The child’s passage on the train: age, documents, ticket, rules, benefits, escort, power of attorney

The child’s passage on the train: age, documents, ticket, rules, benefits, escort, power of attorney

The upcoming travel by train with children Many parents are at a dead end: many do not know what documents are necessary, whether it is worth buying a ticket for a child and from what age to pay for the passage.

In this article we will consider in detail all the nuances of the child's travel on the train And we will notify the parents where they will have to pay, and where the state makes it possible to save.

Until how many years you can ride children by train for free, when do you need a children's ticket?

Standing at the ticket office, parents ask a lot of questions: A is it worth taking a ticket for a child And how to place it, if you don’t buy a ticket, are there any discounts for schoolchildren, what documents are needed for a child when traveling and this is far from all the ambiguity of the upcoming trip with children.

If your child is still not five years old, then you can carry it with you for free. Consider the fact that the child is not provided with a separate place and you will have to go on one shelf.

If the child is less than 5 years old, then for him travel is free
  • But a prerequisite will be registration of a free ticket for a child up to five years
  • For registration, you need to go to the railway ticket office and purchase this ticket there, otherwise the child will not be missed without it without it
  • Per adult one child can be held, which has not reached the age of five. If you go to the category carriage "Lux", then free travel to the child is allowed up to 10 years
  • After this age, the child needs to purchase a children's ticket, he is valid up to 7 years for trains in the suburbs and up to 10 years for trains that follow more long distances

You can buy it in two ways:

  • through the Internet
  • at the checkout at the station
To purchase a ticket, it is not necessary to stand in line - you can do this through the Internet site
To purchase a ticket, it is not necessary to stand in line - you can do this through the Internet site

In any case, in order to get such a ticket, it is necessary enter data from a birth certificate A child in the electronic version of the ticket order or present a document directly to the cashier.

The cost of a children's ticket varies from 35% to 50% price Ticket for an adult.

Video: Traveling with a child on a train

Rules for the travel of children in trains

In order to go with the child on the train, you need know certain travel rules:

  • Before 5 years The child goes for free
  • Children's ticket gives the right to travel at low cost for children aged 5 to 7 years old
  • Children from 10 years The passage is made at the price of an adult ticket
  • If the date of the fare coincides with the birthday of the child, then payment is made taking into account the full years
Until the age of five, the child has the right to free travel

Be careful and take into account the indicated difference in ticket prices so that their cost does not take you by surprise near the ticket office.

Benefits for children on long -distance trains

On trains that go At a long distance, other conditions for the transportation of children apply:

  • Child from birth to five years has the right to free travel, the availability of a free ticket is required
  • From five to ten years old The passage is carried out according to the children's ticket
  • Children up to ten years Far without adults is prohibited. The exception is the passage of schoolchildren to educational institutions
  • The age of the child is the main indicator for determining the cost of the ticket. If the child is performed on the day of the trip 10 years, then he needs to purchase an adult ticket
  • Children up to 14 years old you need to have a birth certificate with you
After 10 years, a child can go on preferential conditions only in St.

For your own calm and security of the child do not let him go alone On a long trip, even if he was already ten years old.

Discounts on a ticket for children in a compartment and reserved seat

Places on the train have differences in price and comfort. There are such options places depending on the amenities:

  • Plazcart
  • Compartment
  • Lux or St.

The cheapest option is a trip In the reserved seat, but in terms of amenities, everything is not quite perfect here - there is no door, all passengers are like in the palm of your hand.

SV-place offer more comfortable conditions
SV-place offer more comfortable conditions

In the compartment Improved conditions - four places are fenced off from other passengers.

Lux It is designed for two people, it has more comfortable sleeping places and improved service. Naturally and the price is twice as high.

From 10 years old in reserved seats in the period from September 1 to May 31 the price is reduced by half. Unfortunately, there are no discounts in the compartment except the above.

If you want to buy tickets at a better price and not expect them, standing with a child in a long line - you can make an order via the Internet.

This is much faster, more convenient - you can choose the best trip, the best places and significantly save on the ticket cost.

