The birth of a cat: symptoms, complications. How to understand that a cat gives birth? How to take birth at home?

The birth of a cat: symptoms, complications. How to understand that a cat gives birth? How to take birth at home?

How to understand that a cat gives birth and help her?

Childbirth not only for people, but also for cats are a rather serious test. Therefore, the owner should know how to behave, and when it is worth sounding the alarm. In this article, we will tell you how to properly take childbirth from a cat.

Cat of the cat: periods

In nature, animals are quite independent, and are able to produce several kittens at once. On average, the number of kittens for some birth varies in the limit of 4-6 individuals. Moreover, the more kittens, the stronger the load on the cat. If your pet is in an interesting position, then you need to know how the cat’s childbirth occurs, and how not to miss this important event.

Periods of pregnancy and childbirth:

  • The period when several fruits descend into the lower part of the body and are directly above the entrance to the vagina.
  • At the second stage, fights begin. The cervix opens, and under the influence of fights that turn into attempts, the birth period begins.
  • In the course of attempts, several kittens are born. The most interesting thing is that they can be born both in the fetal bladder and without it.
A kitten in a bubble
A kitten in a bubble

How to understand that a cat gives birth?

Signs of childbirth:

  • One or two days before giving birth, the cat becomes very restless. She can rush around the apartment, look for a secluded place. This is absolutely normal, the cat’s instinct works in the cat, she is looking for a quiet, calm place where you can give birth to kittens so that no one touches them, and does not torment them.
  • This is very relevant if you have small children in your house who regularly squeeze a cat. Accordingly, she does not want her babies to be twitched and tormented. It is advisable for you to help the cat, if you do not want blood, mucus, as well as the remnants of living tissues, are somewhere in a not very comfortable and inaccessible place. For example, under the bathroom or behind the sofa.
  • Therefore, in your interests, prepare a special house for a cat, that is, a box. For childbirth, it is best if you cut out the entrance, somewhere at the level of the animal's chest. At the same time, it is advisable to remove the roof, that is, remove or simply turn the box so that the top is open.
  • Further, it is necessary to lay either torn paper towels on the bottom, or the old fabric, which will not be a pity to throw it away. As soon as the cat decides on the place where it will give birth, it may begin to begin.
  • The most interesting thing is that these pets can delay the birth of babies for about 24 hours, if they do not find a cozy and successful place for childbirth. Further, the cat can behave absolutely differently. Some pitomians become very excitable, and rub on the owner’s legs, they meow strongly. Others, on the contrary, are retireed and do not want them to be touched. We advise you not to bother the cat so that it does not become aggressive, and does not run away from the place for the birth that you have prepared for her.
A newborn kitten
A newborn kitten

How to take birth at home?

Necessary things:

  • Veterinarian number
  • A lot of paper towels and napkins
  • Sterile gloves
  • Antiseptic chlorhexidine or miramistin
  • Pipette
  • Scissors with stupid ends
  • Little rubber pear
The cat feeds kittens
The cat feeds kittens

The course of childbirth:

  • Now you will see fights. In the lower abdomen there are strange swaying with a certain frequency. At the same time, the animal can become aggressive, worry, meow, tear a box, blanket or sheet.
  • Naturally, a pet may be painful, it should be, it is a natural process. After the first kitten is born, the cat is taken to lick it, and also breaks the bubble if it does not burst. If in some way the cat forgot to do this, then you will have to break the bubble for it, because within it the kitten cannot breathe. It is necessary to help him get out and, if necessary, cleanse the respiratory tract of mucus.
  • This can be done with a soft sprint or an ordinary pipette with a soft tip. Now it remains only to observe, and, if necessary, help the cat. After all kittens are born, places, that is, the placenta, are also born.
  • Please note that the number of places should correspond to the number of kittens. This is due to the fact that often the cat has a placenta inside. It then contributes to the development of endometritis, there is a strong inflammation, as a result of which a cat may even die.
  • Therefore, if you have not read one place, this is an occasion to call a veterinarian. Before the cat gives birth, it is advisable to get a few numbers of doctors, first call and ask if they can come urgently if your pet is needed.
  • If everything is in order, all the kittens were born, do not rush to throw the placenta and bubbles. The cat must lick kittens and be sure to eat all the places, that is, the placenta. The fact is that it contains oxytocin, which helps to contract the uterus, expel all the contents, the remains of blood, mucus and places. With a lack of oxytocin, the uterus is not reduced, and inflammation is possible, as a result of which the death of the animal occurs in a few days.
The birth of kittens
The birth of kittens

Cat of the cat: complications

When is it necessary to call a doctor?

