Rules of a beautiful neckline. How to properly care for the neckline?

Rules of a beautiful neckline. How to properly care for the neckline?

The article will reveal the secrets of a beautiful neckline, tell you recipes for leather care of the neck and neckline.

  • The desire for beauty and preservation of youth is laid in female nature by nature. Girls get used to care for the skin of the girl from adolescence. As for the neckline, it is usually remembered a little later. At best, this happens after the birth of the first child
  • Along with this, the neck and chest area need nutrition and moisture no less. Moreover, the age of the woman usually gives the appearance of her neckline. The fact is that the skin on the neck and chest is very thin, under it there are no adipose tissues and sebaceous glands
  • Therefore, time, improper nutrition, prolonged stay in the sun and other antagonists of eternal youth demonstrate the results of their effects primarily in these tender areas of the female body
  • All this suggests the need to organize special skin and chest skin as early as possible

How to properly care for the neck and neckline?

Unfortunately, not every woman can allocate enough time and money to provide decent attention to the care of the sensitive neckline. After all, you need to think more about the face, arms, nails, hair, legs, sit on a diet, work out sports, etc.

And all this, in addition to household chores, children, work and other things. But realizing the significance of maintaining beauty and the former form of the whole body, I still want to find the fastest and most effective way to care for the skin of the neck and bust.

List of recommendations for the prevention of careful attitude to the neckline:

  • Nourishing masks
    It is recommended to do at least once a week a mask to power the thin skin of the neckline. Further, the article contains recipes for a variety of masks for independent preparation

  • Cream
    The skin needs additional moisture, so you should regularly use the corresponding cream for dry skin

Important: regardless of what type of skin your face belongs to, the neckline is not oily. In early youth, the skin in this zone is normal, and with age it becomes dry.

  • Ice
    The effect of cold is known to the property of prolonging youth. How to use ice to care for the neck and neckline, read below
  • Massage
    A few minutes a day can be distinguished for a light massage of the neck and neckline.

To do this, use oil or cream for dry skin. Only two rules should be remembered:

1. The movements should not be strong and rubbing. Slide carefully on the skin, slightly patting your fingers
2. Move in the direction from the bottom up, i.e. from the middle of the chest to the shoulders and further along the neck to the ears

Important: massage can be done with a towel moistened with cold water.

  • Cold and hot shower
    An ordinary contrast shower can saturate each cell with oxygen and improve blood circulation. To do this, alternate the effect on the skin of a cold and hot water jet, making several approaches. Finish the adoption of a shower for a charge of vigor should be cold water

  • The right bra
    To prevent additional load on the sensitive neckline, it is important to wear the correct bra, suitable in size and shape of the chest

Important: find out how to choose the perfect bra, you can from the article How to correctly determine the size of the bra? What should be the right bra?

  • Proud posture
    The stooped position, compression, the constantly lowered head do not benefit the condition of the skin in the neckline and contribute to the appearance of the second chin. Get used to walking with direct posture and raised head in any situation. This will also be an excellent prevention to maintain a high level of self -esteem
  • Physical exercises
    The neck and chest are little involved in physical activity in everyday life, so with age, the skin here quickly loses its elasticity and elasticity. The simplest exercises can change the situation.

№1 Tilt your head in different directions, the ear reaches to the shoulder
№2 Throwing your head slightly, open and close your mouth, actively straining your jaw muscles
№3 Bend your hands at the elbows, attach one palm to the second fingers up, straining the muscles of the chest, press your palms at each other, the elbows look aside
№4 Slowly stretch your neck up, lingering in the upper position. Hands can be put on the shoulders, as a counterweight
No. 5Break the chin with your hands, pull the chin down, and your hands are on the contrary up, i.e. Try to hold your hands with a pressure force chin

Important: the number of repetitions depends on the time you have. The bigger, the better. It is convenient to combine exercises with exercises for the eyes after prolonged work with a computer.

