Rules in higher educational institutions: students' rights

Rules in higher educational institutions: students' rights

All about the rules and rights of universities: what the student can count on with links to the legislation.

In the worldwide rating for higher education among citizens, Russia is in the first twenty, because after school, more than 70% of children enter higher educational institutions. The advantage of Russian education - more than 50% study for free, and moreover - getting a scholarship. In this article we will tell you about the rules and rights of students in higher education institutions.

Right to free higher education

Considering the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions, it is worth highlighting the first, most important right for every citizen of Russia - the ability to get a free higher education, but with certain restrictions:

  • Enter a higher educational institution and you can get free higher education exclusively on a competitive basis, depending on the allocated budget places at the university;
  • You can get a higher education for free only once. If the student was expelled, or refused to end higher education (and more than 5 years have passed), he can recover, but not again enter the budget. There are also cases when it is possible to recover to the budget after deductions, academics and decree.

How this rule works:

  • The applicant passes the exam or entrance exams;
  • To increase the chances of admission, we recommend that you participate in olympiads, competitions, tests;
  • The future student submits documents for admission to the educational institution;
  • Further, according to the results of the competition, it receives confirmation for admission to a budget place or proposal to take a place on the contract.

The rule is regulated by Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Right to free higher education
Right to free higher education

The right to receive scholarships, bonuses and other state payments

Each student who studies the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions should know about the payments that he is assigned to the training. So, the right of every student who receives higher education in the Russian educational institution:

  • Receipt of scholarships that are prescribed during school hours, on the basis of entrance exams for the first half of the freshmen, and according to the results of sessions for other students;
  • Receipt of bonuses, according to the results of state competitions held in educational institutions;
  • Obtaining social assistance, for socially not protected students (orphans, low -income, etc.);
  • Obtaining one -time state and non -state assistance, with a special contribution to the educational process;
  • Obtaining one -time financial assistance, depending on the life situation.

These rights are regulated by the Federal Law on the Education of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 26, part 2 p. 5, Art. 36, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1663.

Students can find out in detail about the appointment of financial payments in the dean’s office, as well as on the official website of the educational institution.


How this right works:

  • Students studying on the budget have the right to apply for a scholarship as material support while studying. But for this they should not have debts or assessments below 4;
  • Students who receive the best grades on the course, as well as differing in study, can apply for increased scholarships;
  • Orphans, low -income, etc. have the right to apply for a social scholarship regardless of assessments;
  • In the event of a complex financial situation in connection with the marriage, illness, death of relatives, etc. The student can ask for material support from the university;
  • In the event of a non -standard situation, the university can independently appoint one -time financial assistance (individual decision of the commission);
  • In the case of scientific discoveries or achievements in the process of studying at a university, the student may be appointed state or non -state single payment for achievements (bonus).

Student's right to get a place in a hostel

As a rule, most university students are nonresident, and according to the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions, nonresident have the right to places in the hostels of the university. But the harsh realities are such that there are many times less places in hostels than a real request for them. Want to get a place in the hostel and save the family budget significantly? Check, perhaps you are in these categories, then you go outside the competition:

  • Orphans;
  • Children from large families;
  • Disabled people of group 1 and 2;
  • Children of parents with disabilities;
  • Children of Chernobyls;
  • Received through the "target reception";
  • Athletes of some categories that are in demand in this university;
  • Foreigners and contractors.

We draw attention to the availability of housing in the city of learning is the main factor in the rejection of the hostel, regardless of whether you are a beneficiary, and how to go to the educational institution.

Important: There is no position that indicates that the hostel is supposed only to state employees. If you study on a contractual basis, but nonresident - you have the right to a place in a hostel.

Important: The charter of the university prescribes categories of students who live in a hostel for free, and the rest on a paid basis (the amount is also indicated in the document management of the educational institution). Pay attention to this when applying for a hostel.


It is also worth remembering that places in the hostel appear not only in the summer, but also in the process of the school year (in September, not everyone is populated, as well as some of the students are expelled after each session). Even if you have not been given a place in the hostel earlier, you can continue to request free places later and settle in the hostel during your studies.

These rights are regulated:

  • Article 16 of the Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education";

  • Federal Law on Education Art. 34 h. 2 p. 3, Art. 39.

The right to the opportunity to study and work simultaneously

And again in the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions about money. It is good when the financial situation of the student’s family is such that he can gnaw at the granite of science, enjoy student life and not think about finances. Another thing is when you want, or there is a direct need, after studying, rush to work.

Many students of state employees have questions:

  • Is it possible to study on the budget and work at the same time?
  • Is it possible to receive a scholarship, help or award to a working student?
  • Does the student continue to have the right to a hostel if he already works and receives his income?

