Birds of Russian forests of the middle strip: names, photos, brief description

Birds of Russian forests of the middle strip: names, photos, brief description

A review of the species of birds of Russian forests of the middle strip: description with a photo.

Russia is a huge country occupying the largest square in the world, and it is not very surprising that Flora and Fauna in Russia is the most diverse, depending on the climate. Conditionally, the country is divided into several lanes, and in this article we will talk about the birds of Russian forests of the middle strip.

Birds of Russian forests of the middle strip: habitat

Before considering the species of birds of Russian forests of the middle strip, it is worth noting that they include all the birds inhabitants:

  • In coniferous forests;
  • In deciduous forests;
  • In mixed forests;
  • In shrubs, as well as on the outskirts of cities and in parks;
  • On the fields and edges of the forests, near the forest belts.
Birds of Russian forests of the middle strip
Birds of Russian forests of the middle strip

Lark - a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip

The most beloved bird of Russian forests of the middle strip is a lark. Her morning trill delights and captivates, gives peace and even a favorite melody of bird singing on smartphones.

The bird itself is not attractive, "gray", and hiding among the branches, especially in the fall. Larks are usually nesting in mixed and deciduous forests, in clearing and edges, as well as near swamps. They relate to migratory birds, but do not fly far for the winter. They fly towards the south, they do not find food yet, and nesting for wintering.

With food in the larks, everything is easy and universal - with the advent of heat, a worm, a bug, and any type of insects will come out onto the surface. Here is the lark and there is food. And besides this, the birds are not disdained with plants, flowers, and if the settlements are nearby, then seeds, crumbs, and waste waste are used.

Rural residents attract larks to their fields, as they destroy insects and some types of weeds.

It is worth noting that under good weather conditions, the larks give two broods per season, and thanks to this they are rapidly multiplying. But since the larks have enemies: in the sky, a falcon, and on the ground the fox, affection, ferret, ermine - they die as often as they multiply quickly.

A small lark can be put in a cage and accustomed to the house, it will delight singing every day. But an adult individual, accustomed to the sky and spaciousness, dies at home.


Teterev - a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip

Do you know that the grouse is rightfully considered the most original bird of the Russian forests of the middle strip? It was he who was loved to portray in paintings with hunting themes of 19-20 centuries. There was always a mass hunt behind them, due to the taste of the meat and an unusual appearance (the red crest is visible from the far).

Teterev refers to phasanovs and does not differ in beautiful singing. The bird is considered terrestrial, but in the cold it moves to the trees. It nests on the grass and in shrubs, but for the winter prefers hills and trees.

Boys do not fly away to wintering and their flocks that have grown up to winter attract their beauty. Especially luxurious birds look on a filled snow field. Birds feed on vegetable food, which is well extracted even in winter. Basically, a grouse can be found in non -thick groves and forests, in fields, in shrubs and especially they love birch groves. Depending on the food of the grouse, they lead a sedentary lifestyle, but if there is no food, they immediately wander. At the same time, it was noticed, the colder and stronger the frost, and the flock more, the more often the birds wander.

Mating begins in the black grouse in the spring, and the first chicks appear by the end of June, with warm spring - by mid -June. The first 10 days the chicks are weak and can only jump, and after that they begin to learn to fly. At this time, a grouse-samems lose part of the feathers in the molting process, cannot fly, and hold fearfully and alienated from the flocks. The first days behind the chicks are watched by females that are more easily tolerate this period.

For a black grouse in the sky, the greatest danger is a person, followed by a hawk. On Earth, birds also have enemies: martens, wild boars, foxes, wolves and other predators. Due to its size, the bird is attractive food for everyone who belongs to predators.


Swift - Bird of Russian Forests of the Middle Strip

Swifts for a long time were considered a real delicacy among birds of Russian forests of the middle lane. Especially black haircut. Everything was brought to the limit, and the bird was practically destroyed. It took years to restore the population.

A haircut is a small bird, wintering in warm southern countries, and flying into Russia with warmth. Due to the fact that the bird is small and predator - in its diet, mostly insects and small vegetation. Therefore, rural residents love her as a fighter with insects, but they dislike in gardens - since she has the habit of spoiling berries and fruits.

Swifts nesting huge colonies, and their nutrition is massive. When approaching the fields, they open the beak and catch insects with a beak type of a net. Once in the beak, the insect immediately swallows.

