Feast of sports families. Joint holidays of parents and children. Scenarios, sports contests, games, relayers

Feast of sports families. Joint holidays of parents and children. Scenarios, sports contests, games, relayers

Sports games and entertainment designed in this article will help to have fun and actively conduct family leisure.

Any family holiday helps to strengthen family relationships. A sports festival, charges not only with activity and a good mood, but makes it possible to lay skills in a healthy life in a child. To instill in childhood a love of sports and an active lifestyle.

Sports games of children from adults, develop activity and positive emotions

Holiday script: dad, mom, I am a sports family

Mom, dad, we will win together
  • Any funny music plays
  • Good afternoon, sports mothers, dads, as well as their children. Today we will spend a cheerful sports holiday: “Dad, mom, I am a sports family
  • Fans have already been waiting for the participants of the competition
  • And the teams with the participants are already tired in anticipation and excitement
  • Therefore, we will welcome the teams
  • A sports march plays. Teams come in

The host represents them:

  • Team "Zarnitsa". The total growth of the team is 4.9 m, weight 180 kg
  • Team "Winners". Total growth - 5.1 m, weight 200 kg
  • Team "Nesti". Total height 5.3 m, weight 203 kg

The jury will evaluate the sports successes of the teams.

The first competition

Greeting teams:


  • Mom and dad stand around the edges
  • Hold bright balls with a drawn sun in their hands
  • The child quickly somersaults on the floor
  • Then all the balls are taken together

And they are unanimously let them fly, saying:

We are a lighthouse, we can’t sleep.
We came to have fun.
Power, dexterity to show.
Take "revenge" and run away!


  • The team takes out a pre -prepared bright emoticon. Where a fist of hand is drawn, with a raised thumb
  • Pronounces clearly, lifting up and forward the smiley:

They will not be able to win us, as we are the team - class!


  • The team is quickly built in the pyramid
  • Then pronounce:

We are brave strong and dexterous,
With sports is always along the way.
In the team united, with a victory,
We are ready to come to the finish line.
So, we begin the competition.

We have enough ideas
To spend the holiday.
Let's start without being late
We are our competitions.

The second competition

Collect the pyramid:

  • The first begins dad
  • Runes to the pyramid
  • Puts the ring on the pyramid
  • Passes the baton to mom
  • The child is running the last
  • Wins the one who will collect the pyramid forward

And for the next fun
You need a lot of dexterity.
Patience, skills
Friendship, inspiration.

The third competition

"Funny bus"

  • Teams line up in a row
  • Dads take a hoop like a steering wheel
  • A circle isnd to start
  • Run to mom
  • Mom takes dad for the waist
  • Run together
  • Then the child takes up his mother's waist
  • The three of them run
  • The team that will come running the first

The baton was made to "yat".
We don’t get used to running quickly.
Well, and jumping, who knows how?
Or how? Relay, new, we can’t open?

Open! Fans and teams shout together.

The fourth competition


  • Teams are built in a column one at a time
  • Children are the first to get to the start
  • Jump in front of how much they can
  • Mom jumps from this place
  • The last dad jumps
  • Whose dad will be beyond all, that team won

While the jury sums up.
We give the opportunity to relax to the teams, and play with the fans.
I read riddles, and you guess:

Either skipping, then
Children do (charging)

As a soldier there is no without a gun
There is no hockey player without (club)

Horse, rope, log and bars
Rings nearby
I don't take a lot of shells to list
Gymnastics gives us (gymnastics)

Wonderful! The fans managed perfectly.
Now we listen to the jury.

We stayed with us last competition.
Which will help to determine the winners of our competition finally.


All team members throw alternately

Stop, when some team, forward all the goals
The results are summed up.
Prepared prizes, certificates, beautiful medals are awarded.

Our cheerful start is over.
And the winners are delighted.
I wish the victorious - “keep it up”!
And who lost - do not give up!
After all, the holiday can be continued,
When sport, joy, mom, dad is nearby!

