Surviving tablets from sore throat and cough for adults and children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding: list, use. What absorption tablets from the throat are best used for tonsillitis, voice loss, pharyngitis, laryngitis, from cough, tonsillitis?

Surviving tablets from sore throat and cough for adults and children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding: list, use. What absorption tablets from the throat are best used for tonsillitis, voice loss, pharyngitis, laryngitis, from cough, tonsillitis?

A sore throat brings a lot of problems for a person. An excellent tool that will save from pains are absorbing pills.

The sore throat may be a symptom of the manifestation of SARS, influenza, acute respiratory infections and many other viral diseases. Most people will definitely see a doctor, however, before planning a visit to a specialist, the first assistant for us are absorbing tablets, sprays and rinsing fluids.

There are more than a hundred different loafers with the content of antibiotics, herbs, propolis and other components. In order to choose the right medical drug, it is necessary to build on the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease. So, today we will consider the most popular means used in our country from common diseases of the throat.

Surviving tablets from pain and sore throat for adults: a list of how to use a sore throat, loss of voice, pharyngitis, laryngitis, from cough, tonsillitis?

Despite the “magical” effect of many medicines to use one medicine for different ailments, because the ingredients contained in the composition have a completely different principle of exposure. Therefore, for the effectiveness of the use of a drug, it is important to understand in what cases it will be useful and will bring relief, and in which, on the contrary, it can harm or even aggravate the course of the disease.

Depending on the disease, it is necessary to select the drug that is indicated to relieve pain, and also actively affects the cause of malaise. After all, the loafers used in the loss of voice are completely useless in the case of tonsillitis, laryngitis or pharyngitis. Therefore, in the absence of concomitant symptoms and at the initial stage of a cold accompanied by a cough, it is necessary to use the following drugs:

  • Dr. MOM
  • Koldakt Lorpils
  • Alex Plus
  • Bronchikum
  • Linkas
  • Paul
  • Sage
  • Sage Evalar

These candies for resorption eliminate the cough, have an expectorant effect, and also relieve redness of the throat.

  • Applying them is quite simple, it is necessary to use 1 candy every 2-3 hours for 4-5 days.
  • At the same time, it is important to note the fact that the candies must be absorbed, because with saliva, active substances envelop the throat, and when chewing, all useful ingredients will begin to act in the stomach, so the proper effect will not be achieved.

Angina is a more serious disease than a common cold, therefore, drugs for its treatment should have a stronger effect. That is why, with this ailment, it is recommended to use antibacterial drugs that kill the virus in the oral cavity and throat. The most popular are considered:

  • Hexoral
  • Strepils
  • Stepangin
  • Gorpils
  • Septolte Neo
  • Rinza Lorsept
  • Suprima-Lor
  • Lizobakt
  • Laripron
  • Proposol
  • Pharyngosept
Sore throat
Sore throat

In the case of voice loss, as well as laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis you need to use those lozenges and candies that have a wide range of actions:

  • Restore the voice
  • Reduce pain
  • Soften the throat
  • Eliminate dryness
  • Eliminate the perspiration

The following drugs are allowed for use:

  • Teraflu Lar
  • Koldakt Lorpis
  • Isla
  • Kolmex
  • Immunvit
  • Trakhisan
  • Decal
  • Imodon
  • Chlorophyllipt

However, the use of loafers does not exclude complex therapy. Therefore, for quick recovery, it is necessary to use rinsing, as well as a wide range of actions for the appointment of a doctor.

Resorption tablets
Resorption tablets

We also want to draw your attention to the next moment. Most people relate to loafers as sweets, but any absorbent tablets are a medicine that has its own indications and contraindications, respectively. Therefore, before starting taking a drug at least, read his instructions, and even better consult with a specialist.

Baby tablets for resorption for children, pastilles from pain and sore throat for children: a list, use

When children are sick in the house, this is always a trouble, because together with their children “morally”, their parents are also sick. When choosing a medicine for children, you need to be extremely careful, especially if you do it without a doctor’s appointment.