Accompaniment of children on the train

  • The trip on the train is extremely unsafe for children Unaccompanied
  • Firstly, it is associated With the risk of trauma, and secondly, very often on trains, both suburban and long-distance thieves are operatingwho want to select someone else's property
  • Therefore, it is better not to send children without adults on a trip
Children on the train should be accompanied by adults

Without adults, a child is prohibited up to 10 years. If you do not have the opportunity to accompany the child, you can ask close people or friends.

  • Do not worry that this will need to go through paperwork. For transporting a child on the territory of the Russian Federation a power of attorney is not required from parents
  • If the child crosses the border of the Russian Federation by train to the CIS countries, then official permission from parents will be required
  • A person who will accompany your child should have not only permission from parents, but also identification
  • In resolution, it is imperative to prescribe the name of the accompanying person, his passport data and child data so that the inspectors can identify information

A child with a grandmother on a train

If you send a child with your grandmother To visit relatives or just on a trip around the country, you do not need any documents with your consent.

The main thing you need to have with you is birth certificate And a ticket, depending on age. This will be quite enough.

A child with a grandmother on a train
A child with a grandmother on a train

It is important that the child understands who is going with him And in the case of the question from the verification, he could calmly and adequately give an answer.

  • When a child with a grandmother needs on vacation abroad, then they will definitely require parents notarized resolution, where you need to indicate in detail the data about the child - the birth certificate, the date of birth and the name
  • About a grandmother who accompanies your child, also needs to be mentioned in permission. Otherwise, if there are some doubts at the customs, the child may not let out
  • Therefore, think well route of a child with a grandmother and prepare all the necessary documents so that there are no difficulties and unforeseen situations on the trip

Documents for the train of the child

To everyone who buys train tickets for yourself and child, you need to know what documents and data are needed in order to get this ticket.

It does not matter if you buy them via the Internet or directly at the ticket office, you need this information anyway.

To buy a ticket and travel of a child, you must have a birth certificate
To buy a ticket and travel of a child, you must have a birth certificate
  • If a child not 14 years old, then a prerequisite for buying a ticket for it will be a birth certificate or passport
  • When the child is already filled 14 years old, birth certificate is replaced by a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • If a child does not live in the Russian Federation, is not her citizen, it is necessary that he should be birth certificate, issued by the authorized body of the native state. Only in this case he will receive a ticket on a special foreign document
  • When buying a ticket via the Internet birth certificate or series and passport number will be the main information that will be required when receiving an electronic ticket
Parents or accompanying person must have a certificate of personality
Parents or accompanying person must have a certificate of personality

It will be much easier buy tickets over the Internet - The whole procedure can be held at comfortable home.

Do I need a power of attorney for a child on a train?

  • If the child is going not with parents, but the trip is carried out in the territory of the Russian Federation, then no documents or your documentary consent are needed in order to get a ticket
  • The main thing you need to have with you is identity document accompanying person and birth certificate of the child himself
  • In case the child he goes abroad, then from parents it is necessary to visit a notary and arrange for the accompanying notarized resolutionwhere you need to indicate in detail the data about the child and the accompanying - all the necessary information will help you fill out the notary
When leaving abroad by train, the faces accompanying the child must have a power of attorney

If the power of attorney does not specify the data from the birth certificate of the child and the passport of the accompanying person, then the trip can be prohibited.

Pay maximum attention to the fact of paperwork for a child’s trip, if you are going to send him abroad. For trips to the Russian Federation There are no problems with powers of attorney.

Traveling a child on a train without parents

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a child who is has not reached the age of ten It cannot go by train without accompanying an adult.

Rather, in fact, even one will not be missed on the train, even if it is with a ticket.

From 10 years old, the child can travel on the train unaccompanied
From 10 years old, the child can travel on the train unaccompanied

If you want to send a child to visit, but you yourself cannot go with him, there are two options depending on age - if the child up to ten years, then only accompanying adults and no other options.

