At what age do they give the child fish? Can a child give dried, red, salty and river fish?

At what age do they give the child fish? Can a child give dried, red, salty and river fish?

Surely you heard the belief that forbade the child to give the child to the fish before he spoke. It was believed that the case of non -compliance with such a recommendation may appear problems with the speech, or the development of speech skills would be with a delay. Of course, this is superstition, but you should really not rush to enter the fish as complementary foods.

Fish should be entered carefully, after most products, even later meat. This is justified by the allergenicity of the product, moreover, the search for a quality product for cooking a child can independently be a rather difficult task.

The fish is extremely useful for the child's body. It contains in itself:

  • Protein
  • Vitamins A, B12, D
  • Iodine (sea fish)
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Fluorine (sea fish)
  • Iron
  • Omega-3 fatty acids that are not produced by the body independently
The benefits of fish for children
The benefits of fish for children

When can you introduce fish into the child?

Despite the importance of having fish in the baby’s nutrition, remember that this is an extremely allergenic product. Therefore, complementary foods should be started after other products, including after meat.

According to the schedules for the introduction of the child at the time of adding fish to the diet of about 10-12 months. If you have an allergic child, postpone the introduction of fish in complementary foods for up to a year or more, you can consult an allergist.

Approximate schedule of the order of the introduction of complementary foods:

6 months
  • Vegetable mashed potatoes
  • Fruit puree
  • Silent porridge
Seven months
  • Crackers
  • Cookie
  • Vegetable oil
8 months
  • Wheat bread
  • Fruit juice
  • Puree meat
  • Butter
9 months
  • Dairy porridge
  • Sour -milk products (cottage cheese, kefir)
  • Egg yolk
10 months
  • Fish puree
When to introduce fish into complementary foods
When to introduce fish into complementary foods

What fish can a child give up to a year?

Conditionally, the fish is divided into the following groups:

  • Low -fat - cod, hek, polish, Putassa, Piksha, river perch, navaga
  • Moderate-fat - Gorbusha, keta, trout, pike perch, bream, tooth, som, etc.
  • Fat - Paltus, herring, mackerel, salmon, stem, sturgeon, saira

It is best to start the first complementary foods with a river perch or hek. The main thing is to use fish from the first group with fat content of up to 4%for feeding.

Fish for the first feeding should be low allergenic. Prepare the mashed potatoes yourself. To do this, boil the fish fillet, then chop in a blender, scroll through a meat grinder or wipe it through a sieve to get mashed potatoes. For the first time you will be enough literally 5g. Then gradually increase the quantity, you can mix fish with a friend of the baby with porridge or vegetables.

You can buy special canned fish for the first complementary foods. When buying, note that canned food does not contain salt and starch.

IMPORTANT: Give the fish no more than twice a week. Begin to introduce complementary foods in the morning so that you can track possible reactions from the gastrointestinal tract or notice an allergic reaction.

An allergy can prove itself in different ways-a rash, vomiting, frequent and abundant regurgitation, a stool disorder. If you notice at least one of the symptoms, postpone the start of feeding for a couple of weeks, then try to give another fish variety.

After 2 months of feeding, you can cook the child of souffle:

  • 400g pike perch, cut and chop in a blender
  • Add egg yolk to the minced meat, beat
  • Beat the egg protein until foam is formed

Prepare the sauce:

  • Fry 0.5 flour until golden shade
  • Pour 50ml of milk, stir constantly
  • Add 25 g of butter
  • Cook to thickened, constantly stirring
  • Pour the sauce into the minced meat
  • Add whipped protein
  • Put the souffle into molds and put in the oven at 180 ° C
  • Keep in the oven for about 30 minutes

This souffle goes well with vegetable mashed potatoes.

Fisheries with vegetables for the first feeding
Fisheries with vegetables for the first feeding

What fish can a child be given at 2 years old?

By this age, the amount of fish is already being brought to 100g per meals. To give fish too often a child is still not worth it.

At this age, you can diversify the baby menu. Give the fish not only in the form of mashed potatoes, but also in the form of casseroles, cutlets, meatballs, puddings, etc. After a year, you can introduce boiled or baked fish into the diet. At 2 years old, the child’s stomach has already been prepared enough to try fried or smoked fish.

