A recipe for jam from petals and rosehip fruits, drinks, tea, compote, jelly, fruit drinks, wine. Rosehip syrup - instructions for use, dosage, reviews

A recipe for jam from petals and rosehip fruits, drinks, tea, compote, jelly, fruit drinks, wine. Rosehip syrup - instructions for use, dosage, reviews

Rosehip is not only tasty, but also healthy berry. You can cook a drink, jam and syrup not only from fruits, but even from plant petals. Most recipes are very simple and understandable, they are easy to cook at home.

Rosehip petals recipe recipe

Rosehip is a well -known bush of a wild rose. This plant has a lot of advantages: excellent taste and excellent healing properties. In folk medicine, everything is used for the preparation of drugs:

  • rosehip fruits in fresh and dried form
  • leaves
  • rosehip flowers
  • rosehip root

No less successful is the use of rosehips in cooking. From his fruits, he learned to cook delicious decoctions and compotes, tinctures, jams and syrups. However, such recipes affect far from only berries and no less tasty jam can be obtained from rosehip petals.

blooming rosehip, rosehip petals

Jam Recipe:

  • For the preparation of jam, you need about half a kilo of fresh rosehip petals
  • The petals are spilled into a specially prepared dishes and fall asleep about a half kilogram of sugar
  • In the petals, the juice of three lemons should be squeezed out
  • The resulting mass should be thoroughly tug around in lemon juice until the gruel is formed
  • After that, you need to cook sugar syrup
  • A glass of water boils and 1.5 kilos of sugar dissolve in it. After complete dissolution, the mass with the petals is poured into the syrup
  • All jam is thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil
  • Boil jam should be no more than five minutes
  • Jam should be transparent, then the fire should be turned off
rosehip petals - delicious and original recipe

Rosehip Fruits Rest Cooking Fruits

Rosehip fruits are incredibly useful for the body. It strengthens the immunity, helps to cure colds, improves blood circulation and, thanks to a rich vitamin composition, can increase human performance.

Jam Recipe:

  • To prepare delicious jam, you should prepare a kilogram of selected, purified, elastic and whole rosehips
  • Rosehip should be washed and cut in half to remove seeds and fibers from it. This can be very convenient and accurately done with a spoon
  • Half of the fruits of rosehips are spilled into a separate bowl and poured with water. This is necessary in order to separate excess seeds and fibers from the berry, which did not remove cleaning
  • Drain the water and clean berries should be poured with boiling water (boiling water liter). Berries should stand in boiling water for about five minutes
  • After that, the water merges and is placed on the fire, a kilo of sugar should be dissolved in this water
  • After that, it is necessary to fill the berries into the syrup and boil them over high heat for about three minutes
  • The fire turns off and in this state the jam should be infused for another six hours
  • After insisting, the jam is again put on moderate fire, where it should reach a certain density during the boiling process. However, it is worth knowing that cooking such jam does not cost more than twenty minutes
rosehip jam, simple recipe for cooking

Compote, naviga from rosehip fruits: recipe

A refine is a delicious home drink, a compote of dried rosehip fruits, which, in addition to its excellent taste, is also very useful. Each housewife will be able to prepare the Uzvar, because it will take a minimum of strength and ingredients for its preparation.

Recipe of knot:

  • To prepare a small number of knots (approximately a liter of the drink), it is necessary to prepare thirty large, clean berries
  • Rinse the berries before cooking boiling water in order to wash off excess dust and dirt accumulated during the storage period
  • Berries are poured into a saucepan and poured with a liter of water
  • The pan is placed on the fire and is brought to a boil. Cook berries exactly five minutes with high heat after boiling
  • Turn off the fire and taste the drink with sugar (you can sweeten the drink with honey only in a cooled state)
  • Close the pan with a lid and leave to infuse the Uzvar for another six hours

You can diversify the recipe for rosehips from rose hips by adding any other dried fruits to it.

home -made

Dried apples and rosehip compote

Incredibly delicious, especially in the winter, compote from drying apple and rosehip fruits comes out. It is very easy to buy or prepare all the necessary ingredients yourself, as well as they can always be purchased in the market.

Compote recipe:

  • Approximately 350 grams of drying of the apple should be thoroughly sorted out so that only not damaged by damp and rot.
  • Drying should be scalded with boiling water in order to remove excess garbage and dust accumulated during the storage period
  • A large handful of dried rosehip berries should also be washed with boiling water before cooking
  • Pour two liters of water into the pan and put it on the fire to wait for boiling
  • In boiled water, you need to dissolve the required amount of sugar. One glass will be enough, you can even less
  • Only in boiling and seething water is poured purified drying and rosehip berries
  • Cook the compote for about half an hour on moderate heat, this is where it takes so that the apple gives the compote to your taste and aroma
  • After 30 minutes, turn off the fire and cover the compote with a lid, let it brew a couple more hours before use
to give a special aroma during cooking in compote, you can add several cloves or a pinch of cinnamon

Rosehip jelly: recipe

You can cook jelly even from rosehips. To do this, you need a simple set of ingredients and the minimum amount of time.

