Vaccination from pneumococcal infection for children and adults: graph, reaction, temperature, side effects, contraindications, complications, consequences, reviews. Is the vaccine for children from pneumococcal infection required, is it necessary to do it?

Vaccination from pneumococcal infection for children and adults: graph, reaction, temperature, side effects, contraindications, complications, consequences, reviews. Is the vaccine for children from pneumococcal infection required, is it necessary to do it?

Vaccinations from pneumococcus.

Pneumococcal infection is considered quite common. As statistics show, every minute after a complication of this infection one child dies in the world. Is it possible to protect yourself from this disease?

Pneumococcal vaccination to children and adults: the name of the vaccine

In our country, several types of drugs are used that protect a person from pneumococcus:

  • "Pnemo 23". This vaccination is produced by the French company Sanofi Paster. Vaccination for children from two years old and for adults is intended.
  • "Prevevenar." It is used widely in our state. The country is the manufacturer - the United States of America, and its Vayet company produces it. This vaccination is the most immunogenic. This means the following - antigen of pathogenic microorganism remains in the body for a long time.
  • "Sinfliks." A vaccine is produced by a Belgian company. Vaccination during its use is done in almost the same way as during the use of the Prevenar vaccine. There is only a small difference in the graph.
Vaccinations from pneumococcus
Vaccinations from pneumococcus

Any of these drugs contains a certain number of antigens, which is why they actively protect the human body from almost all diseases that arose due to the development of this bacterium.

Pneumococcal vaccination to children and adults: what does it protect against?

Pneumococcus is a terrible infectious disease that can lead to a number of other diseases. Pneumococcal vaccination will also protect you from such diseases:

  • From pneumonia
  • From bronchitis
  • From purulent meningitis
  • From sepsis
  • From endocarditis
  • From sinusitis
  • From arthritis and many other diseases

Surely you know that all these diseases carry a huge threat to human life, subsequently causing various complications. In some cases, even to partial or complete loss of performance.

Vaccination protects against many diseases
Vaccination protects against many diseases

It is worth noting that vaccination from pneumococcus is considered in the practice of many countries quite normal. It allows you to lower significantly the likelihood of serious diseases, and most importantly, in children.

How the pneumococcal vaccination is transferred: the reaction of the child, temperature, side effects

All those vaccinations that we have listed to you can easily be transferred to the human body. In extreme cases, complications appear. Some side effects may also occur:

  • On the skin in the place where the drug was administered, you may have a slight redness or seal. This, as a rule, is associated with the functioning of the immune system. You can also feel the discomfort caused by the soreness of this place.
  • You may increase body temperature to 38 ° C.
  • You can also feel slight weakness in the body, your appetite may decrease.
There are negative reactions to vaccination
There are negative reactions to vaccination

The reactions provided by us are generally related to the disease itself. They only signal that vaccination really brings a positive effect. But if you noticed that the symptoms and side effects did not disappear after 2 days or your general condition has worsened, then you urgently need to contact your attending doctor.

How much does the temperature last after a pneumococcal vaccination?

The duration of elevated temperature after vaccination, as a rule, is determined by the type of vaccination. If vaccination contains dead particles of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases, then the high temperature lasts about a couple of days.

The temperature can stay up to 5 days
The temperature can stay up to 5 days

As a rule, the temperature after vaccination against pneumococcus passes by itself and never needs additional treatment. If the drug contains weakened, but still living microorganisms that are considered pathogens of infections, then high body temperature after vaccination is held up to 5 days. If the temperature does not decrease after 5 days, then, most likely, you have developed a cold or another infection, which does not apply to the vaccination itself.

Complications and consequences from pneumococcal vaccination in adults and children

Any vaccination against pneumococcus can cause a number of some complications. Among them, it is worth highlighting the following types of complications:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Nettle
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dyspepsic condition, namely: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

These manifestations are not considered so harmless, since they do not pass by themselves. These manifestations are complications that can cause a lot of other diseases.

Complications after vaccination
Complications after vaccination

If you have at least one of the listed symptoms, immediately contact a doctor. Doctors do not advise introducing a second vaccine if these complications occur.

Pneumococcal vaccination: contraindications

Due to the reduced reactogenicity of vaccines against pneumococcus, there are very few contraindications for the vaccination. Among them, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Increased sensitivity to certain substances of drugs.
  • A severe allergy to previously introduced vaccines.
  • Pregnancy, namely the first trimester and the second trimester.

In other situations, including the prematureness of the fetus, immunodeficiency and the presence of the disease of pneumococcal infection in the history of vaccination have no contraindications.

Vaccination has no contraindications
Vaccination has no contraindications

There is truth and temporary contraindications. In such cases, it is advisable to postpone the introduction of pneumococcal vaccination for a while. To such temporary contraindications, it is worth noting:

  • The presence of any kind of acute disease.
  • Increase in body temperature due to any reason.
  • Exacerbation of some kind of chronic disease.

In such situations, pneumococcal vaccination is carried out only if a person’s condition fully returns to normal.

Is vaccination for children and adults from pneumococcal infection, is it necessary to do it?

It is very difficult to overestimate the significance of pneumococcal vaccination. This achievement of our modern medicine very often saves millions of lives across the planet. If you have a vaccine yourself and your child, you can now not be afraid, since you are under reliable protection from dangerous diseases and viruses.

There is another view of this vaccination. Many people doubt whether it is necessary to vaccinate and add it to the calendar with other vaccination. Will this bring a large load on the body, especially child?

