An unpleasant odor from the mouth in a child, infants: causes. Why does the child smell like an acetone, garlic, if he did not eat garlic? How to get rid of an unpleasant odor from your mouth?

An unpleasant odor from the mouth in a child, infants: causes. Why does the child smell like an acetone, garlic, if he did not eat garlic? How to get rid of an unpleasant odor from your mouth?

The smell of a child from his mouth - causes, diagnosis by smell, methods of elimination.

The unpleasant odor from the child’s mouth primarily signals to parents that there is a failure in the body. It is strictly impossible to not pay attention to such a drawback. Firstly, diseases found in the initial stages are easier to treat and do not start to chronic forms. Secondly, unpleasant odor causes discomfort from the mouth, both in the child and others who communicate with him. This can be reflected even on the sociability of the baby.

What can a child's smell from your mouth be?

  • The smell from the mouth can be very diverse. Depending on the type of smell, the doctor washes to prescribe the appropriate diagnosis and subsequently surgical treatment. Simply unpleasant, musty smell can characterize insufficiently thorough hygiene of the mouth, and possibly problems with the teeth
  • But if you checked your teeth, they shine, there are no blankets, points, dots, pink mucosa, there is no pink mucous membrane, there is no plaque on the tongue, this is an occasion to visit your family doctor immediately
  • If the smell of acetone is immediate from the baby’s mouth of the baby, as it signals about the problems with the kidneys, liver, as well as the initial stage of development of diabetes mellitus
  • The smell of rot can appear with stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx

The child has an unpleasant odor from his mouth: Reasons

As mentioned earlier, the first step is to check the oral cavity.

If this is not connected with the teeth, and the campaign to the dentist seems meaningless, get ready for a trip to the family doctor. Pre -inspect the child yourself, and prepare the main list of answers for the diagnosis:

  • Sore throat, tonsil condition
  • Pain or unpleasant symptoms of the tummy (gas formation, cramps, diarrhea, or on the contrary, constipation)
  • Anxiety in the lower back, belt, genitourinary channels. Is there free urination, is there any pain or discomfort during a trip to the restroom
  • Also prepare the material for testing to conduct laboratory research as quickly as possible

Unpleasant odor from the mouth in a child with healthy teeth: Causes

  • We will consider the main causes of an unpleasant odor in a child, and which specialist should be addressed in one case or another. First, look at the oral cavity. Also, if the last visit to the dentist was six months ago, it is best to visit him for preventive purposes. It is necessary to accustom the baby to regular tooth brushing from one and a half to two years. At an older age, this habit should be fixed at an intuitive level.
  • If the smell appears periodically, analyze the child’s nutrition these days. For example, a beam and garlic appear immediately, sharply and very specific. But dairy, fermented milk, as well as fish products can manifest itself very specificly. Also, in some cases, a musty smell can appear after fried products, especially meat and fish.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx. Moreover, bacteria that settled in adenoids can be a fairly common cause of unpleasant odor from the mouth. This is a frequent (sometimes constant runny nose), and frequent SARS, and even otitis media. If the disease is already diagnosed and treatment is prescribed, you can not worry, after recovery, a poor smell will disappear on its own.
  • Problems with salivation can also cause unpleasant odors from the oral cavity. After all, it is saliva that is responsible for the round -the -clock and uninterrupted cleansing of the oral cavity from microbes, infections and pollution from food residues. If the baby complains about dry mouth, he will often forgive a sip of water (namely a sip, since it does not torment thirst, but dry mouth requires frequent to washing the mouth with water), it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will conduct a preliminary examination and prescribe the necessary treatment.

  • Frequent stresses, experiences of the child. Our body is integral and the problem in one place instantly spreads to all its parts. Children endure stress much more than adults, since they do not have sufficient life experience, and any problem in their life seems global. If there are no apparent causes of the appearance of the smell from the mouth, there are no complaints about well -being, but the smell is constant, we recommend that you check the psychological state of the child.
  • An unpleasant odor can be associated with violations in the work of internal organs. Additional symptoms are the specifics of the smell, as well as additional pain in the baby.

And in conclusion, we add that one of the first symptoms of diabetes is dry mouth with an accompanying persistent unpleasant odor. In the case of a hereditary predisposition, be sure to report a possible suspicion of a doctor, as well as a similar disease in blood relatives.