Sports contests for children

Sports, funny contests for children
Competition with a hoop

  • Choosing captains of the teams
  • We divide the participants into two groups
  • We have opposite
  • Distance-2-3 meters
  • Captains are the first to hold ahead of the hoops on the outstretched hand
  • At the start, the captains quickly crawl through the hoop
  • Transmit to the following
  • The team in which all members will fly forward through the hoop -man

Funny contests for children

For fun contests, age is not a hindrance

  • Prepare four cardboard boxes
  • In pairs divide the participants of the competition
  • Two team members wear boxes, threading each one leg in a box
  • On command start, run to the finish line
  • Then the following team members do the same
  • The one who is ahead of all of the team members wins, the first will come running to the finish line


  • Put a scarf and apron on a chair in front of each team
  • All this is necessary and quickly put on yourself

Fun starts of relay races for children

The main smile on the face, it doesn’t matter who win

  • The first participant clamps the ball between the legs
  • Runes to the finish and back
  • Passes the next member of the team without touching the ball with hands
  • The one who finishes everyone will win. Never dropped the ball and did not touch him with his hands

Rock line

  • The child is given a stick in his hands
  • The ball lies on the floor
  • You need to roll the ball to the finish line with a stick
    Pick up and run to the team


  • On command Start
  • Leaders names the name of the animal
  • Children run in imitating this animal
  • During the start, animal names are changing
  • Defeating who imitates the animal best and forward everyone to the start

Fun starts of relay races for dads

Our dads are the strongest, bold and funny
Piggy bank

  • Dads give a bucket with small balls
  • It is necessary to put the ball in small holes (sakanchiks) on the floor located throughout the highway
  • Whose goals in the hole will be more, at the end of the allotted time, he won

Fun starts of relay races for mothers

Moms are brave and fast, the best example for children
Try to get it

  • Every mother from the team is given on the ball
  • Moms at the start run with the ball, to the basket standing at the finish line
  • You need to run and throw the ball into the basket
  • Come back for the next ball
  • Who will collect more balls into the basket in 5 minutes. Tot winner

Running with obstacles

  • Mom blindfold their eyes
  • The child holds her hand
  • Ahead of the obstacles in the form, cubes, balls of benches
  • The child’s task is to tell mom about obstacle
  • And to cross your mother or bypass

Competition Sports Mom


  • We lay the hoops at a distance of a meter from each other
  • Moms need to jump from a hoop to a hoop. Without moving it from a place
  • The one who will be able to jump to all three hoops wins is won


  • Moms give jump rises
  • You need to run jumping through the rope, to the finish and back

Competition Sports Dad

Basketball player

  • Popami is given a basketball ball
  • You need to bring the ball to the hoop
  • Circle without changing your hands around the hoop
  • Return to the team
  • The winner who has returned to the team

Push -ups

  • Dads need to be done as many squats as possible with a child sitting on his shoulders

Sports Games Competition for Children

In a playful way, children develop the clarity of movements, speed and speed


  • Children stand on stilts
  • Run in hitting the stilt in the circle drawn on the floor
  • Who will win the distance faster and more correctly and won
    Merry potatoes
  • Children build in a row
  • The first members of the team are given a spoon and potato
  • Put potatoes in a spoon and run
  • If she fell, raise and continue running. You can’t run a baton without potatoes

Sports Games competition for adults

Any competition on our shoulder if we are together
Air warm -up

  • Each command is given 3 balloons. It is necessary to sit on the ball and burst it. Whoever bursts faster, he won.


  • Everyone gets in a circle
  • Choose the lot of the host
  • The host runs in a circle
  • The one near whom the leader will slap, becomes a leading
  • And it goes further in a circle
  1. In the same way choosing the next host
    Children love to spend time with their parents. And participate in relay races with mom and dad is just a holiday
  2. Bring more pleasures to the child. Make such holidays more often. There are a great many contests
  3. Show imagination. Come up with competitions with your child. Good mood, peace and way will forever become the key to your family hearth
Mom, dad, I am a sports family

Video: Mom, dad, I am a sports family

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