Simple tricks with cards and their secrets for beginners: Description

Simple tricks with cards and their secrets for beginners: Description

Many are interested in how to make certain tricks. In our article we will talk about how to make them on the maps.

Beautiful and virtuoso tricks with cards are the dream of every boy and even some girls. They allow you to attract attention, to be in the spotlight and be known as a craftsman. So often from childhood those who like this craft try to learn tricks. For many, this desire appears later later, in adulthood. Moreover, it is never too late to study tricks.

We will tell you about the most simple tricks with cards that need to be mastered before learning something complex. This will further develop its skills, teach perseverance and hard work.

What skills need to learn for tricks with cards?

Focuses with cards
Focuses with cards

To perform even the lightest tricks, the ability to hide some of the actions is required. The best way to hide this is any florish, false parties or false and true lifting cards.

So, force the cards, first of all, to “obey” you. In addition, you must do each technique on the machine and not think about its implementation. For example, all this is shown very well in the video:

It is also important to note that special cards are needed to perform tricks,

with a special coating and it is important to master the melting for almost all card tricks.

Simple tricks with cards: description, secrets

The very first elements are usually based on the fact that you should have an accomplice among the audience or you should know mathematics well. Without simple calculations, it is quite difficult to make this focus spectacular. You can persuade a friend in advance and surprise the audience even more. Let's talk about several simple tricks with cards.

Focus 1. A delightful focus

A delightful focus
A delightful focus

The meaning of this focus is that you must guess the card that the viewer made.

The method of conducting a trick is as follows:

  • First, we ask a person to move the deck as he likes and took half to himself.
  • Next, ask to calculate the number of cards and the received numbers are folded together if the number is double. For example, if 12 cards are obtained, then in total both numbers will give the top three.
  • Then he must see the third card from below in his deck and remember it
  • After that, the card falls on your stack and the rest of the deck from above
  • The viewer can keep all the calculations in himself and say nothing

You need to spect a deck effectively and get a riddled with the words "A delightful focus!" What is the secret? Everything is simple-according to the laws of mathematics, this card will always be the 19th!

Focus 2. Fast account

Focus fast score
Focus "Fast account"

This focus requires quick mathematics. The essence is simple - you need to guess the map made up by the viewer.

The secret is not difficult to reveal. In total, all cards give the number 312. The king is considered zero, and the lady and jack for 11 and 12, respectively. In the mind, you need to quickly add 51 maps and get a specific number. Subtract them 312 and you get the right card. If the result was 312, then the viewer took out the king. With the suit, of course, it will be difficult to guess here, but if you quickly have time to overlook all the cards in the deck, you will get the right one.

As you know, each of these tricks requires quick mathematics. And it would be better for you not to pierce, because it can undermine your authority.

Focus 3. Four aces

Four aces
Four aces

It is best for beginners to make simple and winning tricks. Such is the "four aces." The point is that the viewer should make a number from 10 to 20 and a magician, counting the cards several times should lay out 4 aces.

The secret is that you need to count from the deck as many cards as the viewer called. The result is a small pack and it should be taken away from it as much as it turns out when adding the number of the viewer. So, if it is 18, it turns out 9.

We put other cards back. The upper one is removed and opened from the delayed cards, and the rest are also returned to the deck. Thus, you need to do 4 times. Ultimately, all the cards laid out will turn out to be by acumes. Agree, spectacular?

Such simple tricks will always surprise your spectators and they will ask you to show them again and more. Moreover, they will help you start a difficult path to professional tricks that not everyone is able to fulfill.

Remember that each of the described focus will not succeed in you without training and proper dexterity. Moreover, first you need to learn how to control the deck. Only constant training will lead to the proper result.

Video: TOP-4 elementary focus at home-tricks with cards at home

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Comments K. article

  1. Gasting, how many times I tried the first focus, never once the card came out the nineteenth!

  2. Nonsense, I agree, the four aces does not come out, the first does not get down, it doesn’t work out, but there are as many as 9 banners with advertising on the site!

  3. I thought that I was not doing such a stupid, thanks to the commentators)

  4. well…
    At 3+ 🙁

  5. Of all the tricks, I can only make the “four aces” amazing, the rest do not understand: _)

  6. All buzz! And in the first focus a mistake ...

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