Kisel recipe:

  • Four large tablespoons of rosehip fruits should be washed and filled with about 750 milliliters of boiling water
  • In this state, rosehip should be left for swelling for about fifteen minutes
  • During insisting in boiling water, berries will increase in size and become soft
  • After fifteen minutes, the berries should be taken out of the infusion with a qualitatively rubbed through a sieve or grind with a blender. Rose hips from rosehip fruits are returned to water
  • This mass must be put on fire and boiled for five minutes on moderate heat
  • After that, the mass should be strained through gauze qualitatively so that all the cake remains outside the liquid
  • A citric acid (not more than one pinch, but you can replace it with a slice of lemon) and sugar to taste are added to the edemed liquid.
  • In hot jelly, you need to gradually introduce starch. It is best to dilute four tablespoons in advance with warm water and pour a thin stream into jelly, stirring the drink regularly so that there are no lumps
  • Jelly should be cooled and then drink
recipe for making delicious rosehip jacket

Green tea with rosehips beneficial properties

The benefits of green teas and rosehip fruits for the human body are difficult to overestimate. You can brew a finished product that can be purchased in a store or an independent drink from high -quality tea and prepared rosehip berries. In any case, such a drink has a lot of advantages and beneficial properties:

  • such tea is able to favorably affect the human cardiovascular system, in particular, regulate pressure surges and fight hypertension
  • it is not rare to drink green tea with rose hips for the prevention of atherosclerosis and those who already have this disease
  • the vitamin composition of this drink is good because it is able to provide a restorative property on the body, but for this it is best to drink on an empty stomach in the morning, half an hour before meals
  • green tea, the properties of which significantly enhances the rosehip, is able to exert a relaxing and normalizing property on the nervous system
  • distinctive qualities of this drink are also in relation to male health, such tea significantly enhances potency and improves sperm quality
  • it is also noted that green tea with rosehip fruits is able to positively affect the human body, facilitating any symptoms of gynecological diseases in women
  • the influence of such tea is not unimportant on the urine system, it helps with a person urological problems
  • green tea brewed with rosehip fruits can help healing small wounds and ulcers inside the gastrointestinal tract
green tea with rosehip manufacturer Basilur

Ivan tea with rosehips: recipe

The combination of Ivan-tea and rosehips is one of the most successful. For this reason, such tea is often used to maintain health:

  • he eliminates the signs of vitamin deficiency in a person
  • treats flu and other acute respiratory infections, as well as a cold
  • cleans the circulatory system
  • normalizes pressure
  • cleans the body about toxins
  • improves mood, eliminating depression
  • reduces blood cholesterol
  • improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract


  • Such tea is recommended to be brewed either in glass or porcelain dishes
  • Hellet dishes should first be scald with boiling water
  • The required amount of tea should be poured into the tender, which goes at the rate of one spoon of tea with crushed dry rosehip for one cup
  • Frowned brewing should be poured with boiling water at least 80 degrees
  • Insist the drink should be about fifteen minutes
  • It is also recommended to brew such tea in a thermos, which not only multiplies its beneficial properties, but also improves the taste, making it more saturated
  • The drink should be drunk during DN, since the next day it already loses half of its healing properties
  • Raw materials for brewing (brewing) can be poured with boiling water two or three times and each time the drink will be tasty and healthy
ivan tea with rosehip fruits

A warming drink of rose hips with ginger: Recipe

Rosehips with ginger are quite unusual, but nevertheless a delicious and healthy drink. It is recommended to drink it in the cold season in order for the body to receive the maximum amount of vitamins and thereby prevent many diseases.

Boring recipe:

  • A small piece of ginger root (no more than one centimeter) should be chopped on a large kitchen grater
  • It is best to brew tea in a glass or porcelain tender, which you first scald with boiling water
  • Grated ginger falls asleep to the bottom of the tender
  • One apple should be cleaned of the peel and cut it into cubes, the cubes are also added to the beard
  • Approximately seven large rosehip fruits in dried or fresh state should be rinse and added to the beast (if the rose hips is fresh, it is better to clean it from the insides)
  • If desired, you can also add the right amount of cinnamon or a couple of mint leaves
  • All ingredients are poured with steep boiling water at least 80 degrees and insisted for 15 minutes
  • A little cooled tea can be sweetened with a spoon of honey right in the cup
tea with rosehip and ginger

Rosehip naturally rapidly discriminate: Recipe for a drink

The modern market is full of many interesting products that not only provide a person with great taste, but also the simplicity of their preparation. Such a fast -soluble product as “natural rapid rose hips” significantly saves strength and time, providing the opportunity to instantly get a ready -made drink.

