Teenage growth: table. The ratio of growth and weight in adolescents by age: periods of intensive growth

Teenage growth: table. The ratio of growth and weight in adolescents by age: periods of intensive growth

What are the growth standards of adolescents of girls and boys. Reasons for the inconsistency of growth of age standards.

To understand whether the child is developing normally, parents turn to the established parameters of the age norm. Are growth indicators always fit into these parameters? And what to do if the child’s growth is significantly deviated from the norm?

Tall growth table: Growth and boys growth rate

Individual variants of development of development have a wide spread associated with the characteristics of the physique, fixed genetically.
When assessing the level of physical development, it is necessary to take into account the physical development of his parents. The formula for calculating the alleged final growth of the child depending on the growth of parents is presented below. Please note that the error of the result is +/- 6 centimeters.

The formula for calculating the alleged growth of the child
The formula for calculating the alleged growth of the child

As a result of anthropometric examinations of large groups of adolescents, standards and norms of physical development were determined. In the offered tables, growth indicators are divided into levels, the so -called "centil".

Boys growth table from 12 to 17 years old
Boys growth table from 12 to 17 years old
Girl growth table from 12 to 17 years old
Girl growth table from 12 to 17 years old

If the growth rate of your child is within the green or blue zone, its growth corresponds to average growth, the yellow zone suggests that the growth is normal, but there is a tendency to lag or advanced, this can be discussed at the reception of the pediatrician. If the growth indicator is in the red zone-this may be a sign of the disease, do not postpone the advice of an endocrinologist.

Physical development and physique by 70% is determined by heredity, and by 30% - environmental factors.

The ratio of growth and weight in adolescents: a height and weight table

Growth and boys growth standards
Growth and boys growth standards

To evaluate physical development indicators, it is important to evaluate not only the growth separately from other indicators, but also its ratio with weight.

The optimal ratio of growth and weight in children and adolescents is represented by the following centile schedules. The methodology for evaluating indicators is similar to the above methodology for evaluating centile tables: in the range from 3 to 97 centiles, we can talk about the norm, everything that is higher or below these values \u200b\u200brequires the attention of parents and doctors.

The optimal ratio of growth and weight in boys

The optimal ratio of growth and weight in boys

The optimal ratio of growth and weight in girls

The optimal ratio of growth and weight in girls

Periods of accelerated, intensive growth of a teenager

Periods of accelerated growth of adolescents
Periods of accelerated growth of adolescents

With the beginning of puberty, a significant increase in the growth of linear body size and its mass is noted - the so -called puberty of growth occurs.
In girls The growth of growth begins on average from 10.5 years, the most significantly growth increases between 11 and 12 years-the increase in body length can reach 8-10 cm per year. By 13-13.5 years, the growth rate of growth decreases, changes continue in the ratio of body parts.
The boys The accelerated growth period begins 1-2 years later, in 115-16 years I reaches the maximum (an increase in growth can reach up to 8-9 cm per year), and slow down by 18-19.

Thus, the girls “stretch out” earlier and at 11-14 are superior to boys, both in growth and in body weight.

The growth intensity in the puberty can be both uniform and spasmodic. In the latter case, the entire annual increase can occur in several months-more often in the summer-autumn period.

During accelerated growth, a significant change in the proportions of the body of the teenager is noted - the incompatibility of the figure, lanky, long and thin limbs. This can lead to temporary discoordination of movements. The teenager himself can negatively evaluate such body characteristics that in turn becomes the cause of negative experiences about his appearance, self -doubt.

All the physiological functions of a teenager, without exception, undergo significant changes during the period of active growth. This can lead to the unbalanced of individual body systems. In most adolescents, the muscular fabric does not have time for the growth of the skeleton, the so -called “growth pains” appear. Deep physiological changes are also undergoing a cardiovascular system, which causes sharp jumps of pressure.

Small growth of a teenager: how to increase?

Small growth of a teenager
Small growth of a teenager

The low growth of a teenager can be genetically due to, that is, to be a variant of the norm.

In order to distinguish genetic lowness from lowness caused by other reasons, it is necessary to take into account the growth of the parents of the teenager, to analyze the growth curve and determine the bone age.

  1. Compilation of a growth curve gives a more complete idea than comparing single measurements with average growth indicators. If the child growth curve in all age periods is located below the optimal curve, and at the same time parallel to the lower boundary of the normal curve, then, most likely, we are talking about genetic lowness
  2. Information about the ripening of bones is given by a radiograph of growth zones. For this purpose, children over 2 years old make an X -ray of the left hand and wrist, by which the doctor will be able to determine the bone age. Normally, the condition of the bones should correspond to the age of the child

Lowness, not associated with a genetic predisposition, can be caused by the following reasons:
• insufficient nutrition as a whole or a deficiency of some of its components (vitamins, trace elements), disturbance of digestion and absorption in the intestines
• Excessive physical activity
• Various chronic diseases
• Chromosomal abnormalities
• Hormonal disorders

A detailed medical examination will help to establish the cause of low growth of the teenager, first of all, attention is paid to the state of the endocrine, cardiovascular systems, kidneys and liver. Treatment of lowness is determined by the doctor and depends on the identified cause of the disease.

High growth of adolescents

High growth of a teenager
High growth of a teenager

Highness is considered a lesser problem for a teenager than lowness, and sometimes evaluated as an advantage.

Constitutional and subordinate, or genetic harassment is determined by the high growth of parents or closest relatives, is considered the norm and does not require any treatment. At the same time, the teenager:

  • the growth rate correspond to normal indicators in all age periods (this can be seen when building a growth curve)
  • bone age corresponds to chronological
  • there are no pathological symptoms of the central nervous system or the endocrine glands

If the high growth of the teenager is not associated with heredity, it is necessary to pay attention to his health, first of all, to the state of endocrine organs. Another reason for the high growth of the teenager is chromosomal genetic deviations. In such cases, it is necessary to seek medical help for diagnosis and the necessary treatment.

Growth vitamins for teenagers

Growth vitamins for teenagers
Growth vitamins for teenagers

As we have already noted above, during the period of active growth, the importance of full nutrition is very high. For the work of enzymes that regulate biochemical processes in the body, vitamins are needed. Each of the vitamins “is responsible” for its “site” of metabolic processes, therefore, there are several dozen diseases caused by vitamin deficiency.

Daily consumption of vitamins for children and adolescents

Daily consumption of vitamins for children and adolescents
Daily consumption of vitamins for children and adolescents

Exercises for the growth of the body of a teenager

Many adolescents and their parents are very worried about small growth and are ready for everything to “grow”, including radical measures such as taking hormonal drugs or surgical intervention.
There is a way to speed up the growth of the teenager’s body without the risk of complications or side effects of taking various drugs - these are physical training.

  1. Swimming, volleyball, basketball, cycling - these sports help accelerate growth
  2. It is also important to monitor posture during the day - do not stoop when walking or sitting at the table. For sleep, you need to choose an orthopedic mattress and pillow

    Moster of a teenager
    Moster of a teenager
  3. Exercises on the horizontal bar. A simple VIS will be effective if you perform it daily in several approaches. In total per day you need to sag from 4 to 10 minutes
  4. Make a flexible spine, strengthen muscles and arouse the strength of your own body will help you exercises for stretching or yoga occupation

Here are a few effective exercises for growth. They must be done regularly, better in the morning, in each position linger on 3-6 breathing cycles.

The pose of a dove
The pose of a dove

Warrior pose
Warrior pose
Cobra pose
Cobra pose

VIDEO: We get higher. Correction

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