Rotavirus intestinal infection: symptoms, signs, treatment in children, infants at home. Tablets, drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus infection in children

Rotavirus intestinal infection: symptoms, signs, treatment in children, infants at home. Tablets, drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus infection in children

Symptoms, course, treatment, complications and prevention of rotavirus infection. What gives vaccination from rotavirus infection?

  • Rotavirus infection or intestinal flu is a fairly common disease among children. Adults are also subject to rotavirus, but their symptoms of the disease are less pronounced in them.
  • Rotavirus infection cannot be called a common cold or harmless infection. The fact is that thousands of people die from this disease annually in the world.
  • The name of the disease comes from the Latin word "Rota", which translates like a wheel. Explain this name is quite simple - under the microscope of the virus molecule has a rounded shape similar to the wheel.
  • Now we will consider in more detail how this disease manifests itself, how it must be treated, and how it is dangerous for small children.

Signs and symptoms of rotavirus intestinal infection in children, infants

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children
Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children

Unlike adults, the clinical picture of rotavirus infection in children is more pronounced. The intensity and nature of symptoms will directly depend on the form in which the disease proceeds.

There are three forms of the course of the disease:

  • Light
  • Average
  • Heavy

Accordingly, with a mild form of the manifestation of rotavirus, they will be the least noticeable, but with severe - more pronounced and complex.

In children under three years of age, the main signs of the presence of rotavirus infection in the body are considered:

  • weakness
  • pain in the abdomen
  • multiple liquid, watery chair
  • a fever of body temperature from 37 ° C to 39 ° C
  • vomit
  • rumbling in the stomach
  • decrease or lack of appetite
  • sleep disturbance
  • an increase in tonsils
  • sore throat
Signs of rotavirus infection to infants
Signs of rotavirus infection to infants

As for the infants, the rotavirus for them is quite rare, since the babies who are on breastfeeding have a very strong immunity. At the same time, crumbs-artists are more often susceptible to such a disease.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in infants are:

  • lethargy
  • irritability
  • having eyes
  • the fallen fontanel
  • ringing the stomach
  • liquid chair
  • rare urination
  • vomit
  • improving body temperature

It is worth noting that in infants, intestinal flu is almost never accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils or sore throat.

The most dangerous condition for the baby is dehydration of the body. This phenomenon requires urgent hospitalization of the child and can only be treated in a hospital.

Signs of dehydration in infants are:

  • dry tongue
  • crying without tears
  • lack of urination for 3-4 hours
  • lack of sweating
  • dry, cracked lips

How long does the incubation period last in children with rotavirus infection?

The incubation period of rotavirus infection in children
The incubation period of rotavirus infection in children
  • The incubation period is a temporary segment that begins from the moment the virus penetrates into the body and ends with the appearance of symptoms.
  • As a rule, the incubation period under rotavirus lasts from one to seven days. All this time, the patient poses a threat to others, as it is a distributor of the virus.
  • The number of days of the incubation period in children directly depends on their state of health and natural immunity.

How many days is an infection with a rotavirus infection for children in contact with a sick person?

How long does the child have been contrasting with rotavirus infection?
How long does the child have been contrasting with rotavirus infection?
  • As mentioned above, the entire incubation period of intestinal flu is considered contagious. Depending on how quickly healing occurs, particles of the virus will be removed from the body.
  • Doctors argue that rotavirus molecules, albeit in a lower concentration, are still in the patient’s blood for another 10 days after his recovery.
  • Ideally, a person infected with rotavirus needs to be isolated from contacts for 21 days, as with a standard quarantine.

Tablets, drugs for the treatment of rotavirus infection in children at home

What drugs need to treat rotavirus infection?
What drugs do you recommend treating the WHO rotavirus infection?
  • It is worth saying right away that there is no panacea from rotavirus infection in the world. At the same time, the treatment of intestinal flu is best entrusted to professionals, especially when it comes to young children.
  • To treat rotavirus infection means to maintain immunity in the fight against the virus, restore water and electrolysis balance, as well as to maximize the level of intoxication of the body.
  • Separately, it is worth highlighting the opinion of the famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky about Rotavirus. Evgeny Olegovich claims that in the fight against intestinal flu, the only necessary tool is a solution for rehydration. Such solutions include regidron, oral, gluconal, hunum. It should also be noted that the World Health Organization adheres to such a theory.
  • Setting the rehydration by means of rehydration is necessary - a large amount of fluid that has fallen into the stomach can provoke a second vomiting reflex. Therefore, it is necessary to give such a solution along a tablespoon with gaps in several minutes - the gaps should not exceed half an hour.
Drugs that pediatricians prescribe in the treatment of rotavirus infection
Drugs that pediatricians prescribe in the treatment of rotavirus infection