According to the Federal Law on the Education of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 27, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Ch. 26 students of state employees and contractors can work in their free time.

  • The student is not limited in work if this does not interfere with the visit of the educational institution, as well as the timely delivery of sessions;
  • The student is not obliged to be transferred from the daily form of learning to an absentee form of training if he works in his free time;
  • A student over 18 years old does not have any restrictions on employment;
  • The student from 16 to 18 years old has the opportunity to employ a job, but with work no more than 4 hours a day;
  • Students have the right to paid leave on 31 days regardless of the hours of work, as well as paid leave for the duration of sessions and preparation for writing a diploma.
Working students
Working students

If the rules of the university have free training: does the student have the right to refuse?

  • In the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions, there are no legal grounds for free training. According to the law, a student in a higher educational institution is obliged to study, as well as undergo educational practices, among which he masters skills that are useful to him in the profession.
  • Thus, free training, in which students remove streets and the university itself, do repair work, etc. They are performed exclusively at the request and capabilities of students, as a social initiative and a conscious approach to the educational process.
  • For example, if a subbotnik coincides with the working time of a working student, or a student fell ill, he has every right not to visit a subbotnik, and it is not required to write any statements.
  • If the university requires students' help in minor repair, cleaning, etc. - The teaching staff should motivate students for voluntary, free assistance. Otherwise, the student, or parents of students, have the right to file a complaint to the higher authorities to the educational institution.
  • The student does not have the right to underestimate the assessment, not to be allowed before the session or expel, if he is not present at free training or so -called practices that have not been related to the educational process.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 hours 4.

Free studying by students - only at the request of students
Free studying by students - only at the request of students

Studies: perfect work for students

The Ministry of Education and Science is actively encouraging and introduces into the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions of the Studies, which were at the peak of popularity in the USSR. Here are the advantages for students who work among their like -minded people and classmates. And for an educational institution, which prepares excellent specialists, and for the state, which receives young energetic working hands.

Stalids are regulated by the All -Russian Organization " Russian student detachments».

How this right works:

  • The main work of the studio of the profile higher educational institution is to find work for students in the learning profile. For example, future teachers-work in summer camps, athletes-in sports and fitness camps, builders-at the country's largest construction sites. Thus, on the one hand, students try to work and receive decent wages, on the other hand, they open doors in the profile direction, and they receive invaluable first experience in the work of knowing the profession from the “lower classes”;
  • Also, studio detachments organize assistance in harvesting, repair work of villages, villages, in orphanages and houses for the disabled. They attract conductors for work, in the hotel and restaurant business, and much more.

Thanks to the restoration of studio detachments, students receive deeper knowledge in various fields of work, and often the work in the student’s detachment is counted as a specialized practice, but that is not all! Most universities today are even ready to carry out early delivery of sessions for students working in the student teams to free more time for summer practice-work.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 hours 7.

1.jpg. Studio

The right to apply for a learning loan

So, in the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions there is such a item - each applicant can apply for a learning loan. The advantages of this loan are a lot of advantages, so if you want to receive a paid education, but you do not have a deferred amount, we recommend that this type of lending to consider:

  • Establishment is not required;
  • Reduced interest rate;
  • Long grace period;
  • When paying a loan during the preferential time - only part of the interest is paid;
  • During the training, the student makes minimum payments, and completely begins to pay only after release;
  • With academotics or exit on maternity leave - the grace period is extended.

Important: Not all loans marked “credit for training” have such conditions. When registering, be sure to clarify and double -check the information in the state support agreement and preferential periods.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 2 p. 6, post. Government No. 197.

Credit for training
Credit for training

The right to a tax deduction for training

The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions on the financial part affect those who study on a paid basis. Part of the amount, namely the tax on training, can be returned in such cases:

  • The student is studying and working, therefore, paid the tax on training and pays taxes as a working;
  • The student is not 24 years old, he studies in full -time, and his closest relatives paid for his education: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sisters and brothers. In this case, payment was supposed to be made from the account of this relative, or through the bank’s cash desk, with the sender - the name of this relative.

How this rule works:

  • It is possible to return up to 13% of the amount;
  • For this, a student, if he works, or his relatives, if they made payment, fill out a form « Declaration 3-NDFL»;
  • A contract with a university, license and a package of documents confirming training in this educational institution is attached to the application;
  • From work, take a 2-NDFL certificate;
  • Submit an application to the tax, and expect 3 months, for calculation and payment;
  • Or bring a certificate of deduction and submit it to the accounting department from the tax service - the rest will make the rest herself.
The right to a tax deduction for training
The right to a tax deduction for training

The right to holidays

In the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions there is an important point that some institutions are still trying to violate - the right to vacation.

