The drug L-theanine from Evalar-instructions for use, properties, effects on the body, contraindications, side effects, reviews. How to apply L-theanine for stress resistance, lowering the pressure and restoration of nerve cells: dosage

The drug L-theanine from Evalar-instructions for use, properties, effects on the body, contraindications, side effects, reviews. How to apply L-theanine for stress resistance, lowering the pressure and restoration of nerve cells: dosage

Theater, L-theanine from Evalar or other manufacturer is a biologically active supplement that helps improve sleep, mental activity, and reduce pressure. Read more in the article.

For normal life, you need many active substances that help our body exist, quickly fall asleep, wake up with a sense of vigor of the spirit, work all day, without tired, have a clear mind.

  • But sometimes it happens that these substances are not enough as a result of malnutrition, increased emotionality, nervous state of the body, excessive stress.
  • In this case, you have to take biologically active additives.
  • What is theanin, L-theian? What are the indications for this drug? You will learn about this and much more from the following article.

Tanin, L-theanine: Description of the properties of the drug


Theorin is an amino acid, the main feature of which is the penetration through the hematoencephalic barrier of the human nervous system, which allows it to be directly into the brain cells.

  • Theorine can be used in the form of a separate additive L-theanine or as a component in any drug.
  • The main source of theadan is tea sheets. A lot of it is contained in green tea-in one cup up to 20-30 mg.
  • To feel the action of this substance and feel all its advantages, it is necessary to take at least 150-200 mg at a time. Naturally, at the same time to drink 7 cups of green tea, so you should use dietary supplements with theater.

Properties of the amino acid L-theanine:

  • Reduces the effect of stress on the body.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Improves emotional background, mood and cognitive abilities.
  • It has an excellent relaxing effect, without the appearance of drowsiness, as when taking other soothing drugs.
  • Improves sleep quality.
  • Increases mental and physical activity.

This is an indispensable biologically active supplement, if you experience constant stress, you have an unstable emotional background, as well as a great physical or mental activity. L-theanine is good because it has a sedative effect on the body, but does not cause drowsiness, like many drugs. At the same time, it accumulates brain performance, adds strength and improves mood.

L-theanine: amino acid action

Green tea leaves, which contain a lot of theory
Green tea leaves, which contain a lot of theory

The main action of such a substance as L-theanine is direct effect on the wave activity of the brain. Few nootropic drugs can cope with this task. It is worth noting other factors that are manifested as a result of the action of this substance. They are as follows:

The activity of alpha waves intensifies

  • These waves describe the electrical activity of the brain at a frequency of 8-12 Hz.
  • Such brain activity can manifest only during relaxation or meditation.
  • Thanks to relaxation, concentration increases simultaneously.

The activity of aunt waves intensifies

  • Such waves are at a frequency of 4-8 Hz.
  • Theta waves pass along the conditional border between the consciousness of a person and his unconscious state, that is, such a state that he cannot control, unlike his consciousness.
  • Strengthening this border leads to a surge of positive emotions and creative potential. At the same time, the feeling of anxiety and nervousness decreases.

The level of GABA, serotonin and dopamine rises

  • This process together leads to increased cognitive abilities against the background of an even and good mood.
  • Theorean acts as an antagonist of NMDA receptors, prevents the hypermostation of the nervous system, especially with stress.

High synergy with caffeine

  • The simultaneous intake of Theinin, for example, with a cup of coffee, helps to get rid of pressure.
  • Such a combination of substances expands the vessels in the brain, which leads to an improvement in blood circulation and cognitive functions of the brain.

The combination of caffeine and theadin is in drugs. They are used when it is necessary to increase performance and improve brain function.

Contraindications and side effects of L-theanine


Any person, before taking any drug, studies his contraindications and side effects. Theorem does not have them, this substance is absolutely harmless, since it is natural and natural for our body. If theorem does not have contraindications and side effects, then he has many advantages:

  • Theorine does not cause addiction or side effects.
  • This is a relaxant of natural origin.
  • Reception is not accompanied by drowsiness, so you can take even during the day and people whose labor activity is associated with concentration.
  • Theorin improves physical performance.
  • Reduces depression and anxiety, blood pressure and stress.
  • Improves cognitive activity, sleep quality, enhances immunity.

Advice: Do not take Tianin along with drugs that lower the pressure. This amino acid can enhance their effect, and the pressure can decrease to too low indicators.

