Developing active games for children from 7 years old. Games for children 7 years old for the development of auditory perception, diction. literacy, mathematical abilities, fine motor skills of hands, logic, memory and attentiveness. Developing games for a child perceiving 7 years of form and size

Developing active games for children from 7 years old. Games for children 7 years old for the development of auditory perception, diction. literacy, mathematical abilities, fine motor skills of hands, logic, memory and attentiveness. Developing games for a child perceiving 7 years of form and size

In this article, we will try to figure out what games will help a 7-year-old child find himself.

Seven years old is considered to have its own difficulties. The child begins to realize his "I", a place in society. He has a reassessment of values, and not ordinary games come to the fore, but developing. We offer to get acquainted with some games that a seven -year -old baby will surely like.

Games for a child 7 years old for the development of auditory perception

The student to develop auditory perception is very important for obvious reasons - the information coming from outside due to this perception will be absorbed many times better. We offer to use the following developmental games:

  • "Carefully clap." The game, at first glance, is simple - you need to clap when a word agreed in advance is heard. The difficulty is that the adult should pronounce the words periodically similar in sound. For example, it is agreed to clap “three”, but the host can include “wipe”, “look”, “three” in a chain of words. The child sometimes has a temptation to react to these words, since they are close in sound to the cherished “three”.

Important: an adult should pronounce the words quickly - this will help to develop the child's attentiveness and speed of reaction.

A 7 -year -old child must respond to the agreed word during the game - so he will perfectly develop auditory perception
A 7 -year -old child must respond to the agreed word during the game - so he will perfectly develop auditory perception
  • "Alyonushka and Ivanushka." Group game. It selects one boy who will be Ivanushka, and one girl who will become Alyonushka. The boy is blindfolded. The goal is the goal - to find Alyonushka, for which he will periodically echo it. The rest of the children form a circle, within which the main characters should be moved. As soon as Ivanushka finds Alyonushka, they will have to stand in a circle, and other children will take their place.
  • "We analyze the poems." This game will help the baby figure out how the repetition of certain sounds can create the right perception. For example, well suited for analysis marshak's poem "Rain". After reading it, it is worth discussing that, for example, the sound “gr”, often repeating, as if depicts a thunderstorm, and the sound “soft” imitates drops of drops on the surface.
Parsing poetry for sounds is a great game for the development of auditory perception for children 7 years old
Parsing poetry for sounds is a great game for the development of auditory perception for children 7 years old

Games for a child 7 years old to develop diction

The ability to distinguish vowels and consonants is good to clearly pronounce words - that at the age of seven there should already be. The following list of developing games will help in this:

  • "Egorki." The game helps to determine how capacious breathing is and how well it is distributed. First you need to say the following tongue twister: "As on the hill - thirty -three eigors stand on the hill." Then the child makes the deepest breath. On the exhale, he must say the following counting: “Once Yegor, two Egor” - and so on. You need to list Yegorok until there is enough air in the lungs.

Important: the more air - the better, it is better.

  • "We bow to the east." To begin with, the child must rise on socks, spread his hands to the sides and take a breath. Then he leisurely leans to the side and takes his arms over his chest in the east-all this happens on exhalation. Such an oriental bow should be accompanied by the word "health", while with maximum stretching the letter "C".
  • "Who will say faster." The tongue twisters are a great training for the development of good diction. You can invite the child to pronounce them for a while - that is, to arrange a kind of competition. But at first it is worthwhile to arrange preparation, uttering all the words slowly and intelligently.
The game of tongue twisters is a good game so that the 7 -year -old child learns to pronounce clearly all sounds
The game of tongue twisters is a good game for a 7-year-old child learned to pronounce clearly all sounds

Games for a child 7 years old to develop literacy

The following games will introduce the child to literacy:

  • "Zoo". For this game, you need to make pockets, on each of which you should write a number indicating the number of syllables in a mystery word. Cards with the image of animals and the words denoting them are also needed. The child has the following task - to place animals in their cells depending on the number of syllables.
  • "Help Pinocchio." The purpose of the game is to help the Buratino who has become a schoolboy. He laid out vowels and consonants in two boxes. The kid must check the contents of the boxes, correcting the mistakes of the favorite fairy -tale character.
  • "Lost and found". For this game, you will have to carry out some preparation - make cards with letters and pockets with pictures. Cards with letters from which the depicted word is compiled in each pocket-picture. Also, some cards are laid out in a common stack. The child’s task is to check whether all the components of the words are on the spot.