  • 2 weeks in the winter;
  • At least 5 weeks in the summer period;
  • At least 7 weeks in total per year.

During this period, students cannot be forced:

  • Surrender or retardation of objects;
  • Work out practice or other training;
  • Ask “Homework” or “Vacation Assignment”.

This rule saves students from overwork and makes it possible to study effectively for the rest of the time.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 11.

The right to go to academotics

There are different situations in life, and sometimes you have to temporarily abandon training. The reasons may be from family, to health. In the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions there is a clause according to which each student has the right to go on academic leave, justifying the reason for a break. At this time, he:

  • Does not attend classes;
  • Does not complete the assignment;
  • Does not pass the session;
  • Does not receive a scholarship if he received earlier;
  • It can stay in the hostel if he needs it.

In order to go to academotics, a reasonable statement is sufficient, if on medical instructions - with a certificate from the hospital. You can stretch the academic for 2 years as much as possible.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 12, order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455.

Academotics - a temporary step back, then continue to study
Academotics - a temporary step back, then continue to study

The right to maternity leave

In case of pregnancy, each student, according to the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions, may go on maternity leave and receive benefits. Also, the student has the right to go on parental leave under 3 years old and only then recover to study. At the same time, if she studied on the budget, she is also restored to the budget, if it is not transferred to absentee training.

In order to go on maternity leave, it is enough to write a statement and attach documents from the hospital in the dean.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 12, Federal Law No. 81-ФЗ Art. 6, Art. 9, Art. 12, Art. 13.

The right to transfer to free training from contract

For those who are trying very hard, but still could not go to free training, there is a pleasant “loophole” in the rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions. Even if you entered paid training, you can transfer to the budget, if there are such conditions:

  • Ideal study, which will be the best on the course of those who study on your stream for a fee (otherwise they will transfer the one who studies better than you);
  • The liberation of the budget place (the student expelled, went to academotics or decree);
  • If you learn accordingly, and a place has been released on the course, you must contact the dean and write an appropriate application;
  • Vacant places can be found on the university website, which are published online in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • You can also monitor the vacant places of neighboring universities, and translate, surrendering an academic difference in the release of the place.

Important: If several people submitted an application for a transfer, the commission is made by the commission, but if there is a beneficiary among students, they will transfer it without consideration.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 14, order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 433.

Free training is a dream of many
Free training is a dream of many

The right to change the form of education

According to the rules and rights of students in higher education institutions, each student can change the form of learning, upon request to the dean, but in the format of free places:

  • As a rule, everyone can easily transfer from full -time into an absentee form of education, but if there are budget places in full -time, then the student is transferred to in absentia to a paid basis;
  • Units are translated from correspondence to full -time education, and only if there are free places on the day;
  • If the student was transferred from a full -time budget place, to the correspondence paid, it is not possible to return to full -time budget.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 13.

The right to transfer to another university and the record of assessments

Sometimes it’s not the first time to go to the desired university, and in order not to waste time, you can enter another university, and transferred in the process of study. Also, sometimes there is a need to change the university in connection with the change of place of residence. The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions regulate this issue and help in the situations:

  • The student can change the university without entering the first year again, but transfer to the same course as in the previous university, or to the course earlier, if he does not have enough objects;
  • A budget student may transfer to the budget to a new university if there are vacant places there;
  • The student can get the necessary subjects to outweigh the same course at which he studies at the previous university;
  • A student on a paid form of study can transfer to the budget, if the new university is ready to take it according to the results of study and achievements;
  • The student can transfer from full -time to correspondence and vice versa.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 7, p. 15, order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 124.

The right to transfer to another university is the opportunity to get a better education
The right to transfer to another university is the opportunity to get a better education

The right to simultaneous training in several universities

It is difficult for one students to master one profession, while others want to study in several specialties at the same time. The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions allow you to study at once in several universities, but with certain restrictions:

  • The student can only study at the full -time department at one university, otherwise he will not be able to attend lectures at the same time and receive a quality education;
  • A student can study in several universities at the same time or in turn, but only once in a life on a budget;
  • Studying at the second university should not interfere with the educational process in the first educational institution, otherwise the university has the right to expel the student for non -performance or poor performance;
  • The student has the right to receive a scholarship, even if at the second university he is on a paid basis.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 6.

The right to internship at a foreign university

Exchange of experience in training between countries is a permanent international policy. The Russian Federation is no exception, on the contrary, it constantly encourages both universities and students to exchange experience. The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions are regulated at the level of legislation:

  • At the university, you need to find out if there is an exchange of students with foreign universities and how to take a competition for this internship;
  • To get acquainted with international students exchange programs, as well as competitions for foreign internships, and submit documents yourself if the university does not support this direction;
  • After confirming and receiving an invitation to the internship - write an application to the dean, if this practice is not provided for at the university - write an application for an academot.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 24.

