The child drank hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vinegar, glycerin, acetone - what to do?

The child drank hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vinegar, glycerin, acetone - what to do?

If you do not keep track of the child, then he can drink a dangerous fluid. Let's find out what to do in this case.

Cosmetic and domestic drugs, vinegar, drugs that are in any domestic first -aid kit - for children can be quite dangerous. In our country, many children suffer from poisoning with harmful liquids. Of these, every 2nd baby who has not yet turned 3 years old. These children try something in the kitchen, drink liquid, finding it in a first-aid kit or bathroom. What does parents pay attention to if the baby was poisoned by dangerous fluid, how to provide first aid to their baby?

The child drank vinegar: what needs to be done?

Almost every apartment has vinegar. This liquid must be stored with special caution. Small children can have a container filled with vinegar, drinking, thinking that ordinary water was in a bottle. Therefore, store the container with vinegar in the place where the child cannot get.

If your baby still drank vinegar, this may entail more serious consequences. In such a situation, be always calm and immediately call a doctor or an ambulance.

When the acid penetrates inside the human body, it is able to burn the gastric mucosa. You can determine the severity of burns by the number of fluid drunk. If yours the child drank A maximum of a couple of sips, then complications will be small. But, if the child swallowed more than 50 ml of vinegar, the fluid can strongly burn the walls of the stomach, and also penetrate through the blood flow into other organs.

  • Before the arrival of the ambulance, rinse the child’s throat, as well as the oral cavity with water. Make sure that the baby drinks a lot of water, it is desirable that it is very cold. When ordinary water in a large volume enters the body, there is a decrease in the concentration of vinegar inside the food system. Do not give the child a solution made from soda. Also, you can not cause a gag reflex. Thus, the esophagus can be injured or a gap will occur on it.
  • In order to protect the gastric mucosa, give the child a little vegetable oil, let him drink it. You can also replace the oil with a raw chicken egg.
  • Place the towel in which the ice must be wrapped on the baby’s stomach (in the stomach zone). Put the child in such a way that under his head and the upper body there is a large roller from a towel or pillow.

Upon arrival of medical care, you will not need to do anything. Doctors will rinse the child’s stomach using a special probe. A similar procedure is considered quite effective, but it can cause discomfort, pain.

If the baby drank little vinegar, then you can carry out the washing process yourself at home. If the baby has headache, severe excitement, lethargy, then without delay, seek help from medical workers.

The child drank alcohol, liquid with alcohol: what to do?

In the body of a child who is considered fragile, alcohol is absorbed much faster. After absorption, alcohol and the toxic substances that are in it spread with the help of blood through the organs, begin to affect them. This is especially true for the brain.

If yours the child drank Alcohol drink, for example, vodka, wine, then the symptoms will begin to appear very quickly.

There are several stages of intoxication by substances that contain alcohol:

  • Excitation. The child becomes cheerful, playful, inadequate in behavior, very talkative.
  • Braking. The child begins to be incoherently, incomprehensible to talk, he cannot stand normally, the baby’s vision worsens. As a result of this, it is more difficult for him to focus his own attention on a particular subject, before his eyes all elements are bifurcated.
  • Anesthesia. In the child, vision is quite violated, he is hiding to bed, he almost does not react when they turn to him, the baby almost does not stay on his feet. Also, a child is possible vomiting.
  • Coma. The kid is unconscious, is in this state constantly. Its blood pressure decreases, the functionality of the respiratory system worsens significantly. Also, the baby may have weak breathing, which can even stop. Interruptions in the functionality of the heart system occur.
Need help
Need help

You will have to quickly call an ambulance. Since, there will be longer alcohol in the children's body, the consequences will be worse.

If your child drank an alcohol, do it as follows:

  • The kid is unconscious. Put it on the side so that he does not choke in vomiting. Toxic substances of an alcohol drink are capable of disrupting the functionality of the organs, therefore, if vomiting occurs and penetrates the respiratory system, the baby is not able to clench. Often, such a state can cause aspiration pneumonia, and it is not always cured.
  • Kid in consciousness. Call him a gag reflex, so you will reduce the flow of toxic substances into the blood. If the child is not able to tear himself or you can’t do anything, give him warm water, let him drink it a lot. The field of this re -call vomiting.
  • Use the help of medical workers. Often a child, if he drinks alcohol, takes an ambulance to the hospital. There, the baby is under supervision, is treated for intoxication.
Follow your child
Follow your child

Alcohol may be contained in alcohol, as well as in cosmetics, perfumes. If the child drank perfume by chance, provide him with such as during poisoning with vodka. Tell the baby how harmful alcohol is, watch constantly, so that alcohol is stored away from the children. Even the minimum dose of alcohol can cause serious consequences associated with childhood health.

