Scenario for the anniversary of 55 years for women, men: words, contests, organizational issues

Scenario for the anniversary of 55 years for women, men: words, contests, organizational issues

In this article, we will consider the script for the anniversary for a man and a woman for 55 years with congratulatory verses and entertainment competitions.

The anniversary is a special date when you can summarize some results of the life lived. And 55 is the date of young souls, who still have a lot of interesting things ahead, but already tell what is. To gather a family and friends at one table on such a day will be a responsible mission. After all, so that no one is missing, you need a good organization of the holiday. Therefore, we offer for your consideration two options for the script of the anniversary of 55 years for a respected anniversary and a happy anniversary.

Scenario for the anniversary of 55 years for a woman

You have a holiday for your soul today,

And on this day of the year I do not count.

After all, you are always so good

And let it be so from year to year!


On the calendar is a regular day, but not for us. We and we have a responsible task here - to carry mental congratulations, flowers and gifts to your beloved birthday. With the wishes of love, happiness and health, many friends and relatives gathered. Holiday holiday, but that it was funny, ( The name of the middle name of the anniversary) approved the charter of the holiday. Dear guests we fill your bowls and listen carefully.

55 is a date when a lot of interesting things await in the future
55 is a date when a lot of interesting things await in the future

Correct rules of the right holiday

We should be worn out and your beloved guests are supposed to be:

  • Drink a lot to raise life tone and mood. Eat tightly sausage, fish and other snacks of the hostess of the holiday. Try everything, and be sure to a cake. Anyway, for everything is paid!
  • Dance all the dances, even if your legs hurt. Men are on a smoke break in a circle of car experts, football teams and strong drinks. Women can adjust makeup in the company of the best housewives, experts in male and child psychologists. And just the best beauties and wives in the world!
  • Full to have fun. Participate in competitions and win gifts from the birthday girl. Photos and video files of your adventures will be available for ransom in the morning after the holiday!
  • Anecdotes and funny stories are welcome. Toasts sound loud. Everyone who has the right to congratulate the birthday girl is drunk standing and up to the bottom.
  • Keep in mind - for failure to fulfill the rules, the violators will be fined an additional filled bowl to the very edges!


For health, drinking is not a sin,

You can drink for success,

So that the anniversary does not miss

We will drink to the bottom from the beginning!

The host and owners of the holiday treat the guests, make sure that it is poured and drunk. And also so that the rules of the feast are not violated. For a successful start and fun continuation, we recommend that you pause between toasts and contests for 10 minutes. Guests should try snacks so as not to be hungry. Then the fun can be continued. It is better to start with a small quiz without tearing people away from the table.

A few warm words of the jubilee
A few warm words of the jubilee


The relatives gathered at the generous table. Many of you have known the birthday girl for many years. But whether they know well, now we will check. I bring to your attention to the quiz “Details from the life of a wonderful person.

Questions are selected individually, but they should not be very complicated. They can be joke in nature. For example:

  • How much did this pretty girl weigh on this day 55 years ago?
  • And on what day of the week did this significant date happen?
  • How much was she then?
  • Think about how much she managed to grow over these 55 years?
  • How did her parents want to call her first?
  • What did her friends call her at school?
  • And what was her most unloved/favorite lesson?
  • The funniest incident in her life?
  • What was the hairstyle in his youth?
  • What did her husband give her today?
  • What hero from the cartoon do you see it?

For the correct answers, guests are given gifts. It is better if they are on the topic of the question asked. For example, to the question of weight and growth, give diapers and nipples or other funny gifts. Then we smoothly go to toast.

Check how much the guests know the birthday girl
Check how the guests know the birthday girl

Husband congratulates:

Today only for you - gifts and flowers,

All this is just to smile!

Over the years everything, and thank you for the children.

And still, as for the first time, I love you alone!

I wish, dear, love, not to know longing, sadness,

To come true, which we have dreamed of you!

So that life gives only good, a little luck.

They gave flowers every day, not only on birthday!

Congratulations from her husband are always the warmest
Congratulations from her husband are always the warmest


Dear guests, from such a toast, the soul turned around, but does not turn back. Therefore, everyone drinks to the bottom for the love of her husband and for the beautiful anniversary (the name of the middle name).

  • Toasts of children can continue the holiday. By the way, it’s good if the children are already married/married, and their second halves are present at the holiday. Then you can play. "Mom is better than me". The game is simple.
  • Sons and daughters take turns saying the same phrase “Mom is better than me” and complement her from themselves. For example: “Mom is better than me, cooks borsch, tells jokes, is traded, etc. »From the competition we smoothly move on to congratulations. Children congratulate in turn. If desired, verse or in your own words.

Congratulations of children:

Darling, dear, accept congratulations,

We wish to be happy not only on birthday!

