The deepest well on the ground is the Kola ultra -deep. How and when was it drilled? What depth was achieved? What are the conclusions? What other supernet boreles are there in the world?

The deepest well on the ground is the Kola ultra -deep. How and when was it drilled? What depth was achieved? What are the conclusions? What other supernet boreles are there in the world?

From this article you will learn what the deepest well on earth.

The deepest well on the ground is a well drilled on the Kola Peninsula by the Soviet Union. How did she get drilling and when? We find out in this article.

Kola ultra-pound well SG-3

This was what the ultra-pounding well SG-3 on the Kola Peninsula looked from the outside

Deep wells were drilled until 1970 in the Soviet Union, Europe and the United States, but their goal was to intelligence oil and gas fields.

Super-pounding well SG-3 on the Kola Peninsula Designed exclusively for research purpose. Soviet geologists wanted to better study the incorporated boundaries of Conrad (the border between the layers of granites and basalt at a depth of 7 km) and Mokhorovichich (the border between the earth's crust and mantle).

The Kola Peninsula was chosen for a reason: it is known that on the Baltic Shield, indigenous rocks are one of the oldest on the ground, sedimentary breeds - a thin layer, which means that hence the closest to the core of the Earth.

SG-3 well They began to drill May 24, 1970 10 km from the city of Zapolyarny, in the Murmansk region. The initial diameter of the well on the surface was 92 cm, at the end point - 21.5 cm.

This is how the SG-3 well looks in the depths if our land is mentally cut

From the surface to chap. 7 km (depth was achieved in 1975) drilling was carried out relatively calmly: strong granites lay the entire segment, which formed close 3 billion years ago. Deeper than this depth, relatively monolithic granites changed to layered bulk magmatic rocks, which began to crumble and jammed the drill column. Part of this column was lost in the depths, and the drilling of the well had to continue with a deviation. There were many such accidents, and each time the drilling continued away from the previous trunk.

In early June 1979, the SG-3 well reached a record depth (9583 m)which was previously listed behind the American oil well Bert Rogers.

In 1983, the well reached a depth of 12066 m, and was temporarily stoppedBut the studies did not stop - it was involved near the well of 16 scientific laboratories from all over the Union, under the supervision of the Minister of Geology. In September 1984, the drilling of the well resumedAnd again the accident continued: drilling had to start again with Ch. 7 km.

In 1990, the new branch of the well reached Ch. 12262 m. The drilling lasted several more years, until 1994, but no greater depth was achieved, the accident continued, and it was decided to stop drilling.

After the drilling at the well, a laboratory for the study of deep subsoil worked for some time, and in 1995 it became impossible to maintain scientific work in the well due to the termination of financing. Now the well is mothballed, its mouth is packed with a metal plug, all the buildings are thrown, and the well is destroyed. And if you restore work, then millions of rubles will be required.

Note. The Kola ultra -deep well (12262 m) has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records since 1997, as reaching the largest depths.

What was achieved by the drilling of the ultra -deep Kola well?

This is how the sample of the breed from the SG-3 well, taken from a depth of 12060 m looks

Studying the Kern (breed) of the SG-3 wells, scientists have found out:

  • There was no clear boundary between granites and basalt (the border of Conrad): only granites were raised from the depths, but greatly changed from high temperature and pressure.
  • A sharp change in pressure at a depth, compared to the surface, led to the destruction of the deep core, and it scattered into small pieces.
  • Geologists suggested that at a great depth of the breed is monolithic, but this version was not confirmed: cracking in depth increased. In addition, cracks were filled with water, not expected at such a depth.
  • At great depths, in Kern, a petrified faun was found, which means that life on Earth appeared much earlier, about 1.5 billion years, which scientists had previously expected.
  • The temperature of the breeds to the depth changed in the following sequence: on chap. 5 km - +70̊c; 7 km - +120̊c; 12 km - +220̊c, and this is much hotter than expected.

What other deeper wells are there in the world than the Kola super -inch?

Inclined well, drilled at the Chayvo field, Sakhalin Island

Recently, deeper wells have been drilled than the Kola, but they all have other goals, and besides, they are drilled at an acute angle to the surface, and accordingly, such proximity to the land of the earth, they have not reached, and the Kola is considered to be the Kola The deepest on earth.

  • Oil well al-Shahin. In 2008., in Qatar, at the al-Shahin oil field, an inclined oil well was drilled, depth of 12290 m.
  • Oil well OR-11. In 2011. On the shelf, near the island of Sakhalin (Odoptu-More field), an inclined well was drilled, depth of 12345 m.
  • Oil well Z-42. In 2013. At the Chauvo field (Sakhalin Island), an inclined well was drilled, depth of 12700 m.

So, now we know that the deepest well on the ground is the ultra-deep SG-3 well on the Kola Peninsula, and so far no one has managed to crumble this record.

Video: the deepest well in the world

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