  • Sun protection
    The effect of ultraviolet radiation on such delicate skin inevitably leads to the premature appearance of wrinkles, so you should not expose the neckline to long sunbathe and you must remember the application of a protective cream (at least 30 SPF)
  • Correct sleep pose
    The long -term position of the body on the side or abdomen adversely affects the condition of the skin in the chest area. Try to change poses in a dream often or get used to sleeping on your back

Obviously, the maximum effect can be achieved by adhering to all recommendations. However, even if you take note of only some of them, your skin will respond with gratitude.

The benefits of ice for the neckline

In order to maintain smooth velvety skin and bust in its original form for a long time, you can use the healing properties of ice. Cryotherapy in cosmetology is gaining popularity, as it allows you to achieve the following results:

  • an increase in skin tone
  • activation of blood circulation
  • narrowing pores
  • improving color
  • slow down the process of wrinkles, etc.

In addition, meltwater is better sucks and moisturizes the skin. The neckline is undoubtedly in need of these possibilities.

For the preparation of ice cubes, preference should be given purified water or mineral water without gas. At the same time, you can use both ordinary ice cubes from the water and freeze infusions of herbs or fruit-berry juices.

Important: different types of herbs can have a different effect on the skin: moisturize, dry, nourish, relieve inflammation, etc. To care for the neckline, it is better to choose a chamomile, sage, lemon balm, linden, hawthorn, etc., which are ideal for dry skin.

  • It is best to massage the ice cube in the morning. So, you will combine the procedure for leaving for the neckline with complete awakening after sleep and obtaining a charge of vigor for the whole day
  • The movements should be smooth, but fast to prevent hypothermia of individual skin areas. Ice massage requirements are similar to the massage, which is carried out with the hands
  • After the ice cube melts, and all moisture is absorbed into the skin, you can apply a moisturizer

Important: you should not practice massage with ice in the case of obvious problems with the skin (open wounds, inflammation), hypersensitivity to cold, etc.

Homemade masks for the neckline


If it is possible to entrust the care of the delicate skin of the neck and chest to a professional, this will be wonderful and undoubtedly a preferred option. However, in the absence of obvious problems, the prevention of wilting and loss of skin elasticity in the neckline, you can do it independently, and quite effective.
For this, it is recommended to pamper your skin with nutrient masks as additional care. It is easy to cook a mask at home, and most importantly, you will see what ingredients it consists of, and what effect gives. Not to mention the fact that you can make a mask using the remaining food in the refrigerator.

The most loved and proven masks for the neck and décolleté are in the composition:

  • laminaria
  • honey
  • sour cream
  • cereals
  • yolk
  • vegetable oil
  • clay

Masks are kept on the skin on average from 10 to 20 minutes, then washed off with water and completed the procedure by applying a moisturizer on the neckline.

Masks with kelp for the neckline. The benefits of masks with kelp

Powder laminaria

Laminaries or brown algae are often part of cosmetics. They earned such love thanks to the unique composition of vitamins and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Among this list, vitamins of groups A, B and E, as well as organic iodine are distinguished.
It is not necessary to sign up in a cosmetic cabinet for sensations of healing properties of kelp. A mask of algae can be prepared at home. To do this, you should buy in the nearest pharmacy powder from dry leaves of kelp, or grind the leaves yourself.

Basic recipe

  • 1 tablespoon of algae
  • half a glass of non -cash water (you can at room temperature)
  • insist for 1-2 hours until the mixture swells

You can use the mask already in this form. To enhance the effect, you can diversify the composition of the mask with the following components:

  • honey
  • yolk
  • glycerol
  • olive, sea buckthorn

You can combine them and try various combinations. All ingredients will have a positive effect on the dry skin of the neckline. Laminaria masks will eliminate the first signs of skin wither, give it elasticity, increase the protective functions of thin skin in the neck and chest.

Important: do not make masks from algae during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with individual sensitivity to iodine.

