Varieties of turtles in nature: Description for the lesson of the world in elementary school

Varieties of turtles in nature: Description for the lesson of the world in elementary school

Turtle - is an animal from a detachment of reptile creatures, representatives of reptiles, whose body is covered with a shell. The habitat of the turtles, all areas of the planet with a warm climate are performed, let's take a closer look at their varieties.

This is mainly a land and freshwater animal, but there are some types of turtles living in the seas or oceans. This species, for the first time, was born in the trias period - about 200 million years ago.

Types of freshwater turtles: Names, photo

Types of freshwater turtles:

  • Painted turtle - Distributed in America and Canada. A small animal, up to 25 cm in size. Her skin is painted in olive, green or dark shade, with a striped pattern of a yellowish and red shade.
  • It has an oval and smooth carapace of the same shade as the skin. The limbs of the animal have webial partitions between the fingers.
  • Cayman or biting turtle Chelydra serpentina. Lives in the southeastern part of Canada and the USA. The weight of this individual reaches up to 30 kg, and the length of the carapace can reach up to 35 cm. Kaiman view is able to hibernate, under inappropriate living conditions.
  • It differs from brothers with the length of the tail and the cross -shaped form of plastron. Also characteristic can be called scales with small spikesto which the whole body of the turtle is covered.
  • European swamp turtle EMYS Orbicularis. The body weight of the animal can reach 1.5 kg. And the length is up to 35 cm. This representative of reptiles has a tail length of up to 20 cm. He lives in the territories of the Caucasus, Asian and European countries. The owner of the skin with dark color and yellow spotted interspersed. The surface of the shell surface is olive or reddish-brown tone. The shape of the shell is oval, convex with a flexible connection, between the plastron and the upper part.
  • Yellow -bellied or red -eared turtle TracheMys Scripta. In places of its habitat are: Canada, America is the northwestern part of South America. The size of the carapace reaches-30 cm. It has a pronounced green color, which with age goes into an olive or brown-yellow tint. This reptile got its name due to the extraordinary color of the skin near the eyes, on the surface of the skin you can see a bright pair of spots of red, yellow or orange.

Types of land turtles: Names, photo

Types of land turtles:

  • Crapping capsin turtle Homopus signatus. The population of this variety lives in the area of \u200b\u200bSouth Namibia and South Africa. This is the most miniature turtle on our planet. Its size, not more than 10 cm, and body weight - until 165 g.
Miniature turtle
Miniature turtle
  • Elephant or Galapagos view of Chelonoidis Elephantopus. It lives on islands with the same name - the Galapagos Islands. This is a large type of reptile, length - up to 2 m, body weight - more 400 kg. The size and shape of the animal shell is affected by the climatic conditions of the environment. With increased climate moisture, specimens are formed in which the domed shape of the shell and large weight prevails. And in the arid environment, the upper shell of the shell is saddle, the largest weight in the male is not more than 50 kg. At the same time, the front and hind limbs have elongated elegant outlines.
Huge turtle
Huge turtle
  • Leopard subspecies Geochelone Pardalis. Another name is a panther turtle. Distributed in African countries. Its weight reaches about 50 kg. The size of the shell shield reaches - more than 0.7 m and has a domed structure. The color of this instance of a yellow-sand shade with a predominance of spotting at a young age. In adult animals, spots gradually disappear.
  • Egyptian turtle Testudo Kleinmanni. He lives in the countries of the Middle East and the northern part of Africa. It is one of the small representatives of the turtle: the length of the shell shield in males - within 10 cm. Females - slightly exceed the size of males. The color of the upper shield in both sexes yellow with a brown admixture. Horn areas of shields bordered with a darker shade.
  • The Central Asian species Testudo (Agrionemys) Horsfieldii. Hills: India, Kyrgyzstan, northwestern part of Pakistan, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, northeast of Iran, Tajikistan, Syria, Afghanistan. This reptile has a size of about 20 cm. The form of the shell is round. The color of the yellow-brown with arbitrary dark spots. Life expectancy, approximately 40-50 years. The front limbs are four -fingered in shape. This kind of turtles is often made as a pet - it is the most adapted for such a residence.
Type of turtles
Type of turtles

Types of sea turtles: names, photo

Types of sea turtles:

  • Green or soup view of Chelonia Mydas. He lives in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. A large turtle, the size of which reaches - up to 1.5 m. And its weight varies from 75 to 450 kg. It has a diverse color of the skin and shield: greenish-olive, dark brown. The shield and body have peculiar drawings in the form of spots and strips of yellowish or white shade. The shell of reptile, low oval structure with large horn areas. Green subspecies has a large head that does not hide inside the shell.
  • Biss tortoise, real Karetta Eretmocheles Imbricata. Its habitats are southern countries and northern latitudes. A characteristic feature of this type is the heart -shaped design of the shield. Its size reaches 0.9 m and is brown in brown, on which colorful spots are visible. At a young age, the shell is placed on each other, horn shields. With age, such layering disappears. The reptile has leaf -shaped limbs and two claws on the front fins.
  • Leather tortoise Dermocheles Coriacea. A giant turtle, the weight of which exceeds 900 kg, the length of the shell frame is 2.6 m. It is known that the scope of the flipple of this reptile is 2.5 m. Its habitat is the tropics: Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. The name of this type comes from the structure of the shell cover. The upper layer of the shield does not have keratinized plates. Instead, it is covered with thick skin.
Huge turtle
Huge turtle