A reason to call the veterinarian:

  • If after the birth of the next kitten more than an hour passed and the birth has froze, but you see that there are several or one kitten inside the cat. This can be seen on the lowered stomach, slightly felt it.
  • If after the birth of kittens there is scarlet blood, which flows quite strongly.
  • If a lot of mucus with black clots is released from the birth canal. This may indicate the death of one of the kittens, so the cat needs urgent help.
  • Sometimes pets, just like women, need cleaning. Because after childbirth does not completely come out instead, as well as the remains of mucus, bubbles or some living tissues that rot and contribute to the development of serious pathologies, in flesh to blood poisoning.
  • Another indication for the doctor’s call is constant contractions for an hour, as a result of which nothing happens. Animals also have a generic failure, that is, a pathological tribal process, as a result of which the cervix simply does not open. Perhaps your pet will need a cesarean section. You ask, what about nature? The fact is that no one leads statistics among homeless animals, and very often such cats simply die during childbirth.
The cat feeds kittens
The cat feeds kittens

What to pay attention to after childbirth at the cat?

Please note that some cats after the birth of almost all kittens often forget for one, the last kitten. Because immediately after the birth of the kids, mother has to be applied to her chest. Accordingly, the cat tries to surround the care of all kittens, and often forget about the latter. As a result, he has a not quite torn bubble. In this case, you need to free the baby with scissors with a blunt end and attach his chest.

Quite often, cats do not want to nurse kittens, and run away. In this case, you need to prepare a box in which you need to put a heating pad with a temperature of 36-37 degrees, close it with paper towels, as well as purchase a substitute for cat milk. It is sold in a pharmacy for animals and veterinary in stores.

A cat with a kitten
A cat with a kitten


  • Now that everything is in order, your cat has given birth, it is necessary to observe its condition, as well as the well -being of kittens. Very often, after birth, some complications, a lack of calcium can be observed. This happens for the simple reason that pregnancy, both in humans and animals, is very exhausted and there is not enough calcium inside. Because of this, bones, as well as the spine, can be affected.
  • After a few days, the cat can simply fall to his feet, carry them behind him. In this case, you need to take your pet and take urgently to the veterinarian. Quite often, injections containing vitamin B, calcium, as well as a whole group of nutrient trace elements are needed in order to help the animal recover. If the birth canal do not close, then the animals are injured by oxytocin in order to stimulate additional contractions, and help to expel the remnants of living tissues from the uterus, as well as the placenta, the place of kittens.
  • In no case, after birth, it is worth constantly carrying kittens on her hands, because it scares a cat, and she can behave inadequately, rather aggressively. It is best to remove these boxes with a cat and kittens away from children, limit access to them. So that children do not torture pets. Most of all, attention should be paid not only to kittens, but also by the cat. Because it may have complications, or some dangerous consequences.
  • Please note that after 2 weeks, the cat may again want to walk. It is desirable for a half to two months after birth not to let it go anywhere, and to prevent contact with the cats. Because completely kittens become on their feet after about 4-6 weeks.
  • If the cat ruined after 2 weeks, then you will stay with kittens, you will be forced to nurse them yourself for another month, feed them from syringes, pipettes, and heat, constantly using a heating pad or heater.
  • Because kittens need constant body temperature, which is felt on the chest of the mother. If you are worried, it is best to use special hormonal drugs, which reduce sexual desire. Accordingly, your cat, until you give medicine, will not go for a walk. The possibility of estrus is completely excluded. This guarantees that the cat completely comes out of its kittens.
A cat with kittens
A cat with kittens

As you can see, childbirth for a cat is a serious shock. This is a big event for the owner who is forced to worry about the health of his pet, and if necessary, provide her with first medical care.

Video: Cat childbirth

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