A child, a schoolboy does not eat meat: whether it is worth panicing to parents are the reasons for the refusal. What to do and how to replace if the child refuses meat: tips, a list of products

A child, a schoolboy does not eat meat: whether it is worth panicing to parents are the reasons for the refusal. What to do and how to replace if the child refuses meat: tips, a list of products

In this article, we will study the question that excites many parents - why the child does not eat meat, and what to do about it.

Most often, the nutrition of children for parents is a sore topic for discussion. No, there are kids who simply become lovers of all grandmothers for their appetite. But most often, interruptions in dishes, and even at the stage of complementary foods and the first sample are the norm. And most of all the panic causes parents, and even under the pressure of the same beliefs of the grandmother, when the child does not eat meat. Therefore, we want to make out the actual disadvantages of refusing meat and find a way out in solving such a problem.

Is it so dangerous if the child does not eat meat, or his importance for the child's body!

Important: the first thing the question concerns parents of vegetarians! Remember - the baby should be diverse, full -fledged and rich in all the necessary elements. Therefore, purposefully, we do not deprive the child of such an opportunity, because this is only your, already conscious choice! Having matured, he will be able to take your side without harming his health!

If you refused meat, then in no case do not limit the baby menu!
If you refused meat, then in no case do not limit the baby menu!

Moreover, it is worth wearing all the benefits of meat for the child's body

  • From early childhood, all kids need such an element as protein, which can be obtained mainly from meat. Or from other animal products! We will later return to the substitutes for meat. Now it is worth focusing on what exactly Animal protein is the main building element Our all systems, muscles and even cells, actively participating in all chemical and metabolic processes.
  • In addition to the fact that children need protein, the meat contains themselves amino acids, necessary for the correct and complete development of the nervous system of the child.
  • An important plus of meat is also that fats, Which contains this product, endow the child with vital energy.
  • Folic acid It is necessary not only for pregnant women. For children, this is the basis of the normal development of the cardiovascular and immune system. And also its deficiency is able to cause anemia with reduced functioning of red blood cells (megaloblastic anemia). What is there, this is an important component of normal growth and development, as well as autism prevention.
  • The meat gives us Calcium, zinc and vitamin D. Although these components are quite replaced by other products.
  • The most important vitamin of meat is B12. This is the connecting component, which contributes to the digestibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And also he is responsible for the nervous system, the normalization of the liver, brain and strengthening the body's protective forces.
  • But the most valuable thing that gives us meat is iron! Yes, it is in apples or buckwheat, but it is in meat that is Ideal and easily digestible iron! And all because it has blood and red blood cells that quickly affect our hemoglobin. And it is no secret to anyone that the lack of this component pulls the development of anemia.
The benefits of meat are difficult to overestimate
The benefits of meat are difficult to overestimate

And a complete rejection of meat:

  • the growth and development of the baby worsens. A long diet at preschool age is able to stop the growth of the child. After all, the level of hormone somatotropin falls;
  • the synthesis of substances worsens, immunity falls. As a result, the child often gets sick;
  • vision falls And perhaps even a clouding of a crystal;
  • there is constant pallor of the skin;
  • the constant decline of hemoglobin entails The development of anemia.

Why doesn't the child eat meat?

Important: Before you start panic, you should understand - your child just refused meat or he is a principled vegetarian, Which excluded all animal products. In the first case, there is nothing wrong, since his body already receives all the necessary components through another food. But the second case is also not a tragedy, but requires clinical inspections for hemoglobin and iron!

If the baby refuses the meat?

It is necessary to introduce meat into the child’s diet after the baby has already met fruits and vegetables. This usually happens at the age of 7-8 months, when the baby’s digestive system is able to cope with heavy products. On this issue we offer you to read our material "When and how to introduce meat into complementary foods?"

Perhaps you should wait a bit
Perhaps you should wait a bit
  • The main reason why the baby does not eat meat - He doesn't like it! It is possible that a little later he will try him. Or maybe you just should give a different type of product.
  • The second that is worth noting is The meat does not have such a bright taste, smell and color Like, for example, vegetables or fruits. Moreover, meat products are served by a child, steamed or boiled, without the use of any spices, which is quite boring in comparison with bright vegetables and fruits.
  • In small children, meat products can cause heaviness in the stomach. He cannot tell you this, but this product can cause discomfort, so the baby temporarily (!) Refuses it.
  • Chewing meat dishes is difficult for the baby, since He does not have all teeth. Even if you turn the meat into mashed potatoes, all the same, its fibers do not grind like that, such as broccoli.

Important: there is one reason that concerns any age groups is an allergy! For reliability, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and pass the necessary tests.

By the way, on this issue in order to catch allergenic signals, we recommend reading the article "Food allergies to milk and protein."

We pay attention to possible intolerance
We pay attention to possible intolerance

Why do children are older or even schoolchildren refuse to eat meat?

