Plant Story - Paradise bird: species, description, growing from seeds, care, bouquets, flower value, photo. How to buy a royal stalk of flower on Aliexpress?

Plant Story - Paradise bird: species, description, growing from seeds, care, bouquets, flower value, photo. How to buy a royal stalk of flower on Aliexpress?

Why is the Stolitia called the "paradise of a bird"? How to grow shooting at home? Photo of bouquets with Strelitia.

There are really amazing flowers, striking in their appearance and unforgettable beauty. One of these is Strelitia. Let's find out what this plant is remarkable about how to grow it at home and use it in bouquets.

Plant Story: species, description

The Latin (botanical) name for the evergreen grassy plant of the Strelitzia family - Strelitzia (translation can sound like Strelitia or Strelitzia). It grows in South Africa and on the island of Madagascar. Both the appearance and name of the flower immediately attract attention.

Royal Strelitia - "Paradise Bird".

Important: there are several types of shooting: August (or white), Nicholas, Mountain, Juneza, as well as Royal Strelitia, the same thing that is used in bouquets and grows at home. In the table you can see a comparative characteristic of plant species.

Plant Story: species.

The botanical characteristics of Strelitzia Reginae are as follows:

  1. The plant has a powerful root system: the rod roots go deep into the ground (this must be taken into account, having a desire to grow a flower at home).
  2. The height of the Royal Street is from 1 m to 3 m.
  3. Leaves of the plant sit on powerful cuttings up to 60 cm in length. They themselves are oblong, leathery, pointed. The length of the sheet plate is from 30 cm to 2 m, the width is from 15 cm to 80 cm. The leaves are dark green in color, they have a blue plaque. Stelid leaves resemble the leaves of the banana.
  4. As a rule, one plant gives 5 peduncles, on which horizontal inflorescences with orange and purple petals are formed. Outwardly, inflorescences are similar to the heads of crested birds.
  5. Under natural conditions, Street blooms up to 6 months, in home - a little less. When the flower fades, a new one immediately appears in its place.
  6. Small nobly birds pollinate the plant in nature. They feed on a sweet nectar of flowers, sitting on them from above. Pollen remains on the paws and feathers of birds, then it is transferred to other flowers. At home, it is possible to grow from seeds.
  7. The pollinated shooting flowers are tied to fruits filled with seeds.
Nicholas Strelitzia can reach a height of 10 m.

STRILISE: Flower value, photo

It is amazing not only the appearance of the flower, but also its name.

  1. Many people think that the plant was called the plant because of its pointed leaves or the similarity of flowers to the arrowheads. In fact, this is a coincidence. The official name of the flower owes Charlotte-Sofia McChenburg-Strelitz, the wife of the king of England George III. Royal Strelitia in her honor.
  2. Another type of plant, the Strelitic of Nikolai, is named after another monarch - the Russian king Nicholas II.
  3. In Africa and in Madagascar, the flower is called "cranes", and in Europe - "paradise bird." Indeed, if you look at the Strelitia in the bouquet, it seems that exotic birds sit on other flowers from the composition.

Important: Strelitzia is a male flower, it symbolizes the strength of mind and courage.

Royal Street in nature.


Street seeds inside the fetus.


There is a sweet nectar, attractive for birds-nectarian birds in the shooting flowers.
There is a sweet nectar, attractive for birds-nectarian birds in the shooting flowers.

How to buy a royal stalk of flower on Aliexpress?

At home, only one type of plant is grown - Royal Strelitzia. They plant it from the seeds, which, usually, are ordered on the Internet. They also have sellers of the Chinese trading platform Aliexpress.

Catalog with proposals for Street seeds on Aliexpress.
Catalog with proposals for Street seeds on Aliexpress.

Important: to make purchases on Ali quickly and conveniently, before registration it is recommended to read the article - Instruction " The first order for Aliexpress" and Buyer guide.

To quickly find on the site Aliexpress Supplements for the seeds of the Paradise of the Paradise, in the search window on the main page a request is entered " Strelitzia" or " Strelitzia Reginae».

Royal Streins on Aliexpress.
Royal Streins on Aliexpress.

Important: on Ali, the shooting seeds are sold in packages of 20, 50, 100 pieces. When making an order, it must be borne in mind that the older the seeds, the worse they grow. Six months later, for example, it is possible to grow a flower only from 1 out of 10 seeds. Therefore, it is better to buy more, put several at once in one pot. You can also contact the seller and ask to indicate what marking on the package with seeds.

SHALITION Royal Growing from seeds

You can grow a royal flower from seeds at any time of the year.

