Husband rating by zodiac sign: who is the worst and best husband?

Husband rating by zodiac sign: who is the worst and best husband?

In this article, we will consider the rating of the best husbands according to the zodiac sign.

Relations and family life are completely different things. Sometimes the character traits of a partner who attracted you during your acquaintance become unbearable after the wedding. And sometimes true “talents” are revealed after the treasured stamp. Therefore, we suggest you look at the star rating to find out who is the best husband in the zodiac group. After all, each zodiac sign has its own common features. And some moments of communication with a person can be predicted in advance, which in turn will help choose the perfect partner for his happy future.

Husband rating by zodiac sign: who is the worst and best husband?

Important: we have made a rating of the best husbands on the zodiac sign. But one cannot unequivocally say that someone is perfect, and someone is much worse. After all, everyone has their own concepts about the right companion and about family life itself. Moreover, we do not forget that compatibility between spouses plays a large role. It is also worth considering upbringing and even the influence of a name on the structure of character. And of course - we all have their disadvantages and unique advantages!

12th place is occupied by the most loyal and delicate lovers, but incredibly vulnerable Fish

  • A man under the sign of fish is the most faithful spouse and an incredibly delicate lover! But behind the boundaries of your bedroom, this is an absolutely impractical husband. No, it has a rather practical mindset. He simply prefers to pretend that he does not understand anything in order to avoid any responsibility. And the main minus - You will need to solve all the problems yourself!At any time, a man can hide his head in the sand and pretend that he has nothing to do with it. (And he is never to blame).
  • These are very kind people, but with such a husband you need to constantly maneuver and adapt to the mood. Not even so, if you are an active and temperamental woman, then life with him will resemble walking around the minefield. Incorrect step - And he was already offended and closed in himself.And finding out that fish in the soul is very difficult! The situation is also complicated by the fact that fish very often reach for opposites. And they become destructive for them, revealing all the worst qualities. By the way, this is also The weakest sign in terms of dependence on bad habits!It is in them that fish are looking for comfort.
  • Oh yes, even mom has on the hands. Moreover, if the husband wants something, he needs to give it at this very minute. Anyway, to be a good wife for such a man, First of all, he needs to be a mommy.It is the caring and moderately a strict mother, who will be educated by both a whip and the gingerbread. But you can’t give fish! They need a strong, but incredibly tender woman who will be independent, but at the same time will show how she needs her man!
The most tender
The most tender

In 11th place with Figaro or Twins

  • In principle, twins can be placed on a bowl of weights with fish. But this is their very opposite. These are charismatic womanizers that are always in the center of events and surrounded by other women. And the twins love and know how to flirt. It is for this that you should be prepared. Moreover, also They are very freedom -lovingand a woman should not meddle in the personal space of her husband. It is not worthwhile to be jealous and worried that the husband will change in this situation. If a twin man finds his ideal, he will not go for it, and even if he changes, then there is nothing wrong with his opinion!
  • If you want to see a caring, family man and a nurse of the family as a life partner, then you should bypass the men of the twins. Such a husband seems to be as it is, but it seems like it is not. Moreover, it appears precisely when it is only necessary for him. After all These are big egoists that they are used to living only for themselves.A woman should be patient in advance - the twins need to be constantly praised and encouraged to maintain his self -confidence. In some way, the wife should become the second mother for him and a friendly support.
  • In the family plan, a twin man behaves to some extent “kosa”-he madly loves affection and warmth, but from time to time prefers to walk “on its own”. He is not so good father, but children love him for reliability. And The main minus is inconstancy!On the one hand, this will dilute the boring routine of life, and on the other, even after the words “love” you can’t relax! His opinion is changing at lightning speed. Only the same independent woman will suit him that she will not limit some kind of framework or afraid to spend time separately.
Sole of company
Sole of company

