The longest and most short female and male name in the world

The longest and most short female and male name in the world

The selection of names for young parents is a responsible step. Let's look at the longest and shortest names in the world.

Many believe that the fate of a person is directly related to the chosen name. Sometimes, this is confirmed by facts from life. Often, the name is what forms the first impression of us when acquaintance. Unusual names make their owners unique and special.

As a rule, such people gain wide popularity among others, quickly “grow” with new useful connections. Such a desire to draw as much attention as possible is usually inherent in the female sex, and for this purpose, parents give girls non -standard long names.

The longest male and female name in the world

By the way, the longest in history was called the newborn from Texas, in 1984. Parents were unpleasantly amazed that the name of their child did not fit in the graph of the metric, invented, clearly in a deep emotional impulse. "Roshandiatylenyushenshenteshenk Koyaanfskvitsyuti Williams" - That part of the name of the baby, who managed to enter into registration documents. However, this was not enough to his father and, having submitted the application, he managed to ensure that the name of the baby was increased to 1019 letters, and the second - to 36.

The longest names
The longest names

As for the names given to the boys, so here the parents simply “surpassed” everyone. The next record belongs to a resident of India, whose name belongs not only to the largest of the famous male, but also to the "long" in the world. At the same time, the name of the Indian is the most standard - Brahmatra. But what is preceded by surnames is difficult to name, in it is already 1,478 letters! To utter this “word”, consisting of names on the map, the names of politicians and professors, it will take at least ten minutes. In fact, this is a piece of the encyclopedia, which so far no one has decided to voice.

Records in Russia

The longest Russian names, although they are not particularly common in now, are considered Apollinaris and Panteleimon (11 letters). As for the size of the names given to the girl, the very elongated of them appeared after the October Revolution.

The choice of names
The choice of names

It sounded: Oyushminald And it was compiled from scraps of the phrase: “O.Yu. Schmidt on the ice. " This was not the only case of the child’s complaint so unusual. The impression was that the parents of the era of the 1920s decided to compete with each other in patrioticity, reflected in the name of the baby.

The shortest names in the world

The most “small” names were recorded in Mongolia: Az (means happiness, luck), ON (spark), OD (star) and in Russia: Yang and Iya.

Translated from ancient Jewish, name Yang means "granted to God." A man who is named with a similar name is inherent in leadership qualities, he prefers communication to loneliness and activity “sitting” in one place.

Although Yana can not be called a pharmacy, his stubbornness, hard work, faith in himself and his purpose always pushes him forward and helps to win more and more victories. Such character traits as foresight and practicality, clear and logical thinking, insight, help him to understand people well, and good -naturedness and openness attract faithful friends to him.

The shortest names
The shortest names

Woman's name And I, translated from Greek, means "violet". The name is very rare; Since there are completely no consonants in it, the character of his “housewife” hides strong energy. A girl with the name Iya is very emotional and not inclined to restrain her feelings. She has an outbreak of irritability, and her pride sometimes knows no boundaries. But gradually, she learns to show her negative in the form of cute sharpness - a mixture of humor with sarcasm. Throughout life, emotions are increasingly starting to prevail over the mind, which does not affect relations with others in the best way.

The person’s name not only forms the perception of others, but also affects his attitude towards himself. Unfortunately, many of us depend on the opinion of society, therefore, so that the child can peacefully exist in it, without fear of ridicule and oblique views of his environment, you should not call him complex, incomprehensible or fashionable, in your opinion, in the name. It is better to choose one of the names characteristic of your region of residence, cultural and national traditions. Subsequently, if the matured baby wants to change the name in the passport to a more sonorous or elongated one, it is better to support his conscious solution than to impose his own in advance.

Video: The longest name in the world

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