At what age can you give your child jelly, is he useful? Jelly for children up to a year and after a year: recipes

At what age can you give your child jelly, is he useful? Jelly for children up to a year and after a year: recipes

The article talks about the benefits of jelly for children, as well as how to cook it.

Kisel is a traditional Russian drink, the history of which has been calculated for centuries. However, this does not prevent him from attending the tables and in our time.

Jelly - a useful drink
Jelly - a healthy drink

Is jelly useful for children?

You can talk about the benefits of jelly for a very long time. It is useful not only for adults, but also to children.

The benefits of jelly are as follows:

  • The unusual starchy composition of the jelly envelops the walls of the stomach of the child, which helps to protect the baby's stomach from damage to new, even heavy food.
  • The fiber content helps to get rid of constipation (with not too much starch content).
  • Kisel helps to establish the stomach with dysbiosis, to establish the digestive system, to clean from harmful microorganisms, and harmful toxins.
  • The starch content contributes to the maximum preservation of the beneficial properties of berries and fruits from which jelly is prepared.
  • For children with a low body weight, the calorie content of jelly can contribute to weight gain.
  • Kisel has an anti -inflammatory effect.
  • The composition of the jelly is able to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

Important: depending on the composition of the jelly, its healing properties also change.

  • Kisel has a general strengthening effect, tonic, helps in the fight against hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency.
  • Kisel helps to cope with colds. For example, cranberry and raspberry.

Together with the benefit of jelly, it is worth mentioning cases when it is better to limit its use, or exclude from the diet at all:

  • Kisel is not recommended for children with an excess body weight, because The high content of carbohydrates will only contribute to a greater weight gain.
  • Kisel should be limited in the diet of children who suffer from diabetes mellitus, or which have borderline values \u200b\u200bof the level of blood sugar. You can only opt for oatmeal jelly without sugar.
  • Children should not be given jelly, which includes berries and fruits that can cause allergies in a child.
  • In the child’s diet, a jelly of industrial production in the form of briquettes and powders with a dubious composition should be excluded.
Jelly at home
Jelly at home

When can you give your child jelly, at what age?

Some experts say that Kisel can begin to be introduced into the baby's diet from six months, however, it is worth adhering to some rules so that the baby drinks Kisel with pleasure:

  • This drink is able to provoke constipation, so you should introduce it under strict observation of the child’s reaction to the drink.
  • It should also be noted that such young children can only be prepared from products already familiar to the baby so as not to provoke allergic reactions.
  • The drink should be a fairly liquid consistency so that the child does not have difficulties with its use.
  • Kisel should only be fresh.
  • It is worth remembering about age -related restrictions for some products, for example, blueberry jelly should be given to children only closer to the year.
  • For jelly, you should choose berries and fruits that grow in our latitudes.
  • To prepare a jelly for a child up to a year, it is better not to use sugar, or to use in very limited quantities.
  • The introduction of jelly, like any other complementary foods, should start with a few drops per day, observe the reaction.

IMPORTANT: Children up to a year of jelly should be given no more than twice a week.

After a year, Chisel can be given more often, as well as use a wider list of fruits and berries for its preparation.

Jelly can be given to children up to a year
Jelly can be given to children up to a year

How to cook jelly from starch for a child with blueberries until a year and after a year?

Blueberry jelly is able to improve vision, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and is also able to overcome various kinds of infections. Also, blueberry jelly is able to save a person from diarrhea.

For the preparation of blueberry jelly, you will need:

  • 2 l of water
  • 300 g of blueberries
  • 4 tbsp. sugar (the amount of sugar can be increased and reduced)
  • 4 tbsp. starch (at the rate of 2 tbsp. starch per 1 liter of water)

For the preparation of blueberry jelly, you need:

  • Bring 2 liters of water to a boil, then add 200 g of blueberries, sugar.
  • Boil for no more than 10 minutes on low heat.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, starch dilute in cold water until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Constantly stirring boiling water with blueberries, pour starch with a thin stream - this will help to avoid lumps.
  • Leave the jelly boil over low heat for about two minutes. The drink should be stirred constantly.

After the jelly is ready, it should be slightly cooled and served the child.

Blueberry jelly is the best remedy for diarrhea
Blueberry jelly is the best remedy for diarrhea

Kisel from cranberries recipe for children up to a year and after a year?

Cranberry jelly helps children in the fight against viruses during colds, influenza.

For the preparation of cranberry jelly, you will need:

  • 2 l of water
  • 300 g of cranberries
  • 6-7 tbsp. sugar (the amount of sugar should be adjusted at your discretion)
  • 4 tbsp. starch

For the preparation of cranberry jelly, you need:

  • Wash, dry, chop, chop with a blender, or wipe it through a sieve.
  • Bring the water to a boil, add cranberry mass, sugar. Leave to cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  • Take a glass of decoction, cool it to room temperature, and then dilute the starch in it.
  • Bring the drink again to a boil, and then, constantly stirring, pour the starchy-coil mixture with a thin stream. Boil the drink over low heat for about 2 minutes.

After cooking, the jelly should be slightly cooled, and only then served the child.

Thick jacket from cranberries
Thick jacket from cranberries

Jelly from apples for children up to a year and after a year

Apple jet is a storehouse of vitamins. Apple jet helps to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps with hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency.

For the preparation of apple jelly, you will need:

  • 2 l of water
  • 6 apples
  • 6 tbsp. sugar (the amount of sugar should be adjusted depending on the sweetness of apples)
  • 4 tbsp. starch

For the preparation of apple jelly, you need:

  • Put the water on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • While the water boils, it is necessary to clean the apples from the peel, remove the seeds and partitions, and then grind in a blender, or rub on a grater, or cut into pieces (it all depends on preferences).
  • Add apples to water and bring to a boil.
  • Meanwhile, starch diluted in cold water until a homogeneous mass, and as soon as the drink boils, pour it there with a thin stream. At the same time, jelly should be stirred slowly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • Kisel should boil for about two minutes.

