The most vile signs of the zodiac: an insidious rating

The most vile signs of the zodiac: an insidious rating

In this topic, we will consider how different signs of the zodiac express their insidiousness, determining the leaders in meanness.

You can judge the meanness of a person, knowing his zodiac sign. After all, each symbol means how the sun is located relative to stars. And the location of these celestial bodies affects the character and behavior of each person.

Meaning is a negative quality, low moral and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof a person that hide behind the mask of virtue. And, of course, I would like to know in advance what to expect from the person you only met. And sometimes it’s worth not talking about yourself, not completely opening up to some people. This is where the rating of the most vile signs of the zodiac will help us.

The most vile signs of the zodiac: rating of insidiousness, description of characters and opinions of astrologers

To begin with, we note that there are no ideal people at all! Therefore, we literally do not perceive the data below, because in one way or another we are all the time and do bad things. And do not forget that in each of us there are also positive features! But still, some of the most vile signs of the zodiac put their interests and benefits above all, sometimes offending and even neglecting the well -being of other people.

The five most vile signs of the zodiac are leaders who beat all records

Meanness is the second name of the sign Twins

  • Very often, astrologers put them in first place in meanness. And this is not just like that! This is the most cunning and dodgy sign, which does not even need to try to be at the top. Moreover, it is the most unstable and unreliable symbolism!
  • After all, meanness and selfishness are dominant features of their character. What is there, this is their natural habitat, in which, by the way, they do not see anything bad. And if they see, then after an hour their opinion will change, and you can’t prove anything definitely!
  • Gemini are very inclined to use people for their own purposes. Therefore, do not be surprised if you stop communicating with you only because you cannot be useful or benefit. Indeed, only they and their interests are always important for them!
  • In addition to their lightning -fast change of mood and the same thoughts, these are also the largest liars! Perhaps this partly depends on their dual nature. Therefore, even after the words "I love you", we never relax! The betrayal for them is like a sip of fresh air, so that life does not seem boring. And if you offended them, then their fantasies have no limit to humiliate you as much as possible in the eyes of others.
In the championship of meanness, their astrologers crown the laurel
In the championship of meanness, their astrologers crown the laurel

The most difficult sign of the zodiac group is Scorpion

  • If you want to save your nerves, it is better not to start conflicts with Scorpions. The meanness is that such personalities are trying to crush their intensity and assertiveness of people who are weaker than their character. Their egoism loves and knows how to command and very cunningly should be mariped by people. And if you also “cross the road”, then run without looking back to Mars.
  • And even if, on the one hand, it may seem to you that they will always give a help hand everywhere, then do not relax. If Scorpio thinks that you have not appreciated this help in full, your attitude towards you can change very dramatically to the opposite. And then you will know all the power of their revenge, and by the way they love to do it. And like a virgin, they do not forget the offenders.
  • And the punishment plan itself will be ruthless and even grandiose. Skorpion stings in the most sore spot and right in the forehead. In general, scorpions rarely allow people to be too close, always vigilant and careful in their actions and statements. Therefore, you may not notice how you substitute yourself in a conversation with them.
  • And if you read the attitude to you twins due to frequent shift, then the Scorpions rarely hide their antipathy. And this acts as a kind of hint of a possible meanness that you can guess even by the look.
Scorpions incorporated the most powerful, but not always the best qualities
Scorpions incorporated the most powerful, but not always the best qualities

In third place of the vile signs of the zodiac is Virgo

  • Yes, these cute personalities that are able to bend well, if only they need it. In life, people who were born under the sign of Virgo are faithful and kind. It is in this that the main secret is hiding - from them you do not expect meanness or “knife in the back”. And in vain! The analytical mindset helps to organize everything in the finest details and 10 steps forward.
  • Their biggest drawback is the inability to let any unpleasant situations and generally forgive people. They will never forget, as you accidentally stepped on sneakers 10 years ago, being even unfamiliar. What is there, they will even be offended by the ketchup that drove them on a blouse and spoiled the then. And they will not forget this until the end of their days!
  • In this regard, it turns out that even the good intentions of Virgo come down to a negative aftertaste. You will not be forgiven even the slightest miss, they will not forget the slightest resentment. And, of course, the Virgin will give this to know at the most unexpected moment for you. And even better - and on the most inopportune day!
  • The only thing that can stop them is a certain cowardice. Therefore, for large “projects”, which is possible for Scorpio, they are not ready, which are inferior. But then they will close the tap on a dropper with a smile.
Virgo even avenge with a smile, looking into your eyes
Virgo even avenge with a smile, looking into your eyes

