Pretition and depilation: What is the difference, difference? Which is better: hair removal or depilation?

Pretition and depilation: What is the difference, difference? Which is better: hair removal or depilation?

The article analyzes in detail the methods of getting rid of unwanted vegetation on the body - hair removal and depilation: pros, cons, similarities and differences.

Hair removal is now perhaps the very procedure for women. Demand gives rise to a proposal, so new and new methods began to appear, designed to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body. Depending on the type of skin, hair growth rate, the desired effect and price tag, the procedure can be divided into two types: depilation and hair removal.

What is hair removal and depilation, and what are the species?

Equilation includes removing not only hair, but also its root. That is why this species is considered more durable. The question arises: “Is it possible to get rid of hair forever using hair removal?” The answer is yes. But this will take a lot of time and money. As a rule, hair removal is “pleasure” not cheap and little pleasant. What can not be said about depilation.

After hair removal, the hair does not grow for a long time
After hair removal, the hair does not grow for a long time

The hair removal is divided into several types:

  • laser hair removal
  • photoepilation
  • electroePilation

The most painful appearance is electro -epilation. And the most commonly used for many years, laser hair removal has been considered. During photoepilation, the effect on the hair occurs using powerful microns of light, as a result of which the root of the hair dies. Laser hair removal involves the point effect of the laser and the destruction of the hair along with the root. ElectroePilation - exposure to the root of the hair with current. The voltage is used very low, but it is enough to pointily destroy several hair follicles.

Most often removes the hair from the feet (to the knee)
Most often removes the hair from the feet (to the knee)

Depilation is the removal of the surface part of the hair, while the root of the hair is not affected. Depilation includes the following varieties:

  • shaving
  • shugaring
  • wax
  • cream

Shaving as a type of depilation is familiar to everyone. Hair after it grows quickly enough, but for 1-2 days you can provide the perfect smoothness of the skin. What is called "cheap and angrily." Shugaring and wax depilation are similar procedures. The first as the main component uses sugar -based paste, in the second - warm wax. Both procedures are not pleasant, but the effect of them lasts from 1 week to a month.

Cream depilation is probably the most common species, although more affordable than wax. The cream destroys hair on the surface of the skin without affecting the root. In general, it is not much different from shaving. As after a razor, after a cream, skin irritation and redness are possible.

Those who grow quickly, depilation is contraindicated
Those who grow quickly, depilation is contraindicated

What is the difference between hair removal: comparison, difference, similarity

Now let's talk directly about comparing depilation and hair removal in more detail.


  1. Hair is removed in both cases.
  2. For any type of depilation or hair removal, the length of the hair should be at least 5 mm.
  3. Depilation, like hair removal, should be carried out several times.


  1. Depilation is done quickly, in contrast to hair removal.
  2. The effect of hair removal is enough for a longer period than depilation.
  3. Price tag. Depilation in most cases is much cheaper than hair removal.
  4. Depilation involves constant hair removal at a certain period of time. Equilation includes several courses, after which you will forget about vegetation on the body forever.
You can remove hair not only on the legs, but also on the stomach, arms, in the bikini and armpits
You can remove hair not only on the legs, but also on the stomach, arms, in the bikini and armpits

Important! Another disadvantage of both depilation and hair removal is the appearance of ingrown hairs. To prevent this from happening, regularly use a hard washcloth or make scrubs on the hair removal area, of course, after the skin is restored.

Which is better: hair removal or depilation?

Everyone chooses the best for himself. Any type of external influence on the human body has a purely individual effect. So, for example, shugaring may not be suitable for you, since there are bruises and severe irritation from it if the skin is especially sensitive. At the same time, laser hair removal will be a salvation, because there is no direct physical effect on the skin.

By exactly the same principle, many make a choice in favor of photoepilation.

Epilation can be carried out at home using a special device - epilator
Epilation can be carried out at home using a special device - epilator

Sugar, wax, laser: hair removal or depilation - how is it right?

To finally fix the material studied, we remind the following.

Epilation happens:

  • a photo
  • laser
  • electric

Depilation happens:

  • wax
  • sugar
  • mechanical (tweezers, thread, razor)
  • cream (cream for depilation)

We advise you to get acquainted with the following videos if you are seriously interested in the topic of hair removal.

Video: hair removal and depilation. Easy and painless!

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Comments K. article

  1. There will be no more depilation in my life, since I made laser hair removal, and my hair does not grow after it. For a long time I decided to do this, but now I don’t understand what stopped me. There is no pain, it does not happen on the diode laser at all, and my master Svetlana, from the Esthetic Room salon, is a professional in his work. The question of the cost of this procedure also worried me, but again there are very affordable prices in the cabin and there are discounts. Therefore, I am very pleased that I decided!

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