Tablets for children
Tablets for children

Baby tablets for resorption have not only a more gentle effect, but also a lower concentration of active substances in the composition. Therefore, it is impossible to use one tool for children and adults with the same diagnosis and symptoms. For the treatment of sore throat, as well as when rushing for babies, it is recommended to use such loaves:

  • Septal septa drys with various tastes (permissible for patients from 6 years; use 1 candy every 2-3 hours for 2-3 days)
  • Anti-Angin (produced in 2 forms: for children from 3 and 6 years old, so the cabs need to give tablets in agreement with the doctor, as well as following the instructions)
  • Septolte (used at the ages of 4 to 10 years, 4 tablets per day)
  • Pharyngosepte (suitable for children from 3 years old; 3 candies per day are prescribed)
  • Grammidine children (for babies from 4 years old, 2 pcs a day)
  • Bronchia Veda (permissible for patients from 6 years old 1 candy 3-4 times a day)
  • Dr. MOM (for children from 3 years old, 1 pastel every 4 hours)
  • Lacheric candies (used from birth 5-6 pcs 4-5 times a day)
  • Carmolis nursery (1 table. Every 2 hours)
  • Linkas ENT (used at the age of 5 years for 1 pc every 3 hours)
  • Shallefei candies (from 3 years to 1 table. 2-3 hours after the previous reception)

Resorption tablets from sore throat and cough for pregnant women: list, use

Bearing a baby is an extremely important and crucial period in a woman’s life. Unfortunately, over 9 months of pregnancy, most expectant mothers manage to transfer more than one disease and ailments of the throat in this list is far from last.

For pregnant women, there are not such a large selection of drugs allowed for use. Indeed, at first glance, harmless cough lollipops can contain too high concentration of various substances, which in the future can negatively affect the development of the child. For example, women who are in position are contraindicated:

  • Antibiotic drugs
  • Mustard plasters
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures
  • Hot bath baths
  • Inhalations if there is an elevated temperature
  • Cough preparations with a high concentration of chemical elements: ACC, broncholitin, Pertussin, Linkas
Pregnant tablets
Pregnant tablets

If pain in the throat or cough occurs, it is necessary to visit the therapist to prescribe treatment, as well as in order to avoid further complications. Among the permissible candies, they include:

  • Pharyngosept (it is also allowed to be used during lactation; 3-5 lollipops are absorbed daily before eating in 30 minutes)
  • Chlorophyllipt (permissible to use breast milk in agreement with a doctor; 1 table. Every 4-5 hours)
  • Isla (use up to 6 tablets per day according to the instructions)
  • Lacheric candies (absorb up to 6 pcs a day)
  • Thoracic collection No. 4 in the form of loafers (1 pcs 4 times a day; they have no contraindications, because there are only natural components in the composition)
  • Mucaltin (use 1-2 pcs three times a day)
  • Lizobakt (3-4 times a day, 1-2 pcs; they have no contraindications)

Resorption tablets from sore throat and coughing during breastfeeding: list, use

During breastfeeding, it is important to observe special caution. After all, active components that help the mother get rid of sore throat and coughing can negatively affect the quality of milk, as well as the well -being of the child. Therefore, the most correct solution will be to choose drugs that have no contraindications and have a natural basis, for example, herbal fees and organic components. Among those allowed during the lactation of candies from pain in the throat and cough:

  • Chlorophyllipt (1 table. Every 4-5 hours)
  • Pharyngosept (3-5 pcs every day half an hour before meals)
  • Isla (the maximum permitted dose 6 tablets per day)
  • Septtefril (3 tablets per day every 4 hours)
  • Septolta (1 loaf every 3-4 hours, avoiding use during meals; it is not allowed to use together with milk)
  • Sebidin (1 table. 4 times a day; it is necessary to observe the interval of 6 hours between tricks; the drug is used after eating; you can not eat, and use the liquid for the first 2 hours after resorption)
  • Thoracic collection No. 4 in loafers (1 pc 4 times a day)
  • Lacheric candies (up to 6 loafers per day)
Sore throat pills for breastfeeding
Sore throat pills for breastfeeding

It is also worth abandoning drugs that contain the following components:

  • Nutmeg
  • Pennyroyal
  • Echinacea
  • Ginseng
  • Sage
  • Sagebrush
  • Oregano
  • Kalina
  • Celandine

In pregnant women, these ingredients can provoke a miscarriage, and for nursing mothers can cause a decrease in the quality of milk, as well as its quantity.