10th place - a cheerful, but unstable life with Aquarius

  • Prefers more free relations, tries to avoid attachment and the wedding itself, Although it will provide you financially. But due to the lack of love of money, they are rarely rich. Therefore, mercantiles in women do not tolerate. To some extent resembles a clean sheet from which you can make a beautiful husband. And to conquer and hold such a man, he needs Constantly surprise and amaze.Aquarius man loves caring, but at the same time independent and independent women. In other words, the wife of Aquarius needs to constantly change the roles of a friend, mistress and wise adviser.
  • At the same time, any attempts to change or adjust to themselves end in the collapse and shoot of Aquarius. Because the He does not tolerate any framework!This sign also does not like to solve everyday problems, so The wife should count on herself more.Although as a friend Aquarius will be able to listen and support, as well as amuse. No, he can even wash the cat’s tray or take out the garbage, but do not expect great exploits or a large salary from it.
  • Aquarians are quite dreamy and live in their own world, so the future wife needs Be prepared for unexpected turns and surprises.Such a man can abruptly decide to marry and also get divorced quickly. Such a husband will definitely not offer stability, and she will not be demanded in return. In general, this is the most unpretentious sign in any questions. If you expect that your husband dutifully comes home from work, then this is definitely not about Aquarius. Such men until old age will be incredibly sociable and to some extent are not serious. BUT In the first place they will always have friends!
Friends and freedom in the first place

9th place belongs to unstable and optimistic Sagittarius

  • Sagittarius is far from a romantic, this brutal and impulsive man,which is precisely what attracts the opposite gender. And also you can’t miss his huge one, just Inexhaustible optimism and sense of humor.Its main advantages - This is honesty and directness,sometimes even excessive. He can be an ideal husband and caring father, But his personal, spiritual growth, as well as friendship will always be in the first place.Therefore, his wife should become primarily a true comrade for him that he will not demand a serenade under the window and other unnecessary, in his opinion, attributes of romance.
  • Family life with such a man will not be calm and measured. After all, he will never change for anyone! By the way, he Does not even recognize his mistakes!Often, such men lead an active lifestyle. Of course, he will be delighted with a quiet harbor, but he will not refuse his habits. If a woman is looking for a sincere person, then Sagittarius is the most ideal husband. He always tells the truth, even if it is unpleasant.
  • Moreover, the main unpleasant moments are betrayal. According to statistics, it is the Men-Strits Most often they change their wives and do not even hide it.But they also get tired of family routine very quickly, so they go in search of a thrill, even if they are in another bed. To become an ideal wife for Sagittarius, it is necessary to share all his concepts and beliefs. But The most important secret is trust. If his wife does not drive him into the framework and wildly jealous, then for her sake he will be able to abandon other beautiful ladies.
Only trust will hold the Lovelas
Only trust will hold the Lovelas

Charisma and confidence occupies 8th place Scorpio

  • Man Scorpio by nature is a tyrant. There are only two opinions: it is wrong.If the wife doesn’t do the way he wants, Scorpio will arrange an unforgettable ticket to the underworld, but his wife with the right opinion is a true paradise on earth. As an option, you can not have an opinion at all, just to tell you beautifully and agree with everything. But there is also the reverse side of the coin - Scorpio does not like lies.In his opinion, this is a great betrayal that he will never forgive. Speaking of forgiveness - Until the man’s man is avenge, he will not calm down.And he can take revenge for a long time and painfully. But he always tells the truth and his opinion.
  • Such a man will never marry by calculation, but only by true love, After all, the freedom of Scorpio is not for sale. For his chosen one, he will turn the mountains, and he will get the star, because Husband Scorpio brings pleasure to delight his wife.He loves children madly and treats them responsibly. But it is difficult to make offspring for Scorpio - only after he himself stands firmly on his feet. Moreover, he always, with any requests and tears, remains Unwarp and faithful to our principles.By the way, a woman should never encroach on the place of a leader or his authority. But at the same time, he needs a principled wife who will not lie or soar in the clouds.
  • Husbands of scorpions are the most jealous from all signs, But from scratch, the quarrel will definitely not look. A beloved for Scorpio is the center of the universe, so in order to become a good wife for such a man and keep a marriage, it is necessary to reciprocate him. As soon as your partner notices that feelings begin to fade away, he begins to tear and throw everything in his path. However, he intuitively feels deception and betrayal. This is the reason for excessive alertness. But among passionate and faithful lovers, he will not be equal.

