Signs before the exam: rain, sun, talisman. How good and perfectly pass the exam at school, institute, university, traffic police: good and bad signs, signs for good luck

Signs before the exam: rain, sun, talisman. How good and perfectly pass the exam at school, institute, university, traffic police: good and bad signs, signs for good luck

A bad sign is decided by the outcome of any exam. To do this, follow all the details of preparation for the exam: washing hair, shaving and even observing the weather. A good sign will help to achieve success and get an excellent assessment.

Signs before the exam for good luck in order to pass the exam perfectly

Before passing an important exam, a person is in a very excited state and nervous stress. In order to somehow reassure himself, he resorts to long-standing knowledge for luck and luck, as well as a happy change. Such signs are old as the world and seemed to have always existed.

Surprisingly, most of these will really tell the truth and predict a successful outcome of any business, in particular, passing the exam. Who will come in handy for such signs? The answer is very simple:

  • graduate students
  • applicants
  • students
  • people receiving a second education
  • people ending special courses
  • for those who decided to pass on the rights

Such signs are useful to everyone who decided to gain additional knowledge in any educational institution. Surprisingly, even professional psychologists agree that it is simply necessary to believe in such signs. From their point of view, in this way a person has the opportunity to set himself up in a positive way and normalize his mental state.

passing the exam, signs before the exam

For any person with the test book, dreams played on the eve of passing the exam play a huge role. Often, students have a dream in which they already in advance the procedure for passing the exam. In such cases, it is important to pay attention to how it looked:

  • how many important details can you remember
  • in what mood did they arrive at the exam
  • you passed it or not
  • whether they remembered the ticket number
  • whether they remembered the tickets of the ticket
  • was there a chance to use the cheat sheet
  • whether the teacher suggested answering the question

These important details will be able to direct you in real life to repeat the missed or missed material, to tell you what questions should be paid to more attention, where to hide the cheat sheet, and where to hide it should not be hidden. Also, a successful passing of the exam in a dream will be able to set you up for a light and quick surrender in real life only because you will have a feeling that you have already “already passed”.

Go to the exam with confidence, with a smile on your face and lightness in the shower. Do not try to go the last, try to go to the audience and pull the ticket one of the first. So you can show yourself as an adult and courageous person. Teachers also positively treat students in the first half of the exam: they try to help them, do not knock them down and are also in a good mood until they are tired.

signs before passing the exam, a positive mood in the exam

Good signs before the exam for students, at school, traffic police

The state exam in the traffic inspectorate is a difficult test for each adult. In addition to thorough preparation and study of the material, you should stock up next to the important signs for luck, which will be able to place a person to the calm process of the theory. As a rule, relaxation and relaxation will be able to help a person discard excess soap and experiences and think only about what he repeated the day before.

A joke: the happiest sign before passing an exam in the traffic police is a few pieces of paper previously stuck to the inspector.

Good signs before passing the exam in the traffic police:

  • Sleep with a happy examination
  • A dream in which you received a good rating
  • The dream in which you saw a calmly floating ship
  • Sunny day is a good sign for a successful passing exam in the traffic police
  • If a red cat crossed you the road
  • Read a prayer before the exam
  • Make a small conspiracy for good luck
  • Look in the mirror before passing the exam and smile at yourself

Bad signs before passing the exam in the traffic police:

  • Listen to those people who are in a panic
  • Drink an alcoholic drink for courage before the exam
  • Take sedative pills before the exam
  • If a black cat crossed the road
  • Forget an important thing for the exam at home or just an important thing: keys, book, shoes and so on

There is one popular conspiracy for good luck with some ritual. Its secret is that you need to keep a special thing with you: a jar. This can be the simplest small jar of pills, valerian for example. In this jar, it is necessary to pour a pinch of salt, a pinch of poppy and earth from a clean good place and before putting it in a pocket, to say to yourself: "Everything is with me, everything is with me."

happy signs before passing the exam in the traffic police

Bad signs before the exam

In a series with good ones, there are a number of extremely not favorable signs that can spoil your exam and lead you to poor results. Why is this happening? Perhaps because fate tried to warn you against this by different signs, but you did not obey it and did it in your own way.

Unfavorable signs before passing any exam:

  • The worst sign before passing any exam is to forget at home a test book. So fate “hints” to you that you cannot put anything good in it on this day
  • Another bad sign is to meet a person with a completely empty bucket, which also crossed your way. Fate “hints” to you that the exam will be “empty”. It is interesting that this sign can be fixed. To do this, you need to throw something into the bucket. It can be anything: bill, coin, candy, toy, keychain - at your request
  • The most famous sign is a black cat that crossed the road. This is a strong negative sign, which is completely impossible to fix, you can only weaken much by saying "Chur me!"
  • If on the way to the exam one or more dogs you were posted. Dogs are animals with a thin chuyka and therefore they can feel your negative energy per kilometer and let you know about it. If the exam cannot be avoided, try to say "Chur me!"
  • It is believed that to fail to hear a raven croaking on the exam or on the way to the exam. The crow is a black bird, charged with negative energy and therefore there is such a saying: “how a crow so cried”, that is, “did badly”. You can lure good luck to your side only if you are also coming out. Of course, this will be able to surprise someone, make fun or even confuse, but this is only your desire to attract luck
  • Never tell the OS of your bad or good signs to someone else. In this way, you enhance the action of negativity and drive positive. Good signs disappear along with luck, and the bad envelops you with failure

