Acne, acne on the temples and on the forehead of women and men: causes. What do acne on the right and left temple mean: signs. How to get rid of acne on the temples: treatment, folk recipes

Acne, acne on the temples and on the forehead of women and men: causes. What do acne on the right and left temple mean: signs. How to get rid of acne on the temples: treatment, folk recipes

Acne: causes and methods of treatment.

A very unpleasant phenomenon is acne. They deliver not only discomfort, but also painful sensations.
How to avoid their appearance, and if any, quickly get rid of, we will try to answer in this article.

Acne, acne on the temples and on the forehead of women and men: Reasons

Each zone on the face corresponds to a certain internal organ of the person

The formation of acne in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples and forehead says:

  1. On increasing hormonal levels in the blood
  2. On the presence of diseases of internal organs
  3. Improper hygienic care of the skin

Diagnosis of the causes of acne, modern dermatologists are made on the basis of which area of \u200b\u200bthe body there are inflammatory fragments. This method has been developed by many years of practice and provided the opportunity to group a single list with which the source of acne on the face of men and women is established.

So, the main reasons for the appearance of acne on the forehead and temples:

  • Disorders of the biliary tract and gall bladder
  • Problems with a large intestine
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system
  • Hypovitaminosis

In addition, the following factors provoke the appearance of acne:

  1. Hormonal disbalance - The premenstrual period in women, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause.
  2. Stress - the release of skin fat on the head is intensified, which provokes the appearance of comedones
  3. Passive lifestyle- leads to stagnation of lymph in the lower extremities, and its insufficient circulation in the face, neck and head as a whole.
  4. Genetic predisposition - The presence of predisposition to the appearance of acne in the temple or forehead, guarantees in 85% of cases the appearance of such a problem in heirs.
  5. Improper nutrition - Nutrition with products, with a small biological value, leads to the response of the body in the form of acne on the temples.
  6. Bad habits - a direct source of filling the skin of the skin with free radicals that provoke acne.
  7. Improper hygiene behind the skin - Excess or lack of cleaning procedures, equally harmful to the skin.
  8. Bold type of skin.
  9. Poor -quality cosmetics.

Video: acne (acne) - causes. Methods of struggle

What do acne on the right and left temple mean: signs

Popular belief
  1. Most predictions recommend consulting doctors, since acne in this place guarantees an early disease.
  2. Some sources, without an accent on which side are acne, predict:
  • Betrayal of a loved one, friend
  • Conflict at work

How to get rid of acne on the temples: treatment

We get rid of pimples

Effective treatment of acne can guarantee only the establishment of the cause of the problem.

  • Several pimples on the eve of the menstrual cycle do not require special treatment - they pass on their own. You can wipe them with tincture of calendula, chamomile or series.
  • Situations with the advent of acne on the temples, as a result of rare sexual relations, are also easily corrected.

Other cases require a more serious approach to treatment.

  1. First of all, we cleanse the body of dangerous microbes and substances accumulated in the intestine using: Enterosgel, polypephanes, lactofiltrum, filter of the side.
    We switch to proper nutrition.
    We include in the diet to the maximum: vegetables, fruits, dairy products, liquid.
    It is allowed to drink: mineral water, tea, compote.
    It is not recommended to drink: coffee, carbonated drinks.
    We reduce the reception: sweets, spicy, salty, fatty foods.
  2. Secondly, we pay attention to immunity. As a result of a violation of the functioning of the intestine, the body loses a number of useful microorganisms, and the level of harmful increases. This negatively affects the protective functions of the body, leads to the loss of vitamins, minerals. We increase the loss - lactovite, bifidumbacterin, hilac, any complex of vitamins.
  3. Hormonal disorders at home cannot be fixed. In this case, a gynecologist’s consultation is necessary.

Having decided on the causes, you can proceed to external treatment.

The best means for external use in order to get rid of acne:

  • Salicylic acid chatterbox
  • Preparations with benzoid peroxide
  1. Baziron AS
  2. Acnecide
  3. Benzak AC (Galderma)
  4. Brevoxil
  5. DUAC (with clindamycin) (Stiefel)
  6. Eclaran (Pierre Fabre)
  • Ointments with retinoids
  1. Bexaroten
  2. Tazaroten
  3. Acitrotin
  4. Etroutine
  5. Alitretinoin
  6. Isotinoin
  7. Tretinoin
  8. Retinol Acetate
  • Hormonal drugs:
  1. CEO

In the middle and severe stages of the disease, they are prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics inside or externally
  2. Retinoids for internal reception

Video: acne: myths and reality

How to get rid of acne on the temples: folk recipes

We use the knowledge of ancestors to get rid of a skin ailment
  • We apply a bulb baked in the oven with pain with an abscess. Keep 9-10 hours. We fix it with a patch.
  • We use scrubs made of oatmeal or thin -grinding coffee beans. This is an ideal means to combat acne.
  • The result will help to strengthen the result: a ginger infusion, a decoction of a series, nettle tea.

