Aneurysm of the vessels of the brain: causes, symptoms and signs of diagnosis and treatment of the disease with medical surgical means and folk remedies

Aneurysm of the vessels of the brain: causes, symptoms and signs of diagnosis and treatment of the disease with medical surgical means and folk remedies

In this article, we consider the problem of the disease, which is called a bomb inside a person. We will talk about aneurysm.

Aneurysm of the vessels of the brain It is a process during which a convex area appears on the blood vessel of the brain. The inflammatory area occurs as a result of deformation of the walls of blood vessels - the refinement of the muscle layer. Under the influence of blood circulation, a modified form is formed in weak areas. Filling in liquid, it reaches the size, in which it begins to affect the brain tissue.

Parts of the structure and form of aneurysm

Aneurysm poses a threat to brain, as it can cause hemorrhage. Small neoplasms are not an concern and do not cause any discomfort. In places of branching of the arteries, strong blood pressure is concentrated, as a result of which they become vulnerable. Most often, aneurysm is formed in them.

Aneurysm is a fairly common disease. However, most are not aware of its presence. The risk of hemorrhage is subject to the category of people over thirty years old. In some people, aneurysm is an innate pathological phenomenon.


Aneurysm has a strong and vulnerable parts of the structure.

  • The neck is an elastic component of aneurysm, which has a multi -layer structure.
  • The body of the aneurysm is the central part of the aneurysm, consisting of an underdeveloped elastic membrane and the absent three -layer vascular wall.
  • The dome of aneurysm is the thinnest area from which bleeding always occurs.

In the process of developing aneurysm, he is subjected to atheromatosis changes. Deformed fabrics are often exposed.

Aneurysm of the brain characterize depending on its shape and size. Shorting is the type of artery on which the formation arises. The most common form of aneurysm In the form of a vessel with blood. It also develops as a tumor or expansion of one of the sides of the blood vessel. There are several types of arteries in the structure of the brain. On each of them, aneurysm of different sizes can form. With permissible sizes, there are no symptoms, when the boundary of the norm is exceeded, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

The causes of the aneurysm of the brain

On the the emergence of aneurysm A large number of factors affect. The disease is both congenital and acquired.

  • With genetic disorders leading to deformation of the walls of blood vessels, aneurysm is innate. This process arises as a result of various diseases. Among them are diseases of the connective tissue, circulatory disorders, cystic damage to the kidneys, etc.
  • Acquired aneurysm. The vascular wall is deformed under the influence of various factors. Passionate exposure has uneven blood flow and hypertension.
On the vessel
Due to the deformation of the walls

Consider the most common reasons:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • World Cup trauma
  • Progressive infections
  • Excess cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels
  • Abuse of bad habits
  • Disadvantage in the body of a copper trace element

Aneurysm of the vessels of the brain: symptoms and signs

Aneurysms of miliary sizes do not cause any symptoms. Often this education is detected during the examination.

Unexploded aneurysms of large sizes cause several characteristic symptoms:

  • Visual violation. The coordinated eye work is disturbed. Crashglazia develops. The trigeminal nerve is possible. With prolonged aneurysm, the development of the optic nerve atrophy is possible.
  • Deterioration of the sensitivity of the arms and legs.A prolonged feeling of numbness, tingling, burning in the limbs is manifested.
  • Violation of motor functions.Uncertain coordination, unstable gait is observed.
  • Epileptic seizures.Symptomatic epilepsy is possible.
  • Headache.The most common sign of aneurysm is the pain in the head on the one hand.
  • Numbness of the face.Education located on the branches of the carotid artery affect the facial nerve. There is pain in the face.
  • Approaching nausea.Under pressure from aneurysm, areas of the brain experience a lack of oxygen. As a result, this symptom occurs.
There is a severe pain
There is a severe pain

Before gaping, aneurysms take place the first point bruises.

A number of signs are added to the above symptoms:

  • Eye pain. There is a pain concentrated in the area behind the eyes. The severity of the eyelids causes discomfort.
  • Noise in ears.Hearing is disturbed, auditory hallucinations occur.
  • Speech violation.There are difficulties in colloquial speech. The functions of swallowing are difficult.

All these manifestations of a mild nature. In order to signs to suspect aneurysm, it is necessary to resort to medical care.

With a break
You can even faint

The torn aneurysm has pronounced symptoms:

  • Acute headache.An attack of severe headaches, which occurs under the influence of blood on the areas of the brain that has many nerve endings.
  • Irritation of the brain shells.The mobility of the neck and the flexibility of the legs are partially limited. There is a muscle pain of the neck and back.
  • Loss of consciousness.Under the influence of hematomas, intracranial pressure increases. As a result, oxygen starvation and fainting occur.