The child drank hydrogen peroxide: what needs to be done?

Sometimes parents store peroxide in those places where children can reach. They can, by chance, try this liquid, find out what her taste is. You must understand that hydrogen perks are considered a strong oxidizing agent. When it enters the body, fluid decay, as a result of which oxygen and water are formed. Then the surface of the digestive system is destroyed. Oxygen, according to many experts, does not penetrate the blood, which is why a gas embolism of blood vessels occurs.

  • What consequences are possible if the child drankperoxide? The emerging bubbles can begin to clog vessels located in the lungs, kidneys or heart. Often these bubbles penetrate into the brain. As a result of this, organs tissue can die, which sometimes lead to death.
  • Peroxide can penetrate much deeper than vinegar. Plus, the burns are formed much strong from her. The digestive system has peroxide as other organs. The juice in the stomach is slightly neutralized by the effect of a dangerous substance. However, for other organs, the fluid is considered dangerous, and sometimes doctors resort to surgical intervention.
  • When your baby drank peroxide, immediately call an ambulance. After all, the consequences of penetration inside the body of this fluid are diverse. The gastric mucosa can swell, the child will torment the pains that arose from burns. Even the skin is burning. It all depends on what kind of concentration the liquid itself.
Call a doctor
Call a doctor

You will also have to rinse the baby stomach, but for the procedure you will need to take the probe. As a rule, there is, as a rule, at home, but it is necessary to start acting immediately, not expecting doctors. Therefore, make the baby drink a lot of water, even if he does not want to. And only after that, call the gag reflex.

Rinse the stomach, fulfilling the following rules:

  • Give the baby water, but to be cold. Give a lot of water, the child can drink it in several stages. Remember that washing must be done if the child is conscious.
  • When you give water, call vomiting, and the baby will bury, give him activated carbon. Keep this treatment in the first -aid kit always. Calculate the number of tablets - take 1 tablet for 1 year of life. So that the baby can swallow the pill, open it, give it in the form of a powder with water. Coal will remove poisons from the child's body.
Child and danger
Child and danger
  • After carrying out all the procedures, still call an ambulance. Tablets sometimes get stuck on the surface of the mucosa, therefore, washing is carried out several times. Doctors can additionally give the baby a medicine as an antidote.

The child drank glycerin: what needs to be done?

If the child drank glycerin, then certain symptoms may occur:

  • The kid can tear.
  • The child will be disturbed by the rubber in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach.
  • Diarrhea with blood traces is possible.

If the baby has a lot of glycerol, this can damage the central nervous system.

As a result, there will be:

  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Spasms in the muscles, cramps.
The child drinks
The child drinks

With severe poisoning, the child may even die due to the edema of the part of the brain that is responsible for breathing.

Therefore, if you find that your child drank glycerin, immediately call the doctor or take the baby to the hospital yourself. There he will be done all the necessary procedures that will neutralize the negative effect of the substance on the child's body.

The child drank acetone: what needs to be done?

Scientists also call this substance dimethylketon. Chemists focus on what kind of liquid is, what kind of class it has. Symptoms of a child poisoning with acetone are similar to signs of poisoning, when an adult is in a state of strong intoxication. There is the only difference - the child may lose consciousness and such a condition can continue a fairly long period of time.

The consequences after the adoption by the child acetone are as follows:

  • In the baby, the oral mucosa is inflamed.
  • The oral cavity swells.
  • There is nausea that can go into vomiting.
  • The child may be worried about pain.
  • In some cases, a fainting occurs.
  • The baby becomes sleepy, lethargic, his head hurts a lot.
  • The baby's eyes turn red.

A child may have a breath that gives a pungent smell of acetone. If you find this sign, immediately call an ambulance.


By calling the doctor, you can take some important procedures:

  • Rinse your stomach to the child. Give him a lot of water to drink. However, you cannot do this if the baby cannot swallow the liquid on his own. Newborn and children for up to 4 months wash the stomach only in the hospital using a special probe. A child from 6 months is done through the oral cavity. An enema is also placed over 1 year old. However, regardless of the age of the child, if he is unconscious, it is impossible to wash. This can only lead to suffocation.
  • Give the child a sorbent after washing. The infants are given activated carbon and other similar drugs only as prescribed by the doctor. If the child goes to kindergarten or school, you can give him a drug, but only when he stops tearing it, and his mouth will be well washed from vomiting.
  • Rinse the skin. This is what you must do if acetone was accidentally poured on the arms, legs, stomach and other parts of the body.

If the baby is also poisoned by acetone in pairs, take it to the street, remove all the remnants of the dangerous substance. When the doctor arrives, tell him what exactly you did before his arrival. After examining the child by a doctor, he will be sent to the hospital for examination and further treatment.

Video: What to do if the child drank a dangerous fluid?

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