Dangerous turtles: names, photo

Dangerous turtles:

  • Mata-mat or fringe tortoise. It lives in the waters of the Amazon, adjacent to piranhas and river dolphins. It can be extremely dangerous for a person. The oral cavity of this reptile includes two pointed plates that cause association with human grown teeth. Her serpentine long neck is quite dodgy, and the skin exudes an unpleasant odor. This is a river animal - a predator, feeds on fish and other inhabitants of the river. Therefore, do not close closely to this individual to avoid bites. However, people often hunt for this subspecies of reptiles - transferring them to the collection.
  • Large -headed turtle - A copy with a long tail resembling a snake. Sometimes its length is equal to the size of the body. It is divorced in the rivers of Southeast Asia. This type has a massive beak that helps hunt prey. When meeting with it, it is better to observe the distance, In moments of danger, I can attack and bite - It has a strong grip and is able to apply serious injuries. This type of reptile can climb trees and build nests there. This species is under threat of disappearance due to poaching attacks. It is noteworthy that the turtle does not show aggression to other individuals neighboring with her.
  • Griffy species of turtles - From the category of large freshwater inhabitants of the turtle. It is the most dangerous look. Its mass exceeds 90 kg. Appearance, resembles the skin of the skin of dinosaurs. The rotary hole appears in the form of a large solid beak that can easily have a snack of the human bone. With a lightning -fast reaction, the turtle can amputate any limb in a careless person. Walking and swimming in the habitats of these reptiles is not the safest activity. Since this species is a long -liver, and its growth in body weight does not stop throughout his life, it can reach giant sizes. There is a known case when this figure increased more than 180 kg. This is a dangerous creature - a night hunter. It can be under water for almost 40 minutes. Her hunting method consists in luring the booty, hiding at the bottom, she attracts the victim, to her snake -shaped process.
  • Soft turtle - Despite the lack of a solid shell, he knows how to protect himself. The most dangerous of this subspecies is the mild the office of the office. Her place of residence is China. Most of the life, it hides in mud or sand. Only the nasal holes and eyes remain on the surface. However, if the victim approaches, in a matter of seconds it is able to jump out and seize the prey. Her hunting arsenal has strong jaws and a set of claws. The force of the jaw bite of this reptile is such that it can bite the bone. It is not recommended to be close to it.
Soft -grown
Soft -grown
  • Leathery view - Giant reptile living in oceanic waters. This is the largest type among all turtles. Due to its enormous size, it has a high bite force, capable of not only crushing the bone, but also smash a fishing boat into pieces. A leathery turtle is capable of repeling a shark attack. Therefore, noticing a similar creature close to yourself, you should be extremely careful.

Homemade turtles: brief description

For home content, they mainly choose a ground type of small -sized turtles. What types are suitable for living in a special aquarium?

Here are some of the most common home turtles:

