How to spend the day of the teacher at school, college? Scenarios of an unforgettable holiday for the Day of the Teacher - open lesson, fun contests, concert

How to spend the day of the teacher at school, college? Scenarios of an unforgettable holiday for the Day of the Teacher - open lesson, fun contests, concert

Several options for the teacher's Day.

Teacher's Day is a famous holiday for children who study at school and their parents. Teachers are people who put their souls and strength into children, so on the teacher’s day they want to congratulate them and present pleasant surprises.

How to spend the day of the teacher at school?

There are general rules for holding a holiday in the walls of the educational institution:

  • Organize a mobile mail. To do this, you need to choose several students and make boxes for postcards. Pupils will spread congratulations to all teachers
  • You can organize a general wall newspaper. Let each class prepare a poster for the holiday. It will be useful to make a poster for its class teacher. The whole class can work on this venture
  • You can organize open lessons in some classes. Moreover, it is desirable that another teacher participates in the preparation of children's speech
  • Sometimes in the assembly hall or on the street, provided good weather, a festive line with contests, songs and dancing is organized
Teacher's Day
Teacher's Day

How to spend the day of the teacher in college?

In some educational institutions, self -government is practiced. On this day, all lessons and classes are conducted by students. Let me organize such a holiday for children. Of course, such events should be held under the supervision of class teachers, but the teacher should not impose his scenario for students to the students.

Approximate scenario of the teacher's day in college:

  • The day before the holiday, students remain in the educational institution after classes and decorate the hall with flowers and balloons. In the lobby you can make a photo-angle with photos of your favorite teachers
  • When the teacher will come to work in the morning, students from the threshold give them flowers and congratulate them. The costs of acquiring flowers and cards can be covered from funds of each class. But usually students raise funds to purchase flowers
  • After the call, everyone diverges through the audience. Only now the teacher is not conducting a lesson, but a student. It is necessary that several students prepare a certain part of the material according to the program in advance. The teacher can make some adjustments
Experienced teacher
Experienced teacher

Teacher's Day Scenario

  • On this day you can organize an open lesson. To do this, the teacher’s theme is selected in advance. If it is foreign literature, you can choose a foreign work
  • Try to make it short, so, all students will be able to read it and participate in discussion
  • Prepare questions on the topic in advance to students. It is desirable that all students can express their opinion regarding the actions of a particular character
  • In no case do not distribute the roles between excellent students. Let children with low performance also participate in the holiday. Give them only a few words, perhaps children will have an interest in the subject
Holiday for the Day of the Teacher
Holiday for the Day of the Teacher

Scenario Happy Teacher's Day from students

The holiday is organized in the assembly hall. All teachers are invited to take their places. It is best if the leading students are high school.

Approximate script:

  • Presenter 1: “Hello our dear teachers. We want to congratulate you on your holiday with your heart and wish you patience and kindness. But this is not enough, we, in turn, will try to upset and upset you less. Let's remember how we came to school by the kids. ” Invite first -graders to the stage who dance to cheerful music
  • Presenter 2: “We have already matured and acquired a silent life wisdom, we want to say thank you for that. In gratitude from us, several poems. ” Children of primary schools take turns reading poetry
  • Presenter 1: "Now the time has come to have a little fun and participate in funny competitions." Children are asking to reach the scene of the team. Usually organize teams of students and teachers. The winners of the competitions are awarded prizes
  • Presenter 2: “Oh, somehow we recall humanity, love and patience, but we completely forgot about knowledge. Let's show our teachers how well they taught us. ” A competition for erudition is held. Children are given prizes. After that, they ask to participate in the competition of teachers. Give teachers modest souvenirs
  • Presenter 1: "Let's delight our dear teachers with songs." Children come out and sing a song about teachers. This can be a new text based on a popular song. Or an ordinary song about teachers.
  • The presenters say goodbye to teachers and give them flowers and gifts

Poems for congratulations:

We sincerely want to congratulate
Happy Teacher's Day we are you!
Grateful to you cordially
That you teach us all.
You give us knowledge,
You always help.
We wish you health
Money, joy, good.
Let sadness, sadness, hardships
You are bypassed.
Let all the best come
Hurry to your home.

