Radon baths: benefits and harm, testimony and contraindications, reviews. How to take it correctly?

Radon baths: benefits and harm, testimony and contraindications, reviews. How to take it correctly?

Radon baths: in detail about the radioactive procedure. What heals, who can, where is located, reviews.


Radon baths are a pearl of resort recreational treatment, which has been popular for more than 100 years! In this article we will talk about diseases in which radon baths are shown, about contraindications, as well as reveal many subtleties of this type of healing.

What are radon baths?

In radon baths, the active substance is radon. Actually, this procedure was named after him. In order to understand what radon baths are, first you should figure out what kind of substance it is.

So, Radon was discovered at the fracture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in 1900, Ernest Rutherford. The substance is an inert gas that will turn out due to an expensive chemical process. But at the same time, the substance is found in nature and in its purest form. It was in such places at the beginning of the twentieth century that numerous sanatoriums and hospitals were built, into which patients from all over the world flowing down:

  • Crimea;
  • Bad Nauheim;
  • Hops;
  • Tskhal-Tubo;
  • Bad -rambach.

In these places there is a maximum accumulation of natural radon, actively used in sanatoriums. There are also many small sources in Russia, near which small sanatoriums are rebuilt.

Radon baths
Radon baths

Radon baths are baths with mineral water, and enriched by Radon. The patient is immersed in medical and health purposes. This procedure showed a positive effect in a number of diseases and gained particular popularity in the 20s of the last century. Since then, the popularity of radon baths has not been reduced and thousands of people will heal every year with the help of this procedure. This procedure refers to balneological treatment.

What is the useful of radon baths for women and men, how do they affect the human body?

It is worth noting right away that Radon is not always shown and not everyone. In addition, the number of procedures is important, as well as their duration. In small doses, the substance has a wonderful healing effect, and in large doses can harm. That's why Self -medication by radon baths is strictly prohibited.

  • Before going to radon improvement, be sure to consult your doctor, and after arriving in the sanatorium, patients are also required to consult a doctor in the sanatorium, who will conduct the patient during the course.
  • Being in radon baths, men and women saturate the body with radon and products of its half -life, which have a beneficial effect on the healing of the body, and also accelerate cell regeneration.
  • GAZ Radon is able to penetrate deep into the human body, and is completely excreted only after 1-1.5 hours. The result of radium is strengthening the heart muscle, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, pressure comes back to normal, especially if it is regularly reduced, and that the metabolism is important.
While mom takes radon baths, a child can offer an excellent alternative - salt baths
While mom takes radon baths, a child can offer an excellent alternative - salt baths

It is worth noting that in recent years, cosmetologists and nutritionists have again paid attention to radon baths, which produced a real spa in spa procedures. Indeed, losing weight and pulling the skin is more pleasant not through painful massages and heavy training, but with a half -hour rest in a mineral bath.

But not everything is so clear. Firstly, Radon is not shown to everyone and has a number of restrictions. Secondly, in a complex of healing and losing weight in the sanatoriums, fitness retirement is held, diet and treatment with mineral waters are recommended. Only in a comprehensive decision, patients see significant changes in the course of 21 days.

After 45 years old, radon baths are shown as general strengthening, helping to maintain energy in the body and potency. Spouses often travel to the sanatorium with radon treatment together, since this gas has a beneficial effect on organisms of both pilafs. But the children of radon baths are contraindicated and are not assigned to 18 years.

Radon baths, dry with radon water: Indications

Radon baths

Want to try radon baths on yourself, but your attending physician never mentioned them? Today, in the age of the Internet, you can always familiarize yourself with the testimony for the procedures and make a decision yourself. Even if your doctor does not offer this recovery, you can get a doctor’s consultation in the sanatorium, and come to the hospital in private.

So, radon baths are shown in such diseases:

  • Varicose veins, weak veins and all diseases of the venous system;
  • Cardiovascular diseases in the stage of remission;
  • Many types of dermatitis, skin diseases, as well as with psoriasis;
  • In the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • With a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • In the treatment of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis);
  • Lung and respiratory diseases;
  • Treatment of female genital organs, including inflammation, fibroids;
  • Thyroid diseases, endocrine system;
  • A wide range of diseases of the nervous system;
  • Metabolic violation, obesity;
  • With diabetes of different types.

