Rules and menu of hard diets for quick weight loss 5, 10 and 20 kg. The consequences of hard diets

Rules and menu of hard diets for quick weight loss 5, 10 and 20 kg. The consequences of hard diets

Is a hard diet useful? And is it possible to lose weight with it without harm to health?

Hard diet for weight loss for a week, menu

  • A hard diet is a quick and effective way to lose as a few to tens of kilograms of weight in the shortest possible time. It owes its popularity to strict measures and limited daily diets
  • The main attribute of a hard diet is to reduce the consumed kilocalories and an increase in water consumption, for the effective processing of products by the body. A day you need to drink from 1.5 liters of water and keep a water balance daily
  • First of all, it should be excluded from the daily diet Bold, fried, sweet, salty, as well as smoked dishes
Restrictions - one of the key points in a hard diet
restrictions - one of the key points in a hard diet

This diet can be used both 7 days and 14.

A hard diet menu must be divided into seven days:

  • During the first two days The diet adapting under the diet begins, during which it is necessary to consume the minimum number of products. The power mode includes boiled eggs, three times a day, several apples, as well as the addition of water. As a replacement of water, you can use tea or coffee
  • After the adaptation period, the active phase of a hard diet begins. On the third day Food is divided for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the morning, you need to eat two boiled eggs, in the afternoon a piece of beef with spinach, and on the rest of the day closer to the evening of vegetable salad and another chicken boiled egg
  • The next fourth day After meat, it is necessary to make a vegetable unloading for the body and eat a boiled egg for tomorrow, include boiled fish and a little vegetables in lunch, and in the evening eat two eggs and make tea or coffee again
  • Unloading fish and vegetable day continues, and already on fifth day With a change in the sequence of products, you need to eat tea and egg, for lunch you need to eat several tomatoes, at best one and several chicken eggs, and for dinner, boiled or fried without help of oil and vegetable salad
  • On the sixth day In the diet, it is necessary to return low -fat meat and cook turkey, beef or veal for lunch and dinner with a volume of 100 grams. In addition to meat in the morning, eat chicken eggs, tea or coffee, during the day - to the meat of a vegetable salad, and in the evening spinach and tea for meat
  • And in the final one seventh day The transition from a hard diet to a standard diet. In the morning - boiled egg, green tea, for lunch dietary meat of a calf and a vegetable salad, and in the evening a salad and tea or coffee

Important: after the end of the diet, it is necessary to smoothly return to the standard diet, increasing the volume of food in stages.

difficult, but effective

Hard protein diet, menu

  • The protein hard diet, unlike others, can be considered more humane, since the deadlines, the daily diet, restrictions are more loyal and even humane in places
  • Adhering to a protein diet, in cases where it may only need to cook food and do not use salt or use only in small quantities. This will help get rid of skin edema
  • A hard protein diet can last up to one month, while the body will experience a number of certain loads, which will help get rid of 5-6 kilograms per week
products containing protein

Product menu:

  • Low -fat white and red meat
  • Seafood
  • Fish
  • Low percent dairy products
  • Egg white
  • Vegetables (without starch content)

It is also necessary to supplement the protein diet once a week with legumes, such as: lentils, white or red beans.

IMPORTANT: When preparing dishes, you can not use oil.

Hard buckwheat diet, menu

The main attribute of a hard diet is to reduce the consumed kilocalories and an increase in water consumption, for the effective processing of products by the body.

With a lack of fats and carbohydrates in the body, the body begins their independent production, due to which excess fats are split.

buckwheat porridge - simple and effective

Hard buckwheat diet is one of the simplest hard diets, because it does not require the establishment of minimal dosages of food.

With buckwheat diet, it is necessary to consume buckwheat in the amount of 3-5 servings per day. The porridge does not contain salt and sugar, so once a day you need to eat one spoonful of honey, to stabilize the body.

Buckwheat and kefir
buckwheat and kefir

The diet can include additional products such as:

  • Eggs
  • Fruit
  • Dietary salads from vegetables
  • Low percent yogurt
  • Greens
  • Tea

You can cook many dishes from buckwheat porridge:

  • casserole
  • buckwheat pancakes
  • buckwheat porridge cutlets

Therefore, buckwheat can be considered an alternative and universal method to reduce weight.

Hard diet for weight loss of the abdomen

You can use a hard diet only in special conditions, in cases: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disease of hypertension, during pregnancy, the use of hard diets is prohibited.

Hard diets for weight loss in the abdomen are usually not used for long, no more than 3-7 days. It is necessary to limit sugar and salt to the body.

The day menu includes:

  • Breakfast: 1 boiled egg
  • Lunch: young cottage cheese 180 grams + tea
  • Dinner: low -fat cottage cheese 200 grams + tea

Important: when using a hard diet, you can drop from 1 kg to 1.5 kg per day.

The hardest weight loss diet

The diet of a hard diet for a week burns approximately 7 kilograms, 1 kilogram per day.