The ordinary pediatricians of our country, along with the above, rehydration, and the following pharmacy drugs can also be used to treat rotavirus infection:

  1. Antiviral drugs. With rotavirus infection, the doctor can prescribe cytovir 3 or viferon. It is worth mentioning that the same World Health Organization insists that the effectiveness of antiviral agents has not yet been proven.
  2. Antipyretic drugs. Recall that children can be shot down by temperature only with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Such drugs include Panadol, Nurofen, Paracetamol.
  3. Enterosorbents may be needed with rotavirus for the removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the intestines. The optimal in such a situation will be white coal, carbolens, enterosgel or smect.
  4. Funds that stop the vomiting, according to the type of motilium or cerukal, can be given only in exceptional cases and then with the permission of the doctor.
  5. Drugs that help the pancreas restore their work. Such means are Creon or Mesim. Their use should also be a strictly regulated pediatrician.
  6. Antiseptic and antimicrobials allow the body to fight the body with pathogenic flora in the intestines. Children are most often prescribed Enterol or Enterofuril. In addition to antibacterial, drugs are also performed by antidiriya and stabilizing functions.
  7. Preparations with bifidobacteria will help to populate the intestines with beneficial flora. Such drugs include lactobacterin, linex, biphylact, lactovite, normobact.
  8. Antihistamines can be prescribed to some children with allergies to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction. Such drugs include Zodak, Tavegil, Claritin, etc.

Note! Rotavirus infection is not treated with antibiotics. All the same E.O. Komarovsky simply calls on parents to refrain from taking such drugs if there is confirmation of the diagnosis of Rotavirus. Antibacterial drugs will only once again undermine the baby’s immunity and violate the natural microflora of its intestines.

How to treat rotavirus infection in children with folk remedies?

Folk remedies for treating rotavirus infection
Folk remedies for treating rotavirus infection

Non -traditional medicine offers a number of its products for the treatment of rotavirus infection:

  • If in the home medicine cabinet there are no industrial products for the rehydration of the child's body, then such a solution can be made independently from the products that will be found in every house. The recipe is simple - in one liter of water, it is necessary to dilute 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp Soda food.
  • If the house has a non -carbonated mineral water with a minimum amount of salt inside, then it can also be used to solder the crumbs.
  • You can also prepare an infusion of St. John's wort. To do this, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 200 g of boiled water. St. John's wort. Having kept the grass in boiling water, you need to strain it and pour into the infusion a glass of boiled water. For treatment, it is recommended to take a third of a glass of infusion 30 minutes before meals three times a day. The restriction in the treatment of St. John's wort is the age of the baby under 3 years.
  • Krochs, in the absence of allergies, you can cook compote from dried blueberries. Such a drink will perfectly make up for water and vitamin balance in their body.
  • Prolonged diarrhea in children can also be treated with infusion of a two -year -old donkey. To prepare such a decoction, it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in one and a half cups of water. Herbs. Putting the infusion on the fire, it is advisable to boil it for about three minutes. The infusion of a donplest of a two -year -old is recommended to take a teaspoon up to five times a day.

No matter how the folk healers praised non -traditional methods of combating rotavirus infection, it is impossible to use such funds, especially for young children, independently. Only a qualified doctor can decide which folk remedy has the right to exist, and which is completely contraindicated in babies.

Nutrition of children with rotavirus infection

Food for rotavirus infection
Food for rotavirus infection

In the fight against intestinal flu, it is very important to observe a diet. Here are the basic principles of child dietary nutrition under Rotavirus:

  • Exclude all dairy and fermented milk products from the diet for at least three weeks
  • Exclude fat, fried, smoked, canned, sharp and sweet dishes from the child’s menu
  • It is advisable for infants to leave only one or two breastfeeding, replace the remaining feedings with a lactose or soy mixture.
  • The artists also need to remove lactose mixtures from the diet and introduce the aforementioned types of mixtures instead.
  • Bedias of infants should take place without fermented milk and dairy products.
  • In the early days, children can be given a rice decoction, dried fruit compote, weak tea, herbal teas (chamomile, rosehip, mint).
  • If the child has an appetite, then he can prepare porridge on the water (rice, buckwheat), chicken broth of the second or third of a richness.
  • Gradually, in the baby menu, you can enter all types of cereals on water, potato, carrot, apple puree, crackers, lambs, low -fat soups, meat or fish steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs.
  • In the diet of the baby, breast milk or milk mixtures can only be introduced two to three weeks after the subsidence of the disease.