The need to vaccinate from pneumococcus
The need to vaccinate from pneumococcus

There are parents who refuse vaccination. They do not want to make their children a pneumococcal vaccine. A large number of side consequences scares them, and some deaths after the introduction of the vaccine do not inspire optimism at all.

So is it worth a vaccine against pneumococcus? Is it obligatory? There are no unambiguous answers to these questions. In fact, a person must decide for himself.

At what age do pneumococcal vaccination make: calendar, schedule

Many parents know that vaccination children begin to do almost from birth. Children's vaccines are carried out according to a special vaccination calendar. The schedule of this calendar can be shifted due to the characteristics of a particular child. To date, the vaccine entry scheme is this:

  • Children whose age is up to 6 months, vaccination is carried out according to this scheme 3 plus 1. The first vaccine is mainly introduced in 2 months, the subsequent are made with an interval of 2 months. Then the revaccination follows. It is done when the child is already executed 1 year and up to 1.3 years old.
  • If there is no way to carry out the prevention of pneumococcus to 6 months, then the vaccination is done when the child is performed more than 6 months. In this case, it is made according to this scheme: 2 plus 1. 1st and 2nd dose is carried out with a difference of 1 month, 3rd after one year. Basically, the 3rd is done when the child is 12 months old.
Vaccination schedule
Vaccination schedule
  • Children from 1 year to 2 years Only 2 doses of vaccination are administered. Between these vaccinations, the interval is at least 2 months. Only then will the vaccine bring a positive result.
  • If parents want to do 2-year The child is vaccinated against pneumococcus before entering the kindergarten, then the vaccine is administered once.

After the child is 5 years old, he is not necessary to vaccinate. There are true exceptions when vaccinations are made to schoolchildren and adults.

Where do they make pneumococcal vaccination to children and adults?

  • Before the introduction of the vaccine, the doctor carefully examines the patient, whether it be a child or an adult.
  • He evaluates the general condition of the child and an adult, measures the temperature of his body, also measures the pressure and checks the reaction that the primary administration of the drug gives.
  • If the patient is completely healthy, the doctor is injecting.
  • The drug is administered under the skin into the shoulder (as a rule, this is an deltoid muscle).

Is it possible to walk after a pneumococcal vaccination with a child?

This issue is very worried about many. There is an unambiguous answer to him - to walk with the child after the introduction of the vaccine is not only allowed, this must be done.

Is it possible to wet a pneumococcal vaccine?

All doctors will tell you one voice - to wet the place where the vaccination against pneumococcus is made, since the water cannot in any way affect the effectiveness of the vaccine. But there are contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to put compresses in that place.
  • Also, you can not stick a patch.
  • And most importantly, in no case, it is impossible to process the vaccination site with iodine.

It is these manipulations that can cause the occurrence of a purulent wound and inflammation on the skin.

Pneumococcal vaccination Prevenar: Komarovsky

Komarovsky claims that pneumococcal vaccination is a drug that enhances the immune system. This effect is obtained due to the fact that the patient is introduced by weak trace elements for which immunity is produced.

He claims that the prevention is necessary for this immunity to be produced. It remains only to determine what the immunity should fight against.

Remedy for pneumococcus
Remedy for pneumococcus

Streptococci is in the digestive and respiratory system of a person. Very often they can be found in the throat, in the oral cavity, in the nose, and they are also found in the large intestine. These pests can cause a variety of inflammation, for example, tonsillitis or pneumonia.

It is a pity, but these diseases and many similar ones are considered quite common, and it is not always possible to cure them. There is only one conclusion: Prevenar is an ideal drug that helps to avoid serious infections.

Pneumococcal vaccination: reviews

Lydia, 25 years:

“For a long time I thought about whether this vaccination was needed. Still, such vaccinations have some contraindications and consequences after them are possible. But after long thoughts, I decided that I would make her. My child is a little over 2 years old. We are going to go to the kindergarten. I think that the consequences of diseases, if not vaccinated, are much worse than side effects. ”

Olga, 20 years:

“I grabbed my child against pneumococcus. For the first time we did it when our son was 6 months old. Since in order for the child to form immunity, you need to re -make vaccination and wait another 1 month. From 12 months, my child is already going to kindergarten. I believe that vaccination is an ideal drug that protects the human body from all kinds of diseases, pathogens, which provoke the occurrence of pneumococcal infection.

Video: Pneumococcal infection - what is it, how to protect yourself? Tips to parents

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Comments K. article

  1. I am 74 years old, I live in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow Region. I would like to get a vaccine from pneumococcus. Ready to come to the Moscow clinic. Please tell me the address.

  2. Every winter, as a result of a cold, cough torments.

  3. The article is quite informative. Thank you.

  4. In general, of course, this is a personal matter for everyone. But we somehow do not really love and appreciate vaccinations, we try not to instill a child unnecessarily. We strengthen the immunity by much simpler and, as it seems to me, safe methods. Just give vitamins of the immunity. By the way, on the basis of natural juices, which once again confirms their benefits. And be sure to harden, try to walk more often. This is quite enough, no infection is enough.

  5. The doctor told us so, and you’ll make it possible to strengthen immunity, then come to the vaccine. There will be no complications. So they did. Mishka Evalar's immunity gave a month 3. Fortunately pleasant to the taste, the child chewed without problems. Then they made a vaccine and everything went wonderful, no complications. Take a note, you will not regret it))

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