7th place - romantic, but extremely vulnerable Crayfish

  • The very first impression is a polite and well -educated gentleman. Such men literally just created for a calm and measured family life.If you manage to fall in love with cancer, you will swim in care and admiration for all life together. In the first place after the wedding is a wife and children. By the way, Cancer loves children very much and often indulges. But, unfortunately, he shows such manners exclusively in public. In everyday life, this is a pumpkin on the couch that watches TV and drinks beer.
  • The main condition for a long and happy life together with cancer is Never ridicule him or criticize him.Such men Very vulnerable,and even a slight mockery or an wrong look can forever ruin the relationship. He takes everything very close to heart, but the initiator of the divorce is extremely rare. If you often saw the husband of cancer, then either he will begin to look for comfort on the side, or to apply to the bottle.
  • By the way, about the hikes to the left - cancer loves to do this, because just loves the attention of the female to himself, but so skillfully hides it,that the wife should turn into a detective to disclose truth. Can achieve large career heights, providing a family well, but for this He needs a woman that he will believe in him and inexhaustibly inspire on exploits.After all, the cancer itself is a little passive and depends on the mood. But then there will be a love of cancer as True romantic,what expects from his beloved.

I conquered 6th place Aries

  • Aries husband - This is a stone fortress.He is both a miner, a faithful friend, and a partner, and an ardent defender. But his character, to put it mildly, is not a gift. Such a man It is quite demanding of his chosen one and very jealous, up to the point of demanding reports. Aries lies does not tolerate, even the most innocent oversight on the part of his wife can lead to a long quarrel between the spouses. Especially calm and patient disposition Aries does not stand out. And to quarrel with him is a useless waste of time, because It is simply impossible to prove Aries!
  • A woman chooses flexible and home. After all, all he needs is respect and love. And everything else will give Aries himself. Despite the complexity of the character, such a husband in life He will not sit on your neck.Yes, and marries only for love, but not according to the calculation. By the way, Aries are considered the most faithful husbands among all the signs of the zodiac.But the woman should be appropriate. At the same time, an inexhaustible fire of energy should also be laid in it, otherwise it will not be able to keep up with her husband.
  • But the difficulty is also as follows - a weak -chased woman simply will not be able to live with such a man. Well, a strong lady In no case should you claim the place of the leader - He is a dominant in every way! And it is also worth noting that household issues are not his horse. More precisely, it is in this that Aries is powerless. Therefore, you can leave it at home, and even with children with a full refrigerator of food and, preferably, under the supervision of the nanny.
Like a stone wall
Like a stone wall

In 5th place, fabulous instability with Libra

  • Libra man is a thin and creative person, he has a born The craving for everything beautiful.Therefore, in all ways it decorates family life, beautifully cares and indulges its chosen one. Truth, A serious step is decided for a long timebecause of its natural indecision. He also knows how to create comfort in the house and responsibly to guests. But of the minuses, only the unwillingness to help around the house, even trifling garbage.
  • Men born under this zodiac sign - The owners of a wonderful sense of humor and diplomatic mind.And love and family for them are the most important component in life. It is almost impossible to quarrel with him, thanks to their ability to smooth out all the sharp corners. But this is a matter of not only a relatively easy nature, but to unwillingness to enter into conflicts. After all From complex and emotional relations, the scales are quickly tired.
  • He chooses a strong and independent woman in his companions, because Often they let the situation on its own and simply float with the flow.From time to time, the husband’s husband must be left alone with your thoughts, especially if you do not share his creative interests. Otherwise, he will look at the side. Libra also possess very changeable character,therefore, the wife should calmly relate to changes in the mood and imperceptibly prompt the right solution.
The task of the wife is to maintain balance
The task of the wife is to maintain balance

4th place - stubborn, but reliable Taurus

  • Men born under this zodiac sign have incredible charm, they can perfectly turn their heads to any woman. Also with Taurus You can build the most stable relationship.Such a man marries, having previously considered everything to the smallest detail, and only reliable women choose only reliable women. What is there, if he is already with you, then he carefully weighed everything. Since walking and looking closely for a long time is precisely their technique. Moreover, in this case, feelings do not matter, The main thing is that the girl is economic and calm.
  • The man Taurus cannot stand the “outbursts” of passion, scandals and other surprises.Taurus is extremely rare, but if something does not suit him after the wedding, he can easily divorce, retreating from his principles. But it should be noted that it is precisely Taurus worthy of the title is the most reliable!If he decided something, then he will certainly do it, and the result will not require quality testing.
  • By the way, treason is not about Taurus, Since any changes are not to his taste. But God forbid, you look towards another man. Taurus in anger can become worse than any scorpion, If it comes to jealousy. After all, the family should always be in the first place for both spouses. It is with this man that his wife will not need to go to work in order to feed the family - This is a mundane man of typical stereotypes. But he loves to eat deliciously! Of the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting only stability, lack of romance and sometimes even excessive practicality!