The phrase "Chur me!" It has a deep meaning. It is believed that “chur” is a kind of guardian of the family who will protect you from negativity as you call it.

bad signs before passing the exam, superstition

Is it possible to wash your hair before the exam: signs

A large number of signs regarding the successful passing of the exam concerns the student’s personal hygiene. In some cases, we are talking about the purity of the head. After all, the head is the place where all the accumulated knowledge is stored and the excess flow of water can simply “wash away” them before an important moment. It is important to know a number of superstitions that are designed not to “frighten off” luck before an important exam.

Signs regarding the purity of the head before the exam:

  • it is believed that washing your hair on the eve of the exam is a bad sign
  • thus, you easily get rid of concentrated and accumulated theoretical knowledge
  • this action does not occur literally, because knowledge is not a material thing
  • it is believed that this natural force is able to take your personal energy to the energy of water
  • for this reason, you should best postpone the head of the head until the next time, or do it in advance

Psychologists easily explain the secret of the action of this signs - a person is so focused that any obstacles (whether it be real or invented reasons) can weaken his self -confidence and, as a result, lead to lethargy, doubts and loss of self -control at an important moment. Following signs is an important psychological technique for humans.

The effectiveness of this superstition is completely impossible to predict by 100 percent, because the emotional person is completely diverse: someone is more confident in himself, someone is uncertain at all. It is believed that any manipulations with the appearance on the eve of passing an important exam are just a way of distraction that can play both a good joke with a student.

can I wash your hair before the exam? Bad and good signs for successful delivery

Rain on the day of the exam, signs

Some signs that will help successfully pass any exam relate to weather conditions on a certain day, perhaps everyone knows that if the weather is favorable, then all things are getting along. But how to understand the rain?

Bad weather on the day of the exam:

  • Little rain on the day of the exam - to little difficulties
  • Have time to run to the educational institution before the rain - to great luck
  • Have time to run to an educational institution before a stormy thunderstorm - to great luck
  • If you hit the rain and get wet much, there will be tears
  • Wet the test - to failure
  • Enter in a puddle - to problems, to a spoiled reputation
  • The car sprayed with mud and water from a puddle - to problems when passing the exam
rain on the day of the exam - the value of signs on the day of passing an important exam

Sun on the exam: signs

The sun is always a good sign. For this reason, good weather on the day of the exam always favors a happy and easy procedure for passing the exam. Explain this phenomenon is very easy from a psychological point of view. The fact is that warm sunny weather always tunes a person in a positive way.

If a person is satisfied with himself, confident in himself and feels joy - he can easily pass any exam and not worry about even a low ball. Sunlight improves metabolic processes in the body, favorably affects the production of hormones, which leads to a good mood of even the most “confused” student with a lot of beliefs and superstitions in his head.

Always focus on your knowledge and successes of the subject being studied, as well as be sure of yourself - the only way you, regardless of weather and light of the Sun, can successfully pass even the most difficult exam.

sun - a favorable sign for passing the exam on any day

What leg is the nickle on the exam?

Going to the exam with a pyatak in shoes is an old and kind tradition. It is believed that this sign will allow not only to pass the exam with ease, but also to pull out, the so -called “happy ticket” and get a good rating. Such a sign, by virtue of its feature, has several rules of compliance:

  • monet should be placed under the heel
  • there should be only a nipple under the heel.
  • Put the coin only in closed shoes (and this is understandable, because it will fall out of the sandals and sandals, but it simply will not hold on slap)
  • it is best to put a nickel under the left leg, because it is she who is considered “farm”
  • the action of this happy talisman will intensify if you put not five cents under the heel, but a coin of five rubles
  • the happiest is the nickel (it does not matter what financial orientation) released in your year of birth

It is believed that the number of “five” has a powerful positive energy and is able to endow you with self -confidence, as well as attract good luck in any of your business.

pyatak - a favorable amulet for successful passing the exam

Talismans of passing the exam

Pyatak is a well -known talisman for good luck and a favorable examination of the exam. But it is also worth knowing (for diversity or comprehensive development) about the existence of other completely active talismans, proven for centuries and millions of people.

Some talismans to successfully pass the exam:

  • Fenechka -this is a bracelet on the hand, which has a special powerful energy for you. An important condition of the bauble - it does not have an even amount. This feature can be observed in the pattern - not an even number of weaving or drawings, in the number of threads, in the number of colors and even beads
  • Happy wardrobe item -perhaps this is not the first time you are passing the exam and have already suffered a successful or at least normal surrender. She can serve as a talisman
  • Ring -it is believed that an object in the shape of a ring has a powerful charge of energy. The condition of such an object is only one - the ring must be closed. The preliminary ritual is also present: you need to blow in the ring and immediately put it on yourself. It is believed that such a ring can make a powerful protective circle around you, which you completely eliminated the negativity by just blowing into it

With a talisman, amulet or amulet, absolutely any of your items for you: decoration, keychain, ribbon, belt, shoes or even a certain color. The main thing is that positive energy that you inspire into something material. It serves for you a source of confidence and strength.

the strength of the talismans for successful passing the exam

Is it possible to say “neither a fluff” in the exam and answer “to hell”?