In addition to narrowly focused, universal products are also used, which are perfectly cope with acne on the skin in the temple area:

  • It narrows well, removes excess fat, weakens the inflammatory process of baking soda. Mix 1 tsp soda with 0.5 tsp. water. We attach to the affected place before drying. We apply once every 2 days.
  • The active growth of bacteria and the development of acne will stop a strong infusion of green tea. We make a compress daily. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
  • Effectively struggling with acne wipeing with a slice of lemon. We wipe oily skin once a day and once every 2 days - dry and sensitive.
  • A mask of oatmeal not only promotes the removal of acne, but also makes a very soft and flat skin. Pour the flakes with boiling water. Let us swell. We apply to the problem area for half an hour.
  • Black clay is an ideal natural tool to combat acne. Before applying, we dilute with mineral water or milk. Apply on whiskey, until dry.
  • It is popular with those who suffer from strong rashes in the form of acne - a chatterbox. For its preparation: mix 50 ml of a solution of salicylic acid and boron alcohol, 7 g of sulfur powder and 7 g of streptocide. We wipe the temporal part not two times a day.
  • To relieve inflammation, use tea tree oil or calendula tincture. Apply pointwise.
  • For rapid ripening of acne, we use aloe juice. We wipe it as necessary.
  • To reduce irritation and relieve the inflammatory process on the skin will help 5-6 aspirin tablets dissolved in a small amount of water. We apply the composition 2-3 times a day with a cotton swab.
  • Wipe the infusions from calendula, wormwood, St. John's wort will help to quickly and effectively cope with acne, and prevent the further appearance of the rash.
  • A compress from a decoction of chamomile with mint and sage removes redness and soreness from an inflamed hearth. It will help the rapid cleansing of the skin from acne.

Boycoting even the most minimal inflammation is fraught with the formation of vast foci of acne with purulent abscesses. This situation causes special fear, in case of attaching bacterial infection to pimples.
Pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop in the pores of the skin, with further penetration into the deeper layers of the skin.
In addition, due to the fact that the temporal region is not closed with bone tissue, the infection can penetrate the brain.

  • Therefore, it is best to contact a cosmetologist in a timely manner, sign up for salon procedures when severe inflammation passes.
  • If the pimple is large, then the experts will treat ozone, as a result, the abscess will quickly ripen and heals.

Video: acne on the forehead and chin: what to do when acne on the face

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Comments K. article

  1. I have a terrible habit of squeezing pimples, I certainly know and understand that this can not be done, that you can bring the infection, then heal and there will be a scar. But I can’t resist in any way. Maybe someone knows how best to cope with pimples with pimples?

  2. This also happens to me, in a pharmacy, for this case, the Argosufan cream, with silver ions in the composition, thanks to which the cream has a double action - antimicrobial and healing. I apply to the wounds pointily as necessary and healing is more likely to form a rough scar, which is very important.

  3. And the doctor always tells me that the cause of acne on our face is inside us. And it is also necessary to be treated from the inside, so I take the Enterosgel periodically in courses to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body and the face becomes clean, acne disappears and simply admire myself in the mirror.

  4. Acne still may well be a consequence of demodicosis. Therefore, therefore, immediately to the doctor, and then start treatment. And with demodicosis, a pharmacy emulsion of gasolbenzoate helps, mixed by half with water.

  5. I sometimes have acne in such a prominent place on my face, so I can even squeeze it out ((although I know that it is better not to do this.

  6. Jeanne, it is better not to do so, pity on your face, because then wounds can remain. I just sinned myself before, but the benefit in the first -aid kit has always been Argosufan, they just processed these wounds to avoid infection and healed faster.

  7. Girls, read the article cool about enterosorbation you heard about such a topic? Very popular in England now and under acne, it really works and helps to get rid of.

  8. If we are talking about Enterosgele, then cleansing the body of toxins and toxins really helps to get rid of acne, I myself did not really decide to try it and what my surprise was when acne began to pass and my skin shone on my face simply)))

  9. squeeze acne pimples evil, because you carry the infection throughout the face. I'll tell you how I overcame this addiction. I bought retorol at the pharmacy, put it at the mirror and cooked ear sticks there. And as soon as I had a craving to squeeze out, instead, I dipped a wand into Retasol and applied to a pimple. And so every time. Gradually, this became a habit. And Retasol cleanses and disinfects inflammation at the mouth of the sebaceous glands and reduces secretions. As a result, acne dries.

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