The advantages of such a drink:

  • Prepare in just a few seconds
  • They can successfully replace tea or coffee during the day
  • The drink has a huge vitamin composition, one that is in natural rosehip fruits
  • The drink can be sweetened at will
  • You can drink a drink in hot condition and cold to quench thirst
  • Other ingredients can be added to the drink
  • The drink has a powerful healing effect on the human body
rosehip's rapidly soluble drink

It is very simple to brew such tea: a spoonful of a rash product is poured into a cup or border and poured with boiling water. After that, you can sweeten the drink with sugar or honey. The sour taste of tea perfectly quenches thirst and tone the body.

Conservation of birch juice with rosehip

Everyone has been given at least once to try birch juice, but not everyone knows that it can be very successfully preserved with rosehips. Of course, such a product can be found on store shelves, but it is much more pleasant to drink what has prepared with your own hands.


  • To preserve one large can of the drink, you will need about three liters of fresh birch juice
  • Juice should be poured into a pan
  • Rosehip berries (fresh or dry) must be whole, clean and without rot
  • About ten berries should be added to birch juice
  • The recipe also requires the addition of a teaspoon of citric acid and about four tablespoons of sugar
  • Such a mass is brought to a boil, removed from the fire and rolls only in a previously sterilized dish
birch juice with rosehip

Rosehip and hawthorn decoction: recipe

A decoction made from the berries of hawthorn and rosehips is distinguished by its excellent healing properties on the human body. The drink is tone, gives strength and a powerful vitamin charge. Drinking such a drink is useful at any time of the year and in any quantities.

Proper preparation of the decoction:

  • To prepare a decoction, you can use the pan, but also successfully the berries are steamed and in thermos
  • If you use a thermos, the one that has a glass flask is best suited. Thermos before preparing the drink must be scalded inside with boiling water
  • Choose about twenty unnecessary rosehip berries for preparing a drink and two times less hawthorn
  • You can use both fresh berries and dried to prepare this drink
  • If you brew a decoction in a saucepan, bring two liters of water to a boil
  • Pour the berries into boiling water and boil them for three minutes
  • After that, the liquid can be poured into a thermos, or you can wrap the pan with a towel and leave in this state for cooling and insisting for six hours
  • If desired, the finished drink can be sweetened with honey or sugar
broth made from rose hips and hawthorn

Tsikoria with rosehips: recipe

  • Tsikoria is a useful drink familiar from childhood, which with its taste is vaguely resembles coffee
  • The modern drink “Cicoria with rosehip extract” has a special advantage, as it fraught with two advantages: a rich vitamin composition and speed of cooking
  • In order to brew such a drink, you need to pour a teaspoon of dry mass into a bureaucracy and pour it with a steep boiling water
  • Such a drink should brew a couple of minutes before use and you can safely drink it
  • The finished drink can be sweetened with sugar
tsikoria with rosehips

How to make a fruit drink from rose hips?

Surprisingly, from such a berry as rose hips, which does not differ in its juiciness, you can cook delicious, and most importantly - healthy fruit drink:

  • We select only the most ripe, round and even berries for the preparation of fruit drinks
  • Wash the berries with running water
  • We put a liter of water on fire and wait for boiling
  • Pour half a kilo of selected berries into boiling water
  • Turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and leave in this state for a day (or preferably for two days)
  • After this time, we choose the berries with a slotted spoon, put them in a separate bowl and an interpretation of potatoes.
  • Still the liquid from the berries and throw out the fluid through the gauze
  • Boil the juice of the berries and add a pinch of citric acid and sugar to taste to it. Morse is ready!
morses from rose hips can be drunk immediately after cooking, or can be preserved for the winter

Rosehip fruits - instructions for use

  • Rosehip fruits are the best thing to take from the whole shrub
  • From rosehip fruits you can prepare excellent compotes and decoctions, jam and even fruit drinks
  • You can use both fresh berries and dried ones for culinary purposes, which must be stored in canvas bags
  • Before use, each berry is cleaned of cuttings and leaves and washed
  • Rosehip fruits are brewed quickly enough, but the longer you insist them, the more useful the drink becomes and has a more saturated taste with sourness
dog-rose fruit

Is it possible to eat rosehips with bones?

  • Many housewives, before preparing a jam or rosehip broth, are engaged in it carefully cleaning the bones
  • This event is not necessary, because rosehip bones are completely not poisonous
  • The only minus of the bones - they always get stuck in the teeth and you can get tired of spitting them out if there is a whole berry
  • However, the bones also have one advantage - there are a lot of useful substances, essential oils and vitamins in their composition, and they extremely favorably affect the state of human health that suffer from heart problems and blood system
rosehip bones

Rosehip syrup - Instructions for use: readings, dosage

Buy or cook yourself rosehip syrup Everyone is capable of, but it is also very important to know about its benefits and the method of application.