Why does a child smell like an acetone from his mouth?

Did you notice the smell of acetone from the child? This is the first indicator that the child’s body is serious and immediate treatment is required. There are frequent cases when, after contacting the hospital with such a symptom, the child is immediately hospitalized. The smell of acetone from the mouth is a sign of the onset or exacerbation of such diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland
  • Acetonemic syndrome
  • Infectious diseases of the intestine

Until treating the doctor, give the child a water-base diet, you need to drink often, but in small portions, exclude fresh fruits and vegetables, fried and sweet products.

Bitterness in the mouth and unpleasant odor from the mouth of a child: Reasons

They discovered the smell from the mouth, and the child also complains about the feeling of bitterness, especially after eating? Most likely, the child’s work is impaired in the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to visit the therapist, as well as a gastroenterologist.

Caries and smell from the mouth of a child: Communication

There is no caries without an unpleasant odor from the mouth. The smell varies from the “uncleaned teeth” to the smell of rotten, depending on the degree of neglect and the presence of infection in the oral cavity.

Children have a weaker immunity than adults and the infection from the mouth quickly penetrates the intestines and other internal organs. Therefore, the treatment of caries is mandatory from the moment when you find an unpleasant odor, dots and holes on your teeth, a change in the color of the tooth or its part.

Why the smell of garlic in the child’s mouth, how to get rid of?

A specific garlic smell comes from your child’s mouth. It seems that it might be easier? It is enough to exclude garlic and products containing it from the child’s diet.

But then then the whole nuance, the smell is persistent, but the child did not eat garlic. The smell of garlic appears if microorganisms of allilmercaptan appear in the child’s body.

Why does the child have unpleasant odor from his mouth in the morning?

The morning unpleasant odor mainly from poor oral hygiene. Many parents carefully accustom their kids to brush their teeth in the morning, but neglect this procedure in the evening.

Pay attention to the hygiene of the oral cavity, the frequency and correctness of the cleansing of the teeth, and whether the child is suitable for the child. Additionally, visit the dentist to make sure that there are no harmful microorganisms.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor from your mouth with a toothpaste?

Toothpaste is one of the instruments of daily cleansing of the teeth and oral cavity. In the case of an unpleasant odor from the mouth, we recommend that you purchase antibacterial toothpaste.

It is worth noting that the paste must indicate from which age can be used. It is not worth using pastes intended for adults ahead of time, since from such brushing your teeth will be more harm than good.

What is the unpleasant odor from the mouth of infants?

  • It is believed that regularly brushing your teeth should be accustomed to children after a year. But nowhere is it indicated that teeth brushing is harmful to the baby earlier. On the contrary, it is best to start monitoring the teeth from the day that the first crumbs explodes. So you will maintain the oral cavity in excellent condition, and also prevent the accumulation of harmful microorganisms.
  • With children up to a year, it is worth recalling that the best means of cleansing at their age is an apple, carrot, a storm that they gnaw on their own.
  • It is also worth considering that unpleasant odors can arise for the same reasons as in adults - disorders in the body.

Causes of unpleasant odor from the mouth of a child: reviews

Marina (schoolgirl's mother): when an unpleasant odor from the mouth appeared, she immediately began to sin on poor teeth brushing, but the dentist said that the problem was not on his side and recommended contacting a gastroenterologist. Indeed, the problem was in infection, which somehow fell into the stomach. We drank a course of drugs, and the smell was removed like a hand.

Alexander (young dad): with the advent of the teeth, an unpleasant odor appeared from the mouth. We decided that the problem is in complementary foods. They tried everything, but as it turned out, a plaque was accumulating on the teeth, and it was necessary to start brushing the teeth. It’s good that we go to the doctor once a month, they would not have known what else to do.

Elvira (first -grader mother): a trip to school was accompanied by tears, complaints about everything that you can leave with requests at least for one day. A month later, we had a terrible smell from my mouth, I thought that we had a disease, immediately to the doctor. They examined everything, healthy everywhere, but there is a smell. But during the time we went to the hospital, the son did not attend school and the smell disappeared surprisingly. A family doctor recommended visiting a psychologist where discomfort was revealed from the pressure of the teacher. Transferred to another class and the problem has gone. Listen to your children!

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