For what diseases it is impossible to take radon baths, to whom they are harmful: contraindications

We have already discussed the question that radon baths are not always shown and not everyone. In this section, we have collected a complete list of factors in which radon baths are not recommended:

  • Children under 18 years of age;
  • Pregnant women and women breastfeeding;
  • With circulatory disorder 2 and 3 stages;
  • Women during menstruation;
  • The presence of any bleeding;
  • During the period of exacerbation of any diseases, as well as in the process of virus-industrial diseases;
  • At elevated body temperature;
  • Radiation sickness;
  • With a number of mental illness;
  • The presence of tumors (malignant and benign), as well as suspicions of these diseases;
  • All types of purulent processes;
  • All types of blood diseases;
  • Open form of tuberculosis.

How to take radon baths correctly?

Radon baths

Remember that radon baths are a therapeutic procedure, and for effective use it is required to observe a number of indications:

  • 30 minutes before the procedure, have a bite so as not to be hungry, but not with a crowded stomach. You can eat tightly no later than 2 hours before the procedure;
  • Immediately before the procedure, we clean the intestines and bladder;
  • 30 minutes before and 1.5 hours after not smoking;
  • Before taking the bath, do not overwhelm, since the bath itself loads the body well. Training should end 1.5-2 hours before the procedure;
  • Come in 10 minutes and sit calmly, waiting for the procedure so that sweating is normalized, the heart muscle relaxes;
  • If the body is sweaty, dirty - to take a cleansing shower before the procedure;
  • In radon baths, the body can be immersed to the line of the heart so that the head and heart remain above the water;
  • If the patient is sick with cardiovascular diseases-immersion of the body to the navel line;
  • The intake of the bath with Radon must be held in a calm relaxed atmosphere, the patient is recommended to lie motionless, and move the body only by necessity and slowly, since the concentration of radon in the bath increases;
  • The duration of the procedure is prescribed individually, but does not exceed 10-15 minutes;
  • The water temperature is controlled by an employee and persisted in the range of 35-37 degrees;
  • The procedure ends after the patient slowly rises from the water and gets wet his body with a towel. It is strictly forbidden to rub the radioactive plaque;
  • After the patient dabbled his body, he needs to change into dry cotton underwear and slowly dressed, sit down to relax in the reception room for at least 20 minutes;
  • After that, the patient is recommended to go to the room and lie down for at least an hour. Ideally - fall asleep on a dining dream;
  • On one day, radiated baths and other load procedures, such as mud wraps, pool, power training;
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to go to long walks, excursions, active entertainment;
  • Radon baths are usually prescribed courses from 10 to 15 procedures, but with interruptions in 1-2 days. Thus, the course can be stretched for more than a month.

How often can you take radon baths, can you take daily, after how long to repeat the course?

Radon baths are accepted for healing purposes. The course is usually 10-15 baths, with alternation after 1-2 days. It is not recommended to take this procedure daily, since it gives a strong load on the body. Remember that each treatment can be healing or toxic, depending on the dosage.

Radon treatment always undergoes a sanatorium employee
Radon treatment always undergoes a sanatorium employee

Radon bath courses are prescribed individually, depending on the direction of healing, as well as the patient's health. It is usually recommended to repeat no more than once every six months, but it is still recommended to adhere to the regime - once a year.

Is it possible to take radon baths with menstruation?

Radon baths are strictly prohibited during any bleeding, including during menstruation.

Radon baths: How long does the effect last?

Remember that radon baths are not a magic wand, but only one of the tools for healing and improving the quality of life. If you fulfill the course fully, adhere to the prescribed nutrition and drinking regime, do not forget about drugs and physical activity, then the effect of radon baths will remain up to a year, after which it will be possible to repeat the procedure.

If the patient violates his appointment, and does not continue to work on himself, the effect becomes less noticeable after 4-5 weeks.

Radon baths: Is it possible for children?

Radon baths are categorically forbidden for children under 5 years of age and are extremely rare and carefully appointed to children under 18 years of age. If there is an alternative possibility of healing, it is best to postpone radon baths under 18 years old.

Radon baths: testimonies in gynecology with uterine fibroids, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian cyst

Radon baths are shown to women in gynecological diseases, but in the absence of tumors and bleeding. Numerous practice has shown that radon baths are very effective in the treatment of myoma, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian cysts. In some cases, thanks to a sanatorium treatment that includes radon baths, women avoid surgical intervention and continue to lead an active lifestyle.

Radon - a real assistant to restore female health
Radon - a real assistant for the restoration of women's health

It should be remembered that radon baths are categorically not allowed in the process of inflammatory diseases and the presence of increased body temperature.