Important: but not everything is so simple - in each pocket there should be not enough one letter. The child must find in the general stack of cards that which is lost.

Pockets with pictures and cards with words for the game will definitely interest 7-year-old children
Pockets with pictures and cards with words for the game will definitely interest 7-year-old children

Games for a child 7 years old for the development of mathematical abilities

For 7-year-old babies, the following games can be advised to develop their mathematical abilities:

  • "Swamp with frogs." In order to help the frogs move around the swamp, the baby must enter the number in each bump. But not anyone, but the right one. It must be explained that the countdown is carried out in reverse order - Only in this case, the child correctly enters the number.
Swamp with frogs - a good game for the development of mathematical abilities in children 7 years old
Swamp with frogs - a good game for the development of mathematical abilities in children 7 years old
  • "Cubes and points". The task is simple - the baby considers the number of points on each cube, and the result writes in the corresponding cube of the window.
Game for a child 7 years old with cubes and dots
Game for a child 7 years old with cubes and dots
  • "Help the postman." In order to help the postman send letters, you need to enter the required number into each envelope. The right number in total with the rest on the envelope will be given by the one that is circled by a circle.
In this game for 7-year-old children, you need to enter the necessary numbers in envelopes
In this game for 7-year-old children, you need to enter the necessary numbers in envelopes
  • "Collect a puzzle." How about collecting a mathematical puzzle? It is necessary to cut pieces with examples and separately - pieces with answers. The baby will only have to combine the missing parts with each other.
For this game, for 7-year-old children, you need to cut such examples with answers
For this game, for 7-year-old children, you need to cut such examples with answers
  • "Mathematical magnets." The purpose of the game is to combine a nail with the corresponding part of the desired magnet.

Important: for clarity, it is best to stock up on real magnets and attach pieces of paper with examples for something iron.

Game for 7-year-old children with mathematical nails and magnets
Game for 7-year-old children with mathematical nails and magnets

Games for a child 7 years old for the development of fine motor skills

Of course, you can not do without games for the development of fine motor skills. This will help the student write beautifully and legibly. So, this is what you can offer for this purpose:

  • "Magic landscape." The baby is given drawings that are not specially finished. His task is to finish the landscapes at his discretion, and then tell about them.
  • "Aircraft behind the clouds." The child is given pictures depicting planes and clouds around them. The task of the baby is to shake some clouds so that the plane is barely noticeable through them. That is, to make thunderclouds. Other clouds should be shaken quite a bit-they will turn out ordinary, not portending bad weather. As a result of such a game, a student will learn correctly hold a pencil and create the right pressure for them.
  • "Mysterious drawing." The child is given a sheet of paper with points mysteriously scattered over it. The task is to connect the points with lines so that the drawing manifests itself. The game will help develop accuracy and develop a good amplitude of movements.

Important: another condition - in the process of drawing lines, the baby should not tear off the pencil from the paper.

Drawing lines during the game will help to develop a child of 7 years with fine motor skills
Drawing lines during the game will help to develop a child of 7 years with fine motor skills

Games for a child 7 years old for the development of logic

For the development of logical thinking, the student can be offered the following games:

  • "Similarities and differences." Two items are offered to the baby. His task is to call the similarities first, and then talk about the differences. For example, between a pencil and a brush, a girl and a doll, etc.
  • "Siere the birds in the nests." The child is given many cards with the image of various birds. Its task is to resettle birds on various nests depending on any attribute. For example, it can be nests with migratory birds, long -circuited, having bright feathers, etc. Also, some birds can get into several nests - which and why?
  • "We come up with proposals." A good option for a group game, which needs only a ball. He is awarded to the first baby with a request to come up with a sentence with a certain word. The child invents, and then calls any word and passes the ball to another child. The second baby should also come up with a sentence, and then any word.
  • "Guess the word." An adult makes a word. The child’s task is to guess him using suggestive questions. For example, the following: “Is this an object?”, “Is it edible?”, “Can it fly?” etc.