Among the permissible herbal extracts:

  • Chamomile
  • Dog-rose fruit
  • Fennel
  • Raspberry
  • Strawberries

Resorption, sucking tablets, loaves, lollipops for a throat with an antibiotic: List

The antibiotic in the coughing of cough helps not only to significantly reduce the pain and redness of the throat, but also to affect the cause of the disease - bacteria and viruses. And since the drug acts locally, it does not cause standard side effects, as when taking antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. The most popular drugs of this composition include:

  • Bioparox
  • Stepangin
  • Pharyngosept
  • Grammidine
  • Trakhisan
  • Dorricin
  • Streptocide

However, pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from applying these lollipops without prior consultation with a doctor.

  • Children are also not recommended to give drugs with antibiotics at the first stages of the disease, since active components can be too aggressive and have an adverse effect on the growing organism.
  • Also, such drugs are effective for tonsillitis, laryngitis, influenza and other diseases. However, with redness and coughing, it is worth giving preference to more gentle herbal pastilles. Since an antibiotic can provoke a deterioration in symptoms by struggle not only with harmful, but also useful bacteria of the throat.

Resorption, sucking tablets, candies with anesthetic: List

Preparations with an anesthetic effect are used for sore throat, irritation and redness of the mucous membrane, as well as after trauma of the trachea and larynx.

There are many loafers for resorption aimed at pain relief. But such drugs do not fight the cause of the disease, so their appointment with angina or other viral ailments will be useless. As a means of temporary relief of well -being, you can use:

  • Hexoral
  • Falimint
  • Laripron
  • Grammidine with anesthetic
  • Strepten
  • Tantum Verde
  • Dr. MOM

Such drugs must be used in accordance with the instructions, since an overdose can cause problems with the digestive tract, heart and liver.

Resorption, sucking tablets, antibacterial candies: list

Antibacterial candies intended for resorption act on the cause of the focus of infection - bacteria, therefore, not only relieve pain and eliminate the perspiration, but also help the body cope with the paramount factor in the development of malaise. Among effective drugs with the content of antibacterial components:

  • Septolte
  • Strepils
  • Pharyngosept
  • Grammidine
  • Falimint
  • Lizobakt
  • Sebedin
  • Septtefril
  • Neo-Angin

However, not all of them are suitable for children, so you should carefully study the instructions, as well as consult a pediatrician.

Resorption tablets are cheap, inexpensive: list

In case of illness, we need not only enough time to relax and restore the body, but also material remedies. After all, most pharmacology products do not have a budget price. And in the case when it is impossible to do without comprehensive treatment, it is impossible to abandon one of the prescribed drugs. However, do not puzzle over how to save, because there is a wide range of pastilles from cough and various diseases of the throat, which, with high efficiency, cost a penny. Budget candles include:

  • Dr. MOM
  • Libexin
  • Linkas
  • Septtefril
  • Chlorophyllipt
  • Stoptussin
  • Mukhaltin
  • Breast collection No. 4 in pastilles
  • Lacheric candies

If you are faced with a situation when the doctor insists on taking all the drugs he prescribed, and money does not allow you to do this, remember that most medications have cheap analogues. Turn to the pharmacist in a pharmacy for help, and he will certainly advise you a more budget version of the tablets, however, with the same composition.

How and when is it better to use somersaults, lysobact, pharyngosept, grammidine, eucalyptus, impudent, phalymint hexoral chlorophyllipt, lazolvan with sore throat and coughing?

All cough loafers are used at various temporary intervals, as well as before or after eating, depending on the composition. Since for the breakdown of some active components a complete absence of gastric juice is necessary, and for others, on the contrary. Therefore, before using any drug, it is necessary to study the instructions in detail and follow the recommendations of the doctor. Indeed, in the best case, you will not achieve the proper effect, and in the worst case, provoke the occurrence of diarrhea, gastritis, ulcers, dizziness and other unpleasant consequences.