Love and be loved, bloom and good,

For the weekend, just fly to the islands!

We also wish you a little luck,

And hug the mother on the birthday tightly!

Congratulations of children from mom
Congratulations of children from mom

After each toast there is a short break. All relatives and friends can congratulate the birthday girl. The highlight of the evening can be an invited folklore team with songs and dances. Now you can relax to the guests from the table and go to dances and mobile competitions.

Script for the anniversary of 55 years for a man

They flee the years and bloom, like an autumn garden,

You should not be sad, they can’t return them back!

Let them go, and let them float in love.

After all, they do not leave, but live in memories.


Good evening, dear friends! We ask you to take your places at these festive lush tables. Dear guests, we were all gathered by a solemn event - the anniversary of our dear colleague, who loves father and husband ( Name and patronymic).

The anniversary for a man should be no less restrained for compliments
The anniversary for a man should be no less restrained for compliments

Let life laugh and always please,

The house bypass your sadness and all the trouble.

Will fulfill dreams and embody desires,

Will make all your expectations real!

We ask respected guests to pour glasses to the edges and drink for the health of our anniversary. A small pause is given so that the guests drank and have time to eat.


The anniversary is rich not only for a kind heart, but also for a female company, and male support. He has a charming wife and daughters/sons. And also native second children have already appeared - dear son -in -law or daughter -in -law, whose little grandfather is running in the fun (name of grandson/granddaughter). They are all paternal pride and joy. And today they have to say sincere words-congratulations to their father.

Also, there will be very helpful congratulations to the grandchildren, even if they also speak poorly. At the very beginning of the feast, when most of the guests still eat, children will help to dilute the situation.

Warm words of native children
Warm words of native children

Congratulations of children:

Textbooks, notes and drawings,

Teachers of teachers and knocked knees.

Problems, loads and relationships,

Bold dreams and painful mistakes.

All my heart is experienced by my heart,

In dreams, in thoughts, in feelings.

And the Lord is told in prayers,

So that all this becomes the direction of life.

After that, it will not hurt to conduct a small brain quiz. Questions can be asked not only a personal nature, about the birthday man, but also of such a plan. For example:

  • what the shortest month (May);
  • what can be beaten (glass, laying);
  • what time of the year is the highest temperature at the equator (in summer);
  • which knot cannot be untied (railway);
  • for what a person runs (meaning - along the path);
  • or a question for ingenuity - who is the smartest. The answer is me, that is, each of the guests.

By the way, do not skimp on prizes and awards for guests. It is recommended to purchase incentive presentations with a margin. The situations happen different, and anniversaries are usually very unpredictable celebrations. The reserve is needed so that certainly no one is left without a gift.

Dilute congratulations to guests with competitions
Dilute congratulations to guests with competitions


You have a happy anniversary now.

Good, wise, generous anniversary.

It has everything: colleagues, friends, relatives.

The joy of the most dear people to you!

Colleagues, relatives and friends begin to congratulate.


Life is monotonous without love

And the most valuable in the world is a family.

There was all sadness and tests.

But there was always a wife with you nearby.

She is your colleague and a reliable amulet.

She is your friend, next to her life.

In the heart clean as the first snow,

The wife of the hero of the day comes out to the applause, the music of the “first date” begins to play and the couple dance their second wedding dance. After that, the microphone is transmitted to the wife, who makes a congratulation to her husband.


Our Jubilee is worthy of awards of the highest sample, and today on this holiday we want to give him a jubilee medal. Such an honor fell to his colleague (or any other important person).

Medal to the anniversary
Medal to the anniversary
  • And in order to slightly decorate the situation, a small competition is offered "The sweetest wish."
  • All participants are given several candies that need to be taken in the mouth, and then loudly and clearly congratulate the anniversary on his birthday. After all the guests said this phrase, the presenter gives out more sweets, the number of which is constantly increasing. The winner himself, who uttered the sweetest wish, chooses the hero of the day, gives a bag with sweets and wants the sweetest moments in life.


On this festive day, winter (summer, autumn or spring), cool Saturday morning (changes at the right time), in sincere hearts of guests we mixed small portions of humor and jokes, and compliments added the best congratulations in love and respect. But now the time has come - go to active competitions!

Competitions with which guests can entertain the script for the anniversary of 55 years

The competition "Dance everyone"

The host must choose 5 or more participants. Previously, papers with a task for the participant are put into ordinary balloons. It will be necessary to perform a dance from the film, cartoon or other well -known variations. Participants bit any ball that you liked and get their task.

Sample options:

  • dance the dance of the Sultan from the film "Caucasian captive";
  • show the public a dance for the song “But we don’t care” from the “Diamond Hand”;
  • recall youth and dance the well -known Lambada;
  • to play the role of the Eastern beauty is the dance of Shaherizada;
  • demonstrate a mischievous gypsy dance;
  • dance of Georgian Dzhigita - Lezginka;
  • there is still gunpowder - demonstrate mischievous gopak.