Cod meatballs for a child from year to year:

  • Prepare the cod fillet, removing the skin and bones
  • Twist on a meat grinder in minced meat along with soaked bread
  • Add egg yolk and a little vegetable oil, mix thoroughly
  • Pour water into a deep pan to half
  • Form balls from minced meat and put in a pan
  • Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes

Tefteli from Heck:

  • Skip 500 g through a meat grinder or chop in a blender
  • Add 1 egg
  • Add thoroughly washed rice

Prepare vegetables:

  • Cut 2 tomatoes into pieces
  • Cut into half rings 2 sweet peppers
  • Cut 1 onion rings
  • Fry the vegetables for 5 minutes
  • Form the meatballs and put them on vegetables
  • Pour boiled water, cover with a lid and simmer for 25-30 minutes

Important: if you show a fraction of imagination and present a dish in an unusual form, it will be much more interesting for the child to eat.

Interested dish for a child
Interested dish for a child

What fish can a child be given at 3 years old?

After three years, give a fish broth to children with reduced appetite. In the fish there are extractive substances that in the process of cooking go into the broth.

Important: do not abuse this tool to increase appetite so as not to cause excessive stimulation of the digestive glands.

At three years old you can already use salt when cooking for a child. Therefore, your task will be easier, because the baby can eat foods from the common table, and you will not have to cook separately for each member of the family.

Flounder with vegetables in the oven:

  • Cut the 500 g fillets of fliles in slices
  • 2 onion and 2 eggplants cut into rings and fry

Put in a baking dish:

  • 1 layer - vegetables
  • 2 layer - fish, sprinkle this layer with lemon
  • 3 layer - tomatoes chopped by rings
  • Bake for half an hour at 180 ° C
Fish broth soup for a child
Fish broth soup for a child

What fish can a child be given at 4 years old?

  • At this age, the child can already eat with his parents, you just do not have to zoom with spices or prepare a portion separately. Too sharp, fatty for the baby is harmful
  • Follow the bones, they should still be removed or monitor that the child himself copes with such a task, otherwise he can choke or injure the oral cavity
  • Try to diversify the appearance of dishes, an interesting composition will interest the child, and he will eat much more willingly

Secrets of cooking fish for the child and its choice

  • The most useful fish in winter and spring, before it goes to spawning
  • Signs of fresh fish: bright red gills, bright eyes without a muddy film. These signs are also valid for a frozen product
  • Correctly frozen fish when hit should give out a sonorous knock
  • The meat of freshly frozen fish is light, pinkish shade, after repeated freezing, the meat darkens
  • Try to use fresh fish. If you purchase a frozen product, then be sure of its quality
  • After defrosting, use fish as quickly as possible
  • Titch frozen fish in salted water - this is how more mineral substances will remain in it
  • Do not defrost the fillet to the end, let it thaw, then undergo heat treatment
  • Cook the fish in large pieces or entirely - this is how it turns out much juicier
  • To prepare the broth, do not pour a lot of liquids. The less water, the more useful the result is
  • The largest amount of nutrients is preserved when cooking for steam
  • When cooking, lower the fish already in boiling water, then make fire less. If you cook fish, from the beginning of cooking lowered into the water, it will hardly boil and lose in taste
  • Cook red fish without spices
How to choose quality fish for complementary foods
How to choose quality fish for complementary foods

Can children be dried fish?

Do not give a jerked fish to a child up to 5-6 years old. The later the better. The reason is the presence of salt in it, which adversely affects the kidneys of the child. In addition, an insufficient -suffered fish threatens the possibility of infection with parasites. Larvae can be preserved in the dried fish (however, as with insufficient heat treatment), which, if entered the body, can fully develop in it.

Is it possible for children to red fish?

Due to high allergenicity, it is not recommended to give red fish up to 2 years, it is better to get acquainted with it with baked dishes, you can also present it in boiled or extinguished version. In addition, there is an opinion that many varieties of red fish, grown artificially oversaturated with harmful substances that breeders add to rapid growth and increase in the population.

After 3 years, you can offer your child the following dish:

  • 1/4 of the crumb of white bread soak in milk
  • Finely chop 2 small bulbs and add to the crumb
  • Take 600 g of red fish fillet (trout or pink salmon is well suited) and make minced meat
  • Mix the minced meat and add 2 eggs
  • Add spices and 50 g of semolina, mix thoroughly and let it brew for 15-20 minutes
  • Form cutlets, fry on both sides, then add water and simmer under the lid until cooked
Red fish cutlets for a child
Red fish cutlets for a child

Can a child be salty fish?

It is not recommended to give children salty fish due to a large content of fat and a small amount of vitamins. In principle, salt does not bear any benefit at all, so it is better to protect from the salty fish of the child to at least 3-4 years.

Can a child be river fish?

For the first feeding, sea fish is recommended due to its low allergenicity compared to river varieties. However, you can use in the preparation of pike perch and silver carp, having previously removed the bones. As you meet a child with fish, introduce new varieties and new dishes.

Important: acquaintance with a new type of fish should be only in the absence of allergies.

Video: Fish mashed potatoes for children





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