Important: an adult is better to avoid additional tips, responding monosyllables.

A 7 -year -old child will be interested in playing words
A 7 -year -old child will be interested in playing words

Games for a child 7 years old for the development of memory and attentiveness

In order for the baby to grow careful and observant, you can conduct the following games with him:

  • "The order is above all!". The child is invited to remember some piece of the room, and then go out. While it is absent, the adult changes several objects. After returning, the baby must understand what has changed. And also put in place those objects that were rearranged.
  • "We recreate the picture." An adult shows the baby a picture, and he, in turn, should remember it well. Then the image is removed and the child retells what he saw. At first, a retelling may affect common features, and then you can start and to a more detailed reconstruction.
  • "Who are we talking about?" A wonderful group game in which an adult describes one of the children present. You can describe anything - the color of the hair and eyes, clothes, character. Children can ask leading questions. However, the adult should not go into extensive answers - you need to answer monosyllables. Anyone who guesses first can make and describe one of the friends.

Important: no tips! You can’t constantly look at the person who were made, or give other hints.

Guessing friends - many children 7 years old like this game
Guessing friends - many children 7 years old like this game

Games for a child 7 years old for the development of perception of forms and sizes

Such games are useful for the student to develop spatial thinking. Here are what games you can pay attention to:

  • "The subject consists of ...". Before the game, you need to stock up on any object that consists of several geometric shapes. For example, a toy truck consists of a rectangle (body), square (cabin), circles (wheels). The child’s task is to paint it all.
  • "Choose a house." Pictures depicting houses are laid out in front of the child. Cards depicting objects are also laid out schematically. The baby needs to be asked to choose a house for each scheme that appropriate to it. Or vice versa - each house should acquire a scheme. By the way, instead of houses there may be other objects.

Important: at home should be clearly different. For example, high rectangular skyscrapers and low square cottage houses. There may be a lot of options.

In order for a child of 7 years to learn how to determine the form well, it is worthwhile to offer him in the process of playing many pictures of different objects
In order for a child of 7 years to learn how to determine the form well, it is worthwhile to offer him in the process of playing many pictures of different objects

Active developmental games for children 7 years old

By developing the brain, one should not forget about the physical development of babies. And here are what games can be recommended:

  • "Ocean is shaking". Group game that perfectly develops imagination. The host pronounces the following phrase: "The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried about three." At this time, the children portray a swaying waves. After the phrase “Sea Figure”, they freeze in some original position. The host must choose the most interesting figure - the winner is assigned to the host.
  • "Owl". Another group game in which the owl and the host are selected. The rest are mice. You need to draw a circle with a chalk, put a bench within its limits. The owl sits on the bench. The host says: "Day." At this time, the rest of the children should frolic outside the circle. But as soon as the "Night" sounds, they should freeze. The owl at night flies out on the hunt and takes into a circle on a bench those mice that had the imprudence of moving. When a pre -specified number of children gathers on the bench, you can start the game first by choosing a new owl.

Important: a small nuance of the game is that mice can move at night, but only when the owl does not look in their direction.

Active game of an owl 7-year-old children will definitely like
Active game of an owl 7-year-old children will definitely like

The study of many seven -year -olds is in the foreground. It helps to develop new qualities, learn a lot. Therefore, in any activity of a child - even a game - it is worth focusing on learning. We hope that the given list of games will help to arrange the baby's leisure in the best way.

A little more about developing games for 7-year-old children:

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, there are a lot of such games, the main thing is to choose your own and interest the child, I had to find this, it is even more interesting to the child, thanks to such games, performance has improved very noticeably, though I still give vitamins of multi, I think it all helped)

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