Subject and object of research: What is the difference?

Subject and object of research: What is the difference?

In this article, we will analyze the difference between the subject and the object of the study.

The question, which often causes difficulties not only among students when writing essays and term papers, but also more professional researchers during a scientific work. How different are these concepts - the subject and object of the study - we will try to consider in this material.

What is the difference between an object and an object of research?

In the learning process, teachers usually formulate the task in this way - choose a specific object for research and describe the subject of this study.

  • Under The object of the studyusually they understand some object, process or phenomenon that exists in the world. That is, all that the cognitive activity of the researcher is aimed at. Or in the study of which it is important to get a certain result and draw conclusions. The object may contain various components. It has a direct connection with the subject of research, but is not its synonym.

Important: an object can be not only a living subject or personality. Under this criterion, inanimate phenomena falls.

  • Subject of study It is located within the framework of the object, this is its separate property, a separate question or problem. In other words, this is a concretization of the object.

No research work is able to cover the entire object for study, it is aimed only at a specific subject of research. Therefore, a clear distinction between these concepts is the key to successful research.

General theory
General theory

Consider specific examples:

  • Biology has as an object of study all types of life on Earth. The subject of its study can be various types of living creatures, their evolution, distribution areas, anatomical and physiological aspects.
  • History by the object of study understands the past of human society. The subject of study of history can be various periods, events, processes and personality in various sections of society.
  • The economy has as an object of study the economic activity of a person and all relations related to the distribution of goods and services. The subject of study of the economy can be microeconomics, macroeconomics, world economics, economic laws, principles and factors.

When writing research work, the connection of the topic with the subject is always clearly traced, and its description occurs in more detail. But with the object of such a connection, it may not be observed, since this is a very large -scale concept, which can be explored from different sides and angles. Therefore, its description is usually made briefly.


For example:

  • chips act as an object, but their effect on the human body is an object;
  • apple juice is an object for study. But already as an object, for example, the percentage composition of iron and other elements acts;
  • a magnet is an inanimate object, but its properties are already an object.

Important: and yet the primary in any research is an object. The subject, as its integral part, is secondary.

Having decided on the object and subject of research when writing work, the researcher needs to give them a general assessment. And try not to miss their connection throughout the work, determining the tasks, methods and final conclusions based on the results of research work.

Video: The difference between the object and the subject of the study?

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