Many students before pulling a ticket or go to the audience for passing the exam, they say such an owl as: “To hell!” Or "neither a fluff nor the pen." These are peculiar conspiracies for good luck, which for many centuries have used millions of people. The secret of conspiracies is very simple - they save you from negative energy and open the space inside for a positive one.

The value of such conspiracies:

  • "Break a leg"it suggests your unhindered movement towards the goal. It is believed that it sets you up in advance that you easily get rid of all the difficulties and your luck literally “sour cream” that arises on the way. This conspiracy has only positive energy that can relax and calm you down a little. He acts on the principle of prayer: through consciousness he controls the body
  • "To hell" -a stronger verbal conspiracy that should be responded to the previous one. Moreover, if there is no answer to the previous conspiracy, this is considered a bad sign. The more times you say “to hell!”, The stronger your luck should be. The principle of the conspiracy is very simple: it cleans your energy from negativity, sending it to the same negative. The body, getting rid of bad thoughts, becomes calmer and more confident in itself

In what clothes to come to the exam?

Clothing can also store human energy. In this case, if you once or several times had experience in passing the exam and very favorable, it can have positive energy for you and give luck.

It is worth noting that the exam is always a solemn event and therefore it requires careful observance of the business dress code. You should come to the exam in clean, ironed clothes, preferably in a white shirt or blouse. Clothing should not be vulgar and defiant and then you will definitely be good luck

Comfort comfortable clothing provides comfort, which means psychologically sets up a person for successful surrender. Dark clothing can subconsciously create a calm mood for work and literally “collect thoughts in a heap, bright colors: red, orange, yellow - on the contrary, excite the nervous system of the student and the teacher.

Thus, we can conclude that clothing nevertheless affects the success of the exam. But in this case, if it is not your special talisman, it serves as a psychological factor that can set up on working condition and help achieve success.

what clothes should be prepared for successful passing the exam?

Can I shave before the exam?

It is believed that if a person is not too confident in his knowledge or the ability to successfully pass the exam, then he should resort to compliance with some signs. If we talk about men, then it is worth focusing on shaving. Signs say that shaving on the eve of the exam is a bad thing.

This sign is explained very simply: it is believed that the hair growing on the head stores a certain supply of knowledge. This should not be understood literally, but only abstractly.

Good advice is not to cut yourself and not shave for the entire period of the session or passing exams. This guarantees you the successful delivery of any subject, the ability to concentrate and save memory for important information.

shaving - a bad sign before passing the exam

Can I cut yourself before the exam?

One of the worst signs is considered to be a haircut before the exam. The fact is that the hair growing from the head (literally from the place where the brain is located), stores, as they say, a piece of information. By cutting your hair, you risk losing some information, which means that at an important moment you can’t count on your memory.

You can’t cut yourself before the exam or during the session because it is a bad sign. If you ate, you are confident in your abilities, you have a good object, then perhaps this sign may not affect you.

Can I wash before the exam?

In this case, if we are talking about the cleanliness of the head, then it is best to follow the recommendations and avoid washing on the eve of an important exam and wash your head in two days.

If we are talking about the complete purity of your body, then there are several nuances:

  • If you are a very superstitious person, then perhaps this sign will be able to play against you
  • Try to plan a bath or shower in the daytime, and not in the evening on the eve of an important exam
  • After a shower or bath, it is best to sit down again for literature and repeat the material so that it settles in your head again
  • Do not wash before passing the exam in the morning, just wash your face with fresh cool water to put thoughts and emotions in order, as well as hands so that they can do high -quality work
  • You can also dip your legs in a basin with cool water so that they are not afraid to go to the exam. "

    Talismans for passing the exam, for good luck

Some amulets and talismans can bring good luck in the exam:

  • Magic runes -there are a number of runes with magical influence on humans. To do this, you should study everyone and understand exactly what you are missing: luck, success, courage, good luck, wisdom. The magic rune should be drawn on the body, on the test or on the subject, which you put in your pocket
  • Amulet-samocet-each person has a stone that corresponds to his horoscope and year of birth. This stone must bring good luck on the exam. It can be dressed in the form of jewelry on the neck, ears, hand, put in a pocket or a story as a keychain. The main thing is to correctly determine your stone
  • Coins for luck -such coins are considered not only those that have a year of your birth on an obverse or reverse. Such a coin can serve as a defective instance, royal coin, collectible, rare, not stamped to the end
  • Red thread -he brings good luck to the person who puts her in the hand. In ordinary life, the red thread is worn on the left hand - and this protects from the evil eye, and for one -time "luck" it is best dressed on the right - the one you write

Video: "H arodic signs and beliefs. Good and bad signs "

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  1. I always washed before the exam and did not enter full -time, this is a lie

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