Radon baths with adenoma

In chronic prostatitis, urological chronic inflammation and prostate adenoma, radon baths are recommended by courses twice a year. At the same time, note that radon treatment is carried out in the process of remission, if now there is an exacerbation - it is recommended to postpone the procedures for a later time.

With adenoma of breast, prostate and thyroid gland, radon baths are not recommended, since these are benign tumors. With such diagnoses, radon does not help, but it can, on the contrary, harm it.

Radon baths: What do they give with gout?

In chronic gout, radon baths are recommended by courses once a year. At the same time, do not forget that first you need to undergo treatment and relieve exacerbation, and only in remission to heal the body with Radon.

Radon baths for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a severe chronic non -infectious skin disease that cannot be cured, but can be maintained in a state of remission. Radon baths for psoriasis are prescribed once or twice a year, depending on the general state of health of the patient.

After the course of radon baths, patients note relief, removal of symptoms and a significant improvement in the quality of life. Excellent helps in alternation with mud wraps and saline baths.

Radon baths with infertility

The roots of male and female infertility can be very diverse. But it is worth noting that the presence of certain chronic diseases can also pull infertility. Therefore, if the spouses have chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, radon baths are recommended as healing with courses no more than once a year.

Additional therapy in the sanatoriums specializing in minerals and radon deserves special attention.

Radon baths after a stroke

In the first month after the stroke, intensive treatment is underway, after which sanatorium-prophylactic recovery is strongly recommended. It is recommended to make radon baths in numerous procedures, but taking into account the minimum time (about 10 minutes of stay in the bathroom) and immersion only to the waist line.

Radon baths for arthrosis, coksartrosis of the hip joint, hernia of the spine

Radon baths are a real find for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. They are prescribed courses twice a year with arthrosis, coksartrosis of the hip joint, hernias of the spine. After undergoing treatment, patients note significant relief, improvement of the quality of movement, as well as additional energy and lightness in the body.

Radon baths with tachycardia, ischemia

With cardiovascular diseases, radon baths are recommended for preventive and wellness purposes. They have a general strengthening effect, saturate the body with radon and help to regenerate cells faster. In the presence of tachycardia, ischemia and other diseases associated with the heart, the course is recommended once a year, over time of visiting the bath - 10 minutes, with alternation every other day, a course of not more than 15 baths.

Radon baths for weight loss

Radon baths for weight loss began to be used in the middle of the last century, but the procedure received particular popularity in this direction only a few years ago. Indeed, many today want to speed up the metabolism, lose weight and tighten the body without making great efforts.

Radon baths for weight loss
Radon baths for weight loss

At the same time, it is worth remembering that radon baths are not a panacea, a sad, slender body without any labors. In the course there is a diet, massages, pool or physical training, as well as wraps and other wellness procedures.

Patients note that if all the indications are observed, then in a month you can lose from 5 to 15 kg.

You can take radon baths with hemorrhoids

Radon baths with hemorrhoids are shown, as they strengthen the venous system and have a beneficial effect on the whole organism. It is worth noting that if hemorrhoids are prohibited in the stage of exacerbation or bleeding, radon baths.

Radon baths with autoimmune thyroiditis

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a chronic disease that is recommended to be treated comprehensively. During exacerbations - outpatient treatment, and during periods of remission - sanatorium treatment, which includes radon baths.

Courses are assigned 1-2 times a year for 10-15 procedures for 10-15 minutes, depending on other indicators.

Radon baths in the illness of Bekhterev

Radon baths

Bekhterev’s disease has been successfully treated for many decades by hydrogen sulfide and radon baths. With a complex of 15 radon baths, which alternate with hydrogen sulfide baths. As well as wraps, relaxation in a salt cave and general strengthening procedures. All this gives an excellent effect that persists during the year.

Can I take radon baths for varicose veins?

Radon baths are recommended for all diseases of the venous system. Varicose veins are one of the consequences of the weak walls of the veins, and therefore radon baths are strongly recommended for the healing of women and men with varicose veins.

For treatment, courses are prescribed in 10-15 baths, 1-2 times a year. Also for the treatment, saline and mineral baths, a contrast shower and aqua-aerobic in the pool are shown.

Is it possible to take radon baths with hypertension?

With hypertension, radon baths are prescribed for general strengthening the body and normalization of pressure. At the same time, it is worth remembering that immersion in a radon bath can only be before the waist and under the close observation of the medical staff. They are assigned courses up to 10 procedures, no more than once a year.

Is it possible to take radon baths with papillomas and moles?

