Projection bracelet smartphone on Cicret: how to order on Aliexpress?

Projection bracelet smartphone on Cicret: how to order on Aliexpress?

Cicret smart bracelet-technology of the future. The gadget that will replace the phone.

For the first order you can register And read the article on our website " The first order for Aliexpress».

Projection bracelet on the arm on Aliexpress From the French company Cicret is a smart gadget of a new generation that combines a lot of useful functions. Depending on the modification, the bracelet can perform the function of the timer, alarm clock, pulsometer, calorie meter.

Using a bracelet, you can see a page on the Internet, send an email, transfer data to a computer via wireless communication and even make phone calls if your smart bracelet is integrated with a telephone.

Cicret Bracelet bracelet
Cicret Bracelet bracelet

In a word, the Cicret bracelet is a real thing from the future, combining a futuristic design with truly limitless possibilities.

Phone Bracelet with a projection on hand: Review

Cicret Bracelet is a bracelet that projects the phone screen directly on your skin. The bracelet is waterproof, reliably attached to the arm and is associated with a mobile phone via Bluetooth or WiFi. Data is transmitted in an encrypted form, which excludes unauthorized access of strangers to closed information.

Cicret_bracelet will replace your phone in any situation
Cicret_bracelet will replace your phone in any situation

In some situations, Cicret Bracelet can become an indispensable addition to your smartphone. In a crowded metro car, when you are sitting in the bathroom or playing sports, it is impossible to respond to a phone call, and even more so send an urgent letter or view reports on social networks.

Now at any time you can perform a lot of actions previously inaccessible in limited conditions. Unlike a phone, which thieves are often just snatched from hands, no one will tear off the Cicret bracelet from your hand. You can not worry about the preservation of an expensive gadget and not get it without need in crowded places.

It is convenient to use a projection bracelet in the subway per hour.
It is convenient to use a projection bracelet in the subway per hour.

Using the built -in projector, the Cicret bracelet creates a projection on the forearm of the hand. At the same time, you can work with a projection in the same way as you would work with the screen of your smartphone: scroll through pages, flip screens, fall into the menu and choose various programs.

With a Cicret bracelet, absolutely any application is available to you: phone calls and messengers, electronic cards and widgets, games and interactive applications. You can answer calls with a speakerphone, while you definitely never miss an important conversation for you, as the bracelet vibrates during the incoming call.

Cicret bracelet will project the phone screen on your hand
Cicret bracelet will project the phone screen on your hand

To activate the projection, just turn the wrist or shake your hand. A repeated sharp movement will turn off the projector and return the bracelet to standby mode.

Special sensors monitor your actions on the projections, all fingers, and then transfer commands to your smartphone to perform the necessary action. Thanks to the intensified picoprojector, the projection is clear and easily read even in bright light.

Built -in Cicret sensors monitor every movement of your hand
Built -in Cicret sensors monitor every movement of your hand

The bracelet has its own memory for storing data (depending on the model 32 or 16 GB) and the ability to connect to a computer via a USB port. The built -in battery allows the bracelet to work without recharging for 5 days or more.

Cicret aliexpress: how to choose?

The price of Cicret Bracelet varies in the region of 500-700 euros. You can learn more about the cost and characteristics of the product on the Cicret Bracelet page on the site Aliexpress.

The bracelet is made in different color solutions: white, black, green, purple, orange. The width of the bracelet is only 1 cm, it is practically not visible on the arm and is suitable for any form of clothing, from sports to business.

Smart bracelet with a Cicret projector
Smart bracelet with a Cicret projector

To choose the Cicret Bracelet bracelet on the AliExpress website, go to the household appliances - smart electronics - wireless devices. You can find the bracelet you need using a search line, which is located at the top of the screen on each page of the site Aliexpress.

Line for the search for goods on the website Aliexpress
Line for the search for goods on the website Aliexpress

Cicret Bracelet: How to order on Aliexpress?

To order a procession cicret bracelet on the site Aliexpress, it should be noted the amount of goods you need on the page with his description. The system will automatically calculate the purchase price.

You can pay for a projection bracelet immediately upon registration. Bank cards and electronic money are accepted for payment. You can also save Cicret in the basket or in the list “My desires” and return to the placement of the order later.

How to order a projection bracelet on the Aliexpress website
How to order a projection bracelet on the Aliexpress website

The conditions and cost of the delivery of a smart bracelet depend on your region and on the transport company, whose services you are going to use. You can calculate the cost and find out the estimated delivery time on the page description page in the “Delivery and Payment” tab.

Important! Upon receipt bracelet Cicret Bracelet It is necessary to check its functionality and compliance with the description on the site before you sign confirmation of the receipt of the goods on the site Aliexpress.

Cicret projection bracelet can be returned in case of inconsistency with the description of the goods
Cicret projection bracelet can be returned in case of inconsistency with the description of the goods

If you have complaints about the quality of the bracelet, Aliexpress It undertakes to return to you the full cost of the goods, while the reverse sending will be made at your expense. Second option: you can leave a poor quality cicret smart bracelet At home, but demand the return of part of the amount paid for it.

If delivery projection bracelet Not produced within 60 days, you can refuse further expectation, knowing about it Aliexpress in your personal account. In this case, you are also guaranteed a full refund.

Video. Projection bracelet on hand

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