Will it be on December 31, 2022 a day off? The production calendar for 2022 and 2023 with holidays and weekends, approved by the government for a five -day working week in Russia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan: see, download, photo

Will it be on December 31, 2022 a day off? The production calendar for 2022 and 2023 with holidays and weekends, approved by the government for a five -day working week in Russia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan: see, download, photo

The article contains production calendars for Russia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan.

The new production calendar indicates information on the number of labor, pre -holiday, holidays for a whole year in advance. It is drawn up in accordance with the current Labor Code under the leadership of the Government of the Russian Federation. The working calendar is used by personnel specialist workers, an accountant when calculating salaries.

All information of this document should be reliable in order to avoid shortcomings, errors when they charge the salary of employees and employees. Thanks to this calendar, you can calculate not only the number of hours developed, but also accrued sick leave, vacation pay.

Production calendar with holidays for 2022-2023

In 2021 and further in the next year on December 31 -it will become a day off constantly, every year throughout Russia.

Production calendar with holidays for 2022
Production calendar with holidays for 2022

Production calendar with holidays for 2023

In 2022 December 31 - a day off throughout Russia.

Production calendar with holidays for 2023
Production calendar with holidays for 2023

Production Muslim calendar for Bashkortostan for 2023 with 5 daytime week

On December 31, 2022, Muslims will also be a day off.

In various territories of the Russian Federation there is its own individual calendar, in which there are some differences. Because in other republics, for example: in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan there are celebrations, which is noted at the national level. For such cases, they make up production calendars that are different from each other in order to take into account all the features. Next in the photo, see the calendar of the holidays and working days of Russia for the 2023rd year.

Muslim calendar for 2023
Muslim calendar for 2023

Among residents of the republic Bashkortostan It will be added in 2023 to these holidays yet:

And in Tatarstan:

  • August 30th - Tatarstan Day
  • November 6th - Day of the Constitution of Tatarstan.

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