The causes of premature ejaculation in men: treatment and methods of extension of sexual intercourse. The norm of the duration of sexual intercourse

The causes of premature ejaculation in men: treatment and methods of extension of sexual intercourse. The norm of the duration of sexual intercourse

Find out what affects the duration of sexual intercourse, why premature ejaculation occurs and how to cure it.

Dissatisfaction with a sexual life is a big problem for a married couple. Very often the reason for this dissatisfaction is the insufficient duration of sexual intercourse.

Due to the man’s reluctance to admit that his ejaculation occurs too early, shame or inability to talk about sex between his husband and his wife hesitates, quarrels arise, even divorce is possible.

The only way to prevent the family from decaying is to turn to a specialist and choose the most acceptable way to resolve the problem of premature ejaculation in a man.

What depends on the duration of sexual intercourse?

To understand whether a man is really “finishing” too early, either he or his partner has incorrect ideas about how much sexual intercourse should continue, one should understand which factors affect this duration. And there are several of them:

  1. Ecology. With a deterioration in environmental conditions and a change in the lifestyle of modern people, male power weakens.
  2. Heredity. Specialists give her up to 50% of all the merits of a man in bed.
  3. Age. In young people during puberty, sexual intercourse can last long enough due to the instability of the hormonal background. From 19-22, men ejaculate faster. Closer to the age of 30, the duration of sexual intercourse increases again.
  4. Duration of abstinence. The more often a man has sex, the longer he continues. And after abstinence, about 1 month, ejaculation can occur in less than 1-2 minutes.
  5. Health malfunctions. The state of health has a direct effect on the stamina of the erection of a man and his “rate of fire”. Even if he feels a slight malaise, the quality and duration of sex can suffer.
  6. Stress. Nervous overvoltage, especially chronic, in some men causes a decrease in libido and insufficient erection, in others affects the duration of sexual intercourse.
The duration of sexual intercourse is affected by a huge number of factors, from the age of the man to the state of the environment.
The duration of sexual intercourse is affected by a huge number of factors, from the age of the man to the state of the environment.

Important: experts note that the first sex with a new partner in men, as a rule, is longer. And more than half longer. Hence the woman’s surprise “The first time we did it for 10 minutes, but now only 3!” You cannot evaluate a partner on the first time.

What is the duration of sexual intercourse is considered the norm?

Speaking of sexual intercourse, people often imply different things. Some indicate this term with everything that happens from the beginning of the prelude to the end of the involution phase. Others identify sexual intercourse only with coatus, that is, directly with the genital contact of partners. Hence the different ideas about its normal duration.

  1. Psychologists betray the same meaning to both the physiological and emotional aspects of sex, so they consider sexual intercourse, starting with the first kiss and preliminary caresses. Accordingly, it can last the clock.
  2. Sexologists evaluate the duration of the coatus directly, the friction stage, which begins with the introduction of the penis into the vagina and ends with ejaculation. They count the norm for 5-10 minutes. This is enough for both a man and a woman to experience an orgasm.
  3. According to urologists, normal sexual intercourse continues somewhat shorter, 3-5 minutes.
Normal sexual intercourse lasts 5-10 minutes.
Normal sexual intercourse lasts 5-10 minutes.

Important: ejaculation in a man cannot always occur after the same period of time after the start of frictions. If one or a couple of times he “finished” faster than after 5 minutes, this does not mean that he suffers from premature ejaculation. It is possible to talk about the problem if early ejaculation occurs constantly.

Also, you do not need to try to make diagnoses yourself, even if the duration of sexual intercourse does not suit the man or his partner. Perhaps this is just a personal opinion inspired by ignorance in sex, popularized porn films in which they do not ejaculate for an hour and longer. It is better to talk about their suspicions and guesses with a doctor, only a specialist will be able to clarify the picture.

Important: on the basis of duration, they distinguish between relative and absolute premature ejaculation. With relative, it is from 2 to 5 minutes, with absolute - less than 2 minutes.

VIDEO: The duration of sexual intercourse in a real man

Problems of premature ejaculation: Reasons

The total analysis of these polls conducted by psychologists, and statistics on calls to doctors - sexologists gives the right to conclude that more than 60% of men occurs premature ejaculation.

To solve the problem, to make sexual intercourse long so that the partner is also able to “discharge”, a man can, consulting a doctor and determining with him what is its reason.

Early ejaculation can be temporary and caused:

  • long abstinence
  • psychological discomfort
  • stress
The cause of early ejaculation should be established by a doctor.
The cause of early ejaculation should be established by a doctor.

A man can also finish prematurely systematically if:

  • he has a psychological problem, for example, self -doubt, fear of sexual intercourse, fear of infecting transmitted sexually
  • there was a failure in the work of its endocrine system, the hormonal background was broken
  • he has excess weight or obesity
    It suffers from an acute or chronic disease of the genitourinary system
  • he has a penis -sensitive penis
  • he has damage or disorders in the work of the nervous system
  • he suffers from oncological disease
  • he is aging

Important: sometimes there are several reasons for premature ejaculation to eliminate the problem, you need to solve them all.