From wintering, cuts most often fly in a small flock, and turn into a huge flock after quick reproduction. The enemies of the cutter are the same as the previous birds - all species of predators.


Kedrovka - Bird of Russian Forests of the Middle Strip

In coniferous and mixed forests, a haggard and interesting bird lives - cedar. It is considered the most interesting bird of Russian forests of the middle lane, because of its rarity. The bird is of great benefit to forests - storing cedar nuts for the winter, hides them in the ground. In winter, all the nuts naturally do not find, and in the spring excellent shoots of young animals appear.

But the diet of cedar is not only cedar nuts. There are also pine and spruce seeds, acorns, beech nuts, etc. But if there is a cedar, the rest of the food for a bird does not exist. Therefore, she received such an interesting name.

In reproduction, the bird is interesting in that it nests in thick, impassable forests, where it previously prepared enough food for food. Immediately after laying the eggs, the female and the male take turns hatching eggs, thereby giving each other the opportunity to eat. The female and the male harvest nuts for the winter in advance, and do not know where the reserves of the other lie, thereby do not bring food, but let each other go to food and fly. The female and the male monogamous, participating in the first year, they remain with each other to death.

The female and the male, softening nuts in the beak and giving them to the chicks, also feed the chicks. The chicks grow quickly enough and go with parents in search of fresh nuts. The enemies of the cedar are considered all small predators living in the forests. But the greatest danger to cedaries in Russia is still a person, due to deforestation and periodic fires.


Woodpecker - a bird of Russian forests of the middle lane

And this bird is known not only in the forests, but in cities! The woodpecker is the most memorable bird of Russian forests of the middle lane. It is often found in forests, parks, alleys and even courtyards of multi -storey buildings. You can identify it without even seeing - by the characteristic knock of the beak on the tree. And all because the woodpecker feeds on larvae and bark beets that are immediately under the bark of the tree. For this, a woodpecker and knocking on a tree - choosing from the bark of pests and making the tree healthy.

Woodpeckers nest in hollows, eggs are also laid there. During the marriage period, the woodpeckers form pairs that break up when the eggs are hatched. The first weeks of the chicks are naked and helpless, they can survive exclusively with the help of parents. But after the woodpeckers are getting ahead and begin to eat on their own, the “family” breaks up and each flies in the forests separately from others.

Enemies of woodpeckers are not only predators, but also other birds. Even starlings and tits can drive woodpeckers from their hollows, since they do not protect, but turn into exclusive flight.


Sparrow - a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip

Every family, every small child, etc. knows the sparrow, etc. Sparrow is the most common city and forest birds of Russian forests of the middle strip. What the sparrow eats, everyone knows - seeds, nuts, crumbs, small groats, etc. But few people know that a small, but remote sparrow is able to protect the fields from locusts, and also eat all kinds of insects, and thereby saves agriculture from pests. Many people think that the sparrow is a city resident, but in fact, sparrows live perfectly in mixed forests.

The pairs of sparrows are formed once and for life, after which they are looking for a separate nest, or nest nearby with other sparrows. Sparrows nest in cracks, abandoned nests and hollows. In everything where there is a recess, and the opportunity to shelter. After the couple was bummed - they lay eggs and by the end of April, small sparrows hatch. A month after the birth, fed by the female and the male, the sparrows fly out into adulthood. Parents, thereby freeing the nest from the chicks - withdraw a new brood. In the warm season, up to 3 clutches from spring to winter.


Tow - a bird of Russian forests of a middle strip

A tit, of course, a common bird of Russian forests of a middle strip, but still more often seen in pictures than in the forest live. But her singing Zin-Zin can be heard not only in mixed and deciduous forests, but also in the parks and alleys of cities.

Sinichka is not able to fly to long distances, but able to fly from a twig to a twig, from a bush to a fence, etc. Therefore, from the side the bird seems nervous and careful, but this is not its shyness, but the image of the flight. Despite the monotonous easily recognized singing, many are like her trills, and lovers of relaxation in the forests are happy to arrange halt in places where the tittures are singing nearby.

The tit is considered a wintering bird, but by winter it moves closer to people to make it easier to find food. Bits eat insects, but when they are not or they are in short supply, they eat grains and nuts perfectly. Predators are a direct threat to clumsy birds, which often suffer from ground or air lovers of poultry meat.