3rd place belongs Virgo

  • The men of the Virgin are true romance. But a little restrained is expressed. And in the spouses are looking for their own kind - pragmatic, reliable and those who want to build a strong long relationship.Although sometimes they can make a choice due to pity. This sign is considered The most responsible and not too demanding.But it can also be called And the most restrainedwhat sometimes it may seem cold and impassive. This is not entirely true, just Virgo does not like loud or sentimental situations in principle.
  • After all The maiden man is guided by the mind more than with feelings.Family and marriage is of great importance for him, so before getting married, he will consider his decision several times. Such a husband really care about comfort and the prosperity of his family, but at the same time he cannot be called generous. Although it is not so greed here And the thoughtfulness and prudence of character. Virgo loves order in all aspects very much, and in finances as well. Therefore, he always has an account for reinsurance. Of the shortcomings - if the family’s budget does not allow, then spending on pleasure can be canceled. The wife is helped in all household issues and in raising children.
  • Such men are extremely rare. Again, due to natural correctness. But the woman should be attentive to herself - He does not tolerate vulgarity or incontinent behavior. At the same time, the Virgin can even remember your most detailed overalls for a long time if you do not find an approach to him. And it consists in attention and care. But to arrange quarrels or to show aggression will never be - He is ready to compromise, trying to idealize the relationship as much as possible.
Restrained decency
Restraint and mind

The 2nd place is crowned a lion

  • Despite the reputation of proud men, the lion is a very devoted, kind and generous partner. These are leaders by nature, so if you are pleased with the idea that the husband takes the main role in relationships, then the lion is the best option. He is a wonderful family man, madly loves children, and gets along easily with them. At the same time, it is also an insanely delicate and passionate nature. They rarely go to treason due to natural nobility.But this happens with disappointment in a partner.
  • Men of this sign have an exceptionally refined taste,therefore, if the lion put his eyes on you, then this can already be considered a compliment. But this applies to all aspects, so Leo loves to live beautifully. He knows how to make useful acquaintances, which favorably affects any aspects of life, including the material situation of the family. But there is a certain catch in this sign - his wife must calmly and imperceptibly direct him in the right direction, since The main drawback of Leo is laziness!
  • The lion needs constant support and admiration for the spouse. Wherein Criticism should completely refuse!He may not be offended, but over time he will simply lose interest in you. Also, he wants to see a beautiful and irresistible woman who will complement his status. But to maintain relations with the charismatic lion, woman We'll have to learn to read his thoughts,t.K. The lion will definitely not tell and share the “painful”.

1 place - Capricorn

  • This is a pragmatic and serious man who is looking for stability and reliability in relationships. Capricorn man is the most responsible husband! The material side always takes on to itself, so often you can feel like a spoiled princess next to him. He needs a girl with a slight and cheerful character who will supplement and withdraw his husband from a routine life. Capricorn cannot stand hysterics, scandals and other “surprises”.Therefore, it is possible to build a strong relationship with such a person as a mature person, and this is far from age.
  • Capricorn's husband, unlike the rest of the zodiac signs, appreciates the family business. Therefore, he does not mind opening a business with his wife. And he will even feel an even greater connection with her, working nearby. But in any case, competition and struggle for power should not arise between partners. Capricorn's husband should feel his superiority and be the head of his family. Also, never forget - Capricorn is wildly jealous. And on this basis they become suspicious.
  • Capricorn - A wonderful family man, he madly loves children,and often they reciprocate. He chooses his wife with caution, Considering her chosen one as a potential mother, because the continuation of the genus for Capricorn is of great importance. Anyway, it must comply with all the necessary, in his opinion, criteria. This is an honest and devoted companion that will always be able to support its soul mate. Of the minuses - the lack of passion and romance.Since common sense always takes up, even in sexual experiments. And of course - Taking Capricorn to the registry office is very difficult!

Of course, when choosing a partner, always start from your requirements and ideas about your husband. If you are a leader by nature, then competitions with a strong man cannot be avoided. But you should not “crush” too sensitive natures. And most importantly - do not forget that the spouses should look in one direction!

Video: Husband rating by zodiac sign

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Comments K. article

  1. Nonsense! Who created this list ...

  2. The horoscope only adds colors in personal life. And the attitude and life position to the family of a man, and in a woman, is only upbringing, and then in which social environment he was. In general, people agree on the "shortcomings".

  3. Very interesting, I am cancer is the best wife, and my husband Capricorn is the best husband.

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