The sense of smell and taste were lost: the reason, what to do? How to return the sense of smell and taste: recommendations on drug and porear treatment, preventive methods

The sense of smell and taste were lost: the reason, what to do? How to return the sense of smell and taste: recommendations on drug and porear treatment, preventive methods

If the usual products and objects have an unusual smell or taste at first glance, you should check if this is a sign of any ailment?

The ability of a person to feel various smells and tastes can truly regard the gift of nature, because it is precisely due to the presence of these feelings that we can live a full life and enjoy such, at first glance with trifles as the aroma of flowers, coffee, delicious food, etc.

Unfortunately, the value of such feelings is only known when the sensations are not the same. This is often due to the presence of different ailments in the body.

The sense of smell and taste is lost: causes, types of disorders

The sense of smell and taste never disappears just like that, most often this is facilitated by various ailments that appear in the body. Based on this, we can conclude that if you have the smell and taste is gone, This is rather not an independent disease, but a symptom of another disease or its consequence. Despite the fact that it is often the ailments that provoke the appearance of such disorders, they are still not the only reason.

No smell, no taste
No smell, no taste

In general, the reasons why you do not feel previously familiar smells may be the following:

  • Age. In the human body, new cells are constantly appearing that are responsible for the sense of smell, however, with age, this process slows down, cells appear much less and, as a result, a person loses the opportunity to recognize smells as well as in his youth.
  • Calman syndrome. Separately, from all ailments that can affect the ability of a person to feel and recognize smells, it is necessary to highlight Callman's syndrome.

If you have lost taste, then it can be for the following reasons:

  • Diseases that the doctor can reveal.
  • Injuries in the mouth and oral cavity.
  • Due to the side effects of drugs.
  • The presence of bad habits, in particular smoking.

Speaking of these disorders, it is important to note that they can manifest themselves in completely different ways. Not always a person completely loses the ability to feel smells, and recognize tastes. Based on this, different types of feelings are distinguished.

If we talk about the loss of smell, then the following types are distinguished:

  • Anosmia - Complete loss of smell. That is, a person does not feel and, accordingly, does not recognize absolutely any smells.
  • Partial anosmia It is manifested in a partial loss of the opportunity to recognize smells.
  • Specific anosmia. The disorder is manifested in the impossibility of a person to recognize several specific odors.
  • Hyposmia - A condition in which a person feels much worse and recognizes all smells.
  • Partial hyposmia - A person feels certain smells worse, the rest are recognized normally.
  • Disosmia - Human feels smells perverted, pleasant can seem unpleasant, etc.

Loss of taste can be expressed in such forms:

  • Agnia is common. With this form of disorder, a person loses the ability to recognize sour, sweet, bitter and salty tastes.
  • Electoral Agency. With such an agency, a person can recognize all of the above tastes, but cannot recognize any taste shades.
  • Specific agency - a person feels poorly or practically does not feel one or more tastes, for example, sour, bitter.
  • Hypoheusia. With this form of disorder, a person cannot feel no tastes.
  • Electoral hypogenesis. This form of disorder is characterized by the fact that a person cannot feel the taste of some substances.
  • Dyshevia. In this case, the flavors are felt, but wrong. For example, eating something sweet, a person feels the taste of bitterness or something salty in his mouth, etc.

The sense of smell and taste was lost: ailments and factors provoking the appearance of disorders

As already mentioned earlier, the most common reason why the sense of smell and taste was lost is illness.

If you notperceive The difference in smells, this can be provoked by the following diseases:

  • The pathological local expansion of the lumen of the arteries of the brain.
  • Neoplasm (good-sidedly malignant) in the brain.
  • ChMT.
  • Diabetes.
  • A chronic disease in which the shell of the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord occurs.
  • Cold, influenza, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose.
  • Coronavirus.
  • Also, problems with smell can occur due to surgical intervention on the brain and a long and/or uncontrolled administration of medicines.
Lack of traditional aromas
Lack of traditional aromas

Taste perception may be a gap due to such diseases:

  • Colds.
  • Hodo-brain injuries, if the first cranial nerve is damaged.
  • Paralysis Bell.
  • Inflammation of the tongue.
  • Tumors in the oral cavity.
  • Fungal damage to the oral cavity.
  • Acute viral liver damage.
  • Vitamin in 12 and zinc deficiency.
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Some drugs can influence the ability to perceive tastes.

It is also worth saying about the factors that contribute to the emergence of problems and the fact that the sense of smell and taste is lost. These include:

  • Prolceless age. With age, a person begins to feel smells and tastes much worse.
  • Bad habits, to a greater extent smoking (especially the smoking of the tube).
  • A tendency to allergic reactions. Often, the loss of smell and taste is a consequence of allergies.
  • Teenage to constant colds. Due to chronic rhinites, sinusitis, etc. The ability to feel smells significantly worsens.

The sense of smell and taste with a runny nose, flu, cold: what to do, which doctor to contact?

Often the reason why the smell and taste disappeared, is a cold, flu, as well as a runny nose. In this case, such disorders are symptoms of the above ailments and, therefore, it is necessary to treat diseases, and not their signs.

In such a situation, you must immediately seek help from a specialist - Laura or therapist, who, after a general examination and collecting an anamnesis, will give you a referral to the right doctor.

In general, treatment is carried out using drugs of such groups:

  • Vasoconstrictor. For example, “Naphthyzine”, “Nazol”, “Pharmazolin”, “Aqua Evasolin”, “Rinazolin” etc.
  • Antibiotics, if we talk about the flu.
  • Various vitamin complexeswho will restore the immune system.
  • If necessary, antipyretic, painkillers. For example, “Ibuprofen”, “Panadol”, “Milistan Multisimptomatic”, etc.
One of the group
One of the group

As soon as the main ailment is cured, the ability to feel smells and tastes will gradually recover.