Vaccination to children from rotavirus infections

Rotavirus infection vaccine
Rotavirus infection for children
  • The only effective way to prevent infection of the child by rotavirus infection is to vaccinate it from this ailment. It is worth noting that in many civilized countries of the world, vaccination from intestinal flu is included in the schedule of mandatory vaccination of infants. Unfortunately, in our country, parents can instill their child from Rotavirus only for their money.
  • It is necessary to start vaccinations from intestinal flu in infancy. According to the foreign vaccination schedule, the first rotavirus vaccine is done at 2 months, the second at 4, if necessary, the baby can be vaccinated for the third time - at 6 months.
  • In any case, the interval between two vaccinations should be at least one month.
  • Rotavirus vaccination can be carried out oral or injectable - it all depends on the type of vaccine. In our country, the baby can be instilled in two types of vaccine - the Belgian Rotarix, which is injected in injection twice, and the American Rotatec, which is given to the baby as orally three times.
Contraindications for vaccination from rotavirus infection
Contraindications for vaccination from rotavirus infection

As a rule, such a vaccine does not cause adverse reactions of the body. True, there are several conditions under which the baby’s admission to vaccination may become impossible:

  • The presence of intolerance or sensitivity to the active substances contained in the vaccine.
  • After the first vaccination, there were obvious complications.
  • The presence of the pathologies for the development of the digestive system.
  • The fact that the crumbs revealed intestinal invasion.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, vaccination from rotavirus infection will allow 70-80% to prevent the disease, and in 95 cases to alleviate the condition of the baby when infection with this virus.

What are complications from rotavirus infection in children?

Complications in children after rotavirus infection
Complications in children after rotavirus infection

Like any flu, Rotavirus, it itself does not pose a great danger to a person. However, its complications can bring a lot of troubles, and sometimes generally lead to death.

The most difficult and difficult condition that is capable of causing intestinal flu is dehydration. This state of affairs can lead to:

  • kidney failure
  • thickening of blood
  • to fail in the work of the heart system
  • violation of the nervous system
  • problems in the functioning of the brain

In addition, rotavirus infection, like any infection, can weaken the immune system, which will allow other viruses and diseases to attack the human body. Due to the weakening of the body's protective functions, a child can suffer from stomatitis, dermatitis or hair loss.

Another problem characteristic of children who suffered Rotavirus is gastrointestinal diseases. Since the Rota virus attacks the intestines, as a result of its intoxication and infection, new diseases may develop in it.

Prevention of rotavirus infections in children in contact with patient: drugs

Prevention of rotavirus infection in children
Prevention of rotavirus infection in children

The main preventive measures of warning of infection with rotavirus infection are:

  • Vaccination of the child in infancy (up to six months)
  • Compliance with sanitary and preventive norms (frequent wash, washing vegetables and fruits before use, wet cleaning in the room)
  • Thermal processing of food
  • Strengthening children's immunity (taking multivitamin complexes, hardening, playing sports, regular walks in the fresh air)

If the child is surrounded by a sick rotavirus infection, then it is necessary to limit his communication with the baby as much as possible. In the room where the child is located, you need to constantly ventilate and moisturize the air.

Some pediatricians recommend that you start taking antiviral drugs that prevent the penetration of infection into the child's body.

Dear readers of our site, we hope that this article will help you prevent your baby’s infection with this common and complex disease, and in case of illness will avoid critical moments.

Rotavirus infection - Komarovsky: video

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Comments K. article

  1. The doctor diagnosed the child to the child. The last time they were sick, it was vomiting, but there was no diarrhea and the diagnosis stood the same. I am confused (while I was treated as prescribed.

  2. With a rotovirus, vomiting will not be necessary, maybe just the diarrhea is strong. But he cleans the child strongly. And dehydrates quickly. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to give a reidron bio, so that later you can’t be under a dropper. If everything is correctly given, then quite quickly this whole attack is passing. By the way, the bio reidron helps excellently, it not only prevents this dehydration, but is also a probiotic: it has lactobacilli in it. It lies in advance in my first -aid kit in advance, because the rotovirus manifests itself unexpectedly, it is necessary that everything is at hand.

  3. Thank you very much for the information. I did not know before that there is a rotavirus until they went to the kindergarten ((it’s very scary when your child is sick. Fortunately, the symptoms quickly go on. We got on the drawing, drank salt solution, sorbent, enterofuril to make it possible There were no bacterial complications. All of course as prescribed by the doctor.

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