  1. Often on the seeds there are particles of the pulp of the fetus, from which you need to get rid of.
  2. Seeds before sowing should be soaked in warm water with a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Loosing time is a day during which water is periodically changed.
  3. For germination, as a rule, disposable cups are used with a volume of 250 ml. In their bottoms, it is necessary to make holes for drainage.
  4. For germination, large river sand, compost and peat are used in equal proportions.
  5. The cups are filled with soil to two third volumes. Water the soil with boiling water and compacted. After cooling, the soil is sprinkled with a two -centimeter layer of sand.
  6. When sowing, the “paradise bird” is not buried. They are laid out in the sand and slightly pressed with a finger inside.
  7. It is necessary to limit air access to seedlings so that the fungus does not start in it. For this, glasses with shooting seeds are covered with glass or polyethylene.
  8. There are cups in a well -lit place, but not under the straight rays of the sun. Air temperature favorable to germination is about 24 degrees of heat.
Street seeds.
Soaking of Street seeds.
Planted shooting seeds.
So that the seeds do not rot, they need to block air access to them.

IMPORTANT: even if the STLITSION seeds were fresh, they move from 6 weeks to 6 months. You should be patient.

When the Paradise of the Bird will give the first shoots, even one leaflet, it will need air baths for 15-20 minutes a day and watering, which is produced as the upper soil layer dries.

Sprouted seeds of paradise bird.
Sprouted seeds of "paradise".

Video: How to grow Street from seeds?

STRILISE: Home Care, transplantation

As soon as the seedlings develop, they are transplanted into large dishes. For the normal development of the root system of the flower, the pots need to be taken deep. They should be drainage.


Although the shooting is exot, it is unpretentious.

  1. Pots with a plant are better to put near the eastern or western windows, under the scattered sunlight.
  2. "Paradise of the Bird" loves to be in the fresh air. In summer, at a stable temperature of at least 18 degrees, it can be added to the balcony or veranda. Dry air harms the plant. A particularly dangerous period is winter when heating is turned on. It is important to put Street further from the battery, as necessary to moisten the air around it.
  3. The optimum temperature for keeping the royal flower in the summer is 20-25 degrees, in winter-about 16 degrees.
  4. Frequesty is watered often, the earth under the flower should be wet. For watering, use filtered or boiled warm water. In summer, the flower is watered every time the soil dries from above, in winter - every 10 days. The water from the pallet is periodically poured so that it does not rot and does not mold.
  5. If the room is too dry, it is permissible to spray Strelitia or wipe its leaves with a damp sponge.
  6. Young or flowering "paradise bird" is fertilized 4 times a month. Alternate organic and mineral compositions. The top dressing of an adult plant, which has faded, is carried out once every 2 months.
  7. The pedunks of the faded royal flower are cut.
Young Story in the pot.
Fridged Strelitia.


Young archery is transplanted annually in the spring, then it grows faster. In an adult flower, the roots become fragile, their damage is fraught with death or slowdown in development, so the interval between transfers is increased to 2-4 years.
The ideal composition of the soil for the "paradise bird" - taken 1 to 1:

  • peat
  • sand
  • leaf and sod

Important: the necessary soil pH is up to 6.5.

The flowering indoor Street is royal.
Street in the interior.

Video: Street - Paradise bird in a flower pot. Statement care at home

Why does the Strelitia not bloom?

For the first time, indoor "Paradise Bird" blooms for 4-5 years. Flowering is promoted by lowering temperature from November to March to 16 degrees and reducing irrigation, then flower buds are laid successfully.
If the flower is in the apartment, it is almost impossible to ensure such a decrease in temperature for the rest period. It is for this reason that the shooting of the house may not bloom.
The solution is to transfer the dormant period for spring and summer. Then flowers, similar to the heads of exotic birds, will appear on the plant in late autumn - early winter.

Important: when organizing a period of rest in spring and summer, it must be remembered that Strelitzia can suffer when a temperature drop below 10 degrees of heat.

Bouquets with STILITION: Ideas and photos

Story in a pot is a bright and unusual decoration of the situation of any room. It always attracts attention, can be a background for a beautiful photo.
The decorative properties of the Paradise Bird are skillfully used by florists. The advantage of this flower is also that in cut it does not wither for about a month.
Story in the bouquet, in itself or in combination with other colors, is ideal for a gift to a man and a woman, regardless of age and degree of kinship. Bouquets with this flower look especially bright, dynamic and::

  • calles
  • orchids
  • herbera
  • chrysanthemums
  • roses
Bright bouquet with STRILIONS.
An unusual bouquet with Street.
Street, chrysanthemums and gerbers in a bouquet.
Street and yellow orchids.
Street and Calla in the bouquet.
Male bouquet with royal flowers.
Such a bouquet will not be wound within 4-5 weeks.

STRILISE: Use in cosmetology

No need to think that “Paradise Bird” is an exclusively decorative flower. The Street of the Royal and Street of Nikolai has a lot of useful properties. For example, a plant extract an extract that is used in cosmetology to overcome such common skin problems as::

  • dryness
  • breblable
  • touching
  • wrinkles
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • dark spots

With this plant extract, caring and anti -aging creams, masks and lotions are made.

Cream containing Street extract.
Cream containing Street extract.

Important: to an extract of Street, as a biologically active product, a person may have individual intolerance.

Video: Blooding of Street flowers!

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