Holiday for the Day of the Teacher
Holiday for the Day of the Teacher

Scenarios of fun contests on the Day of Teacher

These are funny competitions that will give participants a good mood. It is desirable that the contests are mobile, but take into account the age of teachers.

Several contests:

  • Ball. Participants are divided into teams of two people. A balloon is tied to the left leg of each. The second participant must crush the ball of the opponent in the dance. The one who bursts the most wins
  • Candies. This contest for sweet tooths. To this end, the participants are given several caramels. It is necessary that all participants turn the sweets and put them in the mouth. With a full mouth, you need to say a tongue twister. Not only spectators will laugh, but also participants
  • Erudite. This competition can be held between teachers and students. Questions are selected depending on the age of the participants. The presenter asks questions, and participants should give answers. For example, the largest lake in Europe or the smallest bird on Earth. Questions can be related to a specific subject, for example, with mathematics or Russian
  • Story. For this competition, participants are divided into three teams. The well -known short fairy tale is selected. It can be a “hazel chicken” or “turnip”. Each of the teams should stage a fairy tale in its style. These are horrors, melodrama or comedy. Fun is provided
Favorite teacher
Favorite teacher

Scenario of the Teacher Day for primary school teachers

For the holiday, leading ones are needed. It can be young teachers or high school students. The purpose of the event to tell kids about the holiday of the teacher and present, as usual it is noted. You can organize funny contests and games for kids.

Video: Teacher's Day in elementary grades

Scenario of the Teacher's Day for Middle Academic Teachers

In a secondary school, there are more options for celebrating. Children of this age can do the preparation of the celebration and directly participate in it.

An approximate scenario for celebrating a teacher's day in middle classes:

  • The holiday is held in the assembly hall. For this, teachers sit in their places. Almost the entire holiday is organized by schoolchildren
  • Children congratulate their favorite teachers and give them flowers
  • Further, the directors are invited to the stage to say warm words to his pedagogical team
  • You can connect your parents to the holiday. It’s good if the parent committee congratulate teachers with words
  • Further, children are invited to the stage. They can sing a song about teachers or dance. It is desirable that the theme of songs and dances coincides with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe holiday. Usually they take knowledge for the idea
  • After songs and dances, funny contests are held. Be sure to attract teachers and children to games
  • The holiday ends with congratulations and presenting gifts
Teacher's day in middle classes
Teacher's day in middle classes

Holiday concert for teacher Day, script, video

Typically, the preparation of such events is engaged in a methodologist or teacher in methodological work. It is desirable that the concert be boring and cheerful. To do this, the script includes funny contests, modern interpretations of fairy tales and remake old songs in a new way.

Video: Teacher's Day concert

Scenarios of teachers' congratulations on teacher Day

You can beat the holiday in the style of the Oscar. To do this, figurines are prepared in advance in each nomination, it is necessary that each teacher receives his reward.

  • Options for nominations: “accuracy is the politeness of the kings”, as you guessed, this is a reward to the mathematics teacher. The singing teachers reward the Oscar “The Ghost of the Opera”. All rewards should be comic
  • Further, games and competitions are held. Select contests in which teachers and students can participate simultaneously
  • Dilute the nominations with fun, musical numbers and contests
  • Since there are many teachers at school, there will be many nominations. It is very boring to just read and reward teachers. It is necessary to get a whole and cheerful holiday
  • You can finish the holiday with a tea party. To do this, dishes are prepared in advance and a cake is purchased
Happy Teacher's Day
Happy Teacher's Day

How to spend the day of the teacher at school: tips and reviews

  • There are a lot of celebration options in the school walls. Initially, you need to decide on the style of the holiday, it can be an Oscar or the musical program “Song of the Year”. In this case, all congratulations should be song
  • Now in most schools they depart from traditional boring concerts. Instead, they organize scripts-tumors in a modern style
  • Be sure to take care of gifts for competitions in advance. It can be inexpensive souvenirs. Be sure to purchase flowers
  • You can hand for each teacher a gift bag with coffee and sweets. These are traditional presentations for the teacher's Day

There are many options for celebrating, select the theme that is most suitable for your educational institution. This can be the day of cooks in the culinary school or day of stewardesses in the flight lyceum.

Video: Teacher's Day. Scenario

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