  • Pharyngosepte, chlorophyllipt and septeephril preparations must be absorbed 1 table. Every 3-4 hours. Pharyngosepte acts due to the ambazon, which reduces inflammation. The main component of chlorophyllipt is a thick chlorophyllipte extract, but it also contains ethanol, therefore it is contraindicated in people with alcoholism. Septtefril acts using the active component - decametoxin.
  • Grammidin loafs are used for 1 pc every 3-4 hours. A positive effect is achieved thanks to gramicidin C, which helps to remove sputum.
  • Falimint candies should be used 1-2 dragees, 3-5 times a day. It has an acetylaminoninitropoxybenzole. With its help, the protective properties of the body are activated, and sputum also comes out.
  • Imudon and Haecsorel should be used 1 table. Every 3 hours (as much as possible 8 pcs per day). Imudon consists of a complex of bacteria lizats that kill the virus. And hexoral contains chlorhexedin dihydrochloride, which has a disinfectant effect.
  • Lazolvan is consumed during food, while it must be washed down with a lot of water. For adults, the dosage is 1 pc 3 times a day. After 3 days, 2 tablets are taken. twice a day. The drug acts using an active component - Ambroxol of hydrochloride, which has antiviral and anti -inflammatory properties.
Resorption tablets for the throat
Resorption tablets for the throat
  • Lizobact is taken for 2 tablets. 3-4 times a day, patients over 12 years old. Children's dose aged 7-12 years: 1 pc 4 times a day. Lizobact consists of lysozyme hydrochloride and pyridoxine, which have an antiviral effect.
  • Sage and eucalyptus use 6 tablets. per day with breaks of 2 hours for people over 15 years old. At the age of 10-15 years: 4 loafers every 3 hours, and for babies from 5 to 10 years-3 candies per day 4 hours after the previous reception. Sage and eucalyptus contain a high concentration of nutrients from the plants of the same name. They have an antifungal, antiviral, as well as a disinfectant effect, and also relieve irritation from the mucous membranes.

As you have already been convinced, today there are a huge number of different pastilles and candies that can remove sore throat, sore throat, and even coughing. All of them differ from each other with a composition, the method of application, indications and contraindications, respectively, as well as the price. That is why, before taking any tablets and pastilles, we recommend that you consult a doctor or at least carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Video: How to quickly cure sore throat?

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, not absorbing, but tablets for resorption. The absorbable ointment is the one that can absorb something (scars, etc.). It turns out that in the throat the tablet will be absorbed something?

  2. Well, why cling to the words? It is clear that this refers to resorption tablets. Good, by the way, tablets, especially grammidine, because it includes local antibiotic and antiseptic.

  3. It is precisely the children's throat tablets that they are with normal taste and would not have to force the child to take them.

  4. If you choose children's, then my child personally like pills for children's grammidine, they go with a raspberry taste, they need to be absorbed and the child does it with pleasure. It turns out something like sucking sweets for the throat, only it is also excellent medicine, everything quickly passes without chronicle and complications.

  5. I have no children yet, but there are problems with the throat, but what are it. First of all, the throat begins to get sick if a sheet. The anti-angine formula saves, there in the composition of both the antiseptic and anesthetic, just destroys microbes, and saves from pain, what is needed. If anything, I take the pastry.

  6. Irina, I only give my daughter tonsilly from my throat. This is safe homeopathy, there is no chemistry and dyes in the composition. Yes, and it acts well. The inflamed throat passes in a few days.

  7. And I buy sage from the nature of the product, I like these pills. I also remember my grandmother said that sage is very useful and helps with sore throat. Now I remember her words and use her advice.

  8. Correctly higher about the anti-angon, the formula is written. I bought this remedy when it began to bother the throat. I just took it in resorption tablets. They taste not nasty, on the contrary, I really liked it. And their composition is good, and the effectiveness does not temper) I was satisfied with the fact that I bought this particular tool.

  9. i do not like when the first -aid kit is crowded at home, so I take what really helps and can give children in case of illness. I keep Lizobakt for the throat at home, I let the elder and the older be absorbed and now I feed the youngest (GV) I will absorb it)))

  10. And I also liked Shallefei from the nature of the product, quite effective loafers. The first time I bought them when the throat began to fade and they helped me well.

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