Vomiting in a child without temperature and diarrhea: what to do, what to treat, first aid

Vomiting in a child without temperature and diarrhea: what to do, what to treat, first aid

In this article, we will talk about the first aid of parents, if the child has vomiting without temperature and diarrhea.

The most precious that a person has is his children. But with these jewelry, something does not happen. Vomiting without temperature and diarrhea is a fairly frequent phenomenon, which can have a versatile in nature. And not always the cause may be poisoning, sometimes this indicates more serious ailments or even violations from the psychological side. But leave the reason and the diagnosis to the doctor, but your task is to provide the baby’s first help in such a situation as quickly as possible.

What to do if a child has vomiting without temperature and diarrhea: first aid of parents

We remind you that vomiting is a defensive reflex of the body. Moreover, all children's systems are more susceptible to external or even internal factors. As practice shows, vomiting in a child without temperature and diarrhea can have both a serious threat and not a very catastrophic form in its consequences. But remember - always pay special attention to the condition of your childso as not to miss something important. It is advisable to immediately go to the hospital.

Important: if you still encounter such a problem when your child has vomiting without temperature and diarrhea, then immediately begin to act to prevent dehydration of the child's body.

First aid of parents in case of vomiting without temperature and diarrhea

  • The first thing that is required of you is to provide everything you need. That is, peace and a small pelvis. By the way, do not try to stop the vomiting of the baby. After all, this is how our system is trying to get rid of toxins and poisons. So the body cleans itself.
  • Put the baby on the sideor turn only your head. Place the roller under your head so that the head is slightly raised, about 30 °. Even if the trouble happened with the teenager, do not leave him unattended. Make sure that the child does not choke in the vomit.
Put the child on the side and do not leave unattended
Put the child on the side and do not leave unattended
  • If the child is adult enough, then catch upe, perhaps he ate something without your knowledge. Small children need to be carefully monitored, because they can swallow the part from the toy or a small element. And this will also cause vomiting without diarrhea and temperature.
  • Naturally, help the baby in the right situation and be sure to wipe the lip with a damp cloth And the corners of the mouth, and the oral cavity must be rinsed with clean warm water. If vomiting without temperature and diarrhea in a baby, then wipe just a wet sponge. It will not be superfluous if you use a weak solution of boric acid or potassium permanganate.
  • Pay attention to the vomit itself. This will help the doctor diagnose the disease. That is, liquid, thick, mucous or with what impurities. The frequency also matters. Therefore, follow and remember.
  • Exclude the use of drugs at your discretion! They are contraindicated in children in such a situation before the doctor arrives or arrival of ambulance. Once again, we make a reservation that the body is freed from unnecessary substances. The maximum that you can give is enterosorbents (that is, drugs according to the type of activated coal).
  • Can give drink water at room temperature. But start with one spoon! It happens that water also causes vomiting. And after a while, when the body did not reject the fluid, you can give it more. And keep in mind - no soda. Only boiled simple water, without sugar or jam.
  • Also, arm yourself with the following scheme: one -year -old crumbs every 5 minutes, let's give 2 tsp. warm water, increase the dose to 3 tsp to 3 years old, and after 3-already 4-5 tsp.
Give water in small portions and gradually
Give water in small portions and gradually

What can be done if the child has vomiting without temperature and diarrhea: we analyze the situation

  • With typical poisoning Rinse the stomach immediately. To do this, first, let the child drink a glass of liquid. Preferably with activated carbon. After 10-15 minutes, when the sorbent began to act a little, cause vomiting.
    • Do this by pressing on the upper tongue with two fingers or spoon. But do not press too much. In general, this must be done until the water at the output is transparent. But it is very difficult to do with little children. After such procedures, give the right amount of coal.

Important: monitor your children as much as possible so that they do not eat medicines or anything else harmful to the body.