Carried careers or Capricorn

  • It comes to the heels to the leaders and this sign. And all because it has a very analytical and extremely prudent mind. Moreover, their great determination can be called a significant plus.
  • But such composure and even mercilessness at some moments makes Capricorn extremely dangerous for people around them. Especially if you are not included in the safe list of applicants. Although their personal interests are always above all!
  • Also, people of this zodiac sign require that care and kindness on their part are appreciated properly. If this is not so, expect a bad relationship from Capricorn. Although the meanness and betrayal is too low for Capricorn! But for the sake of the goal, they will go on the heads in the literal sense of the word.
  • Sometimes they themselves do not notice how it acts treacherously. In addition, it is difficult to communicate with people of this sign if they are without mood. Coldness and prudence increase at such moments. But then it is almost impossible to get them out of their own, as well as to defeat in a fight.
Maximum composure level due to sensual hiddenness
Maximum composure level due to sensual secrecy

Scales ended up in the first five of the vile signs of the zodiac

  • They love material wealth very much. Moreover, all their goals and thoughts are aimed at making money. But the methods can not always be honest and fair. Often they show meanness and greed for people around them in order to achieve their goals.
  • In addition, they are skilled liar if your ears require it. And this is precisely the sign that without thinking will be able to betray you if the surrounding circumstances demand this. Moreover, in their opinion - real friends or close people in their environment are not at all.
  • But these are also the largest manipulators. Again, all for the sake of your good and the goal. Anyway, Libra loves to control the situation. At the same time, they can well control others. And they direct in the right direction of people so that they themselves do not notice this.
Contempted manipulators
Contempted manipulators

We studied almost half of the entire list. However, this does not mean that the meanness in the remaining signs of the zodiac is exactly half less. Everything is very individual, and our list is very generalized. And remember - it all depends on the situation in which any of us ended up. The upbringing and attitude of people around us also affects! Whatever the zodiac sign, but if you offend it, then do not wait for praise in return.

