Multiple sclerosis: the main symptoms, causes of the development of the disease, prevention, treatment

Multiple sclerosis: the main symptoms, causes of the development of the disease, prevention, treatment

Unfortunately, multiple sclerosis is a fairly common disease, while we still have not fully studied all the reasons leading to such a disease. We only know that the protective shell of the nerves that the immune system destroyed, in turn, destroys the connections of brain cells with others, thereby launching irreversible processes.

Doctors talk about a benign course of multiple sclerosis, characterized by uniform development, with absent serious disorders, and of malignant, rapidly progressing, leading to disability in a couple of years.

Distant sclerosis: symptoms

As one of the most common diseases, multiple sclerosis More and more “young” (its main age category-up to 40-45 years) and affected, according to doctors, about 20 thousand of our compatriots. Perhaps it is a fairly young age that causes a certain irresponsibility and untimely contacting doctors?

Be that as it may, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (even the most, at first glance, insignificant) that characterize the beginning disease should know everyone:

  • Constant sensation powerlessness as a consequence of stress or depressive state.
  • Difficulty When performing ordinary household chores.
  • Decrease in intellectual activity, at first inconspicuous.
  • The sensation is strong fatigue.
  • A certain loss of sensitivity, a feeling of goosebumps in the arms and legs, impaired vision or coordination of movements.

With the progression of the disease, especially if the first signs are ignored, the number of symptoms increases and they become more pronounced:

  • Motor activity is reduced.
  • Speech It becomes inettious and inarticulate.
  • Decreases Reflex activity.
  • The body begins to break, pain appears in it.
  • The activities of the genitourinary authorities are violated.
  • He begins in his eyes dvwell, objects seem blurry.
  • Men begin to suffer impotence.
  • A sharp increase in fatigue and weakness.
  • Coordination of movements is more and more violated.
  • Numbness It occurs not only in the limbs, but throughout the body.
  • The sensitivity is almost completely reduced.

And already to the last stages of the disease in human behavior, sharp changes begin, emotional instability, a tendency to depressive states. If the case is especially severe, the progression of the disease can lead to the loss of speech and the ability to move.

Distributed sclerosis: causes of the disease

There are several causes that increase the risk of multiple sclerosis:

  1. HeredityIf such a disease was inherent in parents.
  2. The presence of diseases of the endocrine system and, in particular, problems with the thyroid gland.
  3. Diagnosed diabetes, as a rule, related to the first type.
  4. Insufficiency in the body of vitamin D.
  5. Some infectious diseases, among which doctors especially emphasize the danger of Epstein-Barra virus, external impact: ecology, climatic conditions, increased radiation, toxicity of the environment, the consequences of injuries or surgical interventions.
  6. Age factor - The disease more often develops among fairly young people, starting from 50 years in patients rarely diagnose the symptoms of the onset of the disease.
  7. Depending on the person himself: bad habits, the presence of frequent stressful situations, inal meals, increased intellectual activity.
Happens in young people, more often women
Happens in young people, more often women

How many live with multiple sclerosis?

  • Luckily, disease with multiple sclerosis It does not apply to the number of fatal ones, so the life expectancy of such patients is relatively the same compared to those who are not subject to such a disease. This is also confirmed by statistics that say that the average number of years of life is less than about 7.
  • Causes of death In this group, people are the same as the rest: heart and oncological diseases in the first place.

In the life of patients with multiple sclerosis, the struggle for its quality is in the life of patients, since the symptoms of the disease cause many problems for both the patients themselves and the people around them.

  • Another problem is the possibility of disabilitywhich, unfortunately, is not excluded for a certain number of patients with a severe degree of disease.
  • They may need wheelchairs, crutches and other devices.

Stages of multiple sclerosis

Experts evaluate the stages of multiple sclerosis with the amount of damage to the nervous system, determining them with the number of points:

  • From 0 to 3.5 - This is a full -fledged existence, without the help of outsiders.
  • From 4 to 5.5 - Limited independence - certain classes cause difficulties, inability to move independently over long distances.
  • From 6 to 6.5 - The patient needs constant support from the side.
  • From 7 and above - The need for a wheelchair, problems with speech, swallowing, eating.

Early stages of multiple sclerosis

The sooner the diagnosis is made, the easier it is to stop and slow down the progression of the disease.