If desired, you can make a contest costumed. Just select the right props in advance.

Age - not an obstacle to dance a mischievous dance
Age - not a hindrance to dance a mischievous dance

Competition "Guess for the Future"

The competition is simple and cheerful. You can change one of the guests to the fortuneteller. For a greater effect and fun, a man can play a role. Previously, you need to prepare a bag of sweets, under the wraps of which there should be a note. The guest stretches out the candy and reads his fortune -telling. Fortune -telling should be pleasant and funny.

  • You were judged by the road long. See Paris and not die, but fly to the islands and rest for a long time and lazily.
  • In the near future, a large purchase is waiting. I clarify the universe - a car or plane.
  • Wait for good news. An increase in salary, but not to yours, but to the salary of a beloved/beloved!
  • Replenishment is waiting, but not banking accounts, but in the family happy!
  • The fun awaits, though at your expense. We'll have to pay for a wedding or christening!
  • Surprise a lot of new things, be surprised and be happy.
  • Love you Testament. Feelings flare up with renewed vigor.
  • Work, but it's time to relax. Stars recommend.
  • Take carefully about colleagues, it's time to arrange a cooperative.

You can prepare a lot of notes, at all, then guests will receive both fortune -telling and candy.

Competition "Mummy"

To conduct the next quiz, you need to invite 5 pairs. Men highly recommend paying attention to the beautiful companions sitting nearby. It is the men who will take an active part in the role of French couturiers in order to create a unique outfit for Svetnitsa.

  • Each pair of participants in the competition is issued on a roll of toilet paper. In thirty seconds, men need to wrap their lady as soon as possible with paper from head to toe. Speed, ferventness and sense of humor will be evaluated. The winners, of course, are presented with small presentations.
Anniversary 55 is not the time to be sad
Anniversary 55 is not the time to be sad

Quiz "Between the first and second"

And now all guests are invited to set aside their glasses and have fun a little.

  • Probably, everyone knows the winged expression: "Between the first and second interruption." Each of the guests comes up with its unique versions to the first line of the phrase. The most savvy will be encouraged by interesting surprises.
  • And for each rhymed phrase, the host offers guests to drink for the health of the birthday and gives symbolic prizes: chocolate, sweets, impromptu medals.

Organizational moments for the script of the anniversary for 55 years

  • Jubilee dates that end at 5, celebrated among close friends, relatives and loved ones in a family, cozy environment. These years are located in the zone of influence of Saturn and NeptuneTherefore, they are responsible for family happiness, harmony in the house and mutual feelings between lovers. Therefore, the script of the anniversary for 55 years needs to be planned for such an environment or under the selected script that is specified in advance.
  • Initially, it is worthwhile to understand what style the anniversary will be held in. The holiday itself depends on the nature and preferences of the birthday. To think through everything, even the most insignificant nuances, it is necessary to properly ask colleagues for work, friends, relatives and relatives.
  • Thanks to the information that you got, it will be possible to accurately choose the perfect option. The script of the anniversary not only for 55 years needs to be selected for the chosen style of the holiday.
  • It can be, for example:
    • the usual banquet in the restaurant;
    • imitation of the award ceremony;
    • you can your favorite birthday film;
    • create a fabulous atmosphere;
    • or it will be a time travel (ancient Rome, Middle Ages, etc.)
Be sure to send all guests a thematic invitation to the celebration
Be sure to send all guests a thematic invitation to the celebration
  • It is considered good tone to prepare a special guest for each invited guest invitation postcard. It must be designed according to the chosen style and handed the guest at least a month before the selected date. In such a postcard, it is very important to prescribe an outfit in which you need to be, time and venue. Specify that immediately after receiving the invitation, the guest must tell in telephone if he can come for the anniversary. This will help to eradicate unpleasant situations and extra spending.
  • It’s hard to imagine any holiday without musical accompaniment. When choosing compositions for celebrating 55 years, it is very important to consider the age of the guests and the preferences of the birthday. A poorly selected musical repertoire can spoil even the most ideal holiday, so you take it seriously to choosing a player. It is recommended to prepare songs that will sound at the bottom of birth in advance. It is also worth introducing the hero of the day and make possible adjustments to the script for the anniversary for 55 years with the host.
  • In Europe at parties on the occasion of the anniversary it is customary to give guests small giftsAs a symbol of a reminder of the past celebration. At the end of the event, they are taken out with a festive cake. Standardly, these are magnets, pens, soft toys, key rings, t -shirts, as well as sweets and cakes. All this will be associated with a birthday of a friend or beloved relative.

 Video: Funny contests for the script for the anniversary of 55 years

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