Diagnosis of aneurysm of the vessels of the brain

Diagnostics for identifying aneurysm Often carried out after hemorrhage. At the first stage, a general examination of the doctor is carried out, including a number of procedures.

  1. The skin is inspected and felt. Pain zones and areas of neoplasms are identified.
  2. The body is listened to for the identification of various noise, especially in the part of the heart.
  3. Arterial pressure is measured.
  4. The heart rhythm and respiratory contractions are heard.
  5. A neurological examination. Motor activity is checked. The sensitivity of the skin is evaluated.
We diagnose
We diagnose

Further Aneurysm is diagnosed Using various hardware research:

  1. Angiography. Using a catheter, a special contrasting liquid is introduced into the artery. During the examination, it helps to identify clogged arteries. The exact location and parameters of the aneurysm are monitored.
  2. CT scan. The most painless method of detecting the disease using clear detailed images.
  3. MRI. A study in which pictures with the image of the problem area are obtained.

To track blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, an ultrasound diagnosis of a Doppler is carried out. In this way, all vessel pathologies are studied in detail. Using the electroencephalogram, brain activity and neurological disorders are traced.

To create a general picture, laboratory tests are also necessary. A blood fence is necessarily carried out before surgical interventions or in the detection of concomitant diseases. Another type of analysis is the fence of the spinal fluid. It is investigated for hemorrhage.

Aneurysm of the vessels of the brain: treatment

If an aneurysm, the patient is registered with a neurologist during an examination. The doctor prescribes treatment in order to prevent the increase and rupture of education. A number of medical and therapeutic procedures are carried out. With an impressive size of aneurysm, surgical intervention is necessary.

There are two methods of surgical treatment of aneurysm:

  • Cliping the neck of aneurysm -in this method, a metal clip is placed on the neck of aneurysm, which limits the flow of blood flow and the gradual death of tissues of education.
  • Endovascular elimination of aneurysm - In this method, a spiral is introduced into the cavity of aneurysm using a catheter that blocks the vital activity of the tumor. This method is more often applied in practice, as it allows you to penetrate in difficult places.

In cases where both methods are applicable, it is better for the patient to listen to the advice of a qualified specialist. After surgery, the patient needs to adjust his lifestyle:

  • With aneurysm that arose against the background of metabolic disorders, it is necessary to adhere to a diet in the postoperative period. Fat food should be excluded. Adjust the use of sweet and salty dishes. Limit the use of tea and coffee so as not to provoke an increase in blood pressure. Take a multivitamin complex where there is copper.
  • Stock with an active way of life. Exclude physical activity. This will maintain heart indicators normally and exclude increased pressure.
  • During rehabilitation, it is necessary to control pressure indicators daily.
  • When the operation is carried out, then every month to visit the attending physician is simply necessary. Failure to comply with the recommendations of a specialist can provoke a complication.
  • Visiting physiotherapeutic procedures. For normal brain function, it is necessary to have an anti -inflammatory effect on it. Regulate blood circulation in healthy areas.
We get rid of the disease

Emotional or physical activity can lead to itself the adverse outcome of the aneurysm, to the rupture and hemorrhage in the brain. In this case, severe consequences should be expected.

  • Blood fills the space between the membranes of the brain, reaches cavities with cerebrospinal fluid.
  • A person feels severe headache and various symptoms of neurology. Emergency help of a doctor is needed.
  • Symptoms are different depending on the location of the hearth. During the first month after the gap, there is a very high probability of a repeated diagnosis.
  • Each subsequent proceeds with even greater complications. The consequences of the rupture of aneurysm include ischemic stroke. Such a diagnosis leads to motor and speech restrictions on a person.

Folk methods of treating aneurysm of the vessels of the brain

For the prevention of aneurysm, preventive measures are necessary. Many patients prefer folk remedies. It is not recommended to ignore the medical prescriptions of the doctor. A more appropriate way to reinforce treatment with folk recipes. You can influence aneurysm by influencing diseases accompanying its occurrence.

The patient’s power leads to normal indicators by blood pressure. Folk remedies consist mainly of medicinal plants. Plant components have a high nutrient content. Useful components have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Folk treatment
Folk treatment

Consider the most effective folk recipes for the treatment of aneurysm:

  • Daily use of beets. When performing this recommendation for several weeks, you will note a decrease in pressure indicators.
  • Infusion of black currant berries,which is boiled on low heat and insisted. They use several times a day.
  • Infusions of valerian.It is necessary to prepare the mixture by brewing the root of valerian, you need to use a couple of spoons per day.
  • Decoction of motherwort.The boiling water is worn, the required norm of the product is a teaspoon before meals.
  • In food, give preference to buckwheat, because It contains copper.

Video: Bomb inside us

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