At what age can you give a child cocoa, can he drink at night? Cocoa: benefits and harm to children. Which cocoa is better to buy for children? How often can you drink cocoa for children?

At what age can you give a child cocoa, can he drink at night? Cocoa: benefits and harm to children. Which cocoa is better to buy for children? How often can you drink cocoa for children?

The benefits and harm are for children. Tips for choosing the best drink.

The feeling of taste is perhaps the most vivid and picky in a person. We like to feel the ranges and shades of products in the language, their combinations. However, do we always think about their benefits?

Cocoa is a fragrant and invigorating drink associated with many with childhood.

If you look into history, then cocoa has been drinking humanity for a long time and with pleasure. Especially he has many connoisseurs among children.

But every young mother at a certain stage of growing up the child begins to worry the benefits and harm of a particular product for the health of the crumbs.

We’ll talk more about cocoa and its benefits/dangers for children.

Cocoa: benefits and harm to children

Fragrant fresh cocoa in a kettle and two cups on the table
fragrant fresh cocoa in a kettle and two cups on the table

The useful properties of cocoa for the child's body are:

  • rich chemical composition. These are vitamins, and trace elements, and fiber, and natural acids/substances,
  • therapeutic qualities that are clearly manifested with colds, diseases of the digestive system and skin,
  • low calorie content and at the same time high nutrition, thanks to which you can easily replace the child with the second breakfast, brewing a cup of aromatic cocoa,
  • energy charge in the morning, which sometimes lacks a hypodynamic baby,
  • a worthy replacement of chocolate if the child has an addiction to the latter.

However, there is also a harmful effect:

  • allergy. It can either arise due to the use of cocoa, so be innate,
  • the overexcitation of the body. Although caffeine is present in cocoa in scanty doses, it is contraindicated in an excessively mobile baby,
  • violates the process of assimilation of calcium. In different sources, you will find conflicting opinions in this feature of cocoa. A number of nutritionists and medical specialists are advised to brew cocoa for children with milk in order to level this feature of beans. Therefore, make an independent decision meaningfully,
  • contraindicated for children under 3 years old.

If your child has an allergy from birth, refrain from entering cocoa into the diet at least to school age.

Think! Cocoa is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. If this fact has a place to be, then this drink should be careful. Even the MAA used it in special cases and only the elected adult representatives of the tribe.

At what age can you give a child cocoa?

Cocoa cocoa and aromatic mafine on the table for breakfast
cocoa cocoa and aromatic mafine on the table for breakfast

Based on the data from the sites about motherhood, pediatrics and forums of mothers, the age of the child for the input of cocoa into the diet ranges from 2-6 years.

Take into account the absence of contraindications indicated in the section above.

Is it possible to drink cocoa with milk, 2 year old child?

Delicious cocoa from Carob with milk in a glass on the table
delicious cocoa from Carob with milk in a glass on the table

In its qualities, milk softens any other component that dissolves in it.

However, remembering the contraindications of cocoa and the threat of allergies, it is better to refrain from such an early drink on the table of a one -year -old and two -year -old crumb.

If your baby is absolutely healthy and has not had serious diseases, allergies, active and develops well from birth from 2 years old, try to treat him with a spoon of aromatic cocoa.

How often can you drink cocoa for children?

A teenage girl holds a cup of tasty cocoa in her hand
a teenage girl holds a cup of tasty cocoa in her hand

Since the appearance of cocoa on the table of the child and up to school age, the permissible norm is 4 times every 7 days.

At the same time, 1 time equal to a cup with a volume of 50-70 ml. And better with milk and honey, not sugar.

Can I drink cocoa at night to children?

On the table a cup with aromatic cocoa and sugar bowl
on the table a cup with aromatic cocoa and sugar bowl

Categorically give up this and do not succumb to the requests of the child. Since there are invigorating substances in the composition of cocoa, they are able to literally “drive away” the dream and cause tantrums, poor behavior and mood swings.

Which cocoa is better to buy for children?

Freshly brewed cocoa in a cup on the table
freshly brewed cocoa in a cup on the table

If you are a supporter of cocoa and love it yourself, that's why you offer a child, choose the product correctly.

A few tips:

  • pay attention to the country of production-cocoa beans should naturally grow in it. And this is not China at all
  • the percentage of fat. In a quality product, it reaches 15%,
  • the workpiece and quality of the grinding. A good cocoa is dried in the sun and in the ground alternately, but is crushed to a state of dust, which does not get down in whom from rubbing with fingers,
  • the color of the powder. The ideal range from dark to medium brown without grayness,
  • additives and flavors. There should not be in good cocoa.

If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and against any mental "pathogens", replace cocoa with a core. Outwardly, it is very similar to the first, and it is close in chemical composition, but without exciting components. The second positive factor is a cerebrium in itself sweet, which means that when brewing it does not need sugar for sweetening.

Buy a core in Ayurvedic or specialized healthy meal stores.

So, we examined the benefits and harmful properties of cocoa for children, got acquainted with the opinion of the child’s age from which this drink can be introduced into the diet.

They drew attention to the advice on choosing the best cocoa powder for brewing it for children, as well as with an alternative substitute for it.

Be conscious in choosing food for a child and take care of health!

Video: The whole truth about cocoa

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