After Kisel is ready, you should give him time to cool, and then you can serve the child.

Apple jelly for a child
Apple jelly for a child

Raspberry jelly for children

Malina jelly is a delicious and very healthy drink. Raspberry jelly can help cope with colds.

We will need to prepare raspberry jelly:

  • 2 l of water
  • 2 tbsp. Raspberries
  • 7 tbsp. sugar (sugar should be added to your discretion)
  • 4 tbsp. starch

For the preparation of raspberry jelly, you need:

  • Put the water on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • In the meantime, rinse raspberries, if there is a need, then the berries should be wiped through a sieve or grind with a blender to get rid of the bones (the necessary consistency depends on the age and preferences of the baby).
  • As soon as the water begins to boil, pour raspberries into it, sugar.
  • Then, in cold water, dilute the starch until a homogeneous consistency, and immediately with a thin stream, constantly stirring the drink, pour starch into it.
  • Let it boil the jelly for no more than two minutes, turn off.

As soon as the drink is ready, you should give it time to cool down a little, and then you can serve the child.

Raspberry jelly
Raspberry jelly

Kisel from frozen berries for children

The preparation of jelly from frozen berries is practically no different from the preparation of jelly from fresh berries. Frozen berries can be previously thawed, or you can put them in water and frozen - it all depends on the type of berries and on the desired consistency of the jelly.

If you want to get a homogeneous drink, it is not necessary to limit yourself to grinding berries with a blender, using a sieve, etc. The berries can be first kneaded, then thrown into the water, brought to a boil, strain the resulting decoction, and only then add sugar, starch.

In addition to fruits and berries, which were discussed in sections above, you can cook jelly from:

  • Frozen mountain ash. The mountain ash will help to cope with liver diseases, is a choleretic and laxative.
  • Frozen cherries. Cherry is a powerful antiseptic, should be used for inflammatory processes.
  • Frozen currants - a storehouse of vitamins. Currants improve the work of capillaries.
Frozen berries for jelly
Frozen berries for jelly

Oatmeal jelly recipe for children up to a year and after a year

Oatmeal jelly is able to strengthen the child’s body, fill it with the necessary vitamins, trace elements. Oatmeal jelly improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates gas formation and intestinal colic, and is indicated for dysbiosis.

For the preparation of oatmeal jelly, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal
  • 1.5 tbsp. water
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • a pinch of salt

For the preparation of oatmeal jelly, it is necessary:

  • Pour oatmeal with water, cover with a lid, leave to swell for about six to eight hours (this can be done at night).
  • Strain the resulting infusion in the morning, and then squeeze.
  • Add the required amount of milk, salt and sugar, and then send to the stove and cook the jelly until the desired density.

After the jelly has cooled, it can be served to children.

Oatmeal jelly
Oatmeal jelly

Milk jelly for children

Milk jelly is an insanely tasty jelly. It is useful to everyone except those who have an allergy to cow's milk.

We will need to make milk jelly:

  • 2 tbsp. milk
  • 2 tbsp. starch
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara
  • vanilin's pinch (optional)
  • a pinch of cinnamon (optional)

For the preparation of milk jelly, you need:

  • Bring the milk to a boil with constant stirring, when forming a exchange, remove it.
  • Dilute starch in cold milk, pour it into boiling milk with a thin stream, add sugar there.

After cooking, the drink should be a little cool, add vanillin and cinnamon to it, and then you can serve the children. Also, nuts, dried fruits, jam, syrup, etc. can be added to milk jelly.

Dessert - milk jelly with jam and nuts
Dessert - milk jelly with jam and nuts

Banana jelly from coughing for children

Banana jelly can help the child get rid of not only coughing, but also from bronchitis. To prepare this miraculous agent, you will need:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water (water)
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

Important: for medicinal purposes, this drink should be consumed in heat every 2 hours for half a glass.

For the preparation of banana jelly, you need:

  • Mark the pulp of the banana to a homogeneous mass. You can use the blender.
  • Thoroughly place the resulting mass with sugar
  • Pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew for about 30 minutes.
  • Then the resulting drink can be filtered and given to the child.
Banana jelly
Banana jelly

Kisel after poisoning for the child recipe

After poisoning, Kisel is simply necessary for any organism.

Due to their viscosity, jelly can establish the work of the stomach and intestines. With this miraculous drink, you can even replace one feeding of the child, for example, dinner.

To restore the body, the field of poisoning is suitable for absolutely any jelly, because the main thing is its viscosity.

Kisel after poisoning
Kisel after poisoning

Can a jelly with a diarrhea for a child?

Due to the fact that during diarrhea, the body, and in particular the gastrointestinal tract is weakened, you should not load it too much. Food during diarrhea should be quite thought out.

For these purposes, jelly is perfect. Kisel is very easy for digesting the product, and at the same time very nutritious.

As a sorbent in a jelly, starch acts, which is able to absorb and remove dangerous toxins from the body.

In addition to the enveloping properties of jelly, it is also a sedative for the gastrointestinal tract.

Jelly - tasty remedy for diarrhea
Jelly - tasty remedy for diarrhea

Drink jelly with pleasure, cook it for your children do not hurt!

Video: Cook jelly from frozen berries

Video: Kisel from Kuraga. Step-by-step instruction

Video: How to cook oatmeal jelly?

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