Masks with honey for the neckline

Honey is rightfully a potent agent, widely used both in medicine and in cosmetology. A nutrient mask with honey will make the skin of a softer, elastic neckline and demonstrate the lifting effect.

Recipe No. 1

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey
  • 50 ml of water
  • dilute and apply to the skin

Recipe No. 2

  • half of the chicken protein (beat until foam)
  • 1 tsp honey (warm up in a bath to a liquid state)
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  • mix everything into one mass

Recipe No. 3

  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (for example, olive)

Recipe No. 4

  • 1 tbsp. yeast (pour warm milk to the consistency of sour cream)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • stir, cover and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • add and mix

Masks with sour cream for the neckline

Sour cream has excellent nutritional and moisturizing properties, therefore, masks with sour cream are perfect for caring for a sensitive neck area and the upper chest.

Recipe No. 1

  • 100 grams of sour cream (high fat content)
  • 1 yolk
  • lemon juice (half of the lemon)
  • 1 cucumber (grate to the state of gruel)
  • 1 tsp vodka
  • stir, insist, store in the refrigerator

Recipe No. 2

  • half a glass of sour cream
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tsp honey
  • mix, warm in a water bath

Recipe No. 3

  • 1 tsp sour cream
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp coffee grounds
  • 1 yolk
  • mix

Clay masks for a beautiful neckline

Tones and pulls the skin well, returning its previous elasticity, cosmetic clay. You can buy it in a pharmacy or store. To care for the neck and neckline, white and blue clay is perfect.

Recipe No. 1

  • 1 tbsp. clay
  • warm water
  • dilute to the consistency of gruel

Recipe No. 2

  • 1 tbsp. clay
  • 1 tbsp. honey (warm up first in the bath)
  • mix, apply a thin fabric
  • cover the neck and neckline
  • remove after cooling

Important: the clay mask on dry skin is not recommended to keep for more than 5-10 minutes, otherwise the clay will completely dry and dry the skin. Apply clay masks should be no more than 1 time per week.

How to take baths to save a beautiful neckline?

As mentioned above, for the prevention of skin wither, increasing its tone, strengthening blood vessels, it is recommended to practice contrast shower.

If you like to soak in the bath, there are some tips to preserve the skin of the neckline in great form:

  • do not lie in too hot water (not higher than 37 degrees)
  • add a little sea salt to soften hard water
  • wash off the bath foam well from the body
  • be sure to moisturize the skin after the bath

The neckline cream: which cream to choose for the neckline? Video

It is preferable to choose a special cream for caring for the neck and neckline, since these areas are more sensitive, and the body cream cannot provide their proper care. In the absence of another choice, it is better to use a face cream.

When buying a moisturizer, you should pay attention to the presence of essential oils, collagen, elastin, vitamins A and E. In addition, it should be remembered that the skin in the neckline is often dry, so if the skin on your face is prone to oily, it should be Buy two different creams: for oily skin and for dry skin of the neckline.

Video: Secrets of beautiful and healthy skin

How to care for the neckline: tips and reviews

  • Removing makeup from the face and cleansing the face, do not forget about the neck and décolleté zone
  • Moisturize the skin of the neck and upper chest with oily cream with oils and extracts of herbs
  • Put the skin once or twice a week with masks
  • Do not expose a delicate leather of the neckline by direct sunlight
  • Approach masks, creams and lotions correctly, without stretching the skin, moving upward

There are few rules for preserving a beautiful neckline, but performing them on a regular basis, you can always afford dresses with a deep neckline and will feel confident and attractive.

Video: Secrets of caring for the neckline - the best tips

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Comments K. article

  1. Great tips. Yes, we do not really think about this zone, but it gives out our age very much. I got so tricky, if I do a face mask, then I put it on my neck. But with regard to the anti -aging agent, I take the sewage cells of Edelweiss stem cells. It is suitable for the face and for the neck and for the neckline. Perfectly applied and pulls the skin.

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