Is it useful or harmful to drink a lot of coffee per day? What will happen in the body if you drink a lot of strong coffee every day?

Is it useful or harmful to drink a lot of coffee per day? What will happen in the body if you drink a lot of strong coffee every day?

In this article, we will consider what effect a frequent intake of strong coffee has on the body. We also find out the symptoms of coffee overdose with the systematic use of strong coffee and after an isolated case.

Fragrant and invigorating coffee only with its appearance and smell helps to drive away fatigue. Although, perhaps, this is a merit of self -hypnosis. During the period of intensive work or large workload, we increase the dose of caffeine to maximum indicators. Let's look at how to affect the body to take strong coffee in large quantities, and even with systematic use.

Is it useful or harmful to drink a lot of strong coffee every day?

Coffee is of various preparations. Its effect on the body directly depends on this. Also consider the manufacturer, since the composition of coffee plays an important role. If we talk about the benefits of this product, then it is worth excluding powdered soluble drinks.

They are not only lower than caffeine, but also beneficial properties are significantly omitted. It is also impossible to call soluble coffee absolutely useless or harmful, but it will not produce the proper effect. After all, a significant share in its composition is given to synthetic additives.

Below we will talk about natural coffee.

Useful properties of coffee

  • This is an excellent means for raising pressure, so hypotonics are necessary.
  • Coffee contains antioxidants, which significantly improve immunity, slow down aging (!) And increase the overall performance of the body.
  • This element also reduces stress in the body with regular use. True, the question is a little controversial. There is a theory that for this you need to drink at least 5 cups in a row, and this will recoup on the nervous and heart system not for the better.
  • Do not forget about minerals, vitamins and proteins that scientists found in such a fragrant drink.
  • It has a cafe that it cleanses the vessels and improves their cross -country ability, and also eliminates cholesterol.
  • Brain performance increases, and memory improves with the constant use of such drinking. Since it has such necessary polysaccharides. By the way, the brown color of the grains is also their merit.
  • Athletes and those who are simply engaged in physical exertion, he will help eliminate muscle pain.
  • And in order to cheer up before a serious training, it is recommended to drink two cups of strong coffee.
  • This is a diuretic drink. It also prevents accumulation of fats in the body. Therefore, coffee helps to fight overweight.
  • And this entails also prevention from edema and kidney stones.

Important: for men, the daily intake of coffee in reasonable quantities is useful for potency. It is noted that lovers of coffee with her even at the age of age rarely have problems.

Fragrant coffee helps to cheer up well in the morning
Fragrant coffee helps to cheer up well in the morning
  • By the way, for healthy people, caffeine is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Do not forget that this is the strongest natural stimulator, that helps to recharge with energy. Thus, wake up and increase performance.
  • If you drink coffee every day, one cup, then you will receive complete protection from possible diseases of Parkinson and Alzheimer.
  • And also he is given first place in the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
  • If you think that caffeine negatively affects your teeth, then you should reassure you. This drink, on the contrary, reduces the activity of harmful microorganisms. Thus, protects against caries. Just do not forget to drink it without sugar.
  • Moreover, coffee prevents cancer in the oral cavity and throat.
  • If you suffer from allergies, then coffee will help reduce its symptoms, or rather a outbreak of manifestation. Caffeine reduces histamine production, which provokes allergic reactions.
  • Caffeine for as much as 20% fights cirrhosis. Paradoxically, coffee is shown to those who are fond of alcohol.
  • And to smokers, especially avid, since this drink eliminates the negative consequences of nicotine on the body.
  • Coffee increases the sample of gastric juiceWhat is shown to people with low acidity of the stomach.

Important: coffee prevents cancer. Moreover, the proportions depend directly on the amount of coffee drunk per day. Scientists have found that avid fans of coffee (that is, drinking at least 5 circles), more than 50% less prone to breast cancer!

As you can see, there are positive moments and benefits from such a drink. But we are talking about natural coffee and for the optimal dose. That is, no more than 2 cups per day. By the way, various additives affect its benefits. But now we will touched on an important aspect, what negative consequences does we have coffee with constant use in large quantities.

