The largest and small continent, the highest and lowest continent of the Earth: a brief description. The smallest continent: review, interesting facts

The largest and small continent, the highest and lowest continent of the Earth: a brief description. The smallest continent: review, interesting facts

In this article, we will consider the largest and smallest continent of our planet, as well as compare their height above sea level.

Our land is divided into two main spaces. This is a world ocean or water space and land. Water takes more than 70% of the area or 361.06 million km 2. The continents got only 29.3% of the total area or 142.02 million km 2. The land is divided into parts that are limited to seas and oceans from each other.

That is, these are our continents and continents. Each of them has its own size, shape and height above sea level. Therefore, in today's topic, we will expand our knowledge and talk about the smallest and smallest continents, as well as the lowest and lowest continents.

What is the largest and small mainland of the planet, the lowest and highest continent of the Earth: a brief description

First, remember what the mainland is. Simply put, this is a huge piece of land, which is washed by seas and oceans from all sides. Despite the fact that there are much larger waters on our planet, large and small continents are released. There are 6 continents on Earth. And you do not need to confuse them with parts of the world, which are eight. Although oceania is often connected with Australia, now this is not about that. We will list all the continents from the largest to the least continent to find out important and interesting aspects about them.

Eurasia is a mainland of enormous sizes

  • It is he who occupies the championship in the rank of "largest continent." Giant area 54.757 million km 2, and this is as much as 36% of the entire land of the planet. The house is the mainland for 5.132 billion people, and this, by the way, is 70% of all residents of our planet.
  • The mainland is conditionally divided into two parts of the world: Asia and Europe. The eastern slopes of the high Ural mountains are considered a figurative border of these segments. The continent is also the only thing that is washed at once with all four oceans.
  • Eurasia boasts a variety of landscapes. The highest mountains of the Himalayas and the largest plains can be found on its territory.
    • She also owns the championship among the highest mountains of the world - this is the famous Mount Jomolungma, which is no longer equal.
    • The list of distinguished features and other natural celebrities complement. For example, Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world, the Caspian Sea is the largest and largest sea, as well as the unique and largest mountain system - Tibet.
    • On the mainland there is the influence of all climatic and natural zones, from which Flora and Faun is insanely diverse and rich. The geopolitical map has 102 independent states on this mainland.
  • But since in parallel we consider the continents in height above sea level, Eurasia did not reach the championship. But then it is firmly in second place. The height of the continent, which has average indications is 840 m.
The largest continent is Eurasia
The largest continent is Eurasia

Africa occupies the second honorable place in dimensions

  • Its total area with adjacent islands is 30.3 million km 2. And this is as many as 20.4% of the entire dry surface of the earth. Africa is a hot continent that is washed by Indian and Atlantic oceans, as well as one of the cleanest seas: red and Mediterranean.
  • This mainland is a house for 1 billion. The geopolitical map has 55 independent states. This mainland crosses the equator, and has several different climatic zones.
  • This mainland also has outstanding places. Of course, it will be a hot, dry and largest desert in the world - sugar. The Kilimanjaro volcano is considered Stratovulkan, which indicates its power. True, at the moment it is in a sleeping state.
  • We have already mentioned above that this mainland also acts as the hottest continent on the planet. Therefore, on it is the hottest place in the world - the settlement of Dallol in the Danakil desert. By the way, together they are included in the list of the most dangerous places. After all, the temperature there sometimes reaches 70 ° C.
  • This place is uninhabited by neither people nor animals. But on the other area of \u200b\u200bthe continent you can find many animals that we see in the zoo or on TV. Yes, these are lions, giraffes, tigers, cheetahs, zebras and other thermophilic creatures.
  • Above sea level, the continent is in fourth place, because the scale shows no more than 650 m.
In Adric is the hottest non -residential settlement - Dallol
In Africa is the hottest non -residential settlement - Dallol

The mainland North America occupies the third prize in size

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland, including all islands, is 24.365 million km 2 And this is 16% of all sushi. By the way, sometimes this size is compared with the territory of the former Soviet Union.
  • Half a billion people or 7% of the world's population live on the mainland in 23 independent states. Interestingly, they all have their own access to the sea.
  • Three different oceans wash this mainland with their waters: the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The mainland borders on South America, the water border is the Panaman ishmus.
  • 2 and 23 three countries, that is, Canada and the USA are the richest and most prosperous countries of the world, which is included in the first 10 ratings.
  • In height above sea level, the mainland rises to third position after Eurasia. Indications reach 720 m.