The doctor can correctly determine the reason - a urologist or sexologist on the basis of:

  • inspection
  • collecting anamnesis
  • laboratory research
  • Ultrasound
  • survey results from other specialists

VIDEO: Causes of premature ejaculation

Treatment of premature ejaculation

Doctors treat premature ejaculation:

  • urologist
  • andrologist
  • sexopathologist
  • psychotherapist

The nature of the treatment is individual for each man and completely depends on the reason why the sexual intercourse in a man cannot continue the normal amount of time. But most often it is combined and includes several methods, among which:

  • psychotherapeutic
  • physiotherapeutic
  • medication
  • surgical
One of the effective methods of treating premature ejaculation is psychotherapeutic.
One of the effective methods of treating premature ejaculation is psychotherapeutic.

Recently, many clinics have been practiced in the treatment of early ejaculation according to the Simmansa method. It includes psychotherapy (work individually with a doctor or in groups, as well as independent work on himself) and physiotherapy (massage).

Video: Psychotherapeutic treatment of premature ejaculation

Ways to extend sexual intercourse to a man

For all methods, techniques and tools that increase the duration of sexual intercourse, there is a separate definition - prolongation. She includes:

  1. The solution to the problem that caused premature ejaculation. In simple words: if there is a disease, it must be treated, if there is stress, it must be removed.
  2. Changes in the lifestyle of a man. He should adjust his nutrition-to avoid genetically modified foods, fusible fats and trans fats, too carbohydrate foods. The emphasis should be on proteins and vegetables, seafood. The calorie content of food consumed for a day should not exceed the norm. Sports should be present in the life of a man. He should be abandoned from bad habits.
  3. Increasing stress resistance. Very often, for a persistent erection and normal duration of sex, a man needs to solve psychological problems and relieve nervous strain. Psychotherapy sessions help this a lot.
The pose of a man on top allows you to extend sexual intercourse.
The “man from above” pose allows you to extend sexual intercourse.

In addition, a considerable role in the fight for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse plays the choice of the right posture. A man better controls the friction rhythm and the depth of penetration in the poses:

  • man from above (missionary and its interpretation)
  • the man is behind
  • on the side (spoon)

Directly during intercourse, it is recommended:

  • make frictions, periodically changing their pace
  • alternate deep and shallow enters of the penis into the vagina
  • periodically pause, for example, with an ambulance
  • apply compression technique: feeling the approaching ejaculation, squeeze the penis just below the head, where it closes with the bridle
  • do not stop after ejaculation, continuing to stimulate the partner

VIDEO: How to extend sexual intercourse?

Sex prolongants: drugs and tablets from premature ejaculation

Prolongators are called drugs used by a man to extend sexual intercourse. All of them are divided into three large groups:

  • tablets consumed inward
  • local anesthetic creams, sprays and gels
  • condoms for prolonging sex with anesthetic

Tablets - Prolongators are sold in pharmacies. Although, usually, a recipe for them is not needed, it is better to buy them as a doctor’s prescription. These drugs affect not only the men's reproductive system, but also his entire body as a whole, they often have side effects.

Which prolongers are better in tablets? You cannot answer this question unambiguously. Like any other medicines, they are selected strictly individually. According to doctors and by the reviews of men, the same drug can help the first time or not come at all.

Most often, premature ejaculation is accepted:

  • Dapoxetine
  • Viagra
  • Cialis
  • Levitra

Dapoxetine - This is an oral prolongator from the category of selective inhibitors of the reverse capture of serotonin. SiOS affects the central nervous system of a man and causes a blockade of the ejaculatory reflex. Dapoxytin is treated with early ejaculation, whatever its reason. It is recommended for men from 18 to 65 years old. Effect: on average, sexual intercourse becomes longer. You can observe it already 30 minutes after taking the first tablet. Dokein does not affect sensitivity during sex.

Important: it will be interesting to find out that dapoxetine was originally prescribed as an antidepressant. He revealed a side effect in the form of a slight decrease in libido and an increase in the duration of coitus. This "side" was only at the hand for many men.


Levitra - Another universal prolongator, the active substance of which is vardenafil, selective FDE5 inhibitor. It relaxes smooth muscles, including the muscles of the cavernous bodies of the penis, due to which it prolongs sexual intercourse.

25 minutes - 4 hours before intercourse, Levitra is taken for 1 tablet. It acts the first time.


Viagra And its analogues contain sildenafil, which is also a selective FDE5 inhibitor. The drug relaxes the muscles of the cavernous body and enhances the blood flow in the penis, the erection becomes stronger, sexual intercourse is extended. They drink Viagra 1 hour before sexual intercourse.