Why do you need to use syrup:

  • Syrup is consumed when a person has vitamin's avitominosis or hypovitaminosis
  • Syrup is prescribed in the case asthenic state
  • During colds and infectious diseases
  • In order to have a general strengthening effect on the body

How much syrup needs to be used:

  • Rosehip syrup is used only overly
  • Syrup can be consumed by adults and children over 12 years old two tablespoons
  • Syrup can be washed down with water
  • Children in the period of 7-12 years should use one dessert spoon of syrup
  • Children from four years old should use one teaspoon of syrup
  • Syrup is prescribed two to three times a day
  • The course of treatment with syrup lasts about two to four weeks
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How to cook hawthorn syrup with rosehips?

Prepare a syrup with fruits of hawthorn and rosehips by everyone. The syrup has a pleasant taste and aroma, sugar helps syrup to be sweet, which children like. The syrup has a rich vitamin composition, which favorably affects the general state of a person and his health, especially the health of the cardiovascular system.

Syrup recipe:

  • Half a kilo of rosehip berries and half a kilo of hawthorn berries must be washed and cleaned of cuttings
  • Berries must be cut in half, or in four parts
  • Bones from berries do not need to be removed
  • Kilos of berries are poured with two liters of water and put on fire, they must be brought to a boil
  • After boiling, the berries are boiled for twenty minutes
  • After cooking the decoction, you should "relax" for several hours and brew
  • The decoction should be filtered through gauze to dry cake
  • A kilo of sugar is added to a clean transparent decoction and it is brought to the fire to dissolve
  • After the sugar dissolution, the syrup boil to thicken for about twenty minutes
berries of hawthorn

Unusual moonshine on rose hips recipe

Moonshine from rosehips can be safely considered not only a delicious alcoholic drink, but also with a therapeutic agent. It is easy to cook such moonshine at home:

  • Half a kilo of beautiful and whole berries should be cleaned of cuttings and washed, folded in a separate dish
  • To the berries you need to add 100 grams of fresh yeast
  • Berries are sprinkled with four kilograms of sugar and poured approximately seven liters of purified water
  • The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and left in a calm state for about three months
  • After this time, the mash should be overtaken, but this is best done only once so as not to lose the taste and aroma of rosehips
moonshine on rose hips, classic recipe

Delicious rosehip tincture on vodka

  • Take approximately a glass of whole and beautiful rosehip fruits in a dried state
  • They must be steamed so that the berries become soft
  • To do this, soak the rose hips in warm water pre -twelve hours
  • Stloped berries get rid of water, poured with a glass of sugar and filled with half a liter of strong vodka
  • The dishes are shaken thoroughly and removed for two weeks for storage in a dark cool place

Echinacea tincture with rosehips: recipe

  • You can drink echinacea with rose hips in the form of tea, but it is much more useful and pleasant to prepare tincture
  • A glass of rosehip fruits (fresh or dried steamed) should be placed in a glass jar in a crushed state
  • Pour a large spoon with a slide of echinacea flowers on top of the berries
  • Berries should be filled with a glass of sugar and pour half a liter of strong alcohol: moonshine or vodka
  • The bank is removed for 10-14 days for storage in a dark cool place
  • It is advisable to shake the jar daily
  • After this time, the drink is filtered through gauze

How to cook wine from rose hips?

  • three kilos of fresh rosehips must be kneaded with a wooden rocking roll to a condition of loose gruel
  • two liters of water are spilled into the pan, which is brought to a boil and two kilos of sugar dissolve in it
  • boil the resulting syrup for five minutes and cool until a warm state
  • a glass of rhymes is spilled into another dish (large for fermentation), the syrup is poured and the mass of the softened rosehip is poured
  • to the dishes should add one hundred grams of fresh yeast and the rest of the water - 8 liters
  • such dishes should be removed for four days to ferment in a dark place at room temperature
rosehip wine

Rosehip syrup: reviews

Angela:“Rosehip syrup is a powerful medicine that can provide both a preventive and therapeutic property on the body affected by infection. I regularly treat the cold only with rosehip syrup, it is easy to purchase in a pharmacy and it is not expensive. In addition, in winter and raw autumn I eat every day on a tablespoon of syrup for the prevention and replenishment of the body with vitamin C "

Igor:“I remember the rosehip syrup since childhood, since my grandmother regularly cooked it. Surprisingly, it can only be thanks to this I can boast of powerful health and immunity, which has gained all my life! ”

VIDEO: How to treat rose hips?

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