In order to prevent a deterioration in the state with multiple sclerosis, you need to be wary and examined by a specialist if you notice:

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle of a woman.
  • Frequent loss of balance, stumbling, falling.
  • Increased forgetfulness, mood changes, outbreaks of anger and other changes in emotional behavior.
  • Change in bodily sensations, muscle weakness, the appearance of pain in the body, cramps.
  • Difficulties in determining one or another color.
  • Delays urination.
  • A feeling of numbness and loss of sensitivity in the fingers, arms, legs.
  • Nausea, frequent dizziness.
  • Problems fine motor skills of the hands.
  • The state of constant fatigue.

Multiple sclerosis in women, in men, in children

  • Women are more often susceptible to this disease. Frequent hormonal changes contribute to this: menstrual cycle, childbearing, etc. It is during this period that the first signs of the disease most often occur.
  • It happens at the time of weakening the immune system the body is manifested in two ways - symptoms can be characteristic of a certain organ, but can manifest itself in the complex.
  • Symptoms of multiple sclerosis They appear according to the above and are characteristic of both women and men. For the latter, the most common age of the disease is also young: from 30 to 40 years, since it is at this time that the level of hormone testosterone hormone begins.
In young age
In young age
  • Studies have shown that the level of this hormone affects the possibility of multiple sclerosis. In addition, the disease in men, although it manifests itself less often, is more severe.
  • Cases of the disease have been recorded among children, and scientists argue that in childhood begins up to 10% of cases of subsequent "adult" disease. Most often, the disease is recorded in puberty, much less often-under the age of 10 years.
  • Today, a case is also known when the disease was diagnosed in a child who has not reached a year. Children tolerate the disease easier, feeling almost healthy, which does not exclude the need for treatment, since the development of the disease at this age occurs very quickly - up to 4 years.

Prevention of multiple sclerosis

Knowing factors contributing to the development of multiple sclerosis, you can work to prevent such probability or reduce the risks of the disease.

It is important to warn
It is important to warn

This is necessary:

  1. CautionIn order not to get an infectious or viral disease, and if the disease has yet defeated, immediately proceed to treatment, preventing progression.
  2. Avoid overwork, while maintaining an active lifestyle, as far as possible.
  3. To not allow overheating In the sun, generally limit thermal procedures.
  4. The lifestyle should be such that the loads alternated with rest.
  5. Refusal from drinking alcohol and tobacco smoking.
  6. In the presence of a disease, a strict intake of drugs prescribed by a doctor to prevent the possibility of exacerbation.
  7. Avoid any stress, emotional stress

Drugs for multiple sclerosis

Today, the so -called "generics" have entered the pharmacological market, i.e. Copies of the medicine equivalent to it in terms of exposure and active substances.

But at the same time, doctors prefer original remedies with multiple sclerosis, which include:

A drug

A drug

  1. TIRILUNOMID - An immunostimulating agent affecting the number of immune cells and also has anti -inflammatory properties.
  2. Natalizumab, which reduces inflammation in damaged tissues and attracts immune cells to them.
  3. Aleemtuzumab -an anti-inflammatory drug that promotes the regeneration of brain tissue and affects the amount of B-lymphocytes.
  4. Timexon - A new drug, cheaper, capable of reducing the need to take, which will need two short ten -day courses.
  5. Copaxon - Another immunomodulating drug that blocks reactions that contribute to the destruction of myelin shells.

Day of multiple sclerosis

This year, this day, which emphasizes the necessity and importance of combating multiple sclerosis, noted May 29. Usually this day is The last Wednesday of May. The purpose of this date is to remind people of how important it is to be regularly examined by the doctor, controlling the state of their health and diagnosing a beginning disease in a timely manner.

In the last Wednesday of May
In the last Wednesday of May
  • This day is celebrated for the tenth time, because The year of its institution is 2009, and the initiator was the corresponding international Federation, which rallyed the societies of this disease in one movement.
  • As evidenced by statistics, over 2 million people in the world they suffer from multiple sclerosis, In the Russian Federation, such patients are about 80 thousand.

The day of the fight against multiple sclerosis includes information measures (forums, lectures, conferences), as well as conducting charitable actions aimed at helping such patients.

Video: How to get rid of multiple sclerosis?

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