The use of celandine oil. Facial celandine oil, from fungus, papillomas, in gynecology

The use of celandine oil. Facial celandine oil, from fungus, papillomas, in gynecology

For those who have heard on the beneficial properties of celandine - tips on the use of plant oil and the necessary recipes.

Celandine is an unpretentious plant known to many people who have land plots. Some consider it as a weed and try to get rid of it, giving space to cultivated plants.

But those who know about the healing properties of celandine can use this and prepare for themselves a healing tincture of celandine based on oil. Such celandine oil will be useful for many problems and diseases, especially associated with skin and mucous membranes.

Celandine oil can also be purchased in the finished form. Why, in fact, it may need, what are its properties?

The properties of celandine oil

Already in the very name “celandine”, its properties are emphasized to save the skin and body from unwanted spots, rashes, sores, that is, cleanse the body.

The healing properties of celandine are known to our distant ancestors
The healing properties of celandine are known to our distant ancestors
  • The celandine plant belongs to the poppy family and contains a variety of alkaloids that give it a bitter taste and a specific harsh smell. For example, alkaloid Helidinin is a strong anesthetic
  • Due to its effects, the nervous system is inhibited, sensitivity decreases, therefore the effect for a person will be anesthetic and antiseptic, like morphine
  • Alkaloid homogeneinni and alkaloid sanguinarin also have the same effect, which also excitingly affects the digestive system
  • A special composition of beneficial substances gives celandine unique properties

In addition, celandine oil contains:

  • carotene
  • flawonids
  • saponins
  • vitamin C
  • apple, citric and amber acids
  • smolish substances
  • bitterness

All this combination of the components of the celandine components makes it an effective bactericidal, analgesic, restoring skin with a product. Therefore, in the old days, celandine oil was used to heal wounds, fight skin diseases, remove fungi, treat eczema and so on.

Celandine essential oil

Celandine essential oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
Celandine essential oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Celandine essential oil is used in folk medicine if the possibilities of drug treatment of skin problems, such as antibiotics, or, as an alternative and an addition to drug treatment, have already been exhausted.

The tampon saturated with oil is applied to problem areas for 2 - 3 minutes. 2 - 3 times a day. Thus, getting rid of microbial eczema, fungi of nails, seborrhea, furunculosis, psoriatic plaques, acne and papillomas.

Important: the effects of celandine essential oil - elimination of itching, removing inflammation, pain, healing, disinfection.

Celandine cosmetic oil

Celandine oil is successfully used for cosmetic purposes. For example, with its help you can remove pigment spots, pimples, black dots on the skin of the face, corns, corns, warts.

Celandine cosmetic oil.
Celandine cosmetic oil.

Important: celandine cosmetic oil helps with dandruff and seborrhea.

The oil is applied to the desired areas and left there for 15 minutes. After that, its remains are carefully removed with a damp cloth. This procedure is recommended to do 2 times a day.

Such oil is also used as a massage. Smoke that celandine oil can be purchased in special departments, it can be prepared by yourself. There are several ways:

Recipe No. 1: Dry raw materials of celandine (leaves, flowers and roots) are dried in a place protected from the sun for about 2 weeks. Further, some part of it is placed in the container in which the oil is later poured (any, but if sunflower, then unrefined, and it must be boiled in a water bath).

The oil should cover dry celandine 2 cm higher. The potion is insisted in a dark place in cool for another week. The infusion must be shaken from time to time, then strain through gauze. The remaining celandine is quite suitable to fill it again with oil for a new infusion. It is better to store the resulting tool in the refrigerator

Recipe No. 2: The infusion of celandine is taken and mixed in equal quantities with any cosmetic oil (peach, coconut, etc.), possibly with olive. Clean cosmetic oil is ready.
Important! Pure celandine juice can burn the skin and leave spots on it, so it is diluted with oil and used on the basis of oil.

Clean cosmetic oil can be prepared from dry raw materials.

Papilloma celandine oil

Papillomas is a consequence of the body damage with papillomovirus. On the skin, especially around the neck, in the area of \u200b\u200barmpits, under the mammary glands of women, as well as with age or when weakening immunity, characteristic ledges, nodules on the leg or plaques appear on the skin. Such neoplasms are well treated with fresh celandine, or, as an option, celandine oil.

Before removing papillomas with celandine, you need to go to the doctor.

Important: some papillomas can be harbingers of benign formations, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Face celandine

With celandine oil, you can carry out face care. To clean the face, the following procedure will help for the elasticity of the skin:
A tampon moistened with celandine oil lubricates the face or its individual areas, for example, acne. After 10 min. Wash your face with warm water. Repeat the procedure, if possible, up to 4 times a day. Cleaning the face from unwanted problems will occur in a week or two.

Celandine oil in gynecology

For gynecological problems, for example, fibroids and even cervical erosion, as well as with external hemorrhoids, celandine oil is used in the form of tampons. The tampon saturated in oil is inserted into the vagina and is left there for 10 - 15 minutes, after which it is extracted.

Not only cervical erosion is treated with celandine, but also other female diseases.

Of course, such treatment must be pre -discussed with a doctor.

Pimpling celandine oil

To treat the face and get rid of acne, celandine oil is used, according to the general instructions, applications for the facial sections for 15 minutes 2 - 3 times a day.

Celandine oil from nail fungus

The fungus of nails on the legs and hands is a very unpleasant damage. To treat this problem with celandine oil, it is recommended to pre -steam nails in a solution of baking soda.

The procedure is best done before bedtime. Soda concentration - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. The nails will soften, and from them you need to remove the exfolved parts. After that, grease the celandine oil and leave on the nails for 20 - 30 minutes. If these are nails on the legs, then you can not wash off the oil, but wear socks for the night.

To get rid of the fungus, use celandine oil.
To get rid of the fungus, use celandine oil.

Celandine oil from psoriasis

It is best to use celandine for the treatment of psoriasis in the form of oil. Then this plant will be less burning, as in natural form, but at the same time, retain its beneficial properties. The affected areas are lubricated with oil several times a day. Treatment can last a long time, possibly several months.

Celandine oil use: tips and reviews

Celandine oil can be used even for the treatment of children. As you can see, celandine oil is very widely used due to its many useful properties. The advantage of its application is also that it practically does not have contraindications, does not cause allergic reactions, even children are shown.

Just in case, due to the fact that the juice of the plant is nevertheless to be poisonous, recommended, before the use of oil, to make a skin sample on the bend of the elbow for a day.

VIDEO: Celandine grass: treatment and contraindications

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Comments K. article

  1. As for the gynecological application, at all, for the first time I hear. And so, of course, for women, especially during menopause, there is nothing more important than vitamins, I think. I myself accept the Lady's formula more than polyvitamins. The composition is very good, there is a large large complex. Well, phytoestrogens, of course, also drink. And I look good and does not fail well -being))

  2. It is not possible to read.

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