In April-May, the hoibs find a couple and nest. The couple almost always save for life, but there are cases when the couples have changed, or there were several females per male. The male cares for the female, feeds it and creates a nest, and if he is interesting to the female, she connects to the creation of the nest, and after the construction he lays eggs. They are hatched by both parents for about a month. Six months after the appearance of the chicks - the kids become completely mature individuals who begin to create their pairs.


Nightingale - a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip

And, of course, the most singing bird of Russian forests of the middle strip is a nightingale. His trills were so loved by people that Soloviev is often caught and contained in huge decorative cells.

As soon as the heat comes in the Middle Age Russia, the nightingale flies from the south and after a week a sweet -haired singing begins, which one cannot help but fall in love. This usually happens in the early days of May. Singing Males attract females and, having met the nest, help them nest to plant eggs. Also, singing helps the nightingale to show their territory for other males, and freely hatch eggs, feed the chicks without flying far from the nests.

Birds feed on insects, spiders, worms and a variety of berries growing in the forests. Especially the expanse of the nightingale near rivers and lakes. But if there is no such food, before the flight they can eat grain. But from the city jungle the bird is far away.


Swallow - a bird of Russian forests of a middle strip

A swallow is an infrequent guest, but still one of the inhabitants of Russian forests of the middle strip. It is worth noting that it is characteristic of a swallow to live in deciduous forests and shrubs, and she never lives in the cone. Swallows also love to learn human buildings, since it is still easier for them to be saturated closer to people than in the forests.

The swallow feeds with insects, flies, dragonflies and God's cows, spiders and grasshoppers, fireflies and small butterflies. But they themselves often suffer from predators, such as falcons and hawks. Grain and herbs make up less than 1% diet. But what a swallow is good in deciduous forests and near rivers, swamps - this is the ability to destroy the population of midges.

The bird is migratory, and is a resident of forests, villages and cities only in the warm season. Swallows nest with straw, branches and clay, creating spacious nests for one season. Having arrived for the next year, they can nest in the same nest, but this is rather an exception than the rule. At the arrival, a couple is formed, which lays eggs, trifles and is responsible for feeding the chicks. After that, the pair breaks up and a new pair is formed next spring.


Grach - Bird of Russian forests of the middle strip

Black, with a violet tint, a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip is a delightful and mystical rook. Its population is growing rapidly, thereby destroying less aggressive bird populations such as cedar, tit, etc. It is immediately worth noting that the rook is the bird long -liver. The bird lives from 15 to 20 years. It was the rooks, and not the raven and the raven accustomed the healers, and they were considered Wittle familiarity. But in captivity, the rook lasted the longest until 69 years old! It is not surprising that this bird manages to get used to both the place and the owner. And this is what excited the imagination of uneducated people.

Rooks love deciduous and mixed forests that are in contact with fields, villages and cities. Loners also burn out in city parks. But they can be found with flocks exclusively outside the city.

A pair of rooks nests high on the trees, creating a preliminary huge nest-gap. If the couple has discovered a suitable, but abandoned nest from previous years, and both their own and other rooks - they use them perfectly. The female hatches eggs, and the male feeds the female. Both rooks are fed chicks and teach to fly. After growing up the chicks, the pairs break up or remain with a pack and the same couple nests together next year. Rooks eat preferably live food, but if there is no one - everyone is edible. Including small pests. The worst enemy of Rook is the raven.


Drozd - Bird of Russian Forests of the Middle Strip

Another of the widespread birds of Russian forests of the middle strip is thrush. An interesting bird, which we associate with resourcefulness and ingenuity thanks to literature. But in life, the bird is not so agile and often suffers from the misfortunes of predators.

Drozds are omnivorous, although they prefer plant foods in the form of berries and seeds. Due to the constant nomadic lifestyle of the thrush, eating berries and seeds in some places, transfer seeds to other places, thereby spreading the plant population in the forests.

Drozds settle in absolutely all forests, shrubs, thickets, etc. They live in large flocks, from which not only singing is heard, but also characteristic information sounds, thanks to which the flock is organized from predators, or finds food. They eat from the ground and trees of all insects and small animals. But the menu also has kidneys, leaves, flowers and grain.

Depending on the type of thrush, they can nest and multiply just a season and several times a season. They form monogamous couples, but only for the season of nurturing chicks. After they mix in a pack and create new couples. Drozds nest in the most unexpected places in the forest. From elementary other people's nests, to hollow or deepening in stumps. They are used exclusively to hatch eggs, and then they leave the nests, as they constantly migrate.

