Rules for survival in extreme conditions: search for food and drinking water, overnight, inciting fire. How to survive in extreme conditions, if you are lost, there is no water and food? What to do if a small child is lost? How to navigate the terrain without a map and compass?

Rules for survival in extreme conditions: search for food and drinking water, overnight, inciting fire. How to survive in extreme conditions, if you are lost, there is no water and food? What to do if a small child is lost? How to navigate the terrain without a map and compass?

How to behave in extreme conditions to survive?

Nowadays, many are accustomed to comfortable life and inhabitation in large cities, cozy apartments with air conditioners, heating, hot water and all equipment. But there are people who love to experience themselves for strength, and survive in extreme conditions. This article was created for them, as well as for those who accidentally find themselves in the wrong place, not at that time. Perhaps our tips will help you survive.

Survival in extreme conditions: Firing fire

Initially, try to hide from the rain, sun, wind and cold. For this, any room is suitable, whether it is a cave or some kind of shelter, an old hut. If you had to spend the night somewhere in the forest in order to drive wild animals and warm up, you need to dilute the fire. There are three ways to light a fire without matches and a lighter.

We make a bonfire without matches: Ways

Ways to light a fire without matches:

  • Using magnifying glass. Suitable lens from glasses against myopia or ordinary camera lenses. It is necessary to catch a sunlight, make a mixture of fluff, dry grass, as well as small branches and dry trees cortex. Next, you need to catch the sun's rays, direct them using the lens directly to the mixture for ignition. After that, you must wait. You may have to wait for several hours.
  • Using an ax and stone. It is necessary to beat with an ax on the stone. As a result of such manipulations, there is a spark that can be used to incite a fire. You can also use dry branches, down and dried leaves.
  • You can light a fire with glycerin, as well as potassium permanganate. It is necessary to take 1 g of potassium permanganate to grind it in a mortar to a powder state. After that, it is worth dripping a few drops of glycerol into the powder. As a result of a chemical reaction, the mixture will flare up. Therefore, quickly remove your hand, lay out the material for ignition of fire.
Survival in the forest
Survival in the forest

We heat up with a fire: Rules


  • In order to keep warm at night and hide from animals, you should go to bed near the fire
  • It is necessary to try so that all the energy from the burning of the fire is reflected from the wood
  • To do this, lay out logs, lean on it with your back, and lie down near the fire
  • Please note that it is necessary to break the grass near the fire so that it does not flare up
  • It is also best to make a fire in a recess. To do this, you should dig a small hole
  • This method will prevent rapid burning out, as well as warming heat with wind
Emergency stock
Emergency stock

How to survive in extreme conditions: search for food and drinking water

Be sure to take care of food. It must be prepared not at the stake, but on the coals. This applies to poultry meat, as well as fish. Try to boil food if possible, not fry them, or grill them.

What is in extreme conditions, in the forest?

If you saw some berries in the forest, in no case should they be eaten.


  • If very hungry, you can do as follows. Take a drop of juice and spread their lips to them, wait for 20 minutes. If after this time you did not have bitterness in your mouth, irritation, an allergic reaction, then the berries can be eaten.
  • If you do not know how edible leaves, they can be chewed for a short period of time. When bitterness appears, as well as astringency, the leaves should be spit out and not use.
  • In no case do not eat any mushrooms, because even experienced mushroom pickers may be mistaken, which will lead to poisoning. In addition, look at the color of the plant juice to find out the edible or not.
  • To do this, break the plant, look at the stem if milk juice appears, most likely the plant is poisonous. If the juice is transparent, it can be eaten.
  • A plant that is edible with milk juice is only a dandelion. But he is bitter enough, if not pouring boiling water.

What to drink in extreme conditions, if water ended?

We make drinking water:

  • It is also necessary to take care of cleaning drinking water. If there are no decent sources with clean water nearby, or you doubt its quality, you need to take a piece of fabric, put stones and sand in it, cover with a second piece of fabric.
  • Further, water is filtered through this filter, it can be eaten. This resembles the simplest and fastest mechanical cleaning, which is carried out directly in the conditions of cleaning stations in large cities.
  • This is cleaning of gross impurities and pollution, also the remains of algae, stones and fine debris. Please note that you should devote a little time to what you eat. Eat only those fruits, vegetables, as well as berries that you know.
Fresh water
Fresh water

Survival in extreme conditions: how to navigate the terrain without a map and compass?