For children from 10 years, you need:

  • Talk to the child and explain to him about possible dangersHe may encounter - these are strangers and various kinds of danger on the train. Therefore, be sure to tell your child about safety precautions and that in no case should you leave the train yourself during a stop - otherwise the train can leave and the child will remain in a foreign city
  • Buy a ticket to the middle car on the lower shelf - they are considered the safest
  • Provide the child with the necessary hygiene and drugs
  • Ask guides or passengers so that they we looked after the child and, in case of any problem situations, they provided assistance
  • Necessarily give the child a mobile phoneTo constantly be in touch with him. It is better to download a special program for mobile to track where the child is currently
  • Discuss with people who will meet your child, the place and time of the train arrive, tell them the wagon number. Be in touch with the child until he sees adults

Performing these simple recommendations, you can be a little calmer about the fact that your child successfully reaches the destination.

But still it is better not to let young children go by train unattended by adults.

What to take with you on the road?

Here, you have already bought tickets and are almost collected, but the question remains open: what to take with you on the road?Now we will consider in detail the approximate list of the necessary things for the trip:

  • Hygiene products - napkins for the hand and body, rinser for the mouth and other personal hygiene items
  • Comfortable everyday clothes
  • Beverageswho do not have a diuretic effect to exclude too frequent hiking in a public toilet
  • Productswhich are well stored - sausage, raw eggs are better to lay off for another case
It is necessary to take hygiene items on the train - especially if the child is small
You must take hygiene products on the train - especially if the child is small
  • The main reason why it is better to take drinks that do not have a diuretic effectis the need to visit the toilet
  • No matter how diligently it was removed, even if you are going to Lux, it is still place of public use with a huge number of microbes
  • Trips on the train - the cheapest way get to the right place, but if the price is a dignity, then there are different disadvantages during trips - shaking, dirt and unfriendly neighbors
  • Choose for yourself the optimal type of transport And be prepared for various non -standard situations - then the trip will have a positive conclusion, and the inconvenience will not be taken by surprise

What to take a child on a train from food than to feed?

It is important that the child is on the road he was not hungrybut at the same time and not poisoned low -quality products that can deteriorate in a stuffy car.

For babies and children up to a year The best option would be baby food if you do not breastfeed or use complementary foods. It is desirable if the trip is no more than three hours, use the cooler bag.

Food products that you take on the train should not be perishable
Food products that you take on the train should not be perishable
  • Children from year to three You can take cookies, fruits, vegetables - everything that is useful, but not difficult for the child’s stomach and will not cause thirst for him (remember the item about the toilet)
  • For kids from three years You can take homemade food - potatoes, boiled eggs, meat or fish, but remember the storage conditions of these products
  • From drinks It is better to take juices or buy tea on a train. In no case do not buy food during stops - dusty food at the station is not the best solution to quench hunger


If you are afraid to take a small child on a train and do not want to hold him in your arms all the time, then there is a sale Riner Manege, Which you can install in the compartment and not worry that your child will fall during the next turn of the train.

Using such a arena, it is necessary to buy a child a separate sleeping place And you can not worry that you will create inconvenience to other passengers. The arena fits perfectly in a sleeping place and does not create any inconvenience.

HOD Manege

You can also buy a special railway net, which is attached to the berth and protects the child from falling to the floor.

These convenient accessories differ not very democratic priceBut if you often move, then they will become an indispensable thing for you on trips.

Thus, your child can play all the way in the arena, and you will not be afraid that he can fall and get injured.

What to do with a child on a train: games, tips?

If the path is long, and your child is very active, be prepared for the fact that you need to take it with something. We offer several options that brighten up your way:

  • Reading books - It will be interesting for the child to read funny verses or fairy tales about animals. Choose books with bright pictures
  • Game in the ball - Buy a soft ball so as not to injure the child and have fun
  • Draw pictures - pencils and felt -tip pens to help you - you can think of drawing what the child sees in the window
Think about entertainment for the child, because it is not a fact that other children will be on the train
Think about entertainment for the child, because it is not a fact that other children will be on the train
  • Technical new items - Download new games or cartoons to the phone or tablet and show the child. Do not hope for searching on the Internet, not all trains are famous for capabilities such as access to a Wi-Fi network
  • Favorite assistants - Dolls and cars will help you have fun.

Thus, there is a lot of fun classes, Which will help your child not get bored on the way. Show fantasy both then to you and the child definitely i like the journey, and the minor inconveniences that are so often on trains will not bother.

Video: Traveling of a child on a train

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