Natural coffee is not only tasty, but also healthy
Natural coffee is not only tasty, but also healthy

Negative, harmful sides of the coffee drink

  • Coffee is recognized as a narcotic substance, which occupies an honorable place in scale causing dependence. Moreover, people can really observe such symptoms that speak of the lack of the desired substance. This is dizziness, and vascular expansion, irritability, apathy and weakness, and even an increase in temperature. Not all signs will be immediately visible, but their manifestation is possible to some extent.
  • But this is not the only similarity to narcotic substance - caffeine creates an illusion. Look, you drink the first cup and get a surge of energy. But after the excretion of caffeine, the body not only returns to the previous state, but even falls to the lower level. Therefore, in order to feel normally, you need to drink often and a lot of coffee.
  • The most acute problem created by coffee is dehydration of the body. We repeat that coffee simulates the work of the urinary system, increasing its activity several times. But the necessary moisture also comes out of this from the body. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the additional intake of fluid into the body.
  • Especially, the situation is aggravated by the use of large dosages. The opposite effect occurs and the liquid begins to accumulate, provoking swelling.
  • Coffee - lenses calcium! Moreover, he does not even allow him to absorb. Therefore, coffee is contraindicated for those who suffer from bone ailments and have problems with the vascular system. The fact is that the lack of calcium destroys not only dental enamel and bone tissue, but also draws their elasticity from the vessels.
  • Do not forget about important elements of zinc, potassium and phosphorus. The latter substance also plays an important role in the health of teeth and bones. But potassium is necessary for our nervous system and water-salt balance so that the whole body functions normally. Zinc also takes care of the condition of our teeth, hair, skin and bones.
Strong coffee washes calcium from the body
Strong coffee washes calcium from the body
  • By the way, teeth also suffer from external characteristics. After all, coffee changes their color, staining in a yellow and even brown tint. That is, you can forget about a snow -white smile. Even regular tooth brushing can not always cope with such a problem.

Important: pregnant women are strictly prohibited! The fact is that it contributes to the tone of the uterus and increases the possibility of miscarriage by more than 2 times.

  • Coffee accelerates metabolism and the production of gastric juice. It is for this reason that it should be caused with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach is contraindicated! After all, there is a huge load on the intestines, which will cause the development of gastritis and even ulcers.
  • Caffeine is able to extinguish heartburn by visually removing the symptoms. But here again there is a similarity to the narcotic substance, since the same heartburn gives rise to excessive intake of coffee. Especially, the situation is aggravated when taking the drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Coffee also soothes the nervous system and expands the vessels of the brain. But it looks good only if the proper amount per day is observed. If you are too fond of coffee, then sudden and strong migraine They will begin to pursue you.
  • And if you absorb such a drink even after lunch, without controlling the time and dose of its reception, then also a chronic insomnia You can make money.
  • Everyone has repeatedly heard that caffeine is prohibited for diseases of the heart. This is true and undeniable, because coffee increases the pulse and heartbeat, and also increases the pressure by several units. This all gives an additional burden on the heart. And the production of adrenaline can even provoke a heart attack or stroke.
Enjoy yourself to drink coffee only with breakfast to eliminate the negative stomach load
Enjoy yourself to drink coffee only with breakfast to eliminate the negative effect on the stomach
  • A large load falls on the kidneys, which under the influence of caffeine in large doses also produce a large amount of cortisol. And it causes failures in the thyroid gland. And now it can already provoke hormonal malfunctions in the body that are fraught with obesity, and not just overweight. But this applies only to frequent and large consumption of coffee.

Important: the thyroid gland expresses its discontent from coffee through brittle nails, oily or excessively dry skin, as well as through hair loss.

  • Large dosages of coffee, and even in combination with alcohol, only create a huge load on the liver. After all, she has to work continuously in order to neutralize and remove all poisons from the body.
  • It is also noted that caffeine reduces the sensitivity and production of testosterone. And this reduces libido and sensations from sexual intimacy. By the way, this is also reflected in the quality of the process.
  • Coffee causes hallucinations, both visual and auditory.
  • Next to them there is still trembling in their hands and frequent dizziness. This happens with the constant use of a large amount of coffee, and during the absence of caffeine for some time. That is, the body begins to protest.
  • The mental side suffers - there is constant fatigue and apathy, as well as irritability and even bitterness. This is aggravated when the body did not receive the necessary "dose" of caffeine.
Coffee in large doses and with systematic use causes dependence
Coffee in large doses and with systematic use causes dependence

What will happen in the body if you drink a lot of strong coffee every day?

We repeat that the permissible daily norm is not more than 3 cups. Within the norm with good health, you can drink up to 5-6 cups. But it’s better not to risk your health with your health. The time of taking coffee also plays a role. Before sleeping, you need to drink it in at least 6 hours. And ideally - at all in 12 hours. Armed with the rule - do not drink a lot of strong coffee after lunch!