In the winter, the blackbirds fly south, and in the spring they return to their territories. Drozds have enemies: on Earth, all predators living in the forests, and in the sky from the hawk to the raven, from the forty to the soy, which destroy the nests.


Jay - a bird of Russian forests of a middle strip

Jike is one of the birds of Russian forests of the middle strip that practically do not catch the eyes of the Russians, as they live in small flocks, and their population is very modest. Soyka has a habit of stocking up in the winter with acorns. But since the bird is nomadic, most of the new shoots sprouts in the spring. This is more instinct than pragmatic reserves.

The jay is a predator, and in addition to small insects, it can darke on other people's eggs or even small chicks. In the hungry time, the jay in order to feed his chick can even attack an adult bird. In the middle strip, the jay wanders, and flies to the south in the winter. Moreover, more and more often the jacks stopped returning to the middle lane, leading a sedentary lifestyle in the south.

They nest, both creating nests, and occupying other people's habitats. If there are birdhouses in the forests, boldly expel other birds and occupy the territory. Both parents hatch and feed the chicks, and also accompany a few more weeks after departure. The bird is monogamous, choosing a couple, once in her life leads a nomadic lifestyle with it, preserving a couple, and supports in case of injury or illness.


Squarette - a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip

Favorite rippled starling - a bird of Russian forests of a middle lane, and not just city parks. It is for the sake of them that the children are massively massively standing. Squorses wandering birds that prefer to winter in the south, but some individuals fly from forests to the cities, and thereby form a sedentary lifestyle.

The starling is a conqueror bird, with ease, which goes on an attack not only to defend his territory, but also to capture the “inhabited” territory by another bird. A flock of starlings boldly attacks the predator, scorching it to protect young animals.

The female hatches eggs, but the male replaces it for a short time, while the female is looking for food. Two weeks, and small chicks require food. At this stage, the male is more connected, and regularly with the female supplies the cubs.

Bird food is different in different ways-depending on age. Chicks and young starlings prefer animal proteins, in the form of insects and bugs. But mature individuals add vegetable products to the diet, flock to fat, bread, nuts and seeds. The strongest enemies of the starlings are considered cats and falcons.


Dubonos - a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip

And in conclusion, a bird of Russian forests of the middle strip, namely oak thickets - dubos. It settles exclusively in oak and bream groves, as it feeds on the fruits of these trees. It can also enjoy the cherries if the habitat is near the settlements of people. Sometimes it attacks the fields of corn and sunflower, choosing grain crops.

Dubonos lives in flocks, although their population is very modest. In the spring, birds form a pair and curl the nest. After laying the eggs, the female hatches them almost all the time, and the male feeds her. At the same time, the male at a slight time sit down to plant eggs while the female rests in flight and seeks food. But while the female does not express the desire to leave the nest - the male actively feeds her. Both parents feed the chicks until the kids are leaning and are ready for independent life.

In addition to acorns and nuts, a bird can eat berries, fruits, bread, etc.


Birds of Russian forests of the middle strip: interesting photos

In this section, we will give unusual and interesting photos of birds of Russian forests of the middle lane.

Singing birds of Russian forests of the middle strip
Singing birds of Russian forests of the middle strip
Admiring birds on wintering - the beauty of nature accessible to every person
Admiring birds on wintering - the beauty of nature accessible to every person
Bullfidies are a rare, but very beautiful bird found in the middle lane
Bullfidies are a rare, but very beautiful bird found in the middle lane
A flock of grouse
A flock of grouse

Birds of Russian forests of the middle strip - how to see: tips and reviews

Nikolai: With a son, in any free time, we get out into nature. Most likes to visit the forest. We go for berries and mushrooms. But we always carry a phone with us - to photograph birds, and now we already have an impressive album with the birds we saw. The son noticed for a long time that in the forests they live in a completely different way. Do not fade food, but proud and luxurious. Want to see more birds? See yourself in the forest quietly.

Lyudmila: A few years ago, my husband and I were offered a chic and cheap version of housing, with one minus. The outskirts of the village, and immediately the forest. But how did my husband and I appreciated these quiet walks through the forest! No, we are not trying to catch the birds either in a snare, not in the lens. We are almost silently walking through the forest, enjoying the singing of birds and their beauty. A year ago, feeders and birdhouses were placed along their favorite paths, thereby attracting and accustoming to the proximity of their favorite birds. And in the fall, we have a whole tradition of saying goodbye to flocks of birds flying to the south! And then we help the birds remaining in winter and warm it in winter.

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