  • Balkan - A pet of up to 20 cm in size. This is a fairly mobile reptile. In the summer months, its activity increases. It has an external resemblance to the Mediterranean type. The end of the tail is equipped with keratinity. On a light brown shell, a dark shade pattern is noticeable, which becomes less bright with age. Home diet: legumes, fruits, clover, snails or slugs.
  • Red -haired - This type, as described above, refers to the detachment of water species. During life in the aquarium, it needs to feed animal food. Leads a sedentary and non -aggressive way of existence. You can read more about this turtle here.
  • Egyptian - Little reptile 12 cm. Female individuals are less than males. Very whimsical in content and sensitive to diseases. It prefers herbal food with the addition of vitamin D3 and calcium. This type contain a group. Determine the sex of the animal, it is possible only upon reaching age - 15 years.
  • Trionics Chinese - From the kind of leathery subspecies. Instead of keratinized shell - tight skin. The proboscis performs the function of the nose. Despite her three paws, she is aggressive and restless. Such a variety is not entirely safe for a person, in order to tame an aquarium, it is necessary to purchase a baby's turtle.
  • Mediterranean - It has a different color: plain or dark with yellow spots. The nature of the content differs depending on the subspecies. The paws of the front, have five fingers, and the rear ones have spurs.
  • Caspian - An omnivorous individual. He loves fresh or salty cool water, as well as plant thickets. Its color is the alternation of green and yellow stripes. Males have a concave shield and a long tail.
  • Star, Indian - They have an unusual pointed pattern from the cells of the shell, resembling the shape of a star. Dark color with a yellow pattern. They feed on vegetation and reach medium sizes: males - 15 cm, females - 25 cm. In the north of India, there are species in which the pattern is made up of 9 rays. And in the southern area of \u200b\u200bIndia - individuals with a picture of 7 rays.
  • Ilovaya gloomy - The pythomitsa of the aquarium, which has a shell up to 18 cm, and the body is much larger. In the mouth, there are false teeth that can bite. It uses dry and animal food.
  • Central Asian - Distributed among domestic inhabitants. When content in the aquarium, up to 18 cm grow. Four paws and a shield with dark plates on a light shell. For home care, the necessary conditions should be created: sand, warm air and bathing once a week. They love to be alone.
  • European swamp -The tail of a dark green color with light spots. Size - up to 35 cm. In captivity, it contains, at an air temperature of 30 degrees.
  • Flat -9 cm long. It has a long head, a convex shield and brownish-olive color, scaly paws with 5 or 4 fingers. It feeds on shrimp, fish or mice.
  • Three -kille -A size of up to 13 cm. The shell consists of three keel, from black to a red-brown tint. Not demanding in the content, an aquarium is enough with a volume of 100 liters. Eat fish, vegetables and fruits. In certain countries, there is a ban on the home content of this type.
  • Pond Reeves -It has a brown carapace color, up to 13 cm long. It is black, olive and gray-green, with yellow stripes. This type, hardy in the conditions of coolness - 22 or less degrees.
  • Muscular - It has musky glands located under the shield. The length of which is about 12 cm. The color is dark with light dots. It feeds on insects, mollusks and fish. They are considered natural orderlies of reservoirs. Great swimmers. Therefore, they need an aquarium with water and a hill.
  • Spotted - Its value is up to 12 cm. A smooth shield of black with yellow dots is identical to the colors of the body. Points can have a red or orange tone. In the home environment, it is necessary to contain in a glass aquarium with areas of solitude for a pet: algae and covered places. Loves room temperature. Active in the daytime. In food, the food of animal origin is insects.

You can read more information and photos about home types of turtles here.

Interesting facts about turtles

Facts about turtles:

  • There is a version that turtles descended from a simpler ancient type of reptiles - cotylosaurus. According to the few found remains, scientists restored a certain evolutionary chain, which allows you to confirm the kinship of modern species with the ancients. One of the intermediate links of evolution is the ancient subspecies of turtles - elotosaurus. The inhabitant of South Africa is a large lizard with convex ribs. According to scientific research, it is he who attributes the first manifestation of the likeness of the shell in turtles.
  • Turtles - egg -grown animals. They prefer to bury their masonry in the sand, away from the places of stay of other animals and birds. The incubation period and hatching from the egg for future offspring are the most difficult and dangerous time.
  • Sea birds and mammals Often the masonry is ruined and turtle eggs are eaten, and they also hunt for barely hatched small turtles. However, in the water, new offspring is not security. Predatory fish are already waiting for turtle flocks in order to enjoy them. As a rule, at the masonry places, predators are walking around all the time, so the most important task for the kids is the opportunity to survive, before the appearance of the shell.
  • The growth of the shell It lasts for several months, depending on the type of reptile. The shell protects the turtle from attacks by birds and predators. Offsporation develops Quick enough, the puberty of some small species begins at the age of 2 to 10 years. This kind of animal is a long -liver.
Power of turtles
Power of turtles
  • The average life expectancy of individuals in captivity - more than 50 years. However, there are examples when the turtle has reached the age of 150 years. It is likely that individuals live in the wild, whose age exceeds this figure.
  • We can say that the turtle is an omnivorous creature. Sometimes you can see in some species special preferences in favor of plant or animal foods. In nature, such strict preferences are not so common. For water inhabitants, an underwater meal is characteristic. Unlike young individuals who need everyday dinner - adult turtles are prone to accumulating food resources. Once having eaten tightly, they can stay without food for a fairly long period - from a month to a year.
About turtles
About turtles
  • The pattern of the turtle is in a row state symbols, some countries.
  • In the late sixties, the turtles visited space. These were the first animals that on board the research apparatus flew around the moon.
  • From the keratinized surface of the shell Produce women's hair jewelry and accessories. Such exclusive things are expensive.
  • The temperature regime of the environment, significantly affects the development of sexual differences in the offspring of reptile. An increase in temperature - contributes to the birth of female individuals, and a decrease - male specimens.
  • Turtle meat - One of the special delicacies. It can eat it in finished and raw form.
  • At the Agrarian University of the city of Dnepropetrovsk, a unique case occurred - completely full -fledged offspring from eggs were born, which seemed to be a long period as demonstration exhibits. This event was in 2013 and aroused considerable interest in the circles of scientists.
  • Compared to other reptiles, turtles are less safe. If you observe precautions, especially in the marriage period of these animals, then a collision with them can be avoided. The most aggressive in the wedding season are: males of kaiman and leathery species. The first type is inclined to perceive a person, an opponent, and the second - to confuse with the female and drown, clasping with flippers.

Video: Facts about turtles

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