  • Speaking about the treatment of such disorders that did not occur against the background of a cold, flu, etc., it is important to note the next moment - independently achieve the restoration of smell and taste is often impossiblesince for this you need to correctly establish the main diagnosis.
  • It is important to identify the cause on time and correctly, since loss of sensitivity to odors and tastes can be provoked by tumors, inflammatory processes and other diseases, untimely and incorrect treatment of which can lead to the above consequences.

The smell of the Coronavirus Covid-19 disappeared

Most often, the loss of smell, and maybe the taste occurs 3-4 days after infection with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Most infected have this symptom. If you felt that the sense of smell worsened or disappeared, immediately isolated from your loved ones in a separate room and call your clinic to call a covid brigade that will take the necessary strokes for diagnosis. Even if you did not have any more symptoms, in isolation, get for 14 days to protect your family from infection. At high temperatures - above 38.5 call an ambulance.

The smell and taste disappeared: how to treat folk remedies?

Often, at the first manifestations of loss of smell and taste, people resort to traditional medicine and, in general, this is not bad, however, for the greatest efficiency to use folk remedies is still better after consulting a doctor, because not all the ailments that provoke the occurrence of these disorders are treated in such ways .


If with your doctor you came to the conclusion about the appropriateness of the use of folk methods and means, if the sense of smell and taste disappeared, then the following will be effective:

  • Beet juice. You will need daily drill your nose with beetroot juice. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to drip into each nostril 2 drops of juice 2-3 times a day.
  • Inhalation. Boil a glass of water and add several to it drops of lavender essential oil, mint and grapefruitas well as 15 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir the resulting liquid and for 15 minutes. Breathe it in pairs. It is recommended to do this procedure daily for 1 week. By the same principle, you can make a steam bath with essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree and basil.
  • You can also do it Rinse of the nose. To do this, you can use both a regular salt solution and decoctions of chamomile, calendula or special drugs, ready saline. A salt solution is prepared from 2 g of salt and a glass of boiled warm water. It is very important to follow certain rules during the procedure. Most often, the procedure is carried out in the supine position. In this case, the solution is administered using a syringe without a needle in the nostril, which will be from above. It is desirable to repeat the procedure at least 2 times a day.
  • Celandine. Reducing swelling, removal will help drops of celandine. You can purchase the product finished in a pharmacy. For treatment, you need to drip into each nostril 2 drops of the product daily for 1-2 weeks.

You can also resort to gymnastics and massage if the sense of smell and taste are lost:

  • Make light massaging movements face massage. To do this, you can use massage oil with peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, etc. essential oils, etc.
  • Next, touch the tip of the nose with an index finger, pressing on it and at the same time try to “shake” the lower lip down. For a few seconds, linger in this position, and relax your face muscles. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • Next, move the index finger to the bridge of the nose, slightly press on it and at the same time try to move the eyebrows as strongly as possible. Lying for a few seconds in this position, and then relax all the muscles of the face. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Such exercises will improve blood circulation in the person and accelerate The process of restoration of smell and taste.

The sense of smell and taste is lost: what vitamins to take?

As mentioned above, if you do not smell and taste, then this is a sign of a sharp decrease in zinc in the body. In this case, there may be a lack of vitamin B12. Zinc works in the body with vitamin A, which is favorable for the health of lung tissue.

  1. Therefore, it is best to start taking multivitamins, which include zinc, vitamins B, C, E, A. It can be alphabet, complivitis, vitrum, multitabs classic and others.
  2. The omega-3 is very necessary during this period, which improves blood quality and relieves inflammation.
  3. If you are a man, additionally take the saw-Palmetto male vitamin, if you are a woman, you need a female vitamin with an evening primrose, ginger. The only thing that these vitamin complexes do not have additional doses of zinc and other trace elements. After all, you should take these dietary supplements together with polyvitamin complexes, where there are zinc and other trace elements.

The sense of smell and taste is lost: prevention, treatment recommendations

If the smell and taste disappeared, first of all, you need to seek help from a doctor, since only he will be able to determine the exact cause of the appearance of disorders and prescribe the necessary treatment.

For an effective and as quick treatment of symptoms such as agency and anosmia, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

Do not engage self -medication and self -diagnosis. Even if it seems to you that you correctly determined the ailment that provoked the appearance of the above disorders that you cannot confident in this without the relevant diagnostic procedures.

  • Do not ignore the treatment of an already established disease. For example, do not delay the treatment of sinusitis, etc.
  • Do not only the treatment of the identified ailment, but also the restoration of immunity.

It is also important to adhere to simple prevention rules:

  • Timely seek help from specialists.
  • If an allergy is prone to contact allergens.
  • Refuse bad habits, in particular, smoking.
  • Be sure to use special means of protection while working with harmful, toxic, chemicals.
  • Try to avoid injuries of the head and nose.
  • Maintain cleanliness in the house, apartment, if necessary to regulate humidity, regularly ventilate the premises.
To feel smells
To feel smells

Although loss of smell and taste - These are the symptoms of the ailments available in the body, and not the ailments themselves, they cause us no less discomfort and problems than the latter. That is why even the slightest changes in the perception of odors and tastes must be reacted immediately, in order not only to eliminate the diseases that provoke them, but also to completely restore the function that are important for our body.

Video: I do not feel smells and tastes

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