The passage of children in trains. A children's ticket to the train to what age?

The passage of children in trains. A children's ticket to the train to what age?

What do you need to get a discount on free travel for children in an electric train? What benefits for children are provided by railway companies?

A ticket for children from how old?

As you know, railway vehicles are considered the most safe, and it is really difficult to argue with this judgment, given that some trains of old samples are still on the move and serve their business. For parents, this aspect plays a key role, because the health of the child is especially above all over.

The cost is already spent in the background, which allows people to move freely to people of different ages, and those who smaller of them completely open borders with the help of affordable travel prices and many benefits. For example, a child can go by train to study at a school ticket.


For example, in the Russian Federation, a child can receive his first ticket for the road only after he is fulfilled five years, and in Ukraine, the need for a ticket appears after six years. Until the specified period, the child is given the right to free travel at the availability of documents Or a special ticket and accompanied by adults.

The aspect of value in this case is considered individually for children over 5-6 years old, but in most cases the average cost of a children's ticket is generated by 35% of the cost of an adult.

In order to draw up a travel document for children from 5-6 years old, you will need a child’s birth certificate and you may need to fill out information forms at the checkout of the railway station or pass the child’s electronic registration on the company's website.

Children up to five years For free travel on hand, you need to get a special ticket at the station’s box office, it is also issued if there is a birth certificate. The road is usually difficult to give to such children, so you can also take a separate place on them, it will cost according to “children's” railway tariffs.

Children under 5 years of age must be accompanied by parents
children under 5 years of age must be accompanied by parents

Until how many years can you take a children's ticket for an electric train?

In the Russian Federation, after reaching 7 years, the child stops receiving travel preferences in railway organizations and there is a need to buy an adult ticket for a child. According to an adult ticket, he will have the same powers, but much more expensive than before.

The price limit of an adult ticket for children can reach 100% percent of the cost with the exception of some conditions. It often happens that after a period of 5 to 7 years, children do not graduate from their educational institutions or, on the contrary, only enter them, in such cases you can make a discount for the purchase of a ticket.

For schoolchildren and students in military schools or lyceums, discounts can reach 50% of the cost, and they are dated strictly according to the timing of the beginning and end of study, for example, from October 1 to May 15.

Rules for the transportation of children in train

  • As soon as the children crossed the line in the entrance to the railway transport, they are installed on a mandatory overseer in the form of parents, which in turn should ensure additional safety measures in the train.
  • For one place of adult accompanying children under the age of five, it is allowed to take only one free child, this means that if you take two or three children on the road, they will need to purchase individual tickets for which there will be discounts according to children's tickets.
  • Documents that certify the identity and age of the child should be an original sample or in the form of a copy certified by a notary.
  • Children must be accompanied by parents up to seven years, exclusion from the rules - the availability of documents certifying that the child goes along the route to the educational institution.

Benefits for children to travel in electric

In order to determine the volume of benefits received, the route of movement is taken into account, namely the starting point and the final point. The student must comply with the criteria, namely: to be under the age of seven, studies at the educational school of primary, professional or higher levels of training.

Restrictions on the cost of tickets and their validity period are determined regional, so the fare in different parts of the country may differ, for example, in the Pskov region, the right to travel with an educational discount on tickets is valid until the end of June.

The number of benefits is determined by the regional administration, so you can find situations in which your application can be rejected, in such situations you need to contact the city administration directly to resolve this issue. To that, the cost itself, strictly fixed, is not subject to differentiation from the station administration.

You can arrange an electric meter with a 50% discount - this procedure is not very different from the previous one. It must be presented in it from the place of education and the birth certificate of the child.

Do a child of 7 years old need an electric train?

In the Russian Federation, travel benefits act strictly before the specified period, that is, after the child has reached the age of 7 years, the benefits are removed from him and he is obliged to travel by railway transport by “adult” tariffs.

The child’s age is recorded at the time when he enters the car, you should not worry if you bought a ticket in advance, and the child is 7 years old during the trip.

In the CIS countries there are other laws, in Ukraine, the fare for children from 6 to 16 years old is 75% of the cost of an adult ticket.

School ticket

It is worth recalling that for schoolchildren there are special benefits for travel in public transport, for example, schoolchildren aged 10 to 14 years, can travel in trains, presenting a certificate from school during landing in wagons. In addition, a document may also require a document from school that a child is a student of a comprehensive school.

As for older children, adolescents have reached the 14th anniversary, not everyone can travel with a discount, but only those who study at military schools, in such cases, they also need to show documents, but no longer a certificate, but a certificate of the right to benefits. Discounts in such situations adjacent to "children".

On the document certifying about the act, training should be information about the person of the applicant, his name, details and locations of the school, the exact address, school number and date. Be sure to certify the certificate with the official seal of the school and have a signature of the director of the school or a person.

An example of an official certificate from school
an example of an official certificate from school

Video: "Children from 10 years old will be able to travel on the train on their own"

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