The hard diet menu is:

Every day within a week, it is necessary to consume from one to one and a half liters of low -fat single percent kefir per day, as well as: during first day - eat 200 grams of boiled potatoes; during second day - eat 300 grams of boiled meat; during third day - several apples; during fourth day - 150 grams of light cottage cheese; during fifth day - 100 grams of dried apricots; during sixth day - 150 grams of sour cream or cottage cheese; And during seventh day - There is nothing, but only drink kefir.

Important: it is not recommended to use hard diets for more than two weeks, this will lead to serious diseases.

Hard diet to lose weight by 5 kg

Most often, targeted hard diets put the same hard restrictions on products, reducing consumption to one or more types of products.

In order to lose weight by five kilograms, it is necessary to act according to the menu, but first you should choose the right for your type of diet.

the desire to become better
  • Egg hard diet. This is the menu, the name of which speaks for itself. Within 3 or 7 days, it will be necessary to eat 5 boiled eggs per day, as well as drink about 2 liters of water or replaced with green tea without sugar
  • Kefir-apple hard diet. Promotes the appearance of hair and nails. Adhering to a diet, you need to drink two liters of low -fat kefir per day and in unlimited quantities there are apples
  • Cabbage hard diet. Its peculiarity lies in the preparation of dishes and a weekly menu, based on existing recipes for cooking only from cabbage. Throughout the diet, it will need to be consumed in unlimited quantities. As well as 2 liters of mineral water per day
  • SUPOST HAST diet. It is allowed to cook soups from any vegetables that do not contain starch. Consume about 2 liters of soup/broth every day every day
Cabbage diet soup
Cabbage diet soup

Hard diet to lose 10 kg

Or in other words water diet. He considers one of the most difficult for the whole organism. Doctors recommend not resorting to such diets even temporarily.

the key component of a 10 kg diet is water

The diet menu is reduced to the frequent consumption of only water and the patience of hunger. During the diet for seven days, you need to drink from one to one and a half liters of water per day and only on:

  • Second day - Dilute the balance of the diet with one liter of skim milk
  • Fourth day - dietary to make a vegetable salad without starch content
  • Fifth day - Eat one liter of skim milk throughout the day
  • Sixth day - To switch from diet to the usual diet, several boiled eggs, several apples and about a hundred grams of boiled dietary meat of veal are added
  • Seventh day - half a liter of single -percent kefir and milk

Important: the main thing when using this diet, to remember that when the expected result is achieved and the end of the diet, it is necessary to stop using and stabilize the calorie balance consumption, this will help protect the body from undesirable consequences.

Hard diet to lose weight by 20 kg

It is much more difficult to discard using hard diets of 20 kilograms, which is why some nutritionists offer a twenty -day weight loss system.

It consists in limiting the receipt of products as in a hard diet and is divided into 5 phases for 4 days.

  • 1-4th day: for breakfast - 150 grams of cottage cheese, green tea, four apples; for lunch - 200 grams of boiled chicken fillet, 100 grams of rice, vegetable salad 200 grams, for dinner - glass of green tea / dinner pass
  • 5-8th day: for breakfast- a glass of green tea / breakfast pass; for lunch - 200 grams of cod fillet, 100 grams of buckwheat porridge, 1 chicken boiled egg; for dinner - Vegetable salad 200 grams, green tea
  • 9-12th day: for breakfast- vegetable salad 300 grams, green tea; for lunch - a glass of green tea / pass; for dinner - Boiled beans, chicken fillet 200 grams
  • 13-16th day: for breakfast- 150 grams of low -fat cottage cheese, green tea; for lunch - 200 grams of boiled broccoli; for dinner - glass of green tea / pass
  • 17-20th day: for breakfast- a glass of green tea / pass; for lunch - 200 grams of cod fillet, vegetable salad; for dinner - 200 grams of rice, vegetable salad 200 grams.

Important: during the diet it is required to exclude sports, as well as active physical exercises. This is due to the fact that the body is already under load of a diet, and when performing heavy physical exercises, you can harm health.

hungry diet

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The consequences of hard diets

But, despite the effectiveness and popularity of hard diets, doctors very often speak about it as a diet that destroys the body. With a lack of nutrition balance, the body wilted, the functions of the brain activity are reduced, lethargy and powerlessness appear.

Physical activity in this regard is considered completely different plans, depending on the type of organism and diet, but if it is convinced that the state of the body is quite unstable, it is also not recommended to resort to cruel diets.


Regarding the positive aspects of hard diets, we can say that with the correct use of a diet, you can also achieve a favorable effect that affects the functioning of the body.

From them you can highlight:

  1. Purgation
  2. Improving metabolism
  3. Stabilization of metabolism
  4. And of course a good figure
successful result of a diet

How to sit safely on hard diets: reviews

So that the diet does not harm health, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules and time. A hard diet is recommended for a frequency of 3 months.

Those who were sitting on hard diets regard them productive, but also harmful. Before you sit on a diet, you should contact the doctor for advice and already determine the state of your health and the need for this diet there.

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