle
  • stop, raise them above their heads and pump them
  • with snowballs above their heads spin around them
  • hide snowballs behind their backs
  • imitate the game in snowballs, throwing them to each other

Lyrics of the song " We took the snow in our hands»:

We took the snow in our hands
They ran along the path
The kids ran
All outfits are good.
We lift the snow
And swing over your head.
Sway over me
My snowflake is mischievous.
Dance you are a snowball,
Snow little friend
Dance, don't yawn
And repeat after us!
We will not show snowballs
Where we will not tell them hide
All the snowballs are at the guys
They sleep quietly behind the back.
We will put all the snowballs:
Rest, you are a little
You lie down, don't get up
Bai-Bu, Bai-Bai.

VIDEO: Sanctors

Riddles for a matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the middle group

Children of middle preschool age are very fond of riddles. If Santa Claus or Snow Maiden made them, kids will demonstrate their knowledge and have fun from the heart!

New Year's riddles for children of the middle group of kindergarten:

He comes on winter evening
Light candles on the Christmas tree,
He starts a round dance:
This is a holiday - (New Year).
He is busy all the time,
He cannot go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees in the way (snow).
What a master it is
Apply on glass
Both leaves and herbs,
And overgrown roses? (Freezing)
On trees, for bushes
Flowers fall from the sky.
White, fluffy,
Only not fragrant (snowflakes).

Video: s santa Claus agents

Dancing for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the middle group

For the New Year's matinee, children of the middle group of kindergarten are preparing dancing:

  • rounders
  • dancing - games
  • collective
  • group
  • paired
  • individual
The main dance of the New Year's matinee is a round dance.
The main dance of the New Year's matinee is a round dance.

Competitions for the matinee in kindergarten for the New Year for the middle group

In addition to the previously planned and rehearsed games on the New Year's matinee, you can also hold contests with incentive prizes.

We must not forget that this holiday, first of all, is for the kids themselves. Let the competitions be a surprise for them! In order for as many children as possible in activity, it is better to make it group or team.

"We sculpt the snowman."

  1. In the competition I can participate from 2 to 10 children.
  2. Each child is given the parts of a snowman carved from cardboard and colored paper: circles of different sizes for the head and trunk. A carrot for the nose, a bucket for a hat, sticks - for hands, panicle, scarf, eyes, mouth, so on.
  3. Kids to the sound of music collect details to make a snowman.
  4. The baby wins who is faster and more accurately “blind” his snowman.
Santa Claus holds funny contests with children.
Santa Claus holds funny contests with children.

"What is in the bag?"

  1. Different toys are folded in two bags: dolls, cars, cubes, balls, rings from the pyramid.
  2. The group is divided into two teams.
  3. The guys are blindfolded in turn.
  4. Each baby must lower the pen into the bag, take the first toy that fall, pull it out, feel it carefully and guess what it is.
  5. The team that guesses more toys wins.

The mobile game "Who is the most well?"

  1. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden take game equipment: gymnastic hoops decorated with tinsel.
  2. Kids are handed snowballs from cotton wool.
  3. The clockwork New Year's music sounds.
  4. Children are divided into two teams. They should throw impromptu snowballs into hoops.
  5. The team that will make more accurate hits wins.

The outdoor game is the relay of "dress a Christmas tree."

  1. At one end of the hall, two small New Year trees are placed.
  2. Children are divided into two teams and lined up at the other end of the hall.
  3. In front of each team they put boxes with unprecedented Christmas toys and tinsel.
  4. Each child is overcome by obstacles (to run up to the cables, climb into hoops, jump a tinsel), convey his toy to the Christmas tree.
  5. The team wins that will decorate its Christmas tree faster and more beautifully.

Important: it is better to prepare prizes for all children in the group, even those who have not won in competitions. It can be stickers, coloring, balloons, Christmas and small children's toys.

VIDEO: New Year's matinee "Winter Tale"

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