Important: Yes, you will not receive a document on the end of foreign education, but you will receive extraordinary life experience, new acquaintances and communications, as well as the possibility of getting work after graduating from your university if you recommend yourself well.

The right to internship at a foreign university
The right to internship at a foreign university

The right to finish the exterior training ahead of time

Easy to study, you are a capable student and walking ahead of other students? Perhaps you should not waste time on 5-6 years of study, and you can get a diploma by handing over an external training? The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions allow you to do this with the help of:

  • Contact the dean and request an individual plan for accelerated training;
  • Undergo training yourself, pass all tasks, control, standards, as well as sessions;
  • Write and protect the thesis, and then get a document on the graduation of the university.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 3.

Retake the exam in case not to pass

Is studying hard? The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions make it possible to retake the subject twice per session. This applies to each subject, as well as to each session separately. That is, the teacher does not have the right to refuse if you had retakes at the previous session or other subjects. But it is worth noting that the first retake is with the teacher, the second - the commission.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 58 hours 5.

The right to restore in study

Have you been cleaned for the non -notification, not to surrender the session or for other reasons? The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions give each student the right to restore, but with restrictions:

  • If he was expelled for absenteeism or poor performance from a budget place - restoration only on a paid basis;
  • If it was expelled independently from a budget place for reasons independent of the student (illness, family difficulties, moving to another country for a while) and there are budget places in the university - you can recover to the budget;
  • If the student is expelled for poor performance or not visiting, restoration is not guaranteed, everything is at the discretion of the university commission;
  • You can recover no later than 5 years after deductions. Next is a new entry.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 16, Art. 62.

The right to restore in study - to resume study is real!
The right to restore in study - to resume study is real!

The right to free publication of articles in publications of the university

Gifted students need a zone not only for study, but also for the development of their potential. As well as for admission to graduate school, magistracy, etc. A preliminary publication of their work is required. The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions give students the right to publish their scientific works and discoveries at university sites for free.

There is one restriction-the article must be subtracted, carefully prepared and completely ready for printing (or publications on the site) with headlines and photo instructions if necessary.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 25.

Deadfold from service in the army

The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions provide guaranteed delay from military service during their studies. In the event of the end of the bachelor and admission to the magistracy, the delay continues to operate until the end of study.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 8.

The army will wait until the student is studying
The army will wait until the student is studying

The right to respect by the teaching staff

The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions regulate respect for the teaching staff of the university, and regulates conflict situations:

  • The teacher does not have the right to insult, humiliate, criticize the student, his financial and moral condition, as well as religion, etc.;
  • The first reaction is to write a complaint to the service at the university;
  • The second reaction - writing a complaint to the prosecutor's office;
  • The third reaction is the application of the application to the court, to the proceedings, as well as for the amount of compensation for non -pecuniary damage.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 9, Art. 45, Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Art. 5.61, Art. 5.57 h. 2, Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 151

The right to appeal the charter and charter documents

The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions give the right to appeal the charter and charter documents, if they do not comply with legislative norms. But most often, the charter of the university does not bother students, but only deductions. But these orders can be challenged in court. To do this, independently or with a lawyer, you need to apply to the district court.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 19.

The right to choose political views and religion

In conclusion: The rules and rights of students in higher educational institutions give guarantees that each student has the right to choose from political views and religion. The university is obliged to provide education, and not infringe on students in the choice of political views, beliefs and other sectors of human life.

At the same time, the university has the right to signal the law enforcement agencies if the student’s beliefs have a sectarian nature, and threatens the life of a student or other students. And also give signals in case of hints of terrorism.

The rule is regulated by the Federal Law on the formation of Art. 34 h. 1 p. 10, part 6.

The right to choose political views and religion
The right to choose political views and religion

Rules and rights of students in higher education: reviews and recommendations

Irina: Know your rights - to live in comfort, by law and receive more from the state and educational institution. I am sure that schoolchildren need to tell in the lessons the rights that they have upon admission to universities, since my friends did not even know about half of their rights when studying, because of which they did not receive benefits, were loaded during the holidays, etc.

Nikolai: I always dreamed of going to study in abroad, and when I entered the university, I first learned if there was such a program. The Odgogroups laughed, the university said that there was no such possibility. But I found the program, went through the competition and brought documents to the university, and lo and about a miracle - it turns out that they can connect to this program, and I will be absolutely free to study in Europe for six months!

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Video: Students' rights. What is hiding and what the dean’s does not agree on?

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