The child bit his lip, tongue or cheek very much to blood: what to do, how to help? He bit his lip, tongue or cheek and a bump or sore formed: how to treat?

The child bit his lip, tongue or cheek very much to blood: what to do, how to help? He bit his lip, tongue or cheek and a bump or sore formed: how to treat?

What to do is a child or an adult bought a tongue, cheek, lip. First aid and treatment.

Children, like adults, can accidentally bite their lip or cheek. An insignificant and not dangerous trauma can cause a lot of discomfort, and in the case of children and tears. The mucous membrane is delayed and heals much longer than the rest of the skin and prolonged pain is associated with this, and sometimes possible inflammation. Indeed, an infection can get through an open wound at any time, especially when the kids are still small and constantly pulling dirty handles in the mouth.

In this article, we will analyze the reasons for biting the lips and cheeks, as well as help and treatment. We will also touch on the topic in which cases it is urgent to visit a doctor.

The child bit his lip, tongue or cheek very much to blood: what to do, how to help?

When biting the mucosa, the wound is immediately formed. If the process is insignificant, then redness will be visible, a slight pain, more like discomfort. In this case, you can apply ice for a few seconds so that the area is slightly numb, so that the pain can be eliminated.

In the case when blood is released from the wound, even in small amounts it must be immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide and a clean sterile piece of bandage. It is strongly recommended to treat the mucous membrane and skin of the lips with alcohol solutions, as this will do more harm than good. So, the damaged mucous membrane will be burned with alcohol solution, which will significantly slow its restoration.

The child bit his lip, tongue or cheek very much to blood: what to do, how to help?
The child bit his lip, tongue or cheek very much to blood: what to do, how to help?

Of course, when my mother sees the wound with the baby, she immediately wants to burn her with something, so that in her opinion, she dragged on faster. But the funds on a wet wound do not hold, quickly spread around. And we can guarantee that cauterization will not affect healing, but it can burn the surrounding mucous membrane.

If the pain is severe and pulsating to anesthetize, the ice attached not only to the wound, but also to the outside of the cheek. Freezing works well with severe injuries, to cope with this one!

There are times when the ice cannot be used. For example, when a child is sick. In this case, a sterile cotton swab moistened with lidocaine can help. But remember, this is a strong medicine having a series of side effects, and in the case of treatment it is important not only to help, but also to be able not to harm.

Temporary relief will also bring eye drops with an antiseptic if they drop them into the wound. Again, do not forget that this is a drug and it is worthwhile only in extreme cases.

After you primarily treat the wound, pour the child into a glass of liquid for rinsing the oral cavity and let the mouth thoroughly rinse. Until the healing of the wound, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth after each meal and rinse the oral cavity.

The child bit his lip, tongue or cheek very much to blood: what to do, how to help?
The child bit his lip, tongue or cheek very much to blood: what to do, how to help?

Until the healing of the wound, make sure that the child eats extremely warm food. Cold or hot food can irritate the mucous membrane and instead of rapid healing, on the contrary, provoke additional irritation and rotting of the wound.

For speedy recovery of the mucosa, it is recommended to enrich the human body with vitamins C and group B. But if the injury has fallen for the summer, when a person is fully eaten by fresh vegetables and fruits, then you can not worry about vitamin.

Important: if after 4 days the wound does not drag out, pus forms in it, you noticed damage to the tongue, the pain does not subside, and even more so if the wound increases, immediately go to the doctor.

Parents are often interested in the question - why the child bites his lip or cheek. There are several years here:

  • A child can once bite a cheek or lip mechanically, trying to experience food. This is not scary and can happen to everyone;
  • If the lip is bitten regularly, this is a sure sign that the child has acquired a bad habit, but you should look for the reason for this habit with a psychologist;
  • Regular biting the cheeks may also indicate a particular disease, to identify which you should go to your doctor.

What to do if the child bit his tongue through, how to stop blood?

