The Russian alphabet in order of printed, capital and capital letters from A to me, numbered in the direct and reverse order: photo, print. How many vowels, consonants, hissing letters and sounds in the Russian alphabet? Transliteration of the Russian alphabet Latinitsa: photo

The Russian alphabet in order of printed, capital and capital letters from A to me, numbered in the direct and reverse order: photo, print. How many vowels, consonants, hissing letters and sounds in the Russian alphabet? Transliteration of the Russian alphabet Latinitsa: photo

In the article you will learn about the history of the Russian alphabet, as well as the spelling and pronunciation rules of each of its letters.

Russian alphabet - who invented: the history of the Russian alphabet briefly

Around the year 863, Cyril and Methodius (Chronicle brothers) streamlined the entire “Slavic” writing, after Emperor Michael the Third ordered them to do it. Writing was called "Cyrillic" and entered the Greek letter. After that, the Bulgarian school of “scribes” and the country (Bulgaria) became the most important center for the distribution of the “Cyrillic”.

Bulgaria is a place where the first Slavic “book” school appeared and it was here that such significant publications as “Psalter”, “Gospel” and “Apostle” were rewritten. After Greece, the "Cyrillic alphabet" entered Serbia and only at the end of the 10th century became a language in Russia. It can be safely argued that the modern Russian alphabet is a derivative of the Cyrillic alphabet and the old Slavic "oriental" speech.

A little later, the Russian alphabet received 4 more new letters, but 14 letters from the “old” alphabet were gradually excluded one after one, because they had a need for them. After the reforms of Peter the Great (beginning of the 17th century), superstructure signs were completely eliminated from the alphabet, and other “dublet” signs were simply abolished. The latest reform over the Russian alphabet occurred at the beginning of the 19th century and after it the alphabet that observes to this day appeared to humanity.

How many letters are there in the alphabet of the Russian language?

The modern Russian alphabet, consisting of exactly 33 letters, became official only in 1918. It is interesting that the letter “e” in it was approved only in 1942, and before that it was only considered a variation of the letter “e”.

Cyril and Methodius
Cyril and Methodius

The alphabet of the Russian language is 33 letters black and white, printed: how it looks, print on one sheet, the A4 printed format, photo.

In order to learn the spelling of each letter of the Russian alphabet, its printed black and white version may come in handy. Having downloaded such a picture, you can print it on any A4 album sheet.

Russian alphabet: printed version
Russian alphabet: printed version

Russian alphabet in order from a to me, numbered in the direct order: photo, print

Each letter in the Russian alphabet has its own serial number.

Demonished letters of the English alphabet
Demonished letters of the English alphabet

Russian alphabet, numbered in the reverse order: photo, print

The reverse order of letters in the alphabet and reverse numbering.

Alphabet in the reverse order
Alphabet in the reverse order

How to pronounce it correctly, read the letters of the Russian alphabet, Cyrillic: transcription, the name of the letters

In order to learn how to read Russian texts and words, first you should remember what kind of sound each letter of alphabet has and what it is called.

Reading Russian alphabet
Reading Russian alphabet

Russian alphabet of capital and title letters: photo, print

Russian written speech also requires calligraphy, as well as calligraphy. Therefore, you should definitely remember the spelling rules for each large and small letter in the alphabet.

Uprising and capital letters in the Russian alphabet
Uprising and capital letters in the Russian alphabet

How to write capital letters of the Russian alphabet for first -graders: connecting the capital letters of the Russian alphabet, photo

Kids who are just starting to study written speech will definitely come in handy in which they will learn not only the spelling of the letters, but also all their obligatory compounds with each other.

Comfortes of Russian letters:

Spelling of Russian letters A and B
Spelling of Russian letters A and B
Spelling of Russian letters in and g
Spelling of Russian letters in and g
Spelling of Russian letters E and D
Spelling of Russian letters E and D
Spelling of Russian letters Yo and f
Spelling of Russian letters Yo and f
Spelling of Russian letters 3 and and
Spelling of Russian letters 3 and and
Spelling of Russian letters and to
Spelling of Russian letters and to
Spelling of Russian letters L and m
Spelling of Russian letters L and m
Spelling of Russian letters n and o
Spelling of Russian letters n and o
Spelling of Russian letters p and r
Spelling of Russian letters p and r
Spelling of Russian letters C and t
Spelling of Russian letters C and t
Spelling of Russian letters U and f
Spelling of Russian letters U and f
Spelling of Russian letters x and c
Spelling of Russian letters x and c
Spelling of Russian letters h and sh
Spelling of Russian letters h and sh
Spelling of Russian letters Sh, b and b.
Spelling of Russian letters Sh, b and b.
Spelling Russian letters b and s
Spelling Russian letters b and s
Spelling of Russian letters E and Yu
Spelling of Russian letters E and Yu
Signing of Russian letters I
Signing of Russian letters I

How many vowels, consonants, hissing letters and sounds in the Russian alphabet and what are more: vowels or consonants?

It is important to remember:

  • In the Russian alphabet, letters are divided into vowels and consonants
  • Vowels - 10 pcs.
  • Consonant letters - 21 pcs. (+ b, sign)
  • In Russian 43 sounds
  • It has 6 vowels
  • And 37 consonants

Introduction to the modern Russian alphabet of the letter E, Y, Yo: when and who turned on?

Interesting to know:

  • The letter E appeared in the alphabet in the 19th century
  • The letter Y appeared in the alphabet after the 15-16th century (appeared in the Slavic church scriptures after the Moscow edition).
  • The letter E appeared in the 17th century (when developing a civil font)

What letter appeared in the Russian alphabet of the latter?

The letter E is the “last” letter in the Russian alphabet, since it was approved relatively recently (at the beginning of the 19th century).

Young and forgotten letters of the Russian alphabet: Names

The modern Russian alphabet has passed many transformations before gaining its final look. Many letters were forgotten or excluded from the alphabet by unnecessary.

Old alphabet
Old alphabet

The number of letters of the Russian alphabet that does not denote sounds: Names

Important: the letter is a graphic sign, sound is a unit of sounding speech.

In Russian, sounds do not have such letters:

  • b - softens the sound
  • b - makes the sound solid

What is the last consonant letter of the Russian alphabet: name

The last letter (consonant) that arose in the modern alphabet is the BS (ligature sh+t or sh+h).

Transliteration of the Russian alphabet Latinitsa: photo

Transliteration is a translation of letters into an English alphabet, while maintaining sound.


Calligraphic handwriting: an example of a Russian alphabet

Calligraphy is the rules for writing capital letters.

Calligraphic rules
Calligraphic rules

Video: "Living ABC for kids"

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