The mainland South America has almost the last positions

  • The territory that he occupies the continent holds 17.84 million km 2. It is equal to 12% of all sushi. Pacific and Atlantic oceans wash this territory. The natural line that divides the land of two America is the Caribbean Sea.
  • The geopolitical map has 12 states, on the territory of which about 400 million people live. Conditionally, South America is divided into the mountainous western part and the plain eastern side. A more hot, dry and tropical weather, on the flat part, the temperature never drops below 20 ° C.
  • The mainland is very rich in fresh water. Indeed, the Amazon flows around its territory, which is the largest river in the world. There is also the highest in the world of the Angel waterfall and the most powerful of the Falls of Iguas.
  • The Lake of Titikan is known, which has the largest reserves of fresh water in the whole world. The largest countries of the mainland are Brazil and Argentina, which are even in the ten largest countries in the world.
The thin line separates sulfur and southern America among themselves
The thin line separates sulfur and southern America among themselves

The championship with the rank of "the highest continent" receives Antarctica

  • This is the earth of eternal cold and snow. The mainland has an area of \u200b\u200b9% or 14.107 million km 2What makes him fifth in a row for dimensions. It is also uninhabited, there is only a temporary population of about 5 thousand people. And then, these are polar scientists and staff of research stations.
  • Antarctica bears the title of the highest continent to the Earth - more than 2 thousand meters above sea level. On the mainland, everything is covered with ice, including the Antarctic mountains of the Andes and transarctic peaks.
  • Bentley's hollow is the deepest point in the world, which is significantly lower than the sea level. It dropped to a mark of 2540 m below the marine level.
  • Antarctica is also a house of glaciers, here is 90% of the entire ice of the planet. And this is 80% of the stock of fresh water. There are local residents on the mainland - these are seals and penguins.

The smallest and lowest continent of the Earth is Australia

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe smallest continued continent of the planet Australia is 7 659 861 km 2. Susha from all sides is surrounded by the waters of the seas and oceans. Everything is simple here: one continent Australia is one state with the same name. And here everyone’s favorite kangaroo is found. But we will talk about this mainland in more detail.
  • This continent also took an honorable place among the lowest continents. After all, Australia rose only 215 m above sea level.
The highest mainland
The highest mainland