If the neoplasms are small, and at the time of treatment with radon baths, there is no sharp increase in size and numbers - the procedure can be visited with moles and papillomas.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that with a plentiful number of moles on the body, you should consult a doctor and be observed to avoid problems in the future. Regarding papillomas, there are many controversial methods of treatment, the final choice is always taken by a patient with a dermatologist.

Is it possible to take radon baths with endoprosthetics?

During endoprosthetics, doctors recommend visiting sanatoriums in which patients can undergo rehabilitation and healing with pearl, salt, mineral, iodized, turpentine and radon baths. Also in parallel with water recovery with patients, a rehabilitologist works.

Than radon baths are dangerous: harm, side effects

Radon baths

When they first hear about radon baths - it seems like a panacea from all diseases. But remember that Radon is a very heavy and dangerous substance that is useful in small doses, and is a pure poison, if you do not observe all the indications.

But do not immediately be scared and abandon such a valuable restorative procedure. Remember that even natural honey and ordinary water can harm. So, with caution, it is necessary to use radon baths for those who have pressure is raised, there are problems with the cardiovascular system.

But even if it seems to you that you do not have such problems, when taking a radon bath, behave calmly so as not to increase the concentration of radon in the water, and also listen to your feelings.

If you feel that breathing heavily, pulse, dizziness and turbidity in the eyes have become more frequent - Immediately inform the employee about this. In the first procedure, listen to your sensations as close as possible, as well as within two days after the procedure. Report any changes to the doctor, as there is a risk of individual intolerance.

Even if you have previously visited radon baths, the situation in your body may change, and what was the good yesterday, today it can be harmful. Each new bath - each time you track your condition and sensations. And this applies not only to radon treatment, but by any sanatorium-mesh procedures.

Radon baths in Pyatigorsk
Radon baths in Pyatigorsk

What sanatoriums have radon baths in?

Russia is a huge country in which there are tens of thousands of sanatoriums, and find out about the nearest sanatorium practicing radon baths, it is best for his therapist. In this section, we will talk about the most popular sanatoriums that specialize in radon baths.

  • Yalta sanatoriums with radon baths. Famous sanatoriums throughout Europe " Kirova "and" Russia ";
  • Updated sanatoriums in Essentuki: luxurious "Celebable key", "metallurgist", and roomy "Victoria";
  • Dozens of healing sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk;
  • Zheleznovodsk healing sanatoriums;
  • Worldwide Hops and its many sanatoriums and spa resorts;
  • Fabulous Truskavets with sanatoriums for any budget;
  • Anapa, in which in the summer you can not only heal, but also relax at the resort;
  • Adler -Another clness with resorts specializing in resort and health treatment with radon baths;
  • Belokurikha With updated sanatoriums became a real competitor to Bulgarian resorts. There are not only radon baths, but also whole courses helping to transform your body;
  • "Lepel military" In the Vitebsk region, he receives visitors all year round;
  • "Pinery" In the Minsk region, it pleases with health procedures for more than 50 years;
  • Belarusian sanatoriums with radon treatment Alfa Radon and Radon.

Radon bath at home: how to do it?

Radon baths are performed exclusively under the supervision of a doctor and with the help of a specially trained employee with a medical education.

Important: radon can be either therapeutic (with strict control of saturation, water temperature and other indicators), and poison in pure form.

For home use, there are saline, mineral and mud baths. Radon treatment is permissible only for spa treatment.

Which is better: radon or hydrogen sulfide baths?

Radon and hydrogen sulfide baths are used in the same sanatoriums. This is what many misleading and the question arises, which is better. Each of the procedures has its own direction, its own testimony and contraindications. Therefore, there is no answer to the question of what is better, since these are two completely different procedures in which only one is common - water in the bathroom.

Radon baths: Women's reviews

Reviews of women about radon baths:

  • Maria: They treated infertility with her husband in Khmelnik, one of the favorite procedures - radon baths. Two courses per year and I am a happy owner of a rounded tummy. No, Radon is not a panacea, but the whole course of Khmelnik really helped. This year, my mother went to Yalta to radon baths - we hope for recovery after a stroke.
  • Arina: By the age of 40, I have a whole bouquet of diseases, and most of them are treated with radon. I went to the sanatorium in Anapa for 30 days. For money is impressive, but it is gorgeous! I don't recognize myself! It’s much easier for me, I began to look younger, and as a side effect - harmony again with me! The next year I will go again.

Video: Radon baths. Benefits or harm?

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