Landmark in the sun, moon and stars:

  • You need to see if you have a card. This simplifies the situation. If not, then you need to look around around, and see if there are any signs that speak of the road. These are telephone posts, possible buildings.
  • If they are not, try to find the way, be sure to look for paths, streams. Go in their direction, try to look around and see if there are any familiar places or something else that will help you navigate. If not, focus on the sun. It rises in the east, and sits in the west. At 12:00 p.m. it is south.
  • If there is no sun, and the sky is cloudy, then you can guess about where which part is located in the shadow. You can use your finger or ordinary knife. Also, using the clock, you can navigate where the sun is located.
  • If there is no sun at all, it is tightly tightened with clouds or this is the autumn time, you can figure out where the north and south, looking at the trees. Typically, the most moss is on the north or north-eastern side. Moss can be found on stones.
  • If you are lost on the ground, do not know where to go, be sure to save the pyramids and apply some identification signs on the trees or walls to see where you are going, where you were already. In addition, you often need to look back, trying to remember the road so as not to get into the same place for the second time.
  • If you get into the gorge from which it is difficult to get out, remember that rapid breathing, heartbeat, as well as excitement, increases body volumes. Therefore, it is necessary to relax, try to get out with the help of the whole body using all its parts.

What to do if you got lost in bad weather?

Behavior rules:

  • In this case, and in the presence of a plastic sleeping bag, it is necessary to immediately stop and wait out the deterioration of climatic conditions. If there is no equipment, then you need to go down the slope, even if you gradually move away from the route. Now pay attention to streams, and where they run. Move in the direction of the rivers.
  • If you have any small paths, follow them. Perhaps this will take you to some kind of hut or temporary housing. If you are lost in the fog, the compass will help. It is necessary to determine the place where you are on the map. Pay attention to some landmark that is visible even through the fog. Perhaps it will be a mountain or some kind of building.
  • As soon as you get to the intended pointer, you need to find a noticeable structure again and go in that direction. If you do not have a map or a compass, it is better to stay in place, does not move anywhere until the fog is scattering. If you are lost at night, there is a small moon in the sky, then you can also navigate on it. It is worth paying attention to the stars.
  • You need to see where the polar star is located in the sky, the last two stars, reminiscent of a bucket of a large bear, indicate it. If the sky is covered with clouds, then you should stop and wait out the night. It is worth waiting for the next day. In the presence of a whole group of lost, it is better to stay close to each other and sleep in this position in order to warm up the warmth of a neighbor.

What to do if a small child is lost?


  • When you arrive at some new place, entertainment or forest, landing, you need to tell your child how to behave.
  • Show him a landmark that is visible from all sides. For example, it can be a rock or some very high tree that differs significantly from the rest. Convince the child if he is lost directly to this tree.
  • Further, you will need to go to this guideline. There are no child there, you need to divide with your partner, if there is, and comb the whole area, from time to time shouting the name of the child.
The child was lost
The child was lost

The main conditions of extreme survival: installation of a tent, features of behavior in it

The main attribute of any trip is a tent.

How to install a tent?


  • It is necessary to initially choose a place for installation. It should be even and dry
  • It is necessary to stretch the tent very much, because even in the case of a slight rain, it can flow due to the fact that the material sags. Know the pegs, strengthen the tent
  • After that, you need to dig small grooves around the perimeter in case of rain
  • Try not to cook food inside the tent and not to set fire to kerosene. If it rains on the street, cooking is allowed with an open door
Installation of a tent
Installation of a tent

How to put out a fire in a tent?

  • Please note that the fire burns oxygen very quickly, so inside the tent it may not be at all. If you saw that the flame has become yellow, be sure to open the entrance and ventilate, choose out. This will help to breathe normally.
  • Because soon you will begin to feel drowsiness, you can fall asleep and just suffocate from carbon monoxide. If, nevertheless, the tent is lit up, you should immediately get out of it and not try to extinguish the fire. Please note that no ashes or spark does not get on your clothes. Try to knock down the flame with a sleeping bag or clothes. They will not be able to suffer if you do everything quickly enough.
  • If you are in a sleeping bag in a fire, you do not need to waste time, unfasten the zipper. Try to get out without opening a zipper, pull the bag onto the belt, and then down.
  • If you are outside, you need to pull out the stake so that the whole tent covers the fire, flood the flame. You can also steal the tent to the side, shake out of it everything inside. Please note that if the fire is strong enough, throw a tent, and all that is in it. If you realize that the tent caught fire because of the kerosene, which was inside, be sure to throw it away with your foot, and only then engage in the fire extinguishing. Because a new portion of fuel will enhance the fire.
A tent in the snow
A tent in the snow

What to do if the tent proceeds?


  • If your tent proceeds, try to find a hole from which water drips and seal with a plaster
  • If it is not, the wax from the candle is suitable. You can cover the tent with polyethylene or waterproof jacket
  • Be sure to take a plastic bag with you on a trip. You can climb into it with a sleeping bag
  • If the tent gets wet from below, be sure to make a flooring from straw or dry branches
Simple tent
Simple tent

Indeed, many of us do not know how to live without electricity, gas and other amenities. The above rules will help you survive in extreme conditions that happen in our life not as rarely as it seems at first glance.

Video: Survival lessons

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