When chewing food, due to the fall, and just stumbling, the child can bite his tongue to the blood, and sometimes bite through. In the first second, every parent may be confused and not know what to do, but here, as in the case of other injuries, the main thing is to quickly pull himself together and help the child.

Even if the bite is insignificant and only redness is visible, be sure to process and disinfect the wound. Today it may seem that the injury of the language is insignificant, and in a day or two a completely different result may seem.

Please note that the language can be bitten from above, below and from the side. Inspect the whole tongue before making the final decision.

What to do if the child bit his tongue through, how to stop blood?
What to do if the child bit his tongue through, how to stop blood?

If you see that the child bit the tongue to the blood - immediately treat the surface of the tongue and stop the blood. The language consists of thousands of blood vessels, and a careless attitude can lead to a lot of difficulties subsequently.

In the event that the language is bitten through and through - immediately go to the doctor, perhaps the child needs hospitalization immediately.

So, if the child bit his tongue:

  • We carefully examine the language, and even if we see the cause of the complaint, we continue to inspect to the end;
  • Disinfect the wound;
  • We anesthetize with a special gel antiseptic, which can be bought at the nearest pharmacy;
  • Once every few hours, treat the wound until completely healing;
  • In the case of an increase in the wound, pus, swelling and the formation of cones, immediately go to the doctor.

Treatment of ulcers and cones in the mouth if you bite the tongue, lip or cheek with folk remedies: recipes

When biting, prickly with a bone or scratches from nails in the mouth, sores, cones, and wounds that are addicted for a long time are often formed in children. To heal them, it is already necessary more than disinfection and analgesic. We strongly recommend that you immediately go to the doctor, but if this is not possible, we recall the "grandmother's methods."

Treatment of ulcers and cones in the mouth if you bite the tongue, lip or cheek with folk remedies: recipes
Treatment of ulcers and cones in the mouth if you bite the tongue, lip or cheek with folk remedies: recipes

Treaches in the mouth (as an option of stomatitis) can be formed not only for injuries, but also with stress, diseases, etc. People are treated with in very simple ways:

  • Calendula flowers. We take 250 boiling water, fall asleep 1 tbsp. Ground flowers calendula and languish on fire, not bringing to a boil for 10 minutes. Squeeze and rinse your mouth. Please note that it is necessary to rinse with a fresh solution, it is not subject to storage;
  • Yarrow and honey. Grind the yarrow, squeeze the juice and mix with honey. We take 3 teaspoons for 20 days. Every day we prepare the mixture for one application;
  • Grind the almonds and mix with honey. On a cotton swab and process ulcers in the mouth. Can be used once per hour;
  • 100 ml of milk, egg yolk and 1 spoon of honey. Mix all. Wrap the clean finger with sterile gauze and mock in the product. Choose sores periodically changing gauze, as soon as it gets in the pus;
  • A baking soda teaspoon, 0.5 lemon, a floor of a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cold water. Twist the affected areas twice a day.

Why is an adult or a child in a dream or during food bites a tongue, cheek or lip: reasons

A single answer to the question "Why is an adult or a child in a dream or during food bites a tongue, cheek or lip?" No, since bite is a consequence, and to solve it is necessary to look for the root cause. We have collected several of the most common reasons, but for accurate diagnosis, you should definitely visit a doctor.

  • Avitaminosis. At the same time, bite is unconscious and painful. The intake of vitamin fundamentally changes the situation;
  • Stress, neurosis. Especially dangerous in children. Regardless of your suspicions, with regular bites of yourself by the lip and cheek, show the child to a neurologist;
  • Dentistry problems. Especially a desire arises to bite, if crackled lips, ulcers on the mucosa, etc. Eliminate the cause, and bite will go by itself;
  • A bad habit after the root cause is removed. Extremely self -control will help. If this is a child, he will wean quickly from a bad habit, and adults constantly need to control their consciousness.

We hope our article was useful, and you will get rid of unpleasant discomfort in a matter of days! Do you know any other recipes? Write in the comments!

Video: how to treat ulcers in the mouth for 10 rubles

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