  • A little consonant with the first cause of infants - The baby does not like any type of meat. That is, you give him a veal, and even the smell beats all his desire to eat.
    • It is also worthwhile to understand that each part of the meat is slightly different in its own way. That is, one baby may not like a dry breast, and the second child will not appreciate the slippery fibers of the legs in a peculiar way. The skin is a separate topic, so we completely remove it for the preparation of the dish for children!
  • The presentation plays a role! Children by nature are large gourmets and design already sets the first notes of appetite.
  • Yet again, Bad teeth or just too lazy to chew meat! By the way, children have rare teeth, and Meat fibers sometimes get stuck in the cracks. Agree that this is unpleasant. Yes, even a couple of children can be inconvenient to chew on a couple of children.
  • Children older already perfectly understand what meat is. That's why They begin to experience pity For cows and chicken from which the meatballs are prepared.
  • In the heat or with poor well -being The baby does not absorb heavy food. And the meat, although very useful, does not belong to an easy group. But this reason applies only to a temporary segment.
  • Protest or fundamental position! Many of the parents pronounce the phrase at the table "Until you eat, you will not get up from the table." Here the child begins to protest with the refusal of food. This can concern not only meat. But if you focus on it and begin to press on the baby, then he simply concentrates global intolerance on him, which is already more associated with a psychological factor.
  • And the last reason - This is a tribute to semi -finished products and sausages. Any preservatives will make far from the most healthy food much tastier. Even more, special fillers enhance the taste, irritating receptors, and causing even greater appetite. But the truth, after smoked sausage, the meat becomes fresh.
Children older can fundamentally protest
Children older can fundamentally protest

What to do if the child does not eat meat?

The solution to this issue completely depends on the reason for the child’s behavior, but there are still general recommendations.

Important: the first and main recommendation - Do not force the baby! By this, you will only repel any desire to eat meat. Even more, strong pressure can cause vomiting.

  • If you only introduce complementary foods, then wait. The kid himself will tell you that he is ready to eat meat.
  • When preparing a dish Do not cut the meat with too large pieces. After all, very often, we repeat, it is still difficult for children to chew it. Even when their row of milk teeth is full, they are not so strong. Yes We do not exclude the modern problem with children's teeth.
  • Try to hide and disguise meat products In the dish so that the child does not see them. You can resort to the use of a meat grinder, blender, dilute the meat with some croup, vegetables or cook soup with meat. And you can - bake the pie or wrap minced meat in pancakes.
  • It is worth paying attention to the design of the dish: The brighter and more interesting the food on the plate, the more desire to try it.
  • Do not forget to experiment with the view and method of cooking meat. Choose delicate varieties, but consider personal tolerance. And you don’t always need to cook only steam, for example, you can bake meat for older children.
    • By the way, one of the most popular varieties for the children's diet is veal and beef. But you need to be able to cook it deliciously, so we recommend reading healthy material "How much and how to cook beef correctly?"
  • Try it yourself More often eat meat products with a child. Do this with obvious appetite and pleasure. Children often repeat adults, and this will be a good example for them.
  • It works fine Attracting the baby to cooking. So you will interest the child with this process and it will be pleased to eat the result of your general work.
  • And of course, Do not do the problem due to the child’s refusal. No need to force him to eat, because this can lead to a categorical attitude to this product in the future. Remember - The baby's body knows better what he needs. The exception is sausage products. Perhaps he already gets all the necessary components.

But follow the nutrition of the crumbs if he systematically refuses to eat meat, rejecting any of its types and methods of cooking. We focus on meat substitutes and Periodically we donate blood to the level of hemoglobin and iron! Also at times we give the necessary vitamins, after consulting by a doctor!

In no case do we force meat!
In no case do we force meat!

If the child does not eat meat, how to replace it?

Important: to diversify your menu if the child does not eat meat is useful to parents. After all, his benefit does not mean that you only need to eat meat products. Since this is really heavy food. Therefore, we always monitor the variety of diet!

It is very important to replace the protein!

And you need to do this correctly. After all, it is in meat that it is easily absorbed, and even contains 20 amino acids, 8 of which are considered very important for the synthesis of our systems. Therefore, we include in the diet with regular and interchangeable use in order to receive these necessary amino acids:

  • apples and dairy products - These are the main sources of lysine and isolacin;
  • leucin is contained in rice;
  • cheese, cottage cheese and brown rice Contain triptophanes;
  • bread and dairy products - Valin;
  • by the way, In milkthere is also a combination of phenylalanin and Treonin. And of course it is an important source of calcium;
  • and there is methionine In egg squirrel and cottage cheese.

Important: the most protein in legumes and cereals of Kinoaa! It is worth giving preference to lentils and bobs Mungo, but with beans, peas and chickpeas, be careful! They are not suitable for small children! Also do not forget about soy products.

Replace with analogues by vitamins
Replace with analogues by vitamins

How to replace the perfect meat iron?

Keep in mind that iron from plant products is absorbed worse. But it is precisely a shortage of iron that children suffer, that they do not eat meat for any reason! Therefore, enter the following products as much as possible:

  • buckwheat;
  • nuts;
  • sea \u200b\u200bcabbage and its other types;
  • cereals;
  • lentils;
  • prunes, dried apricots and raisins;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • corn;
  • egg white;
  • almonds, pistachios;
  • rosehip, kizil;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • spinach, parsley;
  • well, of course, apples.

Important: so that your baby receives the proper share of vitamin D, walk more often with him in the sun. At least 30 minutes a day.

All other groups according to the type of calcium, zinc, vitamin B12 are in dairy products and eggs, as well as in seeds and nuts. And of course, do not forget to give a complete set of cereals, vegetables and fruits, making a variety of menu as much as possible. If necessary Give the necessary vitamins. But we do not accept them on an ongoing basis!

You should not refuse meat dishes in your family. On the contrary, set an example. In most cases, children grow this period when they do not eat meat. But, perhaps, this is his life position and the abandonment of the body. In any case, this is not a reason for panic and you should not do a tragedy from this. But you should not put pressure on the baby and intimidate terrible consequences! There is always a way out in the balance of nutrition!

Video: the child does not eat meat - is it so dangerous?

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