The smallest mainland of the planet: its area and role in the world

  • Australia wears the title of the smallest continent. The area of \u200b\u200bthis land plot is 7 659 861 km². If you look at the globe carefully, then a lone mainland is noticeable on its eastern cerebral hemisphere, which is washed from all sides by the waters of salty oceans.
  • The northern side borders on the Pacific Ocean and two seas: Tasmanov and Corallov. The southern and western side is washed by the Indian Ocean, as well as the Arafu and Timor seas.
  • Two large islands adjoin Australia. New Guinea is an island with an area of \u200b\u200b786 thousand km2. On this tropical island, 660 species of different birds live, and mango grove and coconut palm trees also grow. The island of Tasmania is an Australian state with an area of \u200b\u200b68.401 thousand km2, on which rare species of animals live. For example, the Tasmanian devil.
  • Another attraction is a large coral reef about 2 thousand km long, which consists of colonial formations of limestone polyps. The natural attraction is a home for 1550 species of fish and a whale shark, huge behind its size.
  • This is a place of pilgrimage for divers who dream of seeing the beautiful world of multi -colored corals and watching the life of many large and small fish.
  • Australia, although surrounded by seas and oceans, is, in fact, a dry continent. Deserts occupy more than 44% of the continent itself or 3.8 TIS. km 2. The largest in the mercy, are the big desert of Victoria and a large sandy desert. They are characterized by unusual red-sand dry soils.
Australia is the smallest continent
Australia is the smallest continent
  • But the most unusual desert can be called the Te-Pinnacles desert. Literally sounds like a desert of sharp rocks. On its territory there are sharp, separate rocks, the height of which is over 5 meters.
  • In total, 7 different deserts are indicated on the territory of the mainland Australia. There are low mountains on this continent. One from the highest mountains of this continent - ZIL, which has 1511 meters.
  • The mainland is also not rich. The largest river Murray, 2375 km long. There are lakes, but in the summer they are more like swamps. Since they often dry out, because their main waters are rains that rarely go in summer.
  • On the mainland Australia there is the only state with the same name. The country has a developed economy. It takes 13th place among world economies. Judging by the remoteness and for lack of land boundaries with other countries, this is a rather high indicator.
  • At a high level, there are also important spheres of life as education, healthcare, freedom in the economic sphere and morals. The most developed and large cities are Melbourne, with a population of about 5 million people, and Sydney, with a population of over 5 million people.
  • In the international arena, Australia is an Australian Union, with a form of government in the form of a constitutional monarchy. The head of the state is considered Queen Elizabeth II. It is not surprising, except for Great Britain, the queen is the head of the monarchies in 15 independent countries, including Australia.
And this is the lowest mainland
And this is the lowest mainland

Interesting facts about the smallest mainland planet - Australian continent

Although Australia wears the title of the smallest mainland, it is a beautiful continent with an interesting story and colorful locals. Therefore, we suggest looking at the exciting aspects of this mainland.

  • 40 thousand years ago, the continent was a home for local natives, more than 330 thousand lived. Now it was only 1.5% of the total population.
  • The capital of Australia is not a seat, as you might think, but the small city of Kanberra, with a population of only 300 thousand.
  • About 25% of citizens of the country were born abroad Australia.
  • Australia served as a prison for criminals, here they brought them for 200 years for serving a line. The number has grown to 160 thousand individuals, but at the same time, the law is rarely violated in the territory of the modern state.
  • Australians love poker and spend 20% of expenses around the world on this game.
  • The original name sounded like the new South Uels.
  • Australians go to the elections with pleasure, otherwise they are facing a rather large fine.
  • They buy and sell here for their Australian dollars.
  • The Australians built the longest fence on the planet, the length of which is 5,530 km, and all in order for the sheep to be safe.
  • Women live on average 82 years old, men are 77 years old, but indigenous natives do not live long. On average, 20% the smallest residents are 20%.
  • By the way, 60% percent are city residents.
  • Nicole Kidman - Australian, as well as Hugh Jackman and Kate Blanchett.
  • Australians smoke a lot, and this bad habit covers 21% of the total population.
  • If you want to get the citizenship of this country, then you need to live there for at least 2 years.
Australia is a very developed state
Australia is a very developed state
  • Once there was a law that did not allow bathing on city beaches, and this ban lasted as many as 44 years.
  • The sheep popular on the Australian continent took first place in the world, because their number has an indicator of more than 700 thousand.
  • Australia is very dangerous, because a huge number of toxic creatures, snakes and spiders live on the territory.
  • If you turn on the radio, you can stumble on the wave of Joy-radio. It has been operating for people with non -traditional orientation since 1993.
  • Fast kangaroo and cute coals are local residents of the Australia Continent.
  • Australians are a sports nation, football, golf and tennis are popular here.
  • Australians are also a cultural nation. They spend money on museums and exhibitions, not inferior in this European countries.

Australia, although a distant continent, is well developed here. It scares only a long flight, which cannot be dispensed with, and it will reach the water for a very long time. But it is worth seeing Australia, because a lot of new and interesting can be discovered for yourself.

Video: What is the smallest mainland of the planet?

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