The second half of the list or less vile zodiac signs

  • Proud Leo resentment is not characteristict. Astrologers often attribute to them an inflated sense of meanness. After all, people of this zodiac sign behave in such a way that the whole world owes something to them! And especially for those people who, due to the softness of their character, will be unable to cope with the excessive arrogance of lions. Although it is precisely this sign that is pronounced sexual separation. A woman Leo, if you stop recognizing a queen in her, will just incinerate you. And men are sometimes too lazy and more like to tell the fables about themselves what well done they are - these are the villains who actually drove their lioness drove away.
Leo is trying as much as possible in the eyes of others
Leo is trying as much as possible in the eyes of others
  • Surprisingly Fish continue the list of vile signs of the zodiac. The fact is that they are inclined to ensure that other people solve their problems instead. They also simply wait for the circumstances to develop in their favor. But only you will push them to action, then they will have a palace from a lie to just stay sitting on the couch. This is the same false sign, which will always look for the guilty in their environment, just not to take responsibility! Moreover, these fables, that for different ears they sound with their own and various benefits, often create vile situations. But the fish themselves quietly leave with resentment into the distance.
A quiet pool is better not to touch
A quiet pool is better not to touch
  • 7th place of the most vile signs of the zodiac belongs Taurus. Evil people who will definitely remind of their insults at every opportunity. Especially if you deliberately bother them, for example, during lunch. Taurus do not listen to the opinions of other people and always do everything in their own way. And besides everything, these are still terrible jealous! Moreover, such a mixture with increased aggressiveness often pushes them to far from the best acts. And sometimes they just want to avoid conflict. Therefore, they will find many excuses, tiringly hiding the truth.
The meanness of the body can only appear if his calm is disturbed
The meanness of the body can only appear if his calm is disturbed
  • Aquarius are located between forced people and forced circumstancesami.These people are strong and worthy opponents, with a sharp and analytical mind. And their attitude will more depend on the actions of competitors. But sometimes Aquarius can bring to the side of evil when they are fond of the disclosure of their talents or the salvation of unfamiliar people. In general, this is a very cheerful and responsive sign who loves to fantasize so much that he himself does not understand how he begins to lie. And then this false ball develops into a vile situation, which arose by itself. And Aquarius has nothing to do with it!
No vile intention, only good -natured accident
No vile intention, only good -natured accident
  • Aries it is terrible to cross the road. After all, this is a very selfish and vile sign of the zodiac. They tend to ignore the surrounding people, their needs and desires. You just will never be in the first place for Aries. And he is always right and always the best. And if there is the best opponent, it should be neutralized! But without meanness - Aries attacks immediately, in open and without brakes! "Until death will separate you." And how Aries can skillfully lower people, you yourself will want to run away faster. But honestly and without lies.
Dexterity of hands and no meanness
Dexterity of hands and no meanness
  • In 11th place of the vile signs of the zodiac is terribly fundamental Sagittarius. And the principality in their excessive honesty, which they are ready to give out to everyone just like that, without any meanness! But they have 0%delicacy. And we add to this the lion's share of irresponsibility and childhood naivety and we get: “This is not me! Honestly, it happened itself. ” Sagittarius revenge, even meanly, very rarely. After all, from the principle this should be a grand event that everyone will see! But theatrical training takes a lot of effort and time, but you need to have fun. Therefore, a stupid undertaking goes to the side.
Something like this is the Sagittarius distributes the right, in his opinion, the truth - but without meanness
Something like this is the Sagittarius distributes the right, in his opinion, the truth - but without meanness
  • Crayfish-It turns out that the sounds are afraid of fights. According to astrologers, they cannot be called vile, they are rather cowardly. And this desire to quickly escape from any bad place, saving only yourself, sometimes makes them not the most reliable friends. It is also worth noting that after fish it is also the most vulnerable sign. But, again, cancer will not take revenge on the offender, because he is afraid to attack first and generally pick up weapons. Therefore, it is this sign that becomes the last place in meanness. But who knows how life can turn around.
The meanness of cancer can only be in silent resentment
The meanness of cancer can only be in silent resentment

As you can see, such a quality as meanness is inherent in almost every zodiac sign. It can simply be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. And rather, much also depends on the internal assessment of the state of things. But now it will be a little easier for you to understand people. Whether the quality or voluntary choice of a person is already a third thing. But do not cross the boundaries of the permitted, so as not to wake the vile sign in any sign.

Video: What are the most vile signs of the zodiac?

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Comments K. article

  1. You draw a boat and shake a little!

  2. This is how someone reads the characterization of the person of interest to him, and everything is disappointed, but in vain. This is me to the fact that you do not row everyone under one comb, even somehow it was a shame to read, or something)

  3. Of course, there is something in this. One can somehow agree with the first five, but then they simply pulled behind the ears. All attributed to meanness and sinkiness and inaction and selfishness, etc. Where did you decide that this is meanness? Strength is an act of villainy, cold -blooded, intentional, unexpected, insidious.
    What is the diligent in the vindictiveness of the Taurus? Well, they remember the resentment for a long time, so what? What is forced that fish do not rush through life, like rabid saigas? What kind of business do you have before? Engage in your life and do not touch calmly floating fish, then they will not touch you either. And with Aries you definitely went too far. They can be called selfish, stubborn, rushing ahead, not seeing the road, but it is unlikely that. Crayfish crayfish? Even if so, what is for this sample? Sagittarius, of course, the animals are strange, but they are unlikely to be sample to meanness. In general, you leaned everyone with a light wave of the pen. And this is just mean enough enough enough

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