What is the reason for human growth: basic and additional factors. How does a person’s growth affect his health and is it possible to stimulate growth hormone?

What is the reason for human growth: basic and additional factors. How does a person’s growth affect his health and is it possible to stimulate growth hormone?

In this article, we will consider issues related to human growth, namely, what is related to a person’s growth and how to increase it.

We are all born small and the length of our body at birth, as a rule, is 45-60 cm. However, starting from the moment of birth, the child begins to grow and develop actively. This active growth is facilitated by endocrine glands, as well as human lifestyle.

What human growth depends on: the work of the endocrine system

The growth of a person is considered to be the distance from the top of the head to the plane of the feet. At the same time, there will be no secret to anyone that the growth of all people is different, someone can be low, someone is tall.

First of all human growth depends from how its endocrine system works, or rather endocrine glands.

  • Pituitary. The pituitary gland is the central organ of the endocrine system and is located in the brain. This organ develop hormones that affect not only human growth, but also the metabolic processes that occur in the human body, the reproductive function of a person. It is also important to say that the main growth hormone is also produced in the pituitary gland.
  • If the work of this organ for some reason is violated, then the human body will be subject to incorrect growth. For example, when developing an excess hormone, a person can grow to gigantic sizes, and with insufficient quantities, a dwarf grows. If we talk about the problems in the work of this organ at a time when the human puberty has already occurred, and it has already grown, then problems with disproportionate development of body parts may begin.
  • Timus. This body is associated with the sex glands and works only until they begin to work. The essence of the work of the thymus is the production of lymphoid cells.
  • Sex glands. The work of these glands also directly affects human growth. The sex glands in humans are represented by ovaries in women and testicles in men. It is in these organs that the production of male and female sex hormones takes place. As already mentioned earlier, Timus works only until the genital glands begin to work. That is why, in the case of early puberty, Timus ceases his growth and work, and a person grows up enough. As a rule, the growth of such a person remains below average.
The dependence of human growth
The dependence of human growth
  • Thyroid gland. This iron is responsible for the production of hormones that contain iodine, and they, in turn, take part in the metabolic process of the body and are responsible for the growth of some cells. Also, the work of this gland is reflected on the growth of the bone apparatus.

Additional factors that affect human growth

Of course, in general, in general, it is the endocrine glands that the most important role play the most important role about the normal development of the human body and in particular. However, the final growth of a person depends not only on their work.

  • Heredity and genes. As you know, you cannot argue with the genes. As a rule, children will inherit the growth of one of the parents, less often - distant relatives. At the same time, it is important to note the fact that children develop well, without any delays, etc.
  • Food. The growth hormone can be produced at different speeds. It has long been proven that food affects the production of such a hormone, namely, protein food activates production, and carbohydrate, on the contrary, slows down. Therefore, a balanced diet helps a person achieve the desired growth, which is laid down by genes. If we talk about the growth of a small child, then the crumbs should always have food containing protein, for example, fish, meat, dairy products, but the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be controlled and, if possible, reduce the intake of sweet and flour. Also, the child should consume multivitamin complexes that contain zinc. Zinc also positively affects human growth.
  • Lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol and other substances harmful to the body slow down its growth and can lead to various ailments that will impede the normal growth and development of the body. It is also worth mentioning physical activity. Moderate physical activity contribute to the correct development of the body. Physical overloads, as well as a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect a person’s growth.
Dependence on the lifestyle
Dependence on the lifestyle
  • Various ailments. Often, a person’s growth depends on whether he has any ailments that can slow down the development of the body. Such ailments include anemia, malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system. The body cannot grow normally, develop and function if any of its organs or systems do not work properly.
  • Place of residence. Scientists came to the conclusion that people living in warm and hot areas are much lower than those who live in the north. This is due to the fact that an excess of sunlight can slow down the growth process.
  • Mental factors. Constant stress, anxiety and unhealthy atmosphere are able to influence the number of growth hormone produced. Such factors slow down the production of the hormone and, accordingly, slow down growth.
  • Paul man. As a rule, women are inferior to men in growth, lagging behind them by 5-10 cm.
  • Nation. As you know, there are nations that boast of high growth, for example, Dutch, Norwegian and those that this factor cannot boast, for example, Chinese.

The effect of human health

No matter how surprising it sounds, but scientists came to the conclusions that cannot but surprise. It turns out that human growth can really affect the general state of human health.

High people may have a great tendency to disease
High people may have a great tendency to diseases
  • Tall people are more susceptible to such a disease as venous thrombophilia. After conducting research, scientists concluded that people with an increase of above 180 cm are much more subject to this ailment than those whose height does not exceed 160 cm.
  • Crayfish. There is also an opinion that high and suffering people are more prone to cancer.
  • Ailments of the cardiovascular system. The risk of heart disease and vessels is much higher in people with high and obesity than in low and slender.
  • However, it is important to note that people of tall and normal physique are less susceptible to diseases of the heart and have lower chances to get diabetes mellitus.

How to increase human growth with stimulation of growth hormone?

Many people of low stature dream of becoming higher for at least a couple of centimeters. And in principle, this is possible. There are 2 ways increase in growth - The use of artificial growth hormone and stimulation of the production of growth hormone, which is in the body.

  • It is important to note that the first way, athletes (amateurs) and people who are eager for a short period of time to lose weight, as well as increase muscle mass, are most often used. However, it is important to understand that such methods can give negative consequences in the form of various ailments. For example, problems with the thyroid gland and its work are possible, with organs, since they can increase in size, etc.
You can increase growth
You can increase growth

The second method is suitable for everyone who wants to stimulate the production of the hormone in a natural way. To achieve such a goal, it is necessary:

  • Remember your daily routine. A very important point is a dream, since the growth hormone is released exclusively a few hours after falling asleep. That is, you must sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  • Reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. As mentioned earlier, carbohydrates inhibit the production of growth hormone.
  • Start playing sports or at least add minimal, but regular physical activity to your life. During such classes, the production of the desired hormone increases.
  • Do not eat before bedtime and even more so to refuse carbohydrates for the night. If you want to eat in the evening, delight yourself with protein food, for example, boiled brisket, a piece of fish for a couple, etc.

As you can see, a person’s growth depends on many factors that we may not always influence. That is why all people are advised to accept themselves as they are, and not to resort to radical measures that can increase growth by several cm, but harm health.

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