The prolongator is the drug Cialiscontaining a tadalafil, reversible selective FDE5 inhibitor. Men with regular sexual life accept it daily, those who have sex from time to time, immediately in front of him.


There are also drugs for prolonging a genital -type sexual intercourse, which include SioSC and SI FDE5. Examples: Super P-FORCEcontaining dapoxetine and sildenafil, and Malegra, with fluoxetine and sildenafil.

Super P-FORCE.

Unfortunately, dapoxetine, Viagra and other prolongants have not only advantages. Side effects from their use occur, even if you drink drugs not often and do not exceed their dose. Prolongators cause:

  • headache and dizziness
  • diarrhea and nausea
  • mialgia
  • allergies, others

The drugs also have an extensive series of contraindications, which can be found in the official instructions for each of them.

VIDEO: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra

Spray and gel for the duration of sexual intercourse

Lidocaine and benzocaine are drugs - anesthetics that are used not only for local anesthesia, but also for prolonging sexual intercourse. Acting on the nerve endings in the skin of the penis, they reduce its sensitivity, this delays the onset of the ejaculatory effect.

Prolongators with lidocaine and benzocaine are used immediately before sexual intercourse, 2-10 minutes before it starts. They may look:

  • ointments
  • cream
  • spray
  • gel - lubricant
Cream - Orgasmus Stopper prolongator.
Cream - Orgasmus Stopper prolongator.

The advantages of prolongants with local anesthetics are as follows:

  1. They do not need recipes. Creams and sprays are sold in pharmacies, sex shops and online stores.
  2. Side effects of such means at least.
  3. They are cheaper than oral pills.

At the same time, local prolongants have the following shortcomings:

  1. Sometimes anesthesia is so strong that men cease to feel the penis and control the coitus.
  2. With frequent use, in particular, lidocaine, the sensitivity of the penis decreases.
  3. The effect of the drug is partially transmitted to the partner, it is more difficult for it to achieve orgasm.
Super Dragon 6000 spray-transplant.
Super Dragon 6000 spray-transplant.

Popular prolongants with lidocaine are:

  • orgasmus Stopper, Langzeit Men-Cream and Peineili creams
  • sprays Longlast and Super Dragon 6000

Many recognize the best remedy with benzocaine spray Rockhard. The same anesthetic is contained in the grease of condoms with a prolonging effect.

Rhino transponder on a natural basis.
Rhino transponder on a natural basis.

Local creams and sprays can also be on a natural plant basis, for example, with menthol (harmony, Delay) or various medicinal herbs (Rhino).

Which helps from premature ejaculation: folk remedies

In the struggle for extension of sexual intercourse with early ejaculation, it is a sin not to use all possible methods and means, including folk ones.

  1. For prolongation an hour before sexual intercourse, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea with mint and lemon balm.
  2. Regular use of ginseng tincture increases male strength.
  3. Reduce the nervous excitability and sensitivity of the penis of the tincture of oak bark, raspberry leaves and currants. These tinctures are consumed inside for 7 days, after which they take a break per month.
  4. For a local prolongating effect, you can make a home -made spray. In 10 ml of ethyl alcohol, essential oils of mint, menthol, rosemary and eucalyptus are dissolved. Place the solution in a spray gun and spray on the penis's head 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Important: before the use of any folk remedies - prolongants, you need to make sure that they are not allergic, and they are not contraindicated.

One of the folk remedies prolonging sexual intercourse is oak bark.
One of the folk remedies prolonging sexual intercourse is oak bark.

Surgical treatment of early ejaculation

If the cause of early ejaculation is the increased sensitivity of the penis, conservative methods of treatment are not effective, the man is directed to the lidocaine test to determine whether there are indications for the surgical operation - the denial of the penis.

During the test, the cream is applied to the penis or spray an aerosol with 10% lidocaine. If the intercourse performed after this is extended, the operation can be done.

The surgical method of treating early ejaculation is essential.
The surgical method of treating early ejaculation is essential.

Denary under local anesthesia. It consists in dissecting the nerves running in the upper layers of the skin of the penis. They are dissected in whole or in part. The result is always the result.

Video: Operation: Microsurgical denervation of the penis with premature ejaculation

How to increase the duration of sexual intercourse by exercises?

Kegel exercises for men help increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

During urination, a man must delay a stream for 3-4 seconds, straining the muscles of the pubic-codge group. During one urination, you need to learn how to alternate stress and relaxation several times.

VIDEO: Kegel exercise

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Comments K. article

  1. Cool!

  2. Is there any means to increase the duration of sexual intercourse? Why is nothing said about it? I’m using a detonator and my husband is puffing for several hours.

  3. Stress negatively affects everything, if there are too many of them, then there will be no desire, no more than a minute you will stretch. Pay attention simply .. I myself did not notice before, but the doctor explained in advance. Treatment-rest, sleep 7-9 hours a day, neuro effect, daily walks, rational nutrition. There are already significant improvements for a month

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