  • If you notice that the baby not just snapped, but pulled out, then immediately rush to the doctor or call him to the house. No measures, except for supervision, are not required of you. Pys and children are forbidden to give any drugs up to a year.
  • If in the esophagus of the child a foreign object has been discovered Or he himself indicated that he had swallowed something, then it is advisable to immediately see a doctor. Do not try to get the subject yourself, let the experts do this. You can only make worse!
  • If you notice that the vomiting caused the body's reaction to a certain product, then it should be immediately excluded from the diet. This phenomenon is common in infants, when they begin to feed or change the type of complementary foods. In the future, after reaching a certain permitted age, we advise you to hand over the child’s samples for allergens.
Pay attention to any concomitant symptoms or the slightest changes in the body
Pay attention to any concomitant symptoms or the slightest changes in the body
  • If vomiting occurs without temperature and diarrhea After eating medicines, we advise you to immediately contact a pediatrician. Perhaps it will be necessary to take tests for allergens in order to further exclude them and replace the medicine.
  • Sometimes such vomiting can cause coughing. Indeed, during the cough, the whole mucous membrane is very annoyed. We advise you to better not treat the child at home, but to conduct an examination in a specialized institution. And carry out further treatment only as prescribed by a doctor. Since a fairly common symptom of whooping cough is vomiting without other concomitant factors for coughing. Keep this in mind!
  • Of course, it sounds strange, but now many people are faced with vomiting without temperature and diarrhea exactly during the cold of the child. The fact is when the nose with the presence of nasal mucus in large quantities is strongly laid, it is difficult for the child to breathe. Moreover, small children still do not know how to free the nasal passages. Therefore, the body is trying to get rid of the problem in a natural way. In such cases, it is necessary to treat not vomiting, but a cold and, especially, a laid nose.
  • If vomiting has begun after the head hit, then this may indicate a concussion. The child must urgently deliver to the hospital for further examination! From parents, the speed of action and attentiveness is only required so that the child does not choke.
In any case, show the child to the doctor
In any case, show the child to the doctor

Important: if the child has vomiting without temperature and diarrhea lasts more than a day or very often occurs, then you need to contact the hospital immediately. Also, impurities of blood in the vomit should be alert if the child loses consciousness or is not able to drink even water. And further watch how the baby is pissing! If this is rare or in small quantities, then this signals the dehydration of the body.

What can you give a child at vomiting without temperature and diarrhea?

  • It can be difficult for a baby to swallow a coal tablet, so give preference to drugs that need to be diluted in water. For example, Smecta, Atoxil, Enterosgel.
  • To restore electrolytes, if the vomiting is not repeated or the reason is eliminated, give drugs such as regdron, glucosolan and analogues. The bag must be diluted in 1 liter of water, gradually giving the patient 1-2 tsp. in 6-8 hours.
  • Try to apply infants to the chest more often. Older children at first exclude dairy products and focus on cereals and broths.
Instead of water, you can give warm teas on herbs
Instead of water, you can give warm teas on herbs

You can give such folk remedies that will help reduce nausea:

  • chamomile tea, which is suitable at any age. Small sugar is allowed if the baby refuses to drink water;
  • mint or lemon balm tea. These herbs also relieve nausea well, soothe the mucous membrane and improve the general condition;
  • a decoction of dill seeds. It is very simple to cook it - pour 1 tsp. 200 ml of boiling water and insist under a saucer to cool. Give a warm form of 1 tbsp. l. every 30 minutes;
  • prepare ginger water according to the same principle and dosage. Insist 10 minutes, add lemon juice and a spoon of honey and give 1-2 tsp.

We brought you the main causes of vomiting without temperature and diarrhea, as well as the corresponding options for the necessary actions on your part. But always contact a specialist for help. Self -medication often has deplorable consequences. And the children's body is still weak for additional diseases. And never ignore such painful manifestations in your child - immediately react. It is the timely detection of the disease that contributes to its complete cure. Be healthy with the whole family and do not hurt!

Video: What to do if the child has vomiting without temperature and diarrhea?

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  1. I remember how the first time there was vomiting in my child. There was a birthday’s birthday, everyone laughs, animators, and my fountain tears my fountain for no reason. Then many children got sick too. There was a corny rotavirus, but I was frightened almost fainting. Now, after several of the same diseases, I know what to do: wait and fall out. To fall the best - the reidron bio. The best remedy, nothing else is needed. It has two sasha, one with lactobacilli and a prebiotic, and the second contains the necessary salts and glucose.

  2. Well, history, I imagine: laughter and sin! And thank you for the advice, I hear about such a tool for the first time, I think it will be good even just according to the description!

  3. The children are generally scary, since their dehydration occurs faster, so they need to be treated immediately. For example, we are taught by bitter experience, always at home we keep a wide range of effects with such problems. We begin the reception of the McMuror immediately and well -being improves, so the flora in the intestines is restored, against the background of the reception.

  4. We now have the same problem, can you call a doctor?

  5. The child also has diarrhea, vomiting, I don’t know what to do.

  6. Lera, maybe you should see a doctor? After all, this is not a joke. For example, a doctor in a child prescribed us a macmiror. They drank this tool. Now the child is in order. So do not pull.

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