How to use L-theanine for stress resistance, lowering the pressure and restoration of nerve cells: dosage

Connection of Theorean
Connection of Theorean

The rules for taking this substance will depend on the purpose of application. Here are a few important aspects:

  • Theorine in the form of a separate substance can be taken constantly.
  • But in the complex composition, with other drugs, you should drink the course-from 2 to 3 months. This is due to the action of other components.
  • The effect of the drug lasts from 4 to 5 hours.
  • This must be taken into account if theinine is used to improve mental activity, for example, during the exam.

It's important to know: If a large amount of tea or coffee is used together with Thean, then the dosage of this substance must be minimized.

The minimum dose of the drug per day is not more than 50 mg. If you need to increase the dosage, for example, during the exam, this can be done, but you should use no more than 100-200 mg per appointment. It will be effective if you use 200 mg per day in 2 doses - in the morning and evening.

Advice: If you take the L-theanine constantly, then the best dosage in this case is no more than 100 mg per day in one appointment. In any case, study the instructions of the drug before use, since instructions from different manufacturers may vary slightly.

Start taking the drug with a minimum dose - 50 mg. Then increase the dosage gradually, since the action of this amino acid on each organism is individual. Some people will feel the effect from the action of 50-100 mg, and others will need 150-200 mg.

Important: If you play sports and want to improve the results, then the L-theanine should be consumed 30 minutes before the start of training. The dosage depends on the set of exercises and the manufacturer.

Thus, it turns out that if you want to use theorin constantly to lower the pressure and restoration of nerve cells, then a small dose is recommended. In situations where good stress resistance is required or difficult training is planned, an increase in the dose to 200 mg per day should be increased. But in this case, you need to drink the drug with courses or once.

L-theanine from Evalar: Reviews

Theinar from Evalar
Theinar from Evalar

Evalar is the largest Russian manufacturer of biologically active additives. In the assortment of the proposed products by this company, there is also L-theanine. This drug from Evalar is more popular among consumers than similar dietary supplements from other manufacturers. Here are the reviews of patients who are constantly using or for the first time purchased L-theanine:

Irina, 25 years old

I spend a lot of time at the computer. This is my work. Often due to processing, I get very tired, the head “does not understand”. As a result, I can not sleep at night, but as a result - fatigue again. To break out of this closed circle, I decided to drink Tanin from Evalar (one familiar doctor advised). I have been taking the drug for 15 days, I feel good, I get enough sleep at night and work fruitfully during the day. I will drink it for another 15 days, and then I will take a break (as the doctor appointed).

Stepan, 20 years old

The session is coming soon. A large load on my brains: I study a lot, I have to teach the material even at night. I get very tired, even at a lecture at the university I do not want to go, but I need to go. One friend advised the L-theian from Evalar, said that I would teach the notes quickly and completely tired. Indeed, only 50 mg of theadan per day enough for me - mental stress passed, I stopped nervous.

Pavel, 41 years old

Recently, pressure began to increase. I do not want to start drinking drugs to lower pressure, as they can negatively affect the body. I decided to take Theinar from Evalar, advised in a pharmacy. I have been using it for 10 days, I feel good, pressure is normal. In addition, stress resistance increased. This is noticeable at work (I work as the head of the service), where I have been nervous a lot, but now calm. Even the employees noticed this. Therefore, I will always have the theater from Evalar in my first -aid kit.

Video: L-theanine: attention + calmness

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Comments K. article

  1. From stress, mood and sleep worsen. Theanin from Evalar simply saved me, the remedy is excellent. Really helps to gain calm without loss of attentiveness

  2. Due to stress at work, it was very exhausted, and I did not want to, neither eat nor sleep. I drank these capsules, and they quickly helped me get rid of all these anxieties and nerves, now I no longer experience such a problem, but in cases of which, I will drink them again for prevention, since they are inexpensive, and in itself are not harmful, and not harmful, and not harmful, and not harmful, and not harmful, and not harmful, and not harmful, and Moreover, after them there is no addiction

  3. The main advantage of this drug over others that it is not expensive, and really makes the brain more attentive, and thereby more necessary information at work is remembered. The composition is also normal in these tablets, so there have never had any side effects after the course of them

  4. That's for sure! I agree with you the best drug!

  5. Evalarovsky Theinin is a very good medicine for memory. Due to what contains 250 mg of L-theanine. This is a 100% natural anti -stress. Helps from the first day of admission. And most importantly, it does not cause addiction. You begin to think faster for the set that you become more collected.

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