  • In no case do not drink coffee on an empty stomach! Yes, it produces gastric acid in large quantities. If you skip food meals or start morning with coffee without breakfast, then heartburn, gastritis and other components will be attached to you.
  • Gastric juice corrodes in the literal sense of the word of the intestinal wall, making it vulnerable to various microbes and bacteria. Therefore, a systematic intake of a large amount of coffee will cause frequent pain in the stomach.
  • The liver will also express its indignation through regular colic in the right side. After all, an additional load in the neutralization of toxins lies on it.
  • Increased pressure from large and frequent dosages of coffee will worsen the passage of blood vessels and overly enhance the functioning of the heart. And this will become an additional load for him.
  • The chronic lack of calcium and other important elements will be spaced.
  • Caffeine blocks receptors that recognize fatigue. But because of this, the body does not fully rest, so there is an accumulation of energy exhaustion.
  • The kidneys begin to suffer because the risk of urinary incontinence increases. Moreover, statistics indicate disappointing indicators - approximately 70% of coffee lovers have such consequences.
So that there are no health problems, drink coffee in moderate doses
So that there are no health problems, drink coffee in moderate doses
  • Women who are accustomed to drink a lot of strong coffee are more susceptible to frequent pain and unpleasant symptoms during critical days or menopause.
  • And the couple that is trying to conceive a child has significantly lower indicators for this, but the chances of miscarriage increase by 2 times.
  • In women, the risk of fibrous-acid disease of the mammary gland also increases.
  • A chronic increase in blood pressure and the manifestation of a number of diseases in the field of the cardiovascular system is possible.
  • Permanent headaches, from which pills do not even help, indicate a large accumulation of caffeine in the body.
  • And if you want to refuse him, then coffee dependence will appear in all its glory and with all the symptoms. The desire to drink coffee will especially intensify, and you will feel broken and lethargic.

Caffeine in the body begins to “work” after 15-20 minutes after the reception, and the climax of its activity occurs in an hour. But then there is a removal of caffeine from the body and its effect is declining. On average, it takes 4-6 hours. That's why, you need to drink the second cup of coffee no earlier than after 4 hours!

Strong coffee every day leads to accumulation of fatigue and nervous exhaustion of the body
Strong coffee every day leads to accumulation of fatigue and nervous exhaustion of the body

IMPORTANT: Poisoning of the body of coffee is possible if you drink about 20 espresso cups at a time. But to take more than 2-3 cups per day or, moreover, categorically cannot be in one appointment. This is often the cause of an overdose, which many transfer to a bad sleep, lack of sleep or just an unsuccessful day.

What will happen if you exceed the permissible dose of coffee?

If the permissible dosage of coffee is exceeded once:

  • The heartbeat is very quicked and a person begins to experience general malaise.
  • As an additional symptom, a severe headache occurs. But it can also affect with the constant use of a large amount of coffee.
  • Along with this, nervousness and high irritability are also observed.
  • Tremor appears, that is, hands begin to tremble.

If you drink a lot of strong coffee:

  • With a sharp and large intake of caffeine, the body immediately begins to show dissatisfaction through weakness, dizziness and a fainting state. All this is the merit of a sharp spasm of the vessels of the brain.
  • Nausea is also observed, and in strong cases (or due to individual indicators), even vomiting is possible.
  • Diarrhea may begin. By the way, sometimes the body in this way reports a large intake of coffee for a long time. Then frequent and protracted attacks of diarrhea are possible for no reason.
  • The sweating rises. And not only in the summer, a person simply “throws into sweat”.
  • Due to a sharp lack of moisture, dry mouth is felt.
  • A person slows down all sensations and thinking.
Frequent and severe headaches speak of a large accumulation of caffeine in the body
Frequent and severe headaches speak of a large accumulation of caffeine in the body

Regular and frequent consumption of strong coffee:

  • The nervous system that works in the overloaded mode mainly suffers. A systematic exhaustion of the body occurs, which is expressed by severe irritability and temper.
  • Coffee dependence begins to manifest itself. After all, a person tries to feel cheerful and fun, singing another cup of coffee. But he simply returns to normal. That is, so he would have felt if he had not drank the previous cup of coffee drink.
  • Appetite worsens, which entails an aggravation of possible diseases with the stomach. If they have not yet appeared, then the passes of food and increased production of gastric juice will definitely lead to gastritis or even an ulcer.
  • This will pull the reduction of immunity. Therefore, frequent and protracted diseases or even exacerbation of their chronic forms are possible.
  • Dream is broken, insomnia appears. By the way, frequent nightmares and night waking up are possible for no reason.
  • Sometimes they occur due to frequent urination.
  • The brain stops working normally, so it cannot even think fully after the dosage.

But this applies only to everyday techniques of a large amount of strong coffee. Sometimes it is not only possible to pamper yourself with a cup of coffee, but also necessary. Just remember - in everything you need to adhere to the golden middle of the middle.

Video: What will happen if you drink a lot of coffee every day?

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  1. It depends on what coffee, but of course there should be a measure in everything, for example, thanks to the turboschem of coffee, I was able to cleanse the body and throw off a couple of extra kilograms, though I also refused sweets, I think such measures taken and contributed to my